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Holy fuck I must spend too much time on Reddit but I think I remember that post. It was in r/confessions


omg if you find the original post PLEASE send the link


I was looking unless it is in a different sub it must be completely gone from Reddit because I can’t find it in r/confessions


Post content is deleted but comments are still there, it was linked in another sub on this topic.


Which sub was it in? Was I wrong on r/confessions ?


Here https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/1axnhdz/deleted_by_user/ Allegedly. I guess he also posted on that sub? Idk.


Damn: [Artistic\_Lynx\_9523 ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Artistic_Lynx_9523/)• [4mo ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/1axnhdz/comment/krppyle/) Tl;DR from chatgpt The writer confesses to building their life and career on lies and fraud, starting from their 10th board exams being cancelled. They struggled academically, eventually resorting to fraudulent methods to secure admission to a US college with full financial aid. They falsified transcripts, essays, and even faked their father's death certificate to increase financial aid. Despite their successful admission and ongoing deception, they lack interest in studying and have turned to heavy drinking and cheating on exams to maintain their scholarship. They also engage in fraudulent internships to earn money. The writer acknowledges the moral wrongness of their actions but continues to pursue them out of fear and convenience. Followed by: [NameIsSkylerWhiteYo](https://www.reddit.com/user/NameIsSkylerWhiteYo/)• [4mo ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/1axnhdz/comment/krprnin/)BITS Pilani \[ECE\] A great downfall awaits you


Once someone opens Pandora's box like that, it all seems so easy to just...keep doing it. They never think they'll get caught (or something bad happens) until it does.


It's like once you've shit your pants, it's easier to do the next time


I read the entire thing, he gave so much details it would have been a miracle if he hadn't been caught. The subreddit's mod went to his profile and found that he was active in the Lehigh University's sub, he confirmed it when he found the university's photo was also posted on the profile. He may have got away with it if he had posted using a throwaway account but if someone really wanted to find this guy, it would been possible, They just needed to collect a bunch of university emails and send the information to everyone. Eventually, the university would have figured out it was an Indian guy with a dead parent story who got his entire tuition paid off.


i’m gonna need my wayback machine girlies to find me this brewing hot tea


https://ibb.co/album/v1sNXQ you're welcome




I initially felt sympathy for this guy knowing that he got deported but after reading his other post about needing a flight sponsor I'm furious at this scammer! - https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/13lnhjt/received_full_scholarship_from_a_us_university/ Looks like he doesn't have any moral compass. In case anyone is curious, I found his LinkedIn profile - [linkedin] [dot] [com]/in/aaryan-anand-3bb95a297


Bruh How did you find this Can you search for other posts from his account?


How did he get his SAT scores? Or did the uni not require any SAT score at all?


Someone said on another sub that they stopped requiring it during covid


Holy fucking shit lmfao anyone got the link to the original posy






“In a statement, Lehigh University said it "Appreciates the report to its ethics hotline and the diligent investigation by the Lehigh University Police Department that led to Aryan Anand's arrest."” Is there a way to find the full statement? Did Lehigh not give credit to the moderator that initiated the whole thing??


Probably protecting his identity and privacy.


You can find the guy who reported it if you do some digging. The person didn't try to hide themself. I can dm you if you want.


I was more thinking about Lehigh giving credit to the guy, even if they just say “anonymous redditor” or whatever. Sometimes that first person speaking up is the biggest hurdle


dm me pls, or link his comment?




No they didn't mention anything about me anywhere, in fact I was told that I will be informed on the day of press release but they didn't You can check out my latest post


[https://www.reddit.com/user/FireStreek/](https://www.reddit.com/user/FireStreek/) He is the Indian guy who complained to Lehigh if you are curious.


I bet this happens a lot more than you realize. Based on students I’ve taught at the graduate level, wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Kid is 19 and his photo looks like it's from 1970.


I think it's a passport photo. Mine is from 2016 and looks like it's from the 90s.


Maybe another web of lies


First rule of crime: shut the fuck up. Don't talk to anyone. Don't tell anyone about it. Don't have buddies in on it. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?!


but what if you don't tell anyone, and instead tell EVERYONE? CHECKMATE!


You are mixing this up with the first rule of fight club


Did they teach you that on your first day of crime university, which you forged documents to get into?


At least he got deported. At my university (PSU) we had a student from the UAE hit and kill someone with his car and he got next to nothing for it and got to leave under voluntary conditions, meaning he could come back into the country. Sick and tired of seeing people get a slap on the wrist for things that me or any other Pennsylvanian would spend years in prison for


Sadly, _most_ people don't face any consequences for killing another person with a car. Typically there are only criminal consequences if the person driving was demonstrated to be intoxicated or they had previously expressed intent to kill someone with their car. In general the most they get is 1-2 traffic tickets. It is utterly depressing how so many people on foot or bicycle are killed or maimed by people driving with the driver just saying "I didn't see them" and that's the end of it. Never mind that the driver was speeding and paying attention to their car infotainment system or phone.


A cop hit someone and left the scene...(long enough to get sober before stepping up). Said he didn't know it was a person, ONLY GOT 6 MONTHS


my school!! whooo we are!!!


lol what the fuck does the school have to do with it?


Fake it til you make it


Motto of the offshore DevOps team


Good. He took the place and scholarship of someone who was actually deserving. Lifetime bar. 


Waaaaait a minute… wouldn’t this defeats the purpose of r/confessions ? Why would you ever wanna confess shite if the fucking mod team can snitch???


Yea seriously. Not that it was ever a good idea to begin with, but doubly so don't fucking put your written confession on r/confessions.


do we need a catholic confession subreddit now 💀


["Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Df191WJ3o)


If you’re dumb enough to post a crime to fucking Reddit, you deserve whatever backlash comes your way.


it wasnt on r/confessions. But who cares if it were. That shit is public. Literally anyone on the internet could snitch. Mods or otherwise. That's why you don't post shit online that says you are committing a crime unless you have the ability and know how to be legitimately anonymous... And that doesn't include the ability to create an throwaway account.


I think someone else was able to find out the school they were attending by looking at other posts from the redditor and contacted the school themselves.


Doesnt look like that, article mentioned mods hunting through his history and forwarding the info to the school.


This seems like the snitch: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/1axnhdz/comment/krqhylt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/comments/1axnhdz/comment/krqhylt/)


Well, that's why people use throwaways. This guy was dumb enough to post that shit on his main account where he also posted to his college's sub. Non-moderators were commenting on his original post that they were reporting him to Lehigh; whether a moderator also reported or the spokesperson misspoke I don't know, but it wasn't just the mod team judging from the comments on the OOP.


BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would the mods tell!


Well he also posted in some other subreddit and mod of that subreddit mailed in to university


posted in r/offmychest


r/btechtards aswell


Leave it to the Reddit moderator


It’s probably the only useful thing that mod has done


Nice to know the moderators of r/confession are a bunch of narcs lol


It wasn't posted to that subreddit and the mods of that sub have nothing to do with this story.


I don't think the guy who snitched was a mod of any sub.


From the article: "the moderator actually reached out to Lehigh to give them a heads up," if that isn't accurate, its on 6abc. I don't really care. Its a minor detail about a minor case I don't really care about. My only point was that /r/confession had nothing to do with anything.


You can actually find the guy who snitched if you do some digging. The person didn't really try to hide themself.


i dont really care. like... in the slightest.


I mean, I don't blame the guy (the snitch). They did the right thing. Just saying what I found.


I'm not sure that you understand how little I care about it.


Could you name drop the guy that snitched


I can dm if you want.


Yes please DM it to me


u/Shaan5104  Please DM 


wrong,the post was made in btechtards and the moderator of that sub snitched


Bruh I was the mod of btechtards when I reported this thing, I just want to make it clear that my report has nothing to do with confession sub


You did a good thing


Reporting fraud isn’t being a narc. Imagine if you were the person whose spot was taken by someone who forged their entire application. How would you feel?


I'd tell you but you sound kind of like a narc


Enjoy India my dude, tough lesson.


Dumbass, dude if you’re reading this, you were winning!!! Why TF did you post!!!!


Who is so dumb that they confess their crimes on the internet? It’s a Reddit page not a priest confessional or lawyers office nothing is inadmissible some people are so stupid.


I think it’s funnier that he commented nobody at his school uses Reddit, which is literally the front page of the internet.


I heard he posted on his school’s sub that had a few thousand followers and that’s how people found him out lmao


No they didn't. They were found because they followed just one univ, Lehigh.


Oh okay thanks for the correction, I knew it was either that or he commented/posted on the sub. Still a dumb move to post a confession like that on the account you follow your college with.


Why are our universities giving full rides to foreigners? 


not a full ride, it was a scholarship, they got financial aid.


Honestly deportation was a slap on the wrist. He'll probably just fake a new identity and try to come back. They should have given him the 20 years.


It's hard to just fake your identity when biometric data is recorded by immigration services


I’m glad he was caught!


When a Reddit Mod proves more capable than a University’s applicant department…


Nopes. It was an Indian kid studying in a college named MIT Bangalore who caught the lies and informed the college. Indians hate scammers too


Nope buddy it was me


Imagine all the effort he put into that fraud… could have just studied instead.


Kid is beyond fucking stupid yet so smart it legitimately hurts. Literally shut tf up, get your degree, and move on to a nice cushy life in the USA. Instead he's gotta go back to India because of a Reddit Moderator lmfaooooooo. I hope enjoys going back home and being a massive disappointment to his family. That Reddit Moderator really must have no life. To go to the lengths of figuring out some random guy's story online and reporting him to his college is so so incredibly lame. They didn't prevent some abuse, stop a suicide, or save someone from being murdered. They just narced on some immigrant kid who got one over on a system stacked against him. Congratulations!!! Go collect your dogecoin!!!!


I mean it was Lehigh University which is extremely competitive to get into, let alone on a full ride. I’m sure him lying and cheating cost a well deserving young individual their opportunity.


We did it Reddit!


How did they find out it was him?


he followed Lehigh's subreddit. One of the mods noticed it and mailed the uni


I know of at least one guy I went to Penn State with that did this exact same thing. He was from South Korea though not India.


Unfortunately many international students from all backgrounds face heavy pressure from family and community back home to go to American colleges cuz of the perceived prestige of studying in America, but a few don’t have the formal education or skills needed to gain admission so resort to falsifying information.


According to the article, one of the Mods of the subreddit contacted the University and ratted him out. Good. He was so confident he wouldn’t get caught too! https://preview.redd.it/4h1m4ljq2z8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974e653f6035a56dc424d13a16fde5f8c6cf87cd


He wasn’t an admin but a student (Reddit profile is BLAck sword- an Indian 3rd year college student  from a college called funnily enough-  MIT Bangalore . Not sure about the college but great work by this dude 


The article says a reddit moderator ratted him out, but I guess they could be incorrect on that detail.


Or maybe Black sword is the mod for that thread. Anyways, love what he did.


Yeah, it was very much deserved!


Not sure but I think he was u/firestreek


Oh yeah it was me. Just to make it clear r/offmychest wasn't involved in this thing at all I was moderating r/Btechtards when I reported whis story using the screenshots to Lehigh Police


Anyone got the og post?




It's deleted too man 😞


https://www.reddit.com/r/JEENEETards/s/OrOLRnym29. - screenshots of the post https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 - deleted post Basically, the guy posted first on r/btechtards (means bachelor in technology+retard). Its pretty long. He used tor browser so that his post could not be traced. He bragged about how he wont be caught. However, the dumbass used to browse the university subreddit with the same account, so if you open his profile, you would see the university name. One of the moderators caught this and emailed the university about it https://www.reddit.com/r/Btechtards/s/HNAnqAa01S


Remember kids Don’t brag about your crimes on the internet


What career did he build at 19? Criminal?


But how did they know his university?


Read the original post dudes smart and dumb af at the same time


Wow, reddit mods actually found another reason for me to absolutely hate them and confirms they were nerds in High School. Narc alert.


we indians feel disgusted for his acts


I imagine this will have a chilling effect on college admittance, especially for foriegn students, if exaggerating on your admission forms is a jailable offense


Financial fraud has always been criminal. He's not the first or last person to go to jail for it. Not even for trying to scam college loans.


He should spend years in jail, made to pay this back and be deported. He will probably come right back! And how many other people do this! And why is someone who isn’t a citizen of this country getting a free ride when American kids go into debt. I know people who lost parents and had to pay for college!


Elizabeth Warren claimed she was Cherokee to get into college. Possibly got a free scholarship


I initially felt sympathy for this guy knowing that he got deported but after reading his other post about needing a flight sponsor I'm furious at this scammer! - https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/13lnhjt/received_full_scholarship_from_a_us_university/ Looks like he doesn't have any moral compass. In case anyone is curious, I found his LinkedIn profile - [linkedin] [dot] [com]/in/aaryan-anand-3bb95a297


You snitches.


Nice work Lehigh. How many other criminals are you giving full scholarships too? Maybe somebody in charge admissions should be fired over this???


Fuck the student for lying but even more so fuck that rat moderator who squeeled on him. Reddit moderators have already taken subjective, biased censorship to an Orwellian level, but this is beyond unacceptable moderator behavior since no ones safety was in danger. What type of person, who volunteers for a social media site, doxes a user who intended to remain anonymous, hence ruining their life. Sure, the student is the only one responsible for the repercussions and their actions, but I would hope Reddit bans that moderator for doxing, as it wasnt their place to tell on the user. We all know that mod was that kid who told their teacher on everyone in school. Captain buzzkill..


I initially felt sympathy for this guy knowing that he got deported but after reading his other post about needing a flight sponsor I'm furious at this scammer! - https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/13lnhjt/received_full_scholarship_from_a_us_university/ Looks like he doesn't have any moral compass. In case anyone is curious, I found his LinkedIn profile - [linkedin] [dot] [com]/in/aaryan-anand-3bb95a297


shut up






You want to give that statement another try? This time maybe a little more coherent.




Got it. That’s what I thought.




What do you mean by that because on face value it seems like a pretty racist comment




I’m just not sure I want to be associated with you or this statement in any way.




No link to the post? What sort of bullshit journalism is this? Cite your source, mo fo.