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For no reason, eh? I mean, except for saying *Christians must take a stand*. Oh, would you look at that: A reason. Probably a good idea to find out what kind of *stand* our xtian friend wants, and is encouraging others, to take. Best send a cop - along with, say, a mental healthcare professional - by to ask.


Maybe I'm reading between the lines to much but I'm guessing that it wasn't: Christians need to take a stand -> against poverty and injustice. or Christians need to take a stand -> against wars and violence. I'm betting it was more the variety of: Christians need to take a stand -> against against all these *insert dumb culture war thing here*.


What does "take a stand" entail? No one ever explains that part.


Some of the smarter ones have learnt that keeping it vague means they can cry victim when people call them out on what they *actually* meant


I’m sure the brown Christians are having an easier time in a predominantly white country. There is no group more targeted than the majority following one of the most popular religions


I wonder what pertinent details they left out of this story.


Likely the valid reasons they were "persecuted"




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*His priest was the one who called the police.* He was specifically talking about 'taking a stand' against Muslims as a response to the stabbing in Australia.


You mean the one that wasn't even committed by a muslim?


(Begin tinfoil hat) What do you mean? All crimes across the entire globe are committed by [person or group which I dislike], and they’re all one single unit so if I do [violent bad thing] against one member, the entire collective suffers! The texture in my bathroom wall told me so! (End tinfoil hat) /s I swear that’s what some of them believe, though. >_<


It’s never a stand against hunger or war or lack of healthcare is it?


Welllllllll--you see *those* things are simply GWIMW (God Works/Working In Mysterious Ways) and the victims probably deserve it otherwise God wouldn't be punishing those filthy [insert out-group here]. But a stabbing of a white person on the other side of the world and social media CHUDs are making wildly speculative accusations about the suspect? That's a clear message from God, perhaps even a Calling even, into direct action! Tuna & Turkey casserole, Strawberry Cream ring mold Jell-O salad, ramen & peas vinaigrette salad, and unlimited refills of sun tea awaits all surviving participants!


Police and… *nurse?!*


Some areas in Britain deploy multidisciplinary teams of law enforcement, social workers and medical personnel to emergency calls that are potentially mental health crisis. In reality its likely this person was experiencing religiously themed delusions while seriously ill and a possible risk to themselves and others. Besides the lying, the exploitation of someone with mental illness for political gain is particularly ghoulish.


Exactly this. Police and mental health nurse no doubt. I can’t think of any other circumstances the police would co respond with a nurse.


Also the police officer isn't armed to the teeth. Doesn't even carry a firearm at all, and as such the citizens don't get antsy and nervous about the possibility of being executed on the spot for [insert X number of Infinite micro-expressions that trigger American police into deep sense of fear of imminent danger because *reasons*]. Weird how UK and other European law enforcement agencies & officers have figured out how to *not* murder thousands of people annually. Must be a bunch of emasculated beta cucks or something/s.


Having far less available guns overall also helps. Armed police still do exist in the UK but they are more like SWAT here, deployed only less commonly for emergencies.


Mental health nurse, most likely. Must have been a particularly deranged racist rant.


Unlike the US, they choose not to go in guns blazing for obvious mental health issues in the UK.


Remember the whole ‘defund the police’ shtick from a few years ago? They wanted to stop having the cops be the end all be all for every problem.


Yeah looking at the rest of this guy's post history, I'm not surprised someone wanted a wellness check on him "Solar Eclipse Biological Release Aftermath" "Global Vaccine Depopulation Genocide" "The Antichrist- Biblical signs to look for" Posting these types of articles multiple times per day


Why should I care a cop and a nurse went to the house of a guy? The fuck are they? This reminds me of a propaganda stand during the elections here in Argentina. The add said “hear what this grandma has to say about milei!” And it was all audio about a grandma saying something but I skipped it. Like, wtf? Who is this grandma? Why should I care what a random grandma says about this guy? I wasn’t in favor or against anyone at the time but the add was really odd to me


This is not happening in the UK. This isn't even really happening in this person's tiny mind. They know that they a lying c--t who is aware the religion is becoming less and less relevant to more and more people and they hate that their grip is loosening.


Left out details: He was screaming it while naked on a public bus.


Does take a stand entail getting off the sofa and getting a cuppa and why is the nurse visiting?


England has a state church, FFS.


The church of England isn't a state church, the uk is almost entirely secular. A five second google search would of shown you this.


I’m aware that they don’t force anyone to join or participate, and that they allow other religions. The Anglican Church is still the official Church of England.


okay my first comment was probably a bit harsh and i apologise. However it is a bit more complicated than that. Although the king is the head of the church, in practice the government doesn't have any direct connection to the church. With the exception of the house of lords, allthough in that instance all major religions are given a seat in the chamber. But overall the government is almost entirely secular