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Saw the same one in King of Prussia


Haven't heard that name in...so long. Spent some of my best years there as a teen. The mall (was always under construction), Michael's Deli, parties in Norristown. i walked the connecting bridge high as hell to get there when my ride failed to show. Heard about Kurt Cobain's death while standing on the sidewalk outside the music store off 202 where i had guitar lessons.


Sadly Michael’s Deli closed at least 5-6 years ago. The owners retired. It’s was really though!


I’m sorry but I had to look it up. Imagine being some right wing racist piece of shit going “we don’t want your kind here in my town of…King of Prussia” 😆


As a PA transplant, no one acknowledges how strange that name is for a place. It still hits my ear strangely.


Born and raised in the area and never give it a thought. But it’s funny speaking to customer service people and listening to them pronounce it. They have so much trouble with “Prussia”… Prooo-she-ah, lol




Yup, never "presh-uh"


"Kayopee" lol


You gotta just say KOP or kinguhprusha


I always joked that they just wrote “King of Prussia” on the charter as a stand in bc no one could remember a Prussian Kings name at the time.


Nesquehoning, Intercourse, Mars, Cumru, Lackawanna, Bird-in-Hand, Ephrata, Latrobe, Kittanning, Mahanoy City


West chester used to be "Turk's Head"


Fun fact: there were a total of 9 kings of Prussia between 1701 and 1918. Each one of them was named either Friedrich, Wilhelm, or Friedrich Wilhelm and they were all from the same royal family, House Hohenzollern.


Yeah, it's right next to Prince of Persia.


Where at? I drive through KOP daily and haven’t seen it.


Right on the Dannehower bridge on the way into King of Prussia. Next to the Mascaro recycling center.


Really surprised it’s in Wind Gap. Did not see that coming


Maybe it’s *for* Wind Gap lol


The wind gap is between his ears.


Lmao my thoughts exactly


Most definitely is. This is seen more around rural PA than in cities. It rules hahahaha


>Maybe it’s *for* Wind Gap lol Yes, hence why it's on the southbound side. Trying to troll people on their way to work, lol.


It's not there to troll, per se. It's there to help outside the people who actually won't vote for a felon. Maybe like 15% of the vote, but that's sometimes all it takes. Which is something "leftist" circles don't understand when they say, "my vote doesn't matter."


Grew up in Philly/Allentown and seeing this post from Wind Gap up on r/all was not anything I could say I would have ever guessed lol. I feel like this has to be a troll from Lehigh Valley who bought this to rub it in to a predominantly Trump voter base of the area.


Been seeing billboards like this in the very red district that I live in too. While I think these billboards may be more effective in purple areas, it doesn’t hurt to put them in deep red areas as well. It may weaken turnout in those areas, much in the same way Hillary’s bs “email scandal” weakened turnout in solidly blue areas.


MadDogPAC is putting these up across battleground states in largely rural/red areas to bring awareness/troll. They’ve been doing it for a few months. I pass one to and from work and am always interested what the newest one says. Literally 2 hours after the verdict was reached this one was up on my way home


There is one on 76 East near the Route 100 exit.


I saw one out near the Poconos too


Fuck yeah Dtown!


The downingtown/pottstown exit thats actually between exton/chester springs, that's we actually call lionville/eagle lol


Nobody who lives in Lionville calls it Lionville. Uwchlan also might as well be a fake name. Eagle died with the Tavern that’s just a Chester springs outpost now


My home town 🥰


I saw one on the turnpike months ago that had his outline and then it just said "You're in a cult" lol


Same PAC.


Sometime in the last year year I saw a bumper sticker that read ‘It wasn’t stolen. He lost. Really… you’re just in a cult’ Straight and to the point 😂


Oh shit! I’m from Allentown but live in the poconos and I REALLY didn’t expect this in the area. I still remember the heinous stuff being displayed during the 2016 elections.


I moved from Philly to the Poconos at the beginning of 2015. It was quite a culture shock in the opposite direction. We eventually moved out after the pandemic. Between the blatant racism and dumb New Yorkers throwing money at houses during that time. It was a good decision. Don't miss it.


You mean the abandoned and dilapidated resorts that litter the area, a half rate casino that serves wine in plastic Dixie cups, and NASCAR... doesn't attract progressive and thoughtful people? ;) Glad that you got out though, it is such a gross little hive. It's my absolute least favorite part of driving through to visit my parents. Except for the scotrun exit, that makes me giggle everytime!


The DNC announced they are placing targeted ads in "toss-up" areas of the country.


Ooh, Allentown is a rough spot Although on that note, you should check out the arcade in town, my buddy and his dad run it


Erected by a PAC that's been putting up several anti-Trump billboards. (Source: the URL on this one.)


Which is legal in this country.


So anyone can put a billboard like this up anywhere in the country? 🤔


No, you need some money and proper zoning.


It’s digital you just pay to have your sign on there. so the answer is yes. Anyone can advertise on there. some billboards are surprisingly cheap. a few years back I remember seeing discussions about some one paying for a “GameStop to the moon” meme to be played around rush hour on RT1 Delaware south of Dover. But more importantly, yes I can put a pic of my dog on a billboard in California while I sit in Delaware. The closer you are to 76 or 95 the more expensive it is for any time slots


there was a guy who advertised for people to join his minecraft server in my city through billboards. haven't seen it in awhile so i imagine he's gained a sufficient amount of people for it.


or you rent the space of an exiting billboard




There's more than one "the Bastard"???? https://preview.redd.it/tuz1n893ir4d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722066c84d1680c332298de929759472b9851722


There’s also X-Pac too, and 2Pac, and Pac-Man


He is a……..BASTARD!!!!!!!


The guy that runs the Midas on South Broadway gotta be super pissed. He was always putting weird trump humper shit on their sign. I don't miss that town at all.


You could do a whole series. Pathological liar. Draft dodger....


Trump is a scumbag, but I see no issue with people draft dodging the Vietnam War. We never should have been there, it drastically weakened the US and resulted in the deaths of something like a million Vietnamese people, we illegally bombed a neutral country in Cambodia, and we committed a bevy of atrocities, like Mai Lai and the use of Agent Orange. If ever there was a war to draft dodge, it’s Vietnam.


Being a draft dodger (and lying about it), then bragging about supporting the troops in speeches while [deriding the troops](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html) behind closed doors is the real problem.




thought cobweb jeans flowery selective divide worm degree steep punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think our involvement in Vietnam was atrocious. My problem with Trump is that he technically dodged the draft and then goes on to belittle the people who served during the war. At the time the people who went to Vietnam willingly (not talking about those who were drafted) likely fell for our government's propaganda and believed they were doing the right thing. For Trump to skip out and then put down those who did serve is just disgusting.


Not only did he put them down he ridiculed the MIA/POW. "I prefer vets who didn't get caught," talking about McCain. Then his tone-deaf son a couple weeks back said on Memorial Day weekend, of all weekends to say this, that they give it all for the country. No... Those buried in Arlington, other cemeteries all around the world, and those not ever found to be buried... "gave it all." Those are whom Memorial Day was set aside to remember. IDK, maybe we even have a flag for it? "Never Forget," sound familiar?


Understood. As a vet I have come to feel the same way.


Would you say Trump dodging the draft is more an issue to you in the context of his comments on John McCain, captured soldiers, soldiers killed on the beaches in WW2 etc...? Apart from how disrespectful and absurd the comments themselves are, I always thought it clearly fit the pattern of abuse of privilige and hypocrisy which is what made it obviously done for objectionable selfish reasons exclusively. I didn't serve in the armed forces so I'm curious how you think the majority who do or have view how he's spoken about and treated the military/veterans. Realizing that's a broad question, any light you could shed would be amazing. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I appreciate you 🙏


Not really. My issue with him is when he called John McCain and other POW's "losers" for getting captured.


Here's my list of issues with how he's abused service people:  ✓ Makes the U.S. Navy Blue Angels violate ethics rules by having them fly at his July 4th political campaign (July 4, 2019) ✓ Demands US military chiefs stand next to him at 4th of July parade (reported July 2, 2019) ✓ Uses his D-Day interview at cemetery commemorating fallen US soldiers to attack a Vietnam veteran (June 6, 2019) ✓ Starts his D-Day commemoration speech by attacking a private citizen (Bette Midler, of all people) (reported on June 4th, 2019) ✓ Made 2nd wife, Marla Maples, sign a prenup that would have cut off all child support if Tiffany joined the military (reported on June 4th, 2019) ~~✓ Turns away US military from his Memorial Day speech because they were from the destroyer USS John S. McCain (May 27, 2019)~~ ~~✓ Orders the USS John McCain out of sight during his visit to Japan (May 15, 2019). The ship's name was subsequently covered. (May 27, 2019)~~ ✓ Pardons war criminals (May, 2019) ✓ Purges 200,000 veterans healthcare applications (due to known administrative errors within VA’s enrollment process and enrollment system) (reported on May 13, 2019) ✓ Deports spouse of fallen Army soldier killed in Afghanistan, leaving their daughter parentless (April 16, 2019) ✓ Complains a deceased war hero didn't thank him for his funeral (March 20, 2019) ✓ Diverts military housing funds to pay for border wall (Feb 15, 2019) ✓ refuses to sign his party's funding bill, which shuts down the government, and forces a branch of the military to go without pay (but his appointees got a $10,000 pay raise). This branch of military is forced to work without pay, otherwise they are AWOL (Dec 22, 2018 – Jan 25, 2019) ✓ doesn't pay the Coast Guard, forcing service members to rely on food pantries (Jan 23, 2019) ✓ bans service members from serving based on gender identity (Jan 22, 2019) ✓ denies female troops access to birth control to limit sexual activity (on-going. Published Jan 18, 2019) ✓ tries to deport a marine vet who is a U.S.-born citizen (Jan 16, 2019) ✓ when a man was caught swindling veterans pensions for high-interest “cash advances," Trump's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined him $1. As a reminder, the Trump administration's goal was to dismantle the CFPB, installing Mick Mulvaney as the director, who publicly stated the bureau should be disbanded. (Jan 26, 2019) ✓ calls a retired general a 'dog' with a 'big, dumb mouth' (Jan 1, 2019) ✓ increases privatization of the VA, leading to longer waits and higher taxpayer cost (2018) ✓ finally visited troops 2 years after taking office, but only after 154 vacation days at his properties (Dec 26, 2018) ✓ reveals covert Seal Team 5 deployment, including names and faces, on Twitter during visit to Iraq (Dec 26, 2018) ✓ lies to deployed troops that he gave them a 10% raise. He didn't give them a 10% raise (Dec 26, 2018) ✓ fires service members living with HIV just before the 2018 holidays (Dec 19, 2018-present) ✓ gets three Mar-a-Lago guests to run the VA (unknown start - present, made well-known in 2018) ✓ calls troops on Thanksgiving and tells them he's most thankful for himself (Thanksgiving, 2018) ✓ urges Florida to not count deployed military votes (Nov 12, 2018) ✓ cancels Arlington Cemetery visit on Veterans Day due to the rain (Nov 12, 2018) ✓ doesn't visit US cemetery marking the end of WWI due to the rain (but other world leaders go anyway) (Nov 10, 2018) ✓ stops using troops as a political prop immediately after the election. However, troops remain in muddy camps on the border (Nov 7, 2018) ✓ uses troops as a political prop and sends troops on a phantom mission to the border and makes them miss Thanksgiving with their families (Oct-Dec, 2018) ✓ doesn't pay veterans' VA benefits (made public Oct 2018) ✓ doubled the rejection rate for veterans requesting family deportation protections (July 5, 2018) ✓ deports active-duty spouses (11,800 military families face this problem as of April 2018) ✓ forgets a fallen soldier's name (below) during a call to his pregnant widow, then attacks her the next day (Oct 23-24, 2017) ✓ sends commandos into an ambush due to a lack of intel, and sends contractors to pick them up, resulting in a commando being left behind, tortured, and executed. (Trump approved the mission because Bannon told him Obama didn't have the guts to do it) (Oct 4, 2017) ✓ blocks a veteran group on Twitter (June 2017) ✓ discharges active-duty immigrant troops with good records (2017-present) ✓ deports veterans (2017-present) ✓ says he knows more about ISIS than American generals (Oct 2016) ✓ says vets get PTSD because they aren't strong (Oct 3, 2016)  (note: yes, he said it's 'because they aren't strong.' He didn't say it's 'because they're weak.' This distinction is important because of Snopes) ✓ accepts a Purple Heart from a fan at one of his rallies and says: “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.” (Aug 2, 2016) ✓ attacks Gold Star families (2016-present. Myeshia Johnson--gold star widow, Khan family--gold star parents, etc) ✓ sends funds raised from a January 2016 veterans benefit to the Donald J Trump Foundation instead of veterans charities (the foundation has since been ordered shut because of fraud) (Jan, 2016) ✓ says he doesn't consider POWs heroes because they were caught (July 18, 2015) ✓ says having unprotected sex was like Vietnam (1998) ✓ for a decade, sought to kick veterans off of Fifth Avenue because he found them unsightly nuisances outside of Trump Tower. “While disabled veterans should be given every opportunity to earn a living, is it fair to do so to the detriment of the city as a whole or its tax paying citizens and businesses?” - 1991 So, it goes pretty deep.


Thank you for sharing. I knew he was bad but not this much.


God bless you for being honest and true


A Trump moment that still boggles my mind is during a tour of Arlington National Cemetery, he turned to John Kelley, his chief of staff, who lost a son in the service and said, "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" This came from Kelley. How can ANYONE vote for a person like that?


Henry Kissinger was a monster.


The damage that he and then later, Donald Rumsfeld, caused throughout the world will never be undone. Some of the worst people imaginable.


Draft dodging is one thing but the way he has very vocally shit on the troops and veterans is disgraceful for somone who is supposed to be leading them and the country overall.


Agreed, but let’s not paint it as if he dodged for moral reasons. He did it because he could, not because he should.


Sure but Trump didn’t do it for any respectful moral reason. He did it because he was a rich scumbag who could. He did it because he felt that poor people should go in his place and die instead. He’s not a man of honor. Edit to add: he also went on to “admire” Henry Kissinger, which on its own is repugnant enough in this context.


Of course he’s not a man of honor. If he were he wouldn’t grab women by their privates, or attempt to overthrow the government when he didn’t get his way. I would have respect for him if he could just admit the things he’s done instead of everything being a lie that he’s just persecuted and attacked


His political party said repeatedly that Bill Clinton was unfit for this exact reason.


Draft dodger is a compliment. Trump has so many negatives, don’t need to be nice to him


Yeah, the draft dodger part isn't the insult..it's the hypocrisy of that aspect.


Keep it coming!


you can tell this billboard is driving PA trumpers insane because its driving reddit trumpers insane too all of them seeing this and getting so angry about it, they just have to leave a comment pledging their love for him


Truth in advertising!


Two of the jurors that convicted him said they primarily get their news from OAN or FOX. What does that tell you?


That our justice system works slowly but it still works.


As a convicted felon myself I must ask you to cease and desist from putting this piece of poo who has not seen the inside of a cell on the same level as me. I had the guts to accept my wrong doing and paid for my crime. BIG Diff


Trump made me RINO… love it


Principled and honest opposition to a position leads to refinement and clarity of positions. The Qult is neither. I miss discussing benefits of taxation policy with my conservative friends, not about the children’s blood harvesting sex dungeons below pizza parlors.




Trump made me full-on Democrat. Actually, it was Palin and the Tea Party that started the ball rolling, but Trump finally pushed it over the edge. RINO->Independent->Democrat


People either support the constitution or this felon. At this point it can't be both. It blows my mind that people would tread on 236 years of history for this guy who cares only about himself


Trump has always been a felon. Only recently he became a convicted felon.


There's one at the base of 7 Mountains on 322W heading towards State College, right outside of Lewistown area.


They don’t care,they’re gonna vote for him anyway


love it. keep pushing PA, lets get all these crazies out of here


The GOP says that the felony convictions make him more electable. This billboard is really a positive for dotard j trump. _________ It really is a shame that Hillary Clinton wasn't convicted of a felony before the 2016 election. Surely she would have won based on the GOP theory about the desirability of felony convictions.......


The dumbass went on Fox and said that he never said lock her up. https://youtu.be/V8_8xmDlM6A?si=TJ0y0Eun-c4xNR6j


This brings joy to my heart!!!❤️❤️❤️


Same here.


This is on 95 by Chester as well <3




I have to ask at this point….but is this actually an ad for or against?


Against, but his supporters that could be considered clinically insane at this point will see it as a good thing. Bullshit along the lines of *”JeSuS wAs CoNvIcTeD tOo!”* has been popping up.


Because the Trump bible wasn't blasphemous enough.


That’s gotta be one of the most insulting comparisons ever. And I’m not even that religious.


It's just truth in advertising.


and he can still run for president, america is wild


Crazy that this trial of the leader of the opposing political party took place right before an election- Almost like the exact judge and district was chosen precisely so the defendant had no chance of being acquitted and would be labeled as a convicted felon just before election season. But surely not. Politicians and bureaucrats have no history of corruption and going to great lengths to stay in power. 🤷🏼‍♂️


With all the pro-Trump and religious billboards popping up lately, this makes me smile a little


Lock him up!


There’s one on 81 South near Scranton as well


Ought to put these up in every red area in the country, as well as in WPB, NYC and I 80 and I 78 between NYC and Bedminster


Nice change of pace from the usual billboard staple genres like "you're going to hell" and "abortion is murder" and then there's like a picture of "fetus at 8 weeks" and it's like a picture of a college sophomore.




While this may make you feel good, it is all for naught if YOU do not vote… you may not “like” Biden… but we do not want this criminal back in power.


Wild to think a REPUBLICAN front runner for the party of “law and order” is a CONVICTED FELON OUR FOUNDING FATHERS ROLL IN THEIR GRAVE


Founding fathers were traitors to the British crown?


This is fabulous n all, but the hicks will pull some excuse from their ass, *like always*. Fuck, look at them crawling all over this thread. Cultists gunna cult. Edit: haha, cultists mad


It's discouraging seeing how many there are on this thread. Doesn't bode well for November


nah, it just means that seeing this makes them extremely angry and triggered they just have to drop some garbage comments most people just scroll on by


Reddit is not reflective of the majority opinions in the world/country. Don't worry about reddit and get out and vote.


Israel, Russia and India have massive influence operations going on to support Trump. Since 2016 they've gotten more sophisticated and maintain "living" profiles that post more like real people so you can't always tell what's real and what's artificial.


To be fair, there's a lot astroturfing. Not to mention, Russian cyber activities often aim to embolden the MAGA people. Propagandists want you to think there's an overwhelming support.


This ad needs to go up everywhere. Nationwide. On every major road, in every town, from Maine to California. For the next six months.


So I can’t get a job with a criminal record but he can be the president with one? Huh


I hate that this has become a slur now. The government hands out felonies like candy, and it's not making it any easier for those of us who are reformed. I got a felony at 19 for having a large amount of MDMA on me. Since then, it's been extremely difficult to even find a place to rent, find employment, travel, etc. There's a lot to shit on Trump over, like the actual crimes he did commit, focusing on the felony partis kinda lame and will backfire as I'm sure there's a lot of people in my situation. 


Trump giving felons a bad name. The silver lining is Florida GOP rushing to give felons back the right to vote.


Are we sure these are trump campaign ads?


Making Felony's Cool Again!!


Republicans don't care, they will vote for him anyway.


His conviction will win him the presidency for the second time. Well done. He’s a martyr now.


Someone actually spent money on that lmao


I would love to see this on 78, 81 or 83. There used to be one against him back in 2020(?) not far from me on 422. That was fun to go by while riding with my Republican family members.




Hopefully soon, a Jailed Convict




Seeing this reminded me to donate money to his campaign


The entire trial and conviction have only helped Trump politically. He raised a huge sum of money immediately after the conviction and against all odds, the trial and judgement have made him a sympathetic figure to many.  The fact that the charges were based on a unique legal theory means it shouldn't be a surprise when the entire thing is thrown out.  BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter but both New York trials are transparently political. 


Grew up in the Slate Belt, this is one time I'm actually okay with acknowledging that 😂😂 way to go Wind Gap!


Love that


Please put more of these up!


Man I’d love to see the orange man in orange.


Fuck Trump, this is awesome!


My birth state doing the right thing, brings a joyfull tear to my eye.


I don't understand this endless repeating of "convicted felon". Surely it's just "Felon". If he was not convicted he would not be a felon.


It would be so comical if he had to face ‘lock him up’ chants


HA! Am loving this! LOCK HIM UP!


Saw it on the turnpike the day after he was convicted and immediately started cracking up laughing for at least two minutes straight. Fucking love to see it.




Happy pride month!


I will never not upvote posts like this.


Man this guy lives rent free in all your heads 😂


Hopefully Maddog pac has beer as its logo or something


And he still went in the polls there


Shouldn’t it say “justice impacted individual?”




get some tshirt made that pretty funny




Ah good old Wind Gap… I’ll check it out next time I’m down there.


I’m curious what people around PA are seeing and hearing about the trump situation. I live in a trump loving area but I see no signs, a few bumper stickers, and have yet to talk to anyone that plans to vote different this year than they did in 2020. And yet polls seem oddly favorable for the Donald. Has Biden lost the cities? I’m just not seeing the energy out my way for trump.


Polls should not be believed. The big papers stopped putting the money and effort into them that they used to and the right figured out they can flood the polling arena with shit polls and skew the averages. Polls have been off by 10% or more in elections in 2022 and 2023. The "Red Wave" never happened, all a mirage from bad polls. Half of Trump's spiel is "I'm leading the polls", well that's because his guys bought them. It was even discussed in this hush money trial with the tabloid guy's testimony. And that's all before we even consider things like who in 2024 is answering a landline phone? Why should any weight be given to a poll of hispanic Americans that had little or no Spanish version?