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* The stains were duster stains, which show up white like semen. * The bruises were from her huffing duster and snorting Adderall and banging into things without even feeling it. * The car that Eric "stole" was HIS CAR, and he had every right to take it. He had been trying to get it back for weeks but Heather wouldn't give it up. * February 23rd was not a Friday. * Heather did not want to cooperate with the police, she just wanted to say the word "rape" because she's obsessed with it. And those jangly keys grate on my ears.


Perfection! But when has our girl ever let FACTS get in her way?


Facts don’t fit the narrative!


If she really wanted help she would have just stayed and talked with the officer. She's like TAKE THIS I FILED A REPORT BYE


I remember her shirt being covered in the white residue from duster on the day she claimed to to smoke air duster for four, I mean, two days.


She came out so aggressive to the cop. Did she leave the bag of sheets with him or ran upstairs with it? Seemed she wanted to alienate herself from the cop even though she called him. Nuts.


She threw it at him.


She just left it for him 😂


What a beast






Yes, she's so grape-able, isn't she? Every man who sees those tree trunks just *has* to have her.


All those keychains for what? So she could be loud and annoying to her neighbors. I think she was baiting them to say something so she could go off on someone.


Jesus this is the first time I’ve seen the video, but this is the rape “investigation” that went no where?!!!! She called 911 and threw a plastic bag at the responding officer and said “RAPE SHEET! Friday the 23rd!” and scurried into an elevator?


Literally, that officer: ![gif](giphy|RkzMtKbCKFUY3wYRMy)


And the 23rd wasn't even on a Friday!


He said he would drop me off food & instead he threw this little unicorn at me 🦄👏✨🦄👏


The janitor keys!! I miss these days.


Yeah this is when I first started on this journey with the trap door with the jerk circle men. Usually on Fridays I hit up my boys at 3am, make sure we have toy unicorns and we climb into tunnels to find a trap door so we can beat on some legs. Once the legs are beaten we call someone not named Maggie and tell them it’s in the cloud. Then the circle is formed so we can soil some sheets. Then we go back into the trap door. Nobody looks in there because we know they are scared. The jewelry bag has the evidence. I do this every Friday. https://i.redd.it/r33tvjyrbusc1.gif


😂😂😂 thanks for the laugh I’m dead 😂 back into the trap door in the closet everyone from the circle


She’s like a 13 year old getting a house key for the first time.🙄


hold on. she left the rape sheet bagged up in her closet and expected the police to come in through the TRAP DOOR, take the bag and start the investigation. huh??? ETA: she's too dumb to understand .gov websites so people are trying to hide the truth from her?? that duster shit is POTENT.


This was pure entertainment to watch live….


I feel bad for that police officer with the way she treated him. I get so much second hand embarrassment when I watch her videos so many times😣


She’s crazier when she has her own housing… lol


She’s been reciting this story for YEARS 😂💀


Fell asleep doing duster - that is all.


Who do I have to pay for that video posted?? That was freakin great. What a way to live though? In chaos all the time.


See..now THIS is what Child Protective Services needs to see!! It's glaringly obvious she's seriously mentally unstable!! She is in no way capable of caring for a child!! 😳


Some say nothing online is admissable but I do think cps is aware of her antics online


It is in NJ- not sure about IL.


Well, she’s under a gag order, so her SM is being monitored.


I had the same thought while I was watching this last night. This is not normal, sane behavior


Attempts to force emotional tears is probably, deep down, my favorite. Heather, your sociopathy is showing 🤡


I loved this one. This is Heather cosplaying victim. She knew that the things she was alleging weren't true- that's why she didn't follow the proper protocols. This was all performative.


Yup. And she was PISSED that Eric took back his car that he was letting her borrow. She was trying to lay the groundwork to get him arrested for 🍇 eventually. Because she’s so goddamn dumb, she couldn’t keep her timelines or stories straight or come up with a somewhat believable scenario. Her ineptitude at seeing her shitbag schemes through really saved that man from some serious trouble. Pro tip: don’t help a whore you meet at a casino.


No visit to the ER to have a 🍇 kit done. She called and police they “didn’t show up”? Right. She seriously treating that cop like he’s a delivery service. And it sounds like “it” happened week ago… I hope dcfs has seen this one. SMH


Exactly for all the SAs she claims happen to her has she been to the ER once for any of them. NOPE - why because they did not happen. She is the pathetic girl who has sex with a guy willing on the first date and thinks this means they are going to go out and be married, and instead what it was a booty call and then screams 🍇 to show him.


If somebody beat her up and her sleep, and she slept through it, I think that answers a whole Lotta questions.


Boy has she aged from this incident to now..It’s only a couple of years in between isn’t it?


I always wondered WHAT ARE ALL THOSE DAMN KEYS TO?!! The woman had ONE freaking need for ONE key and it was to this apartment yet she had 37 damn keys jingling everytime she opened the door?! Where or what on earth we’re all those keys to and for, hmm 🤦🏻‍♀️😅🤔


I came back here after watching that..thank you! That was great. Especially because i just smoked lol. Classic Heather. She's such a lunatic and scary how she tried to set him up for R.


Text book drug induced paranoid schizophrenia here, just dropping in to say that Huffer is indeed experiencing gang stalking, fake cups, and tech boxing. She absolutely has proof of all this in the forms of her manifestos, recordings of her narrating her manifestos, and police reports where she told the fake cups portions of her manifestos, curated model shoots featuring stalkers from her manifestos, and the FBI calls about her manifestos. There is no way she needs psychiatric intervention. It's all real, and thusly, she deserves reparations, even before descendants of indigenous or enslaved people who were victimized by an entire government. Please make it make sense and ekscetera and so forth. Anyways, today is the last day in April of the Impact campaign. I know it's only the 6th, but nobody is spansering her, so it's back to chugging sludge and forcing our feet into Eggs face for us.


Omg thanks for reminding me. I would have totally forgot that today was the last day in April for the impact campaign!!!


Right? Just last week, I was thinking to myself, self--what has been my impact? Then the light turned green. The next day, I asked my self, Self? Self? Hello! What is my impact? Then the microwave beeped, signaling my lunch was nuclear except for in the middle. Yum! Now, here it is, April 6th, and I couldn't figure out what "my impact" actually means. Or why such a stupid campaign idea cooked up by such a lousy SM curator has a cashapp link to it. Apparently, no one else could either. I'm sure we all feel very empty inside now that the opportunity is gone. April will always be the 6 day month I will regert for the rest of my life.


Doesn’t it just K you?? This Bish had it made! E got her that place, paid 1st, last and a security that he I’m sure did NOT get back after she had the GALL to vandalize every freaking wall, but even more maddening she SAT THERE EVERY DAY and never once said- gee noe me I just gotta get ANY kind of job for now to pay the RENT and I’m inside!!! Oh no not Leather instead she destroyed every flat surface she could draw n write on and NEVER PAID A DAMN DIME for the place!! Omg it just sends me when I think about how much HELP she actually HS gotten over the years and still couldn’t manage her frggen life!!!


Has she ever been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia? Or is she just delusional from all of the drug use and her brain is mush? Because what the fuck!


I think this was all performative. (But I'd also go with drug induced psychosis.)


I literally just rewatched this last night 😂 ![gif](giphy|XaFX9e9xfbcXWxW0a2)


dusty lore lives on. Are we sure she was not a ruhbutt here? 😭


Heather is the kind of woman who would have man arrested for 🍇 or DV because she did not get her way. My partner's best friend's late wife was that way. She would physically hurt her self and then call 911 and say her husband hit her. This was all well and good until one day she was arrested for false report. She cut herself up and hit herself with a hammer (true psycho) and called 911 saying husband beat her ass. Why? He was out with friends including my partner, at Happy Hour. Since he had too much to drink, my partner drove him him home. They come and there a ton of police and an ambulance for her. Hubby is about to get arrested - she told the cops that he took off after hitting her, and my partner was like he was with me at the bar since 4pm (this was 9 pm) and here is the receipt and names of the people who were there with us if you would like to call. Psycho was arrested for placing a false police report and put in a mental hospital (5150), Dusty will so set up X for a DV and 🍇charge if they don't have an apartment soon


She’s tried it. Saying that Xavier’s dainty ass dragged her down the street, the twins were conceived through Zombie X 🍇ing her, X purposely scratched her cervix causing the twins’ miscarriage, Daddy X is a pedo, and she was group assaulted by numerous feet at Chateau Montoya.


That’s scary


Heathers Locks where all on the inside of her Apt Door and Eric prob spent the Night, a few of them, her Greasy Lean foods she makes, a overnight John from Rivers Casino who got ruff or she's just plain dirty woman with poor housekeeping skills


Taking me back to the times where I was glued to her “Going Live” shenanigans. Now I cannot make it through a single FTR.


You can not, CAN NOT call the cops and expect them to do a damn thing because you freaking “FEEL” like you were SA’d… WHAT🤦🏻‍♀️! Christ on a cracker lol I’ll never forget this brilliant move! Does she even watch fiction crime shows, I mean seriously, wth did she expect, the cops were just going to chase down rando men on the streets of Chicago of all places and ask them- do you know Leather Gillespie?!! 🤪




This is not a comment to victim blame but how could someone fully grape you and then leave but you didn't wake up during any of that? I don't see how any sober person could do that. I know she's messed up in the head, but her talking does not should like it does when she really is high.


Ya know. Schizophrenia usually presents itself in females in their late 20's/early 30's. I 100% believe she believes that everything she says is happening to her is really happening to her. And there is NO WAY for people in that situation to get help unless someone else intervenes because ....to her it's real life. Does this excuse all the fucked up shit she's done? Not even a little. She definitely has some sort of personality disorder as well, probably BPD or something similar and is also just a manipulative liar with NO control over her own emotions. And the drugs 100% exasperate all those issues. Someone in her family needs to step in and get her help. Or this shit show is just gonna get worse and worse until she's one of those homeless people you see on the street who hadn't showered in months and is talking to themselves and throwing cups of their own pee at people who walk by.


Even if she believes what she says, she doesn’t need to treat the police officer like that, she’s so rude. The way she talked to him was atrocious. The poor guy was obviously genuinely trying to help but she was on the agressive tone since the beginning.


Love it every time I get to see the bag containing the dry & crunch grape sheet. Never a dull moment in that apartment. Hope Eric's in Witness Protection Program. 👀


The part that drives me absolutely fucking is insane is when she said “Dylan, Smith Y90210… good to see ya.” (4:52) OMG THE WAY SHE SAYS IT 😡😡😡For some reason that just really got on my nerves and it has annoyed me for years and I’m so glad to be able to talk it out now 😂


Can you imagine the treasure trove of crazy in that cloud?


Ohh thank you!! I haven’t seen this one before. Pure gold


Good times! A blast from the past! Yeah, she is totally capable of raising a child. Let’s keep that cycle going and absolutely traumatize an innocent life by letting her attempt to raise him.


OMGOODNESS, the comments are fire 🔥 fantastic 🔥 on the YT video. Comments are always fire 🔥 on here, thank you for that, but seeing them on another sight is a chefs kiss 💋


Ooo, love the oldies!! Lol 😝


What’s the “A” on her necklace for?


Ked #3’s (daughter she’s not allowed to see) first initial.


Thank you!


This is the first time I’m hearing about a conservatorship omg i need to know more !!! Talk about it Heather again !! Who said it ? Why ? 😂