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Personally I’d rather have my baby, than just a souvenir spoon from having my baby. ![gif](giphy|OcDNbMSJ6pwMRLWxuc|downsized)


Do you know where that gif is from?


You know what, I was curious too so I found your answer. It's called the Souvenir Part 2 and his name is Richard Ayeonade


Thank you!! He’s from the IT Crowd.


Moss! Such a great show.


I LOVE RICHARD Ayeonade !!!! He’s a scream!!!!


Never heard of him til this. At first glance I thought it was blueface cosplaying or something. 😂


No baby but I got a spoon for ya eggs


Right. They will be using that same spoon to cook heroin with later this evening.


😂I didn’t get a spoon, but I seem to have all of my kids. 4 kids/self purchased spoons. Heather and I are not the same.


Lol your user name equivalent mousse had me like 😂😂😂I almost thought yup makes sense equivalent to a Heather moose ![gif](giphy|YXsTi6f8KzBxtup63J|downsized)


😂it was autogenerated. But this works! 😂


RIGHT?! Well, at least she has a new spoon She can cook her D**gs with. The spoon probably says. “Way too go dipshit”


Wow Richard is lookin fiiiiiiiine!


I’m really sick of her trying to act like Mom of the year. It’s so fake.


She wants CPS to think that this baby is her main priority. Meanwhile she doesnt have 2 nickels to rub together and cant even take care of herself let alone a baby. All Dusty is is a fraud and a fake. Nothing she does is with her kids or anyone else in mind. She is only for herself and what makes HER look good (which is nothing).


It is making me absolutely raging pissed


Let me make it worse. She doesn't pay for insurance, doesn't pay taxes, or anything else, so it was %100 free!


Has anyone on Medicaid ever got anything like this before? If it's engraved, it's a package she paid for. Edit: I think.


Idk about all hospitals but there’s one where I live that gives the new mom a small Vera Bradley tote and the choice of a back or foot massage, even if they have Medicaid …


She’s going to be pissed when she reads this. LAWSUIT AS FUCK




That's awesome. Ive lived by hospitals with plenty of funding but I've never heard of anyone getting that kinda stuff.


The hospital where my 3rd child was born gave us spoons and little hats.


Believe me, just looking at her gets me heated.




I'm with you Responsible! She is pissing me off to the highest degree of pisstivity!! Why does she have to keep reiterating that she's a "newborn maahm". She must think CPS is full of newborn fools.


Her face is like anger fuel 😂


The only thing that my wife and I got to take home from the maternity ward was our son. Who knew that you could get commemorative utensils at some hospitals? Not me.


Same. The only thing we took home was a baby. And a large bill 🥲


Let’s hope that CPS examines ALL spoons in Heather and Xavier’s possession for burn marks. Please and thank you. My wife just told me that the hospital did give us an infant cap for a keepsake. This must have slipped my mind .


When were your kids born, because I didn’t get 💩in the early 2000s for my twins, I feel cheated!!!! Nefarious!!!!!!!!!


2002. I do think it was a lovely gesture for the hospital to do this but in lieu of engraved spoons, I will just have to be satisfied with the memory of an elderly woman who said to us, “this is the best reason to be in a hospital. God bless your baby.” as we wheeled him to the parking lot.


How lovely.🥰


My son was born 4 years ago and they gave us a cute onesie with the hospitals name.  So free advertising I guess lol.  But they treated us really well and we had a great experience so it's more than I could have hoped for.☺️


I got a spoon for my almost 6 year old. I think it’s in his closet somewhere 🫠


We once got free toothbrushes from a dentist 😂


I got one of those spoons at my hospital in 2021


I don’t know why I am fixated on this “spoon video” but I am.  Maybe it is because of the absurdist nature of how Heather’s unsound brain ALWAYS tries to create its own unreal reality.  Will we next be treated to a post of her getting the CPS PLACEMENT/PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM bronzed and placed in BABY’S 1ST CUSTODY HEARING scrapbook?  Could be.


It sounds like a paid package, if anyone has gotten anything like this, especially for free, please speak up 😆


Yes. An engraved spoon and embroidered hat with her name, dob, and hospital on it. 2nd son got a diaper bag with goodies (a few diapers, bottle, Beaudreaux Butt Cream, nursing pads, onesie, and fingernail Clippers set for him).


Ohh yea sorry so the goodies I think are common. They will give like butt cream, a onesie, a beanie, some diapers, a pacifier.. The engraved stuff though I figured was a add on or a deluxe package, no?


Chanel has a partnership with NY Presbyterian hospital and they give new moms a gift bag of beauty products


Interesting. And ironic. On levels.


So she got to take a spoon home but not the baby? 🤦🏻‍♀️


No, we can not read what is on your new heroin spoon


Came here to say this too! Now Eggs has a new spoon to cook up junk on!!


Where is he? Tent?


I made that joke but didn’t land as good as you two


Oooh... she got a souvenir from pumping out a kid from her flappy vagina. Big whoop! ![gif](giphy|S5tVD09nBR2nJWJMen)


It's giving- i gave birth and all i got was this stinkin spoon.




Her hair was cleaner when she was in a tent


Dusty.....I have an idea. Why don't you stick that spoon up your ass? Quit acting like you're a doting MAHM. Nothing about you is maternal. Good. You have a keepsake. You can put in your narrative between pages "I fucked up" and "I fucked up again".




Im kinda surprised they still gave her that spoon! 😲🤣 Were they like should we?? lol


Don’t downvote me for asking, but does anyone think she might be on psychiatric meds? I haven’t been able to follow too closely in the last week, but she seems kinda calm. Or do we think it’s just an act?


I’m not sure, I thought this at first but I thought psych meds usually take longer to kick in and start working? I feel like she’s just putting on a show and being manipulative


It did occur to me that they usually have to build up so results in ?5? days would be abnormal of most meds. Also she’s good at putting on a show… until she’s not!


That’s what I was thinking! She’s so used to manipulating and scamming people that I just think she’s acting. I know my anxiety meds took like a month to work


Depends. Mine took effect right away.


Even if prescribed, I doubt she will take them. She knows how to switch from the nice Dusty to the REAL Dusty. Also, prescription meds dont make you be lazy, think of ONLY yourself and not find a job so that you could have a chance to fight for your baby.


She would sell them


Meds like SSRIs for depression take several weeks to work. Antipsychotics and mood stabilizers can work immediately.


Thank you! Wasn’t sure but I keep forgetting to remind myself she’s great at acting 😂


It's all speculation but i dont think shes a great actor. I wouldn't be surprised if she was on something like seroquel. That's what this looks like to me.


If she's on something like Seroquel or Trazedone that could be why she couldn't hold her eyes open the other night.


Very true. I’m on seroquel for bi polar and it’s impossible to stay awake once it kicks in


I’ve been noticing how calm she’s been too. I’m also wondering if it’s an act or if being indoors has mellowed her out or if she’s high or just what.


I think she might be on some type of calming meds she is manipulating but we’ve seen her before she seems more calm rn she’s deff on something ! But then again I’m speculating I wonder if cps saw her old diagnosis & saw she has a mental illness and making her take meds would they do that?


I think she’s still unhinged because she cannot stop posting videos. She will find anything to talk about for attention. She is holding back the crazy for CPS, but the crazy will show up soon. She loves just lounging in that comfy shelter bed.


I’m wondering if this is Adderall psychosis? Are there any psych nurses reading this that could weigh in? Thanks 😊


Nurse here. Adderall psychosis would look like mania, paranoia, overall hyped up and anxious. I personally don't think she's been on Adderall for a long time. Others have speculated psych meds, which I think is way more likely. If she was on antipsychotics or mood stabilizers, a lot of those work immediately and can make you very sedated.


So you got a consolation prize and someone else got your baby. Got it! Should’ve been better for your baby but you couldn’t even do that right Dusty.


Take note Dusty, feed them with love. Not love for yourself, for them. ![gif](giphy|Tf3cWPECSpfVY3AcVN)


Her voice drags and the grunting and breathing


Well. The hospital figured they had to give her something, since they kept the baby.


They took the baby and sent her with a heroin spoon to unbox like an influencer ?? I love this hospital


They kept the baby and gave her a spoon to remember him by


Sorry looks high to me maybe I’m just mean


I got one too and my baby so what’s your point dustrat 🙄


She’ll hock that thing for herself.


Oh that’s actually a really sweet keepsake ❤️ she should give it to the babies new mom ❤️


Congratulations you birthed another child that you don’t have custody of good job !!


Omfg she should feel like an even bigger piece of shit - showing off a stupid spoon when you lost custody of a FORTH child!!? she is just showing how detached she is from reality. Won’t be long before she will be back in fent tent


Maybe next time she can get a fork and she can finally have some silverware in the tent. ![gif](giphy|xTiQymjYza10NhOFDa)


Pouting at the camera while showing us a runner up trophy. God she thinks shes hot shit. Clearly high as fuck and making zero steps to better herself and give herself a chance at seeing Rico again. Get back to your tuhnt sewar rat and stay there.


The fleabags filter keeps coming off 🤣 Ole dusty ass bitch. The filter is snatching her face just like CPS snatched baby fetty wap 🤣 You are the size of Clifford the big red dog


how long can she keep up this good girl act? i’m surprised she still hasn’t snapped


Eggs will be cooking up fentanyl on that spoon in short order. ![gif](giphy|1jkV5ifEE5EENHESRa) I didn’t get shit to bring home but a colicky baby that screamed his head off 24-7 for the first 10 months and a bill, even with insurance. But you know what, he’s 12 now, doing amazing in life, and he lives with me in my custody in my home. So enjoy your little celebratory spoon maham.


god damn that filter is STRUGGLING


nice spoon heather, where’s your son? (not with you) (lol)


Did she get that from the gift shop?


They all chipped in and got it just for them ❤️


Another item to pile onto the cartillac. She will never be able to part with this spoon because she thinks it’s worth something


This is giving “my parents went on vacation, and all I got was this stupid tshirt “ vibes


This is the "I lost my baby, it's clear that judge, CPS, etc had access to my insane, paranoid, drug fueled ramblings, now I had better project the good, timid housewife and mother in order to get said baby back/keep my housing to continue the "I'm a good mother to all of my children" facade" personality


Otherwise known as the "I fucked around and found out" personality


someone commented on another post that the baby is in nicu having drug withdrawals. has that been confirmed? and is x in the shelter with her? i’ve missed a bit so tia to any answers ☺️ hope he gets adopted and not just lost in the foster care system and i hope it’s while he’s still too young to know anything about his “parents”


X is in the tent watching over the hoard, her narrative, and her handwritten novel


i hope he just up and abandons it all. that would make her nice facade crack real fast 🤡


Omg yes or throws it in the lake like the tub they were done with. She would lose it !!


here’s hopin 🤞🤞🤞🤞


Dusty, it’s just a spoon honey. The nurses didn’t run out to Tiffany’s to pick out a silver spoon to give to you just so you can pawn it.


When does she try to pawn her little silver spoon 🥄 and find out it’s stainless steel.


I’m surprised she’s not claiming that a bunch of Doctors and nurses who delivered and took care of her and the baby gave it to her specifically because they believe she’s a good Mom and are supporting her.


How long until she hawks that for some press ons and drugs?


Where’s the baby Heather? Did it turn into a spoon


Dusty, if you’re lucky, it might even by some amount of real silver, perfect to pawn for drugs in a week or so.


The Silver Spoon those ratchet bums will likely use for other unsavory things


Someone once gave me a spoon with “serial killer” engraved on it. It was the cheapest Temu piece of shit (cute idea just terrible execution). This spoon looks quite similar, just sayin.


She’s desperate for the attention; she can’t NOT post something; anything! “Guys, If anyone knows me, you know I love straws. I got a straw with my juice today”


She’s desperate for the attention; she can’t NOT post something; anything! “Guys, If anyone knows me, you know I love straws. I got a straw with my juice today”


Congratulations on losing your child ...


Well shit, the only thing I got was a $100K bill and a fancy Stanley mug.


Well would you look that! Heather is showing off her new drug spoon. All under the guise of, "Of course I spent money that I begged for/sucked dick for on a spoon i don't need. Why wouldn't I? I need to feed him love.. because I am newborn mom." 🙄 I know it was a "gift".. and no one gives a shit. She annoys me more than ever.




Why is this a thing? I know it's been given to new babies for ages, but like, why? I always wondered why this is the gift for newborns. It just gets put in some hope chest for 100 years and no one ever uses it