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Problem here is not knowing anything else other than RAM speed. 2666 honestly wont make a HUGE difference if the other specs are fine. Considering how much DDR4 costs right now, it isn't as concerning as the rest of the components. At the end of the day, to have a good experience gaming and streaming, the other components will matter a LOT more than the RAM speed.


Posting as a reply to this comment as u/dennisjunelee is the only reply so far that isn't incredibly detached from reality. From the post OP, you say you might buy another single DDR4 16GB 2666MHz stick? If the system has a single DDR4 stick as standard, that will be operating in "Single Channel" mode and will matter more than the frequency of the stick. I'd expect better performance from 2 x 8GB sticks 2400MHz in Dual Channel than the stick you described. Having said that, in terms of priority for streaming: CPU > GPU > Internet quality > Storage speed for recording VOD/Stream content > RAM. Honestly having mediocre RAM isn't going to hit your stream as hard as having a worse CPU or GPU, or even a fast and stable internet connection. If you intend to record your streams, then a good SSD is vital too, as you want your storage to keep up with long transfers of high-bitrate files.


3200 or higher is minimum for me.


all you said is noticeable red flags. ddr4 is already outdated, it is fine for low budget builds but for anything serious ddr4 especially low mhz one is bsolute no go.


If you don’t want to build your own, look for better specs, or get a laptop of equal value.


if its otherwise good, just buy it and buy some new ram; decent DDR4 ram are dirt poor, but i suspect if the ram are subpar, other parts are subpar too but yes, you can still game and stream with it.


I have 32gb 2666mhz crucial ram an i79700k and an rtx 2070. Still able to do most of what you described but it's starting to show it's age a little in my opinion.


what's the price. what's rhe prebuilt?