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Refusing to feed bb rico spoiled, tainted melk is the problem? Oh ok 🙄


She knows damn well that they’ve never fed him her breast milk and that a 4 month old baby does not randomly latch some random homeless woman’s tit 3 x a week.


It’s sick that it’s even been allowed. I mean they are supervised visits, why is it ok to just shove a boob in a baby’s face and take photos??!!


You know she stinks so bad. Poor baby must be so uncomfortable with her. Worst of all, when does filthy bare skin contact and assaults him with her disgusting udders. I'll never understand why that boob assault is allowed. It's sickening, and she's using it for sm content only.


She honestly believes that since she produces milk that that alone gives her rights to Rico 😂😂😂bitch get outta here....pack your 💩 and start begging for a new ⛺




Thank you for sharing! I don’t want to give her live views!


Of course! The dustyverse creators always upload the best parts and add commentary so it’s much more enjoyable to watch her content thru them!


He👏 doesn't 👏 need 👏 your 👏 breastmilk👏. I wasn't able to breast feed due to personal issues and my daughter is just fine. There is no way she still needs to pump


I could not pump or get my son to latch 31 years ago. He was put on formula by 3 mos old. Guess what? He lived and has thrived!




She has MILKED this situation long enough.






Someone show me the statute for family law that shows it’s her right to have the baby fed her breast milk by the foster family while she undergoes drug abuse treatment/counseling. Please, I want to see it.


It baffles me that even with concrete evidence (not duster fueled rants) she would still say NO THATS NOT REAL...ITS A FAKE. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


There are lots of breastfeeding laws giving mothers rights to breastfeed. There are workplace laws, laws regarding the mother’s right to breastfeed in public, etc. But to think you have a right to mandate a foster family to feed the baby in their care your breast milk while you undergo drug treatment and are not clean is a whole other level of heinous, and just shows how she doesn’t care about that baby, but rather cares about having any semblance of authority and control over that child. It’s real sick and twisted behavior.


💯💯💯 she has done NOTHING but prove the state had to remove Rico from her care....She will never learn anything that could help her....and after years of watching her "narrative" I have lost any hope of her snapping out of things....now I want her to pay! 😡🖕😡🖕


She is sticking with the breastfeeding and pumping story to con the system that she has to have a private place to pump and a frig to store it. To be sure, they have a way to prove that they aren't using her contaminated sludge for the baby. That's why she posts all the nonsense videos of her pumping . I sincerely hope she and her deadbeat stray are thrown out or sent to a shelter that she can't live the high life in. At this point, it's ridiculous. She has had years to get a job and change her circumstances but instead chooses to be a drifter who refuses to work and support herself. Those other kids have not lived with her in many years, nor would they ever choose to do so. Enough is enough, and this needs to end now.


Even better if X goes home to Daddy and she has to figure it out.


She is spun up. They must have cut her visit short if she was being a lunatic.


She bathes in the breast milk. I've never seen anyone so obsessed.


lol imagine the stench


Right? 🤢🤮🤮🤮


Right she’s so gross.. I can’t even imagine how she’d be if he was left alone w them..


This is insane! Is this even a thing?? I have never ever heard of someone doing this!!


She said that it has her DNA in it so it is perfectly made for her and does wonder for her skin.




I wonder what it does besides give skin ungodly odor. She looks older and haggard day by day.


It's definitely a thing but most moms that do it give their baby milk baths bc it's made for THEIR body and it helps with baby skin issues like diaper rash, cradle cap. But some people make it into bars of soap too, I've seen photo shoots done with babies in it.


That's new to me but makes sense for baby. Plus, those moms don't have the drug additives that Dusty beast milk has.


she’s BATHING with her breast milk? LOL ![gif](giphy|D16YOY8HXgVI9VkKjE)




Thank you for posting the video! I posted a screenshot because Reddit has been difficult with videos for me; this is much better.


Of course! It’s been kind of annoying for me too for some reason I don’t get a progress bar anymore and I can’t leave the app while it’s uploading or it won’t work, but I have no idea what the time frame will be especially for longer videos! lol thank you for posting the screenshot I didn’t catch this part when I watched the live!


Compress your videos and they'll upload easier. I've had this issue for years with reddit.


I appreciate video shares here, too. I have a ridiculous amount of trouble trying to share videos on reddit and photos. I'd ask my 9-year-old granddaughter to do it. She is such a tech genius like most kids are, but I would never want her to see Coco Crazy cankles content. 🤣😂🫶


Thank you for the post I couldn’t find it. We knew it! We all knew there was no way they be feeding him that. Just off the basis that she’s an incompetent and inconsistent person who can’t be relied on why would they make the baby rely on her when they don’t have to. I truly hope they are only giving her that time bc they have to bc all she used it for is to make fetish pics. baby Rico doesn’t deserve it.


It's sickening obvious she's using her boob assault pics for fetish porn. She deserves to be charged with sa and then registered as so. That would solve all her kids' problems, and if she drops another baby out for government assistance reasons, she will lose that baby too.


Yes, yes she should get charged w sa. It’s sick and those pics are out there forever someday baby Rico will grow up and see all the 🐂 💩 she puts online. Everyone googles themselves at some point!


I have the right as his MAHM to feed him MUH BRUHST MUHLK!!!!


You don’t have a right.


She’s really counting on getting “family” shelter due to her still pumping which means she needs a fridge. This will be her angle for not moving from the hobo hotel. She will say her right to breastfeed her baby is being violated. Guaranteed….. it’s the ONLY angle she can play from. Popcorn has been purchased and ready to pop as soon as the Dusty eviction hour begins!!! YAY it may finally get entertaining again my peeps!!




Thank God


Xavier’s mom doesn’t trust her that she’s clean so I don’t blame her. It’s not like you can test the BM to make sure.


I hate how she acts shocked they're not giving the baby her funky-ass boob sludge. And Ole X in the back🤣