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Your menstrual cycle is cased on your hormones mainly estrogen and progesterone. Unless you are on some kind of birth control there’s no way to will your body into having your period when you want


5-8 raw unsoaked almonds and warm milk. jus eat the almonds while sipping on the milk, never fails for me and I've had my friends try it and it works for them too! May or may not work but its worth A shot!


Mugwort tea, I just drank some a couple days ago for the same reason and I’m on it now


your period stops in water because of the water pressure! even if it didnt the amount of blood you lose is really smaller than youd think, and no one sees it🙏


Period pain and all the other period BS doesn’t stop. 


oh yeah for sure, op only mentioned the fact that there would be swimming involved, i just assumed she thought she wouldnt be able to swim bcs of the blood. most women in my life instictively think they'll leave a trail of blood behind them, or turn the pool bloody. for other period bullshit, water does help my period cramps, but i dont have endo or adenomyosis so i cant speak for the people who do. i was just saying that in case op thought her period would be apparent/visible in water.


I’ve been on my period for 31 days now 😭


did you get an IUD 31 days ago? bc that's what happened to me 💀


Ah. I got an IUD and then bled for 10 months straight before they would take it out of me. Thinking about it now I can’t believe it. This was about 15 years ago with the mirena.  Now I’ve been bleeding for a month, no IUD though! Can’t wait to get ignored at the doctor.


It is so sad that this is the reality. I hope you find a doctor that listens to your health concerns!


For me I am able to start my period and get it to come out faster when I drink a ton of lemon water and workout heavily (not too much though, you don’t wanna hurt yourself)


I can’t say it’s a guarantee but whenever I’m close to my period and I’d want it to start maybe 4 days early I’ll drink a ton of vitamin c packets (1000mgs, maybe 3 at a time) i shouldn’t say you should do this bc i rlly haven’t done enough research myself, but it has helped me


Rigorous exercise has always worked for me to speed things up by a couple days.


just put a tampon in when you swim and cut the string youll be ok


I probably wouldn't cut the string... just tuck it in the swimsuit and you'll be fine friend. If you're not comfortable with tampons, try a menstrual cup or disc


cutting the string prevents the string from possibly slipping out of the bathing suit ive done it a million times you just gotta put your fingers up there to retrieve the tampon and youll be fine


No I understand the goal, but OP doesn't sound very experienced using tampons and it would be tricky to remove it that way without confidence. So what if the string slips out? People have periods, it's not a secret. Better to be safe and able to remove the tampon to reduce the risk of TSS


Take raspberry leaf supplement everyday til you get your period. When I do this, it makes my period come faster.


Running, and taking a shit ton of vitamin C. I was supposed to get my period on my wedding day but induced it about 2 weeks before and it was amazing. I was period free on my special day even though 3 of my bridesmaids and my mom was on hers.


I drink super conetrated lemon juice with some water like a crazy person and I might be delusional, but I think it offsets my periods a lot


there’s an option to delay your period if you can’t start it sooner with Norethindrone Acetate. you can get it on Wisp with an easy same-day prescription. they are hormones though, just so you’re aware!


Bring menstrual cup


There is no way to induce a period without beeing on the pill already. The solutions to your problem are tampons, menstrual cups or period swimwear.


Or delay your period with the pill. 


Bring tampons. I bought a box of tampons because I was going to swim while on my period.


I know a girl who used to drink a parsley leaf tea. Exactly how it sounds. Boiled parsley. It used to work for her!


Running. Run as fast as you can, do some leg stretches. It helps a lot. I run whenever I’m late and it works almost every single time🙈 Also it helps relieve cramps which is such a huge plus point if you have terrible cramps like myself.


Ton of vitamin c


Exercise helps me usually running.


If you’re open to a cup, start practicing inserting now.


Just wear tampons while swimming you’ll be fine !!






Can you order and use a cup instead? Not sure it's possible to change your period without prescription drugs/birth control




What kind of nonsense is this


Castor oil will trigger abdominal cramping. That’s why it’s used to induce labour & reduce constipation. You can take it orally, but I have a cloth that I dab it onto and sleep with. It’s good for other organs too. I’ve used it before when my period was a day or two late & it’s worked wonders for me.


castor oil helps with constipation and maybe if the cramps are strong enough it could help the uterus shed, but only if the hormone levels are already at a state where the blood supply to the inner lining is already broken off, so when the period would also already start. but this also only works if you take the castor oil orally!! putting it in your belly button will only moisturize your belly button, so at least she'll have silky smooth belly button skin with your amazing tip!




Tysm ! <3


No prob! Best hack I’ve ever found.


Tampons and/or menstrual cups!


AND?? how does that even work?


I love my menstrual disc!


The doctors can prescribe you something to delay your period if you’re going on holiday etc, but be warned it usually means your next period is a bit of a killer one! and sometimes it can throw your cycle out of whack


A really strong orgasm can get my period to start early but part of me feels like you're really young based on this post lol so idk


Ya I’m 15 😅😅


i mean if it’s the blood you’re worried about then you can try a menstrual cup or do tampons


You can’t unfortunately. When a period starts is hormonal and depends on when you ovulate. A period starts about two weeks after you ovulate from a drop in progesterone. If you have already ovulated, then the corpus luteum is already producing progesterone and you won’t get a period until it stops making progesterone and your levels drop.


What do you suggest I do then I rlly can’t be on my period cuz the whole trip is just swimming and water parks and stuff I don’t know what to dooo 😭😭 should I take some type of medication or smth to make it late instead ?


You can look into norethindrone, which delays when your period starts.


I’ll look into it thanks a lot <3