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Is it terrifying, of course. Is it really bad, yes. Is it new? Fuck no. I had to listen to this preached from the pulpit 3 times a week for more then 20 years.


Now they just scream it on national TV. >"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be." - Heritage Foundation President, Kevin Roberts


He’s wrong, it’s more like the Civil War.


I love how all these yahoos think that no one will fight back because they are the big baddies with guns. They are the loudest person in the room. The one who is the most insecure. The rest of us are just idly keeping tabs and paying attention. Not drawing attention.


Silent majority my ass, they’re the loudest fucking minority


and it's always been that way, despite the gaslighting from the hard right that an overwhelming majority agree with them. It's quite the opposite in fact.


Seriously, part of their plan they want to create would leave me without healthcare, rights, or income. Like if you take everything from someone, they have nothing to lose, so why not fight back?


They believe it’s written into you to roll over. Because they have no other frame of reference except their own twisted self worth. Fuck around and find out.


So they look at Russian people and think we’re programmed just like those poor saps ?


I think the plan is to bankrupt and destroy the country and remake it using the collapse and rebuilding of the Soviet Union as an example. We the people hold a lot of assets in land, water and mineral rights, they definitely plan on stealing all of that.


Scumbag Steve Bannon was all about this. For America and Europe: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/trump-steve-bannon-destroy-eu-european-union-214889/


Sure seems like that’s where they are getting half the ideas from.


1/3rd of our country is. That's a lot. An easy mistake to make if you are on the outside looking in.


It's also a felony to sleep outside




Didn't you see the supreme court ruling on homelessness?


I did see that. They did not find that it is a felony to sleep outside. What you said is untrue.


Just that it's not unconstitutional to punish someone for sleeping on sidewalks.... So it's not illegal unless the city makes a law. What's the distinction?


They believe they can get you into a camp before you have that opportunity, is my guess.


They are the loudest with guns. I know several people that own guns and are Dems, they just don't go around bragging about it.


Your bravado is misplaced. They are not planning to send vigilantes out to kill us, they are planning to take over the US and state governments and use *that* to kill us.


While I’m not disagreeing, that’s not what half the people that live within a square mile of me think.


Yeah but like nobody is actually like organizing or doing anything and we’re in deep shit


how do you know


Ever listen to these people piss and moan about the price of gas (when they all own massive trucks, a boat, and often an RV or a couple of ATVs?) They're going to have kittens as soon as they start shooting and fuel immediately goes over $100 a gallon.


Maybe paying for gas wouldn't hurt as bad if we didn't have to pay thousands of dollars every year on healthcare that the right seems intent on making harder and harder for people to access. It'd be more important than ever with forced pregnancy, anti vax people put in places to 'run' things


Their guns mean nothing compared to the horrors seen in places like Ukraine. A drone dropping small bombs on their tricked out trucks will leave them just as dead as any number of guns they could be facing.


They think they are the only ones with the guns and can do what they want too. Most of my friends are diehard liberals/socialist... and we also own guns.


It's even money whether the 2020s are more like the U.S. in the 1850s, or Germany in the 1930s. It all depends on how much resistance there is, and of what kind.


Educated people need to wake the fuck up and buy guns if this is what Christians are going to be like going forward.


And we’ll kick their bigot asses again, just as we did before. Fuck republikkkans.


With Biden's immunity, he can send somebody from the DOJ to have a talk with him regarding open terroristic threats and treason.


Except Biden doesn’t have immunity, Trump does. The inevitable lawsuits that would follow the inevitable prosecution should Biden do anything of the sort would end up in this same Supreme Court — or one equally compromised — and the ruling would be entirely different than it was for Trump.


Well it's simple then, the 6 illegitimate justices are removed before they can hear any cases against Biden for exercising his immunity. Get Thomas and Alito for bribery, Kavanaugh and Barrett for lying to Congress.


There is a reason why AOC just said that she is going to present articles of impeachment against some or all of these justices.


AOC is ready to burn them down and I’m 100% here for it. She’s a beast.


yeah but DNC donors wont let it happen. i mean they are also republican megadonors, but DNC donors too.


The reason is to make Republicans admit they are complicit in the corruption of the court. And Republicans are PROUD of it. The reason isn't because anyone thinks it will actually happen.


> Well it's simple then, the 6 illegitimate justices are removed Cool. There's one method of removing SCOTUS justices. Just get Republicans to vote to impeach them. Simple, right?


Honestly, if he wiped all student debt and legalized weed, that would be a double-hitter “Can’t forgive student loans? The court can either enforce it or suck it.”


This has been the far right christian plan for a century, they've been forcing religious zealot-ism on the population since WW1 and doubled down on it after WW2.


It honestly has its roots in the failure of Reconstruction. The Confederacy was on a fast track to a theocratic dictatorship if it had lasted longer, those traitors in charge were never properly punished and ejected from society and we are facing the consequences today.


>The Lost Cause of the Confederacy (or simply the Lost Cause) is an American pseudohistorical and historical negationist myth that claims the cause of the Confederate States during the American Civil War was just, heroic, and not centered on slavery. First enunciated in 1866, it has continued to influence racism, gender roles, and religious attitudes in the Southern United States into the 21st century. Historians have dismantled many parts of the Lost Cause mythos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy


100%. Andrew Johnson fucked us hard. Capitulated to the south and denied the nation a Nuremberg like reckoning. The South never got its comeuppance and has lorded over us ever since. Now, we see neo-confederacy shitheels pop up in our legislatures unafraid to show their ass; knowing they have the full throated backing of a political party.


I wish more people saw the bullshit that church is and left it behind.


if having 1 in every 45 employees getting accused of raping children and the church hiding it all while being fully aware it was occurring wasn't enough for them to leave, I'm pretty sure the same thing would make them lose their faith in the Church as would make them lose their faith in the God King Trump... ie: nothing


But they're actually really fucking close


This is new insofar as they have an actual concrete plan for how to do this, AND they have a candidate who will absolutely rubber stamp all this shit ASAP. It's new in the sense that it is now a very fucking credible and imminent threat. It's coming if we don't stop it. That means voting for whoever the Dem is, and ideally volunteering to help get out the vote for them, too.


There was an AMA the other day from someone who attended the Project 2025 training classes.


Got a link?




It isn't new that's true. What is new is that they've been able to put people in place like on the SCOTUS to help bring their plans a lot closer to reality.


What’s new is that it’s actually currently being carried out. They’re not waiting to see if Trump will be re-elected. Read the Project 2025 manifesto and the SCOTUS rulings being released. It’s already happening. We can fight back against it but I’m worried if Trump gets reelected it won’t get fixed for decades.


I guess the difference is that now they have a Supreme Court carrying out their first steps and empowering the candidate who put them in there.


The Heritage Foundation pushed it with Reagan as the Mandate for Leadership. Along with his deregulation ethos and abolishing the Fairness Doctrine, the last 40 years have been an increasingly fast slide to an oligarchic theocracy. Thanks, Ronnie.


Clinton admin legalized media monopolies, effectively ending independent local news and media outlets, so it's certainly not all on Reagan.


And this kind of Conservatism has been getting worse for 20 years...


50 years.


You go to a house of worship which talks about deporting people and firing state department, military, and other government employees? Wow, why?


Because a minute fraction of them actually read, let alone interpret or do any soul searching on the “word” they are reading. They show up on Sunday, they are the good and faithful. Full stop.


Black people: First time?


Yeah, we have been hearing stuff like this for more than 20 years. The problem is they have never been as close to succeeding before, and half the country is totally on bored for it or is completely ignorant of it, and they're just voting for their team.


What’s new is that these people are now writing the game plan for a guy who will do anything to avoid going to jail and will let them burn down the country when he is back in office and is on a revenge tour. Before Republicans indulged the Southern Strategy schmucks because their bigotry was convenient for votes and then focused on just blowing their corporate donors, now they are the ones writing the policy. We are absolutely fucked if they get someone in the White House again because they got one there in 2016 and he tilted the SCOTUS so far askew.




The difference now being they believe ( and they may be right) they have stacked the courts enough to support there power grab


"We don't support Trump, we can't stand him, but we need to get those supreme court seats" --My Father, 2016.


They’ve never had a fully controlled Supreme Court and a president immune from laws.


These assholes are gonna be the nail in America's coffin if we do not reject them at the ballot box. They are trying to drag us to the Dark Ages. I don't know how any sane person can look at any of this shit and think it's going to end well.


It won’t end well for them, because the actual decent people of America have had enough of their bullshit.


Decent people need to show up and vote


They aren’t good at that part are they


Decent people need to show up and vote, and decent people need to stop the squabbling about whether or not the anti-fascist candidates who are available to them are their preferred flavor. This is not a time to squabble. You pull the lever next to the vanilla Democrat to defeat the fascist so next time you can vote for the cookie dough democrat of your dreams.


Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. We need to get over this truism and vote blue no matter who.


At least in the general election, absolutely. The time to find your dream candidate is a year or more before the primary.


And get involved in local party politics. You can help influence who the party backs going into the primary, how they construct their messaging, what sort of events are held, etc. If you want a bigger voice than what voting gives you, join your local club.


Hitler took power without majority support


The UK just voted out their similar a-holes. We can follow suit! We wrongly followed in 2016 when they Brexited. Let’s make up for it.


Just remember that this time Pennsylvania is the most or second most important swing state


Vote and tell your drunk idiotic cousin you hardly talk to except on very special occasions mainly family gatherings but you love him you just been super busy to vote and talk to your cousin more. 


Conservatives believe it's the liberal left media making it up.


If you didn’t know, Europe already elected fascists


As long as the dictator is fascist and not a...shudder...communist dictator it's a-okay in their books.


Yeah, but Joe Biden is old! /s


They could wheel him up to the State of the Union weekend at Bernie's style and Id still vote for him. At least his cabinet is competent. Im not the biggest fan of the man, but I like fascists much less.


Happy to see someone voting practically 😤


So many have been screaming about this shit for a long time...and they got shrugged off as loony bin atheist. It's good to see heads getting pulled out of the sand.


Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.


Fascism Has come to America, this isn't a "Next 20 years" problem... its a "happened years ago" problem. Now the only question is can the adults in the room still stop it from progressing further


Mussolini didn’t like the term fascism. He preferred corporatism. The U.S. has been corporatist for a long time. It’s just become much more apparent in the last few decades.


Very good point. Just remember that Mussolini was lynched . And rightfully so. I'm not trying to get banned here, just stating a historical fact


after he lost a war and basically destroyed his nation...


And now the ‘managed democracy’ portion has been readjusted to a Potemkin democracy


to be fair this quote is over 70 years old 


And as true today as it was then.


Absolutely horrifying. Why anyone would want more rights taken away is absolutely beyond me. It’s insanity


Because they're the ones taking them away. Never underestimate the sheer, unbridled malice that sits in a human's heart


Gotta love the MAGA trolls on here trying to say that this is all fear mongering, but who will actually support anything Trump does in order to “own the libs.” Very patriotic.


I think that's the craziest thing about all of this. This isn't a difference of political opinion or something where we can just agree to disagree. These people are systematically destroying everything this country was founded on and is supposed to stand for while simultaneously waving around flags and acting like they're some sort of holy crusaders. It's nonsensical.


They're already saying it on the Conservative subreddit. I feel like we're sleep walking into Fascism after one bad debate from Biden


I’m still hoping this is just fear mongering but after the SC, I have no idea


America can survive an old President. (I know, not ideal) America cannot survive another Trump presidency.


The thing is Biden has a competent and *normal* VP if something happens Trump, who is just as old and in worse health, will likely pick a competent fascist as his VP so it would get even worse if he croaked in office.


If it's any comfort at all, Trump hardly ever picks competent people to do anything.


He also tried to get his last VP lunched, so there’s that.


I feel like a competent person would never accept the offer to be Trump's VP, just for that reason.


And even as bad as many of his cabinet picks were, most have either denounced him, said very unflattering things about him, and/or refused to endorse him. Anyone who wasn’t an asskissing ideologue or who wasn’t able to placate his disagreements is gone.


And hardly anyone is able to be that much of a kiss-ass. They go into the relationship fully intended to be a kiss-ass, but Trump demands more kissing ass than is humanly possible. He picks incompetent people and proceeds to drive them away.


Which is why part of project 2025 is a list of loyalists they can appoint to government positions.


He needs to pick someone moderate to have any shot at attracting non MAGA voters, but what moderate in their right mind would be his running mate?! His VP pick is only going to worsen his chances.


The ones that he does that are usually abandon him


Agreed. At least Trump is an idiot. He tells you his ridiculous thoughts directly to your face. The problem will be when they find someone who is just as bad and is smart enough to not say the quiet parts out loud.


That’s going to be all of his Cabinet and staffers this time around. They weren’t prepared last time. This time they are (witness the Project 2025 plan). He’ll have nothing but loyalists this time around. Top to bottom. And they’ll run everything.


Well, I guess we’d better be certain that they don’t get a chance then.




Still voting for Biden.


Hell fucking yes!


The main problem with Project 2025 is that they own Trump. He’s easily bought. Without Christian Nationalists Trump wouldn’t have a chance. This video points out the hypocrisy and might even get a smell smile out of you… [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8-45UAgFA8/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8-45UAgFA8/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Vote for Democracy!!!


For any PA people that need a reminder if you support people not being forced into birth we need to flip state congress seats or the Republicans will ram through an abortion restrictions bill that technically Shapiro can't do anything about. They already tried it.


Heritage foundation has said 2/3rds of their policy reccomendations were picked up thr by first trump administration, so I don't really know why people seem confident this isn't going to happen. Also, we've heard before people saying X isn't going to happen. We'll it's happened enough why would we want to take that chance?  https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations Moreover, a vote for Trump means you also don't care when every level of government is staffed by Trump cronies, as they are looking into ways to boot anybody who isn't loyal to Trump (not the US, federal govt or its citizens, Trump) I'm just not really sure what the average non mega religious person is supposed to get out of this. 


I’m voting blue down the entire damn ticket. I’ve about had it with republicans


Like Hell they will #BidenHarris2024


For a supposedly “meaningless document” from a “fringe group” there’s a shit ton of people telling me not to worry about it. I went round and round with some random yesterday who told me he just “didn’t want to see me waste my time”. Literally said that Heritage, a 50 year old conservative think tank with $100 million budget shouldn’t be taken seriously. And claimed there was zero connection to Trump. Sure.


Right wing goons cosplaying as enlightened centrists on the internet want the best for you, man! Just take the advice bro!


They want us to just forget that the Heritage Foundation has has a significant influence on public policy for decades. It's stated goal was to advance conservative policies. They spend tens of millions of dollars each year lobbying on behalf of conservative causes at every level of government. They handcraft legislation and pass it off to state legislators so that they are crafting the language of the law. But, sure, we should just ignore them because it's totally made up.


Project 2025 was developed by the Heritage Foundation, a well-funded conservative think tank. Two of the people spearheading Project 2025 worked in the Trump administration. The Heritage Foundation has authored Mandates for Leadership since 1980. A comment from u//graneflatsis  >Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential ultra conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration)is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. >The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. >[Here's](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) a searchable copy of the text -  [Here's](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) a bullet point breakdown - [And here](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) is their response to criticism of the plan, which reads like a 4chan troll. >[](/r/Defeat_Project_2025/) intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


The new *Fascism* Manifesto.


Which rights are they coming for ?


Lol fearmongering title much?


Fuck the GOP. Vote Blue, protect your rights, protect American Democracy.


Sure, it's real, and it's started. They captured the SCOTUS and overturned precedent in several cases. When you vote in November, you're voting for a president who serves his term then leaves *maybe, , but whoever wins will likely get a couple of Supreme Court picks. The Court will last long after a presidential term and make decisions that will last far into the future. I prefer clean air and water, the right to bodily autonomy, and the separation of church and state.


This is the reason people need to vote for Biden. It doesn't matter if he's not your #1 guy. The alternative is so much worse. If Biden gets replaced by Turd Sandwich, vote Turd Sandwich over the other asshole.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE BLUE all the way. We can not let trump back into that office. He rapes 12 year old girls. Trump is vile.


This is their final solution for their ruling class. This is what they expect for us. Why they want more poor babies, less worker protections, less social safety nets. https://newrepublic.com/article/181939/republicans-want-permanent-economic-underclass


They want indentured servitude.


They also want voters. It’s a proven fact that people with less education vote more conservatively. Low information voters reliably swing conservative. It’s been an important strategy for the GOP to underfund public education and denigrate higher education. They articulated that strategy probably 50’years ago (beginning with the Koch brothers’ father and passed on to them). It IS the new Southern Manifesto.


Vote Blue no matter who…unless, of course, you want fascism, which it seems many do…


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE BLUE all the way. We can not let trump back into that office. He rapes 12 year old girls. Trump is vile.


Time to make conservatives cry


Make bigots fear again


Get your non voter friends to vote, or it will be more than Roe vs Wade decisions.


What is "southern" about this? Seems like an odd way to describe fascism permeating the entire country


It’s not new, but they are close to enacting it. The Supreme Court just ruled the president can do whatever they want with the military as long as it’s an official act. What’s official act? The courts don’t define or care, but killing political rivals is an option. They can also bypass a lot of the political nonsense by defining their opponent as a threat and imprisoning them. The difference with something official and unofficial would be motive. Like paying off a porn star to save your marriage is legal, but paying off a porn star for political reasons is illegal. But now, it’s illegal to ask the president their motive. Bribes are now officially ok as long as it’s done after the legislation or policy is passed. If you think this won’t be abused, republicans are ready to lower the bar and be hypocrites.


I wonder how, if Trump takes power and things start to really go to shit, people will talk to each other about how they got to that point. "DId you vote for him?" "Yeah, but for me it was about putting food on the table! I had no idea public schools would be closed!" "And your gay kid who had to move to Europe and who you never see any more because the borders are now closed. How is that working for you?" "Honestly, if someone had just told me about Project 2025 and the Morality Police, I would have fought against it." "I told you about Project 2025 back in 2024. You told me it wasn't real. I told you again in 2025. You said he'd been in office for a whole year and nothing had happened. Well, now it's 2032 and elections have been suspended since 2026."




So I'll say the quite part.. it's July the D party seen their weekend at Bernie's candidate literally fall out of the golf cart on stage now it's every man for himself to stop Trump if I remember right it was about this point in time they pulled out the Russian hoax dossier to try to put the brakes on the 2016 elections Trump was even said he had no recollection of what this was and to that I believe this is all being set up and specially pushed by MSNBC as I watched their TV show and the sickening amount of contempt they had spinning this as a trump and cronies setup they're literally doing everything I can to get Biden back in office to save their butt's cause this manifesto has a hole lot of dem ideas in it


That article had no clear indication as to who is behind this so called project 2025. this article is all fear mongering with no facts to back up his argument. Yes both sides of the political spectrum has crazy extremist. but this article is all about "well someone told me that they are doing this so this must be mainstream and must be a true idea. You can not just alienate a whole population just because you do not agree with them. Talk about destroying democracy


https://preview.redd.it/xzhucf9f3rad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ac9f4f06c7ffc34528148162d989fc1c89ba36 Vote blue


This sub is getting stupid now, it’s like 75% political posts and 25% actual discussion of Pennsylvania.


I can put up a post about how to register my car if it'll make you feel better... We're in a swing state. There's no escaping politics during Presidential election years


Speaking of...I bought a car in Yugoslavia and it arrived here, in a crate, in pieces, and I was wondering if I could just drive it right away without registering it. If not, what exactly will the cost be to do so down to the penny?


about tree fiddy


Whether or not a theocratic fascist is in the White House is pretty important to Pennsylvania.


And how Pennsylvania votes in November is pretty important for who occupies the White House next year.


Confirmation bias. Take a look at the posts filtered by new, and check out the flairs. There's not as much politics as you think.


It's more DMV/Ticket bullshit


Au contraire! Right now it's mostly Scenic Pennsylvania flair!


I'll take that vs the other shit posted.


I disagree, it’s more and more lately


Far from 75%.


Agreed. It’s election season so this sub is going to be over saturated with stuff like this.


It's the ultimate fate of all city/state subreddits.


Here's a secret you're not aware of: you can ignore the posts you don't like.


Astro-turfing. 99% of Reddit has become an echo chamber.


It’s gotten bad. Every once in a while I check popular and I regret it.


Front page is 25% propaganda strictly on the election


The project 2025 is the most blatantly astroturfed bs I've ever seen on reddit. It's fucking everywhere, overnight. I've seen hundreds of posts about it now all starting just after the debate




With it being election season, r/WhitePeopleTwitter is attempting to spread its message. I don’t see the point of preaching politics on a platform that’s already an echo chamber but that’s just me


100% agree


Voting for Biden. If all else fails and they try to Nazi I got lots of second amendment.


Vote defensively against the fascists this November.


Yeah, that shit is fucked. Definitely voting Biden.


I like Joe Biden, and I will be voting for him not just because I think he’s a decent person because I think he will have decent people in his administration. Once upon a time I used to vote for Republicans, but that ended quite a while ago. They talk about what they want to do, we’ve seen them trying to do it and actually succeeding in some cases. They talk out of both sides of their mouth, on one hand saying they are for small government, but in reality, they are into the most private detail of a persons life and trying to criminalize those details. I’ve been registered independent for 40 years, but I don’t plan to ever vote for any GOP candidate again, not at any level.




This is good, and I've been seeing it break through the post-debate FUD in mainstream media too. Getting the electorate aware of this, that destroying Roe v Wade was just the beginning, is a great way to motivate them to keep Trump far away from the WH.


So what’s your fucking point? People need to educate themselves in how bad project 2025 is. Call it out.


So people are actually reading these documents the heritage foundation is pushing


And no Republican leader is endorsing it, sooooo


Just feels like 2024s version of the Steele dossier. Shown Proof that the world will end, but mainly just bullshit used to fear monger you to vote blue.


This is like Q 2024 for Democrats. This country is full of freaking morons on all sides! I think its hilarious seeing the party of no weapons literally posting “FAAFO” hahahaha like I said, morons.


A minority of Democrats are “no guns”. The GOP loves to fear monger about it because it’s easy, and the gun manufacturers join in because they sell more guns if people are afraid they will be taken away. They sold more guns when Obama was in office than they ever had.


Trump just released a statement on this he’s against it.


Famously truthful fella, ain’t he


Someone posted that on his Truth Social with perfect spelling/punctuation, without ALLCAPS, and without meandering thoughts and tangent thought. I doubt it was Trump though.


tough day for the "both parties are the same" crowd


I just love how yesterday we celebrated the historical moment when America became it’s own nation, officially broke free from England and these religious crazies want to not just have us back under a monarchy, but live in the same controlling ideology that Hitler created in Germany. The first two steps are already done…abolish Federal Agencies and give absolute power to the highest leader.


More fear mongering lies instead of running a candidate or campaign worth voting for. Sad.


Well imo the time for playing nice on the left must be over - we’re smarter than the right and we need to be ready to use our intellect to crush them if need be


What does this mean?