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Are these for MLMs?šŸ˜‚ you donā€™t pay to work


Without a doubt. I bet that machine she was talking about a few days ago was a "Healy", it's an MLM and I bet that's why she hasn't received the device. She thought it was free and the person trying to sell it to her was gonna give it to her for free; they love targeting make-believe influencers with low engagement and followers since actual influencers know how proper endorsement deals are done. She is now realizing that's not happening. It runs between $3000 to $6000 dollars and the more expensive the model, the more commission you make from your downline. It's obviously a piece of shit that doesn't do anything, but that's the first thing I thought of last week when she kept confusing *"meditation device"* with *"medication device"*. Plus, let's be real, the whole *"be your own boss!"* thing would absolutely appeal to Heather, hook line and sinker. She's got no education, no degrees, didn't graduate HS or get a GED, she's got over a 10 year gap *(working two weeks maybe twice in those ten years isn't impressive)* in her spotty work history, no skills, no experience, and nothing to offer. She's got no prospects and won't take an entry level job because she's stupid and doesn't want to work. She'll get scammed and then cry to all of us that she needs more money. Hell- she keeps saying "she found housing" so she should get Baby Rico back but housing wasn't the only issue. **Not to mention that she seems to forget that the shelter she is in closes permanently soon and she's got no money and no place to go after it closes.** That low rent, ex hostel *(the Seline was a hostel and that's where she is)* isn't a home and if she thinks she's going from this to an apartment funded by the taxpayers *(that's how her brain works, "oh I have this place so when I move they have to put me in something better or comparable")* she's sadly mistaken. She'll be pregnant and living in a tuhnt again by July. ^(Excuse me if what I wrote is a mess, I'm sick and I've had a migraine for the past 3 days. Today is the first day I've been able to somewhat function so I'm not all there.)


I hope you continue to feel better and have relief. Migraines are hell


I get migraines so bad.!! Fuck her!! She stresses me out!! How in the fuck does she have a nice hotel room


Migraines suck. After I turned 40, they really ramped up. There's 3, 4, 5 stretches of days where I'm totally out of commission. I've tried all the meds, none work consistently. Glad you're on the tail end of one.


Feel better!


You clarified alot thanks. My question is do they have to place her in another shelter when this one closes? I mean she waltzed her way into this one after getting booted from the bunk bed one in the same night.


Go pro is a very famous MLM moniker. I think her go pro solo is stolen from that guy Erics MLM, the one who worked with jesse lee before she killed herself doing coffee enemas.


Hope you feel better soon!!


Yes lol


Hey, idiot, jobs you need to ā€œinvestā€ in are not real jobs. These ā€œjobsā€ sound like scams.


Shhhhh! Let her find out after her initial investment šŸ˜‚


Haha! Sheā€™s interested in 2 or 3 and she said she had several today and to me that sounds like she thinks sheā€™ll be successful in all of them. Hereā€™s hoping she chooses the dumbest and most expensive and ridiculous one.


AS IF she would put money into something lucrative that takes time. She is not able to do delayed gratification


Let her spend all of her hard begged donations on one of these scams and melt down about having her money nefariously stolen.


Oh she canā€™t keep donations for more than a day. Those face masks arenā€™t buying themselves you know šŸ˜‚




her choices are alcohol and travel..... so she's going to get drunk and walk around Chicago āœŒ


Cuz the Shopify store worked so well, letā€™s give money to a new scam and expect to be rich from it šŸ¤£


Being a shot girl/booze influencer would put her right back into the night life that she desperately needs to avoid if she wants her baby back. While weā€™re pretending she actually wants her baby back, what in the actual fuck is she going to do with Rico if she takes a position that requires ā€œtravelā€


Oh the minute she would get him, the church/God posts will stop and she will be jobless again (assuming she would secure a job JUST to get him back) and she will go back getting money from the state and beg strangers again.


She long forgot about Rico


Sheā€™s the worst advertisement in the world for anything but especially something like alcohol. Sheā€™s the opposite of aspirational.


She will literally do anything to not work lol. Didnā€™t she learn from the Shopify niche pet site she paid for. She needs to go apply at a restaurant and get real


If the woman worked half as hard at getting a job and working as she does at not working, she'd have plenty of money. She makes not-working look exhausting, which is the exact opposite of what not-working should look like. Stupid and lazy is a helluva way to go through life.


Commenting on Dusty only needs investors, storage and a computer to land a job in sales.... She needs to not work in a restaurantā€¦..


Not surprised at all that the only "jobs" that are contacting her back are the scammy ones. And her dumb ass can't figure out that they're scams. That's a highly intelligent Bachelors degree holder right there šŸ™„ Side note: Why is she talking like that, and pushing her lips out when she talks? I h8 her face.


She thinks it's seck-see. ![gif](giphy|jqw5xeYmPS8jlmgGq7)


She is high as fuck


Yup! And I watched it on mute.. Fuckin creepy


Itā€™s the only way I can watch


Found it interesting she didnā€™t post the cash app right after. Guess ole dusty does know why her account was suspended/banned šŸ¤”šŸ§


Good eye.


I canā€™t stand her voice and sheā€™s high as hell in this vid. Sheā€™s the most annoying person I know.


Does she honestly think she is convincing and that she looks good?


Those remote jobs usually come with a computer. You just need a permanent address and real internet. You canā€™t work from a hotspot or open Wi-Fi connection. Not when youā€™re dealing with customersā€™ personal data. And you NEVER pay to start a job. Unless itā€™s new shoes or a food handlers permit or something like that.


I never knew that McDonald's required an investment šŸ¤£ She is so stupid. So THIS is what she is going to do....say that she is applying/interviewing for these jobs but there's always going to be some made-up setback. But wasnt she in sales with the nuclear energy place? Bitch! Just go to a fast food place or a grocery store already and apply.


Lmao nuclear energy šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Whoops....i meant renewable energy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Initial investment...Aka MLM


And if you watch sheā€™s fluttering them and making a big to do of them


Those aren't jobs, those are investment opportunities. She needs to find a job that's going to pay her not one that needs her to pay. I can just imagine her handing out free samples and suddenly she thinks someone took an extra sample.. 'why are you doing these erroneous things to mean nefariously!?' I feel like those are her two favorite words to yell at/accuse peoplešŸ˜…


ā€œInvestors neededā€ F so sick of the begging šŸ¦“


Just another way for her to scam money!!


lol her new grifting angle


Failed though, doomed for *failure most certainly ETA *failure


Jeepers creepers!!! Someone in here mentioned how she has no eyelashes and then she comes out with whatever filter this is where for the first time ever (that Iā€™ve seen) she actually looks like she has some eyelashes


Lol I was wondering what was different about you right? Itā€™s her eyelashes theyā€™re normally invisible.


Oops I replied to you in the wrong placeā€¦ I said yes! And how she is fluttering them and making a big to do of it!!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm always saying where your f****** eyelashes


She still could benefit from some strip lashes. These three short lashes with the smeared mascara is not giving lol


So itā€™s YOU!! lol! I knew I read That somewhere today!


Everytime she does a close up video I look for that comment šŸ˜†


In the summer she was using a filter with really pronounced fake lashes. It would glitch out onto her sunglasses and X in the background all the time.


Thatā€™s hilarious!! Such a poser


Shes low key begging without saying it outloud. "Investment, laptop".


She has several opportunities. Watch her take none of them. At least she doesn't have custody of her kids. Thank God cause Casey Anthony was a shot girl too, Huffy. It's odd that you don't have actual jobs being offered to you with your vast experience and many degrees. These opportunities being "offered" to you prove you are lying about your job experience and showing that your nearly decade old references are lies. No one with degrees and experience has to pay for a start up cost nor store alcohol at their "home" (homeless shelter that is closing in April) to gain employment.


The thing is, SHES LYING! She begged for money for a storage unit, so she either lied about that or she doesn't have an offer.


Two things can be true. She can have these jobs offered to her and still expect the world handed to her. Remember, she doesn't think she has to work for a caddy and a mansion. She expects her whims granted to her on a silver platter. She is lying through the chapped up duster line on her lips just like she lies about taking care of her other three kids. Edit: Heather darling .... go to bed and stop downvoting. You have to be up soon to pump milk for the infant you won't ever have custody of.......


Well put!!!šŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæ Edit: It's the downvote for me! Keep wasting your time downvoting, when you are supposed to be looking for jobs. I win šŸ˜ā€¼ļø


Anyone....with any marketable skills, would never entertain these positions. She just told on her self and showed all of her "FTR's" regarding her work experience is a lie. NO ONE....EVER....WITH REAL WORLD JOB EXPERIENCE.....would ever entertain these "offers" This is beyond sad. She thinks she is a mum and that a shot girl job is actual employment while rapidly pushing 40 and living in a shelter on benefits.


She wants free libations for her and X to drink while they draw on the yacht club sidewalks this summer/spring. Her grifting always has an ulterior motive!


She is well known in the healthcare industry! Well know , etc and so forth. I'm just not sure the reputation she has is the one she wants us to think it is.


Sheā€™s well known alright, every doctor in the Chicago area has her down as a NO for a new patient


Heather - MLM is NOT A JOB! You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. By the way - this shelter is not going to last forever. I would say you have about 6 weeks left until you are back on the streets because by the blessings of the Gods you will never have custody of Baby Rico


I may be ignorant (in its literally context), but what brand ambassador role requires an initial investment?


mlm scamsā€¦like anything the sisterwives peddle lmao


One when you have a face like hers




her lips are getting worse by the day


Well, good.


She's huffing duster like it's a damn inhaler. ![gif](giphy|5k881HonTqs6Wa21jY)


How is she allowed to just lounge around all day in bed? I thought shelters had rules about people being up and out during the day to look for work, meet with case workers, find housing, etc and so forth???


this isnt a typical shelter with dorms and bunk beds. this type of ā€œshelterā€ is essentially just a hotel for the homeless where they donā€™t have to pay and have to abide by rather minimum rules: aka donā€™t act like a psycho, no drugs/alcohol/weapons and donā€™t be degenrates and write tweaked out manifestos on the walls lol


I cannot for the life of me figure out how her of all people got these accommodations


I know, go figure. They got kicked out of the 1st shelter and supposedly the 2nd shelter refused them. Was it so cold that they had to put them in the next place that had room, which happened to be the hotel?


Oh wowā€¦ someone she manages to scrape thru here and there.. it makes her extra infuriating.


Proves that she is a cockroach šŸŖ³.


This! She just scurries from place to place.


When she got kicked out of the second shelter, I was shocked as all get out that they found her another place with less rules. I thought she would be SOL


She can flutter her fake filtered eyelashes all she wants. Those filters canā€™t hide the creepy, dead inside eyes though


lol sounds like sheā€™s about to get scammed




Brand Ambassador work for an alcohol company is the last thing you should do Heather. Youā€™re a drug addict; you donā€™t need access to more substances


Is Heather going to be selling Avon?


Donā€™t do my late Nana like that!! Lol! Fr my nana did that shit for 40+ yrsā€¦ I have so much Avon shit and weā€™re still going through her house!!! Lol! I wish I was kidding, but- my Nana sold Avon and did a paper route, both for almost the same amount of time- Avon she did longer! Crusty rusty Dusty- Avon wouldnā€™t even want that bitch! Lololololol


you're right. Avon is too reputable. Sorry I did your Nana dirty by suggesting that. Maybe like essential oils that cure duster addiction or Lula Roe leggings that she can sell from her tent- when they inevitably go back.


Lol! My Nana in heaven forgives u as do I. Lol. N yesā€¦ or like Younique or however u spell it! I like the Lula leggings too for her though! šŸ˜†


Sheā€™s seriously going to go in front of a judge and present tuning into online MLM presentations as proof sheā€™s job hunting. And probably claim sheā€™s already employed as an influencer and the CEO and top model and curator for Go Pro Solo Productions. Good luck with that Heather.


She is really feeling herself these days in every wayā€¦ I canā€™t wait to see what happens next šŸ‘€


When did she find time to interview today? All her diarrhea rants and feral time with X. Impossible!


Multiple interviews. Which, if true, would have been hours of time, during business hours.


And phuumping!


How do you need investors to get a job?


Since when do you have an interview for a pyramid scheme. Pretty much write the check and youā€™re in lol


She's calling their sales presentation to her an "interview."


Right, now she needs sponsers to send money so that she can work. It's costs money to get a job don't you losers know?


It would be a shame if someone sent her some bottles and told her she will get paid after spending the day giving out free samples at Marianoā€™s as long as she went live with some of the interactions šŸ˜‚ Faygo needs dusty as an influencer! What happened to the medication machine and air purifier? I thought she was successful with marketing and branding?


Iā€™ve been asking this and since you read here Huffyā€¦..whereā€™s these machines that woman desperately wanted you to ā€œinfluenceā€ for her?? Weā€™re waiting! Itā€™s had plenty of time to get there.


No one is going to want a homeless addict doing secretarial work for them. Nor would they hand a computer over to her. She needs to humble herself real quick and go apply at McDonaldā€™s and put in some honest work.


She probably blew her chance at that barista gig at Marianos too since she spent every morning of her pregnancy loitering in the bathroom right after they opened.


Bahahahaha! A fucking MLM?! This is great actually. Thereā€™s no way in hell CPS will consider any MLM/pyramid scheme a job. Sheā€™s forcing baby Rico to spend more time in foster care and frankly, thatā€™s the best thing that could happen right now. I wonder how long she will get before they sever parental rights altogether and baby Rico gets adopted?


Got one word for you, Chiclet: *manifest*


They must not have done a background check yet. And wait for itā€¦sheā€™s going to be asking for sponsors to give her the money for the job, of course.


Oh and sheā€™s going to want several new outfits. Ha!


And she will need money for more press on nails , face masks and hair pieces and donā€™t forget new pants ! She needs to make a statement !


How could you leave out the tennis shoes? They have no sole remember? Just like Dustyā€¦no soul!




Ooooh jobs have to meet her requirements ahhhh wowwww


At least I didnā€™t have to hear that breast PuMpā€¦creepy


Get a job at Office Depot. Test their dust cleaners. You will be great.


Omg, ok, I was downtown in the Streeterville area this past weekend with my daughter, right by where they are are staying and there are a lot of available jobs in the area!!!! A TON of server positions WITH health and dental! I would say beggars canā€™t be choosers but letā€™s be honest, sheā€™s not ACTUALLY looking for employment, itā€™s all for show! If she really thinks she fooling anybody, especially DCFS sheā€™s dumber than I thought!


Omg the beautiful sound of no pumping


Ha, she is about to feel the same as all those people she scammed. What a dumbass


She needs a keyboard to pretend to clean!!! Get to it sponsors!!!


Dusty hereā€™s a clue since youā€™re so smartā€¦..these arenā€™t jobs theyā€™re scams. Walk your fat ass to Marianoā€™s and apply. Humble yourself! Laying in bed all day hoping for someone to buy you a brand new computer is ridiculous! Get a REAL job! This free bed and food has made her lazier than she already was in the tent.




She bought some


She needs to go wash dishes in the back of a restaurant.


How about a applying for REAL JOB! JC, you make 20 per hour at Home Depot for chrissakes or being a dishwasher! But know she wants to work at basically what amounts to SCAM jobs eg: MLMā€™s and we all know sheā€™s DUHH enough to fall for those! Hah, lol, she thinks she had debt now just wait until she buys a bunch of musty crap Lululemon clothes putting up 5 grand (if she can even con that much) or buy $1,000 worth of make up and do ā€œsalesā€ in a frggn pyramid scheme because that is all they are!! I can totally see her talking for their line of BS! šŸ™„šŸ¤Ŗ


Actually the one with the alcohol might be legit. My husband used to work in a liquor store and they did have people come in for sampling. Legit? Yes. Would they hire her? HIGHLY doubtful. They probably do at least a limited background check, seems like every job does these days.


If you need to ā€œinvestā€ in their product and then say / oh itā€™s great your self employedā€ itā€™s a MLM SCAM! She is so damn lazy!!! She will MEVER get a job where she actually has to wake up, get ready and commute to an 8 hour a day job!


What's the update on her baby? Is the baby still in the NICU? If so, has she said her version of why he's there? Or did the baby go to foster care? I haven't been keeping up.


Sheā€™s not allowed by order of the judge to discuss the case. A couple of times she has been too close to mentioning her battle. Hope the courts catch it.


Baby was in nicu for maybe a week or less I believe. He is in foster care. I think she has only had 2 visitations.


Oh wow. That is crazy.


You can always search through this sub.


It's just too many posts to search through.


Storage? U act like that shelter is your perm home Dusty. Ya, no.


never seen Heather Blink so much


That Heaoux doesn't need a computer, she needs to rethink her life.


Iā€™ve been wondering when she was gonna have an mlm era


I donā€™t understand why she doesnā€™t go to a temp service or per diem job. Even working banquets. Not only would she get a paycheck but she would get a shit ton of great food to take home every time but oh wait, itā€™s dusty. She doesnā€™t really get off her fat ass and do anything except beg.




Funny, you can perform EVERY clerical task on a phone with the right apps... most people do this because phones are less clunky to carry around than laptops. She has MULTIPLE phones, so she can't use the excuse of not having a dedicated device... the hoe is just trying to gift a free laptop lmaoooo


Even with ā€œeyelashesā€ they look like when I leave my eye makeup on to sleep


Sheā€™s such a MORON!! How convenient they all require an initial investment as in drugs and new clothes and self care otherwise itā€™s a scam. I would love nothing more than to see this scammer get scammed herself however only with her own money not other peopleā€™s she begged and conned people out of


God I dislike that heffer


BTW - you lazy cunt dried up hooker - YOU ARE NOT AN AMAZON INFLUENCER


Hi OkViolinist, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on what Dusty needs to land a job in sales. It's great to see someone looking out for their friend and trying to help them out. I just wanted to add that while having investors, storage, and a computer can definitely be helpful in finding a job in sales, there are many other important factors as well. Dusty may also need to work on their sales skills, networking, and building a strong resume. I suggest sitting down with Dusty and discussing their goals and strengths, and coming up with a plan together to help them achieve success in their job search. I wish them all the best in their job hunt and I'm sure with your support and guidance, they will land a great job in sales soon. Take care.