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The speed camera and physical pull over from the cop are two separate incidents unfortunately. I'd just double-check that it is indeed no points before paying.


There are no speed cameras outside of construction zones on interstates in PA.


It's definitely the same ticket for the reasons mentioned in my edit. My best guess is the officer decided to double dip because he assumed that I wouldn't drive all the way back to fight it lol.


I don't believe that the cameras send a ping to the cops. They usually just scan the plate which generates the automatic ticket. It would be two separate things if the camera scanned your plate and then the cop was hiding a quarter mile up the road.


If there are indeed no points issued, it's probably because the driver does not have a PA driver's license.


There’s cameras in construction zones sometimes.


AFAIK the one that was mailed is a fine with no points, issued to the owner of the license plate. Since they can't prove who was driving the car, they can't issue any points.


I'm pretty positive it's the same incident sadly


Give the trooper a call. He might have meant to issue a failure to obey then decided to issue a five over. Neither has points but might look different in his productivity reports. Or he might have decided you can pony up. No way to know without asking. IMO, it would be odd for you to be given both tickets from the same incident. If he wanted to stick it to you he’d just write you for the 15 over.


Yeah it’s a good point. Will do, thanks for your help.


If you're too broke to pay the fine for speeding, don't speed. Pretty simple.


Got downvoted too hard the first time so decided to try again huh


Man up and take responsibility for your mistakes. Maybe learn something from them.


Dude this is Reddit. Everything is always someone else's fault.


If I were you, I'd call an attorney and have them either make that call for you or have them on the call with you. Better safe than sorry.


80 in a 65 my dude. Come on man, get it together.


Tagged, in a work zone probably, by a cam and then pulled over by a cop down the line. The “your speed” signs have cameras occasionally and mostly in work zones. Newish to PA.


You were doing 80 in a 65, they went easy on you. Just pay it and move on.


Always gotta be one hall monitor in these threads. 80 in a 65 is how everyone drives in this state.


He’s the guy doing 65 in the left lane wondering why everyone’s on his ass


He's not wondering, he's the dude clogging the left on purpose because the left lane is doing 15 over and he has an issue with it. 


You left out getting the “ You’re No. 1 “ hand gesture !!!


Found the guy who rides the ass of anyone daring to use their lane at speeds below 80.


Damn right I will it’s called the PASSING lane if you ain’t passing get over


And when people are passing but not at the speed you want to be going oh king of the road?


If you’re passing at a good rate I don’t really care but if you’re just riding beside the person in the right lane that’s a problem


No problem at all. Learn to be a grown up and quit throwing a tantrum while you're stuck behind me. You'll still get where you're going.


Clogging up traffic is an issue. Learn to drive.


Learn to be a grown up and understand that you can't do 30 over all the time. Cope. If I am on a single lane road signed for 25mph, I will do 25mph, and you can't do a fucking thing about it.   Also lmao half your post history is talking about how you like the drive recklessly and the other half is complaining about slow drivers. Incredible.


Yes it is a problem because the highway is not Parcheesi. Driving side by side with another car is a n unsafe driving condition that’s rightly frowned on and illegal in some areas. Believe me, if I were a cop, I’d find a way to ticket that shit, esp with an attitude on top of it


> Driving side by side with another car is a n unsafe driving condition that’s rightly frowned on and illegal in some areas.   Where is it illegal? Or are you just making shit up?   > Believe me, if I were a cop, I’d find a way to ticket that shit, esp with an attitude on top of it   So if you were a cop you'd find a way to abuse the law to mistreat people who make you mad? Sounds like you're a cop at heart.   You don't get to drive 15mph over the speed limit (ie, break the law) everywhere all the time. Be an adult, put your pants on, and cope with the idea that other people are using the road.


People on this fucking sub will say shit like this in one post and then wonder why crashes and traffic fatalities are up in another. Unreal.


That’s why the German autobahn which has no speed limit has less average crashes and deaths from traffic accidents then US highways (US has 4.5 deaths for every billion KM driven compared to 2.7 on the Autobahn)


Go look up German licensing requirements for driving in general and equipment and license requirements for driving on the Autobahn, genius.   "Going faster is clearly safer because the Autobahn has less crashes than we do in the US" is real wet brain stuff. The US will give anyone who isn't drunk a license and never test them again. That's why we have so many crashes, shitty drivers who think they're good.  


I looked em up and found nothing much different from ours other then a few more tests and nothing “official” about different rules on the autobahn other then no passing on the right


You didn't look very hard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_licence_in_Germany   https://auto.howstuffworks.com/autobahn2.htm


Only thing different from US law in the second link is them needing tires approved for their cars top speed which I’m pretty sure isn’t a thing in the US the rest are also in the US or have some form of the same law and if anything German people have it easier to get their license other then needing to wait till 18 [this](https://www.expatrio.com/about-germany/driving-licence-germany-foreigners) link is a bit easier to read then some Wikipedia garbage but it sounds roughly the same to the US way of doing it just with different terminology they even have less required driving hours, 5 hours ok federal or country roads, 4 hours on highways and 3 hours at night while just in PA we need 65 hours of total driving time on our permits including no less then 10 hours of nighttime driving and 5 hours of bad weather driving


> Only thing different from US law in the second link is them needing tires approved for their cars top speed which I’m pretty sure isn’t a thing in the US   Do you think maybe that requirement might be part of the safety difference? Do you think maybe tire certification in Germany might be a part of the safety difference?   > if anything German people have it easier to get their license   lmao you're reading something entirely different than what I am. Germany requires driving school. Most states in the US don't.   It is substantially harder to acquire and maintain a driver's license in Germany. In the United States we give a driver's license to any asshole and refuse to enforce safety laws. That's why the Autobahn is safer than the US, not the speed limits.


I’m not even gonna continue this conversation I’ll let the votes and other people decide who’s right here


> That’s why the German autobahn which has no speed limit has less average crashes and deaths from traffic accidents then US highways (US has 4.5 deaths for every billion KM driven compared to 2.7 on the Autobahn) Found the guy who has never actually experienced the autobahn but loves parroting things he's read online.


I was in Germany 2 years ago to see where my family came from so try again


so then you fully understand that the autobahn is gridlocked in and around the major cities and that it does actually have speed limits. There are very few locations where you can actually open the vehicles up. Thanks for lying on the internet "try again".


Not lying at all lol roughly 50% of the autobahn does not have speed limits traffic might still be bad so you can’t really open up your car but it’s still safer on average then US highway


Honestly, gives me anxiety to go 65, you basically just create traffic as everyone switches to the left lane to pass you


Yeah I can’t think of a single stretch of highway from Harrisburg to Philly where people actually go the speed limit lol, that’s just the way it is. Better to be with the flow of traffic rather than be in everyone’s way.


When you get ticketed don't make a little piss baby reddit post about it.


That's exactly how it's supposed to work, if you're getting anxiety from things operating as they should, you should seek therapy.   We've smoothly moved from "don't do just the speed limit in the left lane" to "doing the speed limit in the right lane is bad too." Amazing.


Always gotta be an asshole in these threads who thinks the rules don’t apply to them.


Get out of the left lane


While I’m passing I’ll use whatever lane I want. Seethe and rev that compensation mobile all you want bitch.


Yea, normally I'd agree with the post above this, but yes 80 is the flow of traffic. And that includes truckers wiht 80,000lbs death traps.


I'll do exactly the speed limit in the right lane whether it's the turnpike or US 22. If you don't like it, pass.


> Always gotta be one hall monitor in these threads. 80 in a 65 is how everyone drives in this state. Everybody had slaves in the 1800s too. Doesn't make it right. Be the change you want to see in the world, don't be a lemming to the slaughter.


Drive slower and grow up. I genuinely don’t care about your tickets and hope they throw the book at you.