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It has to drive her crazy that he’s a better looking & more fashionable woman than her lol 😌


Stop it, you. Lololol


😭😭😭😭😭😭 "Newborn Dahhhd"


How often does she admit they’re a couple? I feel like she doesn’t proclaim it as often in case Dylan comes a’calling, haha


Hair clip ✔️ Leggings ✔️ Nail polish ✔️ Baby 🚫


Awww!! Check it out..Eggs is all snazzed up for St.Patty's day!! ☘️☘️ He even painted his fingernails green!! lol!🤣 I peeped that he's wearing women's leggings..he must be feeling his feminine side!! 😏 P.S. I love the blue giant claw hair clip! 💙


His smile, like "yaaaay, green water!"


Yeah, although he doesn’t show much of his personality, he enjoys the smaller things in life it seems lol. I have a soft spot for him idc. 


Is he allowed to speak? God knows Duster could fill up a damn wal-mart supercenter with non stop ranting.


We've never seen him with the baby. Ever.


I don't think Heather "Permits" Eggsaviour to go near the Baby!! 🤔


Another black mark for Dusty. CPS sees all.


Thank God


I know he gets associated with her toxicity a lot, but honestly I don't know enough about him to form a solid opinion. Although he may be dealing with some mental illness, I feel he is a soft spoken, starving artist type who is (obviously) easily led. Although I would not consider him Father of the Year, I am not ready to write him off yet. Although Heather says that "He is clearly the weaker one" (hateful ass bitch) this man may actually be her saving grace🤷🏽‍♀️. At least he has a stable family who COULD get him on his feet if he agreed to certain stipulations. I could be completely wrong, I just haven't seen enough of his personality (too much of his person, but that's a different story 😄.


But have you seen 👀 him on all fours 🤮🤮🤮


Unfortunately I have and if I had to choose, I would have rather gotten pepper sprayed in the eyes than to have looked at that situation he had going on 🤣


Wait when was he on all 4s. How'd I miss that??


Oh believe me....consider yourself LUCKY that you DID miss it 🤣


Search for it if you dare but he had some photos on X that were for his callers....for the tent escapades.


Omg. I'm laughing so hard 🤣


Mercy 😭


Woooooa Trina 🛑!!!! I was just about to go to lunch, now not so much🙃🤢🙃!


How dare you bring that up at a time like this. (Meaning I *just* took a sip of chai and would like it to stay down)




Eggs posted some bait pics from the tunt on Twitter. They were quite explicitly disgusting and scarred me for life. No, I will not be taking any more questions at this time, I am still in therapy to recover.




Much appreciated 🐰


I seriously would of wanted to have my eyes gouged out with a Spoon rather than see those photos again!! 😳😫🤮


Yeah he’s not great. Banned from the mall for taking up skirt pics of women. His weird af IG account with just pics of super models. He’s a perv. Don’t let the soft spoken part fool you. Bonus being that he’s with Dusty.


Right? And he is loyal to huffer and stays by her crazy side no matter what lol




Me too!! 🤗


I have a soft spot for him to.


Better than green boobjuice


https://preview.redd.it/ah0y9hp3p8pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e37ebb22ef49f848987008be2efa4f1b3ad378b Yaaaay 🤣


Looks like Egg is wearing his Daddywarbucks NB handmedowns 😂😜


I actually love his sneakers. I have a few pair of “mom “ new balances.


I meant harm. It’s actually an inside joke with my sister about my ex brother in law wearing his grandfather’s NB. I guess people here don’t know my inside jokes with my sister and when I’m over my sister’s yelling officers officers oh officers cracking up she’s shaking her head at me having no clue what I’m talking about 😂🤣




He always has claw clips! I wonder if he ever wears banana clips. Not sure how old people are here and if they know what that even is.


I do and remember as a kid thinking they were named after the band bananarama haaaaaahaaa


Haha! 😂


I’m old enough to remember them and they’ve made somewhat of a comeback. Eggs would look nice wearing his hair up in a banana clip.


I wear banana clips on the daily, so much more flattering and forgiving in my curly hair. He would feel like such a queen 👑


Omg lol. His family needs to save him from her!


He's a grown man, with a family & his own money. At any minute he could walk the hell away.


That's not paint...  that's the start of the apocalypse right there at the tip of his crusty fingers. 😆 😆  


lol!! 🤣🤣🤣


Totally the trans eggs coming out to play…


He actually looks somewhat healthy! I’m sure it’s because Heather isn’t eating his meals and can’t control when he does or doesn’t eat. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that video she made and no she wasn’t pregnant at the time of her going into a store coming out and he had that plate of food lol She was sooooo angry because look at all that food and I don’t have a plate? She had already eaten TWICE that day 😂 Yet she eats all his food, admits she takes at least 80% of his $ and she talks and treats him like he’s her dog.. She’s such a nasty bitch.


Wasn't he in a bush trying to eat it and she caught him? 😂


Yes! lol He had like ribs, and steak if I remember right and she was beside herself 😂


Lamb chops ! Lol He looked like a dog who got caught eating food off the table




Chicken on a plate!!!


She is so much like SHANNY4CHRIST & he is so much like REV ! It’s insane how incredibly similar their relationship is on every level . People like SHANNY and Heather can only be with men that are seriously mentally ill and easy to abuse manipulate & Stockholm syndrome them up . She eats all his food controls all the food ,money , lies , cuts off all their former friendships & destroys all their family relationships . No one is is allowed to speak to Xavier without Heather monitoring the conversation . It’s all control & making sure Xavier doesn’t not get the opportunity to speak to ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING unless they are another mentally ill or drug addict . Period !


I haven't kept up Shanny's mess in a while. Is she still posting their messy lives


Sounds like Mangela of 90 day finance fame🙄


she was absolutely fucking FURIOUS that he was hiding in a bush eating someone’s donated left over food they gave him. like think of how bad your life must be that strangers just give you food and that you will even take a chance eating that food from strangers and then having to hide in a fucking bush from your big red angry sasquatch of a girlfriend to do so.


The fact that he was hiding in a bush is 😳 clearly she is abusive. Imagine if heather was the man.


Oh my lord where can we find this?!?! 🤣 hahaha


https://youtube.com/shorts/nwHENXpBA5Y?si=PHEEKOJMFxdv8BKK The copy isn’t the best. It’s the first one I could find on the go. Enjoy! lol


Lmfaooooooooooooooooo thank you! Oh dear lord hahahahahah 💀


She must be in here reading comments of ppl asking where he is lol


Well it’s looks like he’s bathed at least


The leggings + claw clip combo is iconic


Size 4 holey women's leggings, folks. The shelter must have a laundry? No 'laundrymat' stories the last couple of months. 🥴


Of course it does! Better amenities for Dusty than many people in apartments they work their ass off for have! Only the best for her 😓


Dusty may have Eggs steal people's clothes. Remember him stealing gloves & stuff from Target while pregnant Dusty was smirking in her stolen wheelchair? There was stuff stashed in the wheelchair. He's quite color coordinated in the pic. Blue hair clip is new. I had a pal who was upper middle class. She'd steal anything. She'd ask what I wanted, so she could steal it for me. 😳 She even stole stuff from classrooms! Pizzas out of delivery cars while my poor mom was paying at the front door. I didn't socialize with her much, my folks figured it out. I was scared out of my mind and my folks feared she'd plant some lip gloss on me so I'd take the rap. Sorry to rant, but stealing, lying and yelling are 'triggers'.


I'm literally taking a 'rest day' because I was washing dog vomit off my throw rugs at 4:30 this morning. Oh Lord, I need a free apartment to just chill in for a few months. And free wi-fi. 🙏🏻


Quintessential Eggs. 🤌🏽


She just posted a picture of a collage of her kids, even her son holdding the baby and another pic of her visit the other day holding baby and in all those photos not 1 of Xavier. If he was any sort of normal man, he'd be absolutely offended and pissed at this bossy selfish bitch. I wonder if his family sees this and gets mad. I'm mad ffs! And I don't respect or like the creep at all. I don't think he should be anywhere near a baby as much as Heather shouldn't but she's a bitch to use him for everything she needs and drag him around everywhere but there's no acknowledgement to him.


The oldest daughter doesn’t like Xavier so I bet he doesn’t even go along for the visits. Like maybe lurking outside or in the lobby but not to been seen by the children or case worker.




On her IG stories


Thank you so much 😄


Thank you ☺️


Good grief he’s probably wearing Heathens stretched out see through leggings and he’s definitely looks like he’s wearing a womens coat. His hands and fingernails are so disgusting. I think this is the cleanest he’s looked since we got introduced to him in the park with 100 pound boom box. I’m so curious if he’s ever held Rico and did she take any pictures of Xavier holding Rico? She has not mentioned anything about Xavier’s thoughts on this whole mess or what his plans are as far as being able to have relationship with Rico ( which we all know that neither one of them will ever have custody at this point). Just curious why Xavier’s not on camera giving his thoughts, other than she’s not willing to let Xavier speak because he will tell the truth.


I honestly don’t think she knows of the baby is his or not


Absolutely this and I think he doesn’t believe it either. Dude is so checked out at all times. The doubt came from the many many times she has said that he wasn’t the dad of Rico and she said the same thing about the twins to. I hope that they do a DNA test to see if he’s actually Xavier’s child. I wonder if that’s the reason why Rico’s last name isn’t Montoya.


That baby is 100% his son. He looks just like him in the face.


Must be a doubt of paternity.


Yes. And she definitely planted all that doubt for him and his family by saying many times that he wasn’t the dad.




Eggs looks like the substitute teacher that’s going to let you get away with smoking…if you share.


You can take the hobo out of the tent….


Bottom line is he knows he has a child and has as many rights, and responsibilities, as mom. That level of "don't care" is criminal.


I would never want him around any infant . He has questionable habits.


You know what I think would really really piss her off. If we all just totally quit talking about her and just talk about it Xavier ooh that would get under her you know what 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd worry about him at that point. Huffapotamus would find something nefarious to do to him, or accuse him of.


She’s sit her big ass on him and smother him in his sleep


Ok ok I know he is Latino but he seems so jaundiced to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agree. Lookin' like a Simpsons character


Yaaaasss! The nail/sweatshirt coordination--effortless looking in leggings/oversized coat-- showcasing his masculine side with the "dad" New Balance's--accessorized with a claw clip! You better slay, Queen! ![gif](giphy|KkJV5v5YzVzzUS165O)


She actually posted a pic of him? That’s unusual for her.


No it's from a video lol. She seems to be distancing public view of him. I don't even think the baby has his last name and I don't think Xavier cares. He didn't care when she said he rapes and abuses her right in front of him so I don't think he has thoughts about anything at all. He just follows her around like a pet.


Does he realize that he has a kid?


Nope. I don’t think his brain really has the capacity to conceptualize the fact he has a kid. From what we were told, he receives social security due to bipolar disorder, but I wouldn’t be surprised if developmental delay is also a reason.


She sees it as his professional put together photo!


I actually think it’s more of a dig. Like, “look at his cross-dressing pants!” 😩🙄 You know how she is!


Total shade. She definitely posted it to be shitty




It's his Linked In look.


Looks showered! Guessing they went downtown for St Patty's?


I love the blue clippy. The green nail polish 🤌🏻🤌🏻


As much as I love this pic of Eggs, let's not forget that he is a sexual deviant. Green Eggs and Spam. IMHO He stays with her because he is mentally ill and sexually motivated. Sex os his ID and the reason for him being "not present" /"Gay" is because she denied him sex. Eggs need to be institutionalized, Heathen is just a grifter




No record... Not that I am aware of anyway. But the upskirt pics and being kicked out of malls for pestering young women, is enough for me.


It’s a real bummer that I’ve seen everything below the belt on this man. It haunts me.


The sun shines when Xavier’s occasional lesbianism comes out to play ☀️


Aww his nail polish matches his hoodie!


I was starting to think he was still outside or went home to daddy.


He's not in the shelter with her- so which one is he doing?


He’s in the shelter with her. In a video from the other day he was standing by the window looking out while she blabbed.




he looks like he’s in his back to school gear - new sneakers, matching socks, new coat, nails did, hair possibly clean. he’s just missing a backpack.


New claws as well  💅 💚 fierce !


Leggings and a claw clip 😂


First sighting since the scandal 😂


I wonder if X went home, got clean & a job would his family want custody of Baby R? God grief if it were me or anyone they could fight tooth and nail, exhaust every avenue to get their children back and a house. Then there is Duster....


I doubt it. It’s her they have the real problem with and she sticks around like a bad habit


Is he wearing her leggings?


Yes but the theory is it’s ok now since they likely don’t fit her anymore.


Got it. Her crazy is hard to keep track of.


I noticed that ever since she had the baby she stopped asking if he wants to say hi? She used to say it on almost every post and hasn't said it once since he's been indoors, I wonder why?


Apparently he’s not staying at the shelter with her


Probably because "her husband" isn't her husband 😂 and they aren't a "family" like she tries to portray. Just two single people who lived in a tent.⛺ Good I hope he goes home to his dad's so he can get help and stay away from that mega beast!


With the leggings, hair clip, and all 🤣🤣


This man is as bad as her and definitely needs a handler. Last time I heard a full sentence from him, it was him stating that weed was legalized in Illinois because of his Facebook rant and it was legalized on the 11th in reference to his birthday.


It’s the matching nail polish and hair clip for me.


Nothing to see here... just a father fathering


Leggings? Check! Chip bag clip in hair? Check! Fingernails painted green to match scarf and river? Check! I doubt sobriety was part of the day.


fReSh newbalance, like a PROPER suburban dad. ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


He is with her but has to be DL.


My god I love the comments here 🤣


I see eggs is dressed in his lady’s leggings. I wonder if Dusty is upset with him for wearing them or not?


I wonder if he wears them now because Heather is too big for them


That would make the most sense.


New hair clip....don't cut him short on his leveling up with a new born he doesn't know is his.


new shoes Xavier..


Are they not together anymore ?!


That baby do be looking like X.


Still rocking the leggings & hair clip ✔️ Dainty Fingers painted to match hoodie ✔️


Yasss queen 👸


Dude is WEIRDDDDD as the come, just I’m sorry but EWW! Imagine sleeping with that freak! No wonder Leather has had “bad experiences” look at the f n men she WILLINGLY chooses to engage with! 😖


God bless that blue hair clip! You rock that Xavier! Dusty he is half your size😂


Is it just the angle or do his knees push his feet too far forward ?


I wonder if he went to his dads while Heather was in the shelter


Still rocking the leggings 😆


You guys are right! We haven’t seen even one photo of him with the baby, have we?!!


He has tiny feet! He’s a petite guy in general. Dusty has a good 50-75 lbs on him. Also I’m loving the dainty fingers and nail polish.


I’m surprise she hasn’t taken his banana clip that’s a new one!


Homeboy needs to cut his nails 🤢


Does anyone think Exx doesn’t live with his J Witness family because he’s queer? I suspect thats a part of his move full time to the streets


Something definitely going on in the sexual department with him. I feel like he's do brain damaged it's made him sex and drug obsessed and other than that he doesn't care about anything else at all. Heather can be there or not, probably makes no difference to him. I'd pay alot for an actual video of him speaking for 10 minutes


He is lazy as the day is long. Duster is his meal ticket and free ass. Overall Eggs: https://preview.redd.it/9y0g0la194pc1.png?width=175&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b5a17a98e415b4beabc1a58ba4331de1f505b88




I would love to know more about his life before Heathen? I bet he sometimes misses his quiet laid back hanging in the park listening to his boom box life without Heathen.


Nice leggings


The nails, leggings, hair clip. All things normal men don't do lol.


idk, I like that he’s expressing his unconventional identity however he wants to, even in stolen or donated clothes 🤷‍♀️ kinda like an aged, homeless Jaden Smith


Nail polish, leggings and a hair clip…. He looks ready to give some serious blow jobs


Cute how his nails match his outfit🤷‍♀️


Looking like abuela Xavier on this fine day