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For when you want to (gently) discourage everyone from standing in a reasonably large area. The damage is so low, you can almost entirely mitigate it with Resist Energy and stand in the goop yourself. This will shred swarms.


My party used this to force enemies from a sniping vantage point, and forced another group of enemies to expose themselves to ranged attacks or sit in the radius. It has some uses, but isn’t an incredible spell by any means.


I wouldn't say force, the damage is low enough many enemies can just stand in it.


30d8 isn’t a very small amount of damage when you get that spell, and unless the enemies have arcana they will not know it’s going to stop in a minute. If you’re hitting a decent number of enemies their save likely isn’t isn’t great too. Most enemies won’t just wait to die to chip damage, if they have nowhere else to go. I consider it a decent option for forcing enemies out of good tactical spots into the open, but it is fairly situational.


It will never deal 30d8 because no fight is going to involve an enemy just standing there for a minute, the majority of fights won't last a minute at all. Damage over time is significantly weaker than equivalent burst damage.


Right, that’s what I’m saying. It can smoke enemies out of their hidey holes and vantage points because they will have to move.


The range and duration might make it a situationally useful combat opening move in closed and narrow environments. I don’t see me taking it as a spontaneous caster in a repertoire, I might consider preparing it in a slot during a dungeon crawl.


Terrible damage, no other effect, basially useless.