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Tighe John Scott is the NASCAR driver in question 89 races, 18 top 10s, finished 13th in 1978 in the Winston Cup Series with a best career finish of 4th, as well as 6th in the 1979 Daytona 500


He should have been the getaway driver


Tighe Scott!? That makes me sad! I used to go to the NASCAR races at Pocono when he was driving and even though he was a low-budget, no-chance-to-win guy I always rooted for him and his RRRRRRUSS TOGS Chevrolet! Such a cool looking car that was. #30 I believe. Why does he have to be a sociopath??


Never meet your heroes


Fun time to remember that nascar started as a fuck you to authority as they ran booze


A real winner.


When will they arrest Scott Perry for his role in J6. That’s what I want.


They awarded him a spot on the house intelligence committee, I believe.


They did, and it’s sickening. He’s so arrogant and his supporters are just as vile.


Have to give trump access to state secrets somehow.


Agree! Scott Perry tried to get his own state’s votes tossed out when there was zero evidence of fraud. Perry is a piece of shit


Just came here to say F Scott Perry. Traitor!


Good four more traitors get to answer for it.


It makes me feel warm and fuzzy that they are still identifying these bastards.


Put 'em away for safekeeping


MAGAts can eat shit


Law and order, plain and simple.


You love to see it.


America haters


Lock em up!


Lock ‘em up!


Send them to Gitmo!


Will the J6 committee be held responsible for leaving out important information on this?


The man produced a family of a legacy of failures.


Child rapists and murdered are running free. Just saying.


I agree, I’m really shocked they haven’t gotten Matt Gaetz yet.


Yea that dudes whole semi adoption thing or whatever is weird as fuck. Lock him up Gaetz sucks.






Literally no one is letting child rapists and murders run free. Name one instance where that is happening.




“Rich people get away with crimes.” Shocker. Yeah that’s not an excuse to let insurrectionists walk free. Lmfao. What you’re angry at is privilege and that’s the same as all of us. Get in line.


Your poor fingers having to type that bullshit


Project a little more bootlicker.


Haha how would this be boot licking? I don’t think this is getting the point across you want it to.


Your initial reply about child rapists and murderers implied you were minimizing the actions of the people who were involved on January 6th. If that was not your intent, then I apologize internet stranger. However, if that was your intent, then I feel sorry for you and your cult.


Oh you’re full on in the cult. Enemy of the state you are, no friend. I do very much minimize the actions for January sixth and believe these resources could be better spent elsewhere. All politicians are evil. You should be much more angry at every politician that cried in fear over that day than any person prosecuted for that day. Every politician in DC has failed the citizens of this country. But you genius’ think they are doing something. ETA: funny someone mentioned Russia, are you still scared of the monsters under your bed too? You people are ridiculous I’m advocating less political bull shit and more positive and better changes for my country. But I’m the bad guy????


Hold up. Are you saying the violent attack on our nation's Capitol was nothing? You're actively saying that the people who violently stormed the Capitol building, shattered windows, tore down American flags and replaced them with Trump flags, assaulted police, erected a gallows, and tried to unlawfully arrest and kill duly elected members of Congress should have been left alone?


Nope over reacting and over estimation of what I said. Your comprehension is lacking. Do I think what has since happened was a gross example of police state habits. Yes we as people in a free and Democratic nation have the right and freedom to storm the capital when they feel it’s being threatened. Kinda part of the constitution. Oh and what was the violence? The cops opened multiple doors for the “protesters” then shot back. No cops died. Way less violent than those peaceful protests a few summers ago.


Found Kyle Rittenhouse’s burner🤡


No we don't, that's called insurrection. >Insurrection: noun. an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. You know what's illegal in this country? Attempting to overthrow the government.


No actually you do not have any right to storm the nation's capital in an attempt to stop the certification of the election based on lies and an inability to accept loss. What was the violence? There is video after video showing protesters ripping aware barricades, attacking police, smashing windows.


Oh no ripped barricades and broken windows the horror!!!! If that’s the “violence” please don’t venture in any city. Remember all those “peaceful” protests…..saw much more than broken windows and busted barricades. You’re a joke.


You deny any violence happened when there's video after video showing police officers getting the shit beat out of them, forcefully having the barricades ripped away, when the traitorus bitch that got shot was inside the building several feet off the ground climbing through the broken window at a barricaded hallway leading to elected officials. You have to blatantly lie about what happened and keep bringing up the 2020 riots because your position is pure bullshit, you don't have any argument for your position that isn't whataboutism. We had over 10,000 completely peaceful protests in 2020. That's what people call peaceful. You're the one conflating people talking about the actual peaceful protests and applying it to the dozen significant examples of rioting. It's beyond disingenuous. Plus if yall didn't hate this country so much and actually bothered to learn basic US history you'd know we've had these exact same riots for the exact same reasons for decades, the 92 LA Riots make all the BLM riots combined seem like a joke. A billion in damage and 60 dead in just 6 days, you have to combine all the BLM riots across the country for months to even craft a comparison to that.


You mean those broken windows from people like Umbrella man, and the Boogaloo boi who shot at and then burned down the police station, and the others who were found to be right wing agitators?


You’re going to love the new fascist state.


You explicitly support a fascist state by supporting the guy whom attempted to disregard the votes of Americans across 7 states, subvert the electoral college, preassure elected officials to overturn results. Trump himself preassured state legislators to overturn the election. Most notably goergias SOS, whom he told to just say they've recalculated based on his unsubstantiated claims. Telling him he knew what they did and if he didn't do something that would be criminal and bad for him and his lawyer. That the courts are a game and that phone call should ultimately end in Trump wins. He even held the guys upcoming election over his head as a reason he should do it fast and favor him..


Your russian is showing comrade


By demeaning politicians and praising democracy and freedom? The intelligence and comprehension is lacking. Your intelligence isn’t showing.


“Your reading comprehension is lacking” is a funny comment coming from someone who doesn’t even know what “insurrection” means. Absolute moron.




What happened to you to make you this way?


That is some prime r/iamverybadass material


"I ran out of bullshit comebacks to your statements. Fight me in a parking lot."


How's Russia?


It did, you are a massive pos. We all agree with him.


Theyd rather lick bidens crusty old balls than talk about real problems


Ooops. Fun_Tell_6139. You posted under your real account by accident.


Shhhh, let the flyer mouth breather stroke his emotional support guns and kitty cats. lol


Haha discourse is lost with your type.


No I hate politicians. The maturity and political discourse from you people is laughable. No back bones no actual intelligence just meme speak and “gotcha” comments. This country is suffering due to idiots like you.


What is going on with this sub all of a sudden being a political cesspool?


Jan 6th charges are bullshit. Time to turn the table on them


How are they bullshit? Did they not break down doors and windows, enter areas they were denied access, and in many cases steal/destroy/deface government property?


No dumbass the door was held open for them to walk in by the capital police. , it is all on video


Oh yeah, I remember the people claiming over the broken glass of the held open door, Ashley Babit was shot for walking through a held open door. No one stole a laptop, smeared shit on the walls, assaulted police officers, stole a podium, chanted “hang Mike pence”. Not at all. When the time comes, keep your red hat on, makes your traitor asses easier to spot.


remember to vote for Poopie pants


I really wonder what people think using the 2nd amendment for its intended purpose (not hunting nor home/self defense) is supposed to actually look like. Anyone who has guns and thinks running up on a bad government isn't why we have the right to arms, they should give them away.


It is evident that the framers of the Constitution did not intend to limit the right to keep and bear arms to a formal military body or organized militia, but intended to **provide for an "unorganized" armed citizenry prepared to assist in the common defense against a foreign invader or a domestic tyrant**.