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Post should relate to the rightoid fetish for being persecuted and claiming martyrdom OR ACTUALLY PERSECUTE THEM ;)


Dang those pesky foreigners just... uh... living next to me.


"Conquered" is when people who aren't exactly like me are allowed to live in my ZIP code.


I mean those fears aren’t entirely ungrounded. The Native Americans once messed up kind of big by letting foreigners move into their land.


"Letting" by being violently murdered and forced to walk thousands of miles away from white settlements after being threatened with guns


Fun fact: there is no evidence Peter Menuit actually traded with Indian chiefs for Manhattan. There is, however, evidence a group of chiefs got together and told colonial officials they never sold them any lands and the officials responded “well we got some random Indians to sign these papers so they’re ours”.


I’m aware that definitely happened, but there were also instances of friendly natives trying to play nice with the new neighbors as well. My point being that the white oppressor fears immigrants, because they know how they behave anytime they are the immigrant.


I'm so sorry to be a pedantic little shit right now but they were "playing nice" because if they didn't things would have turned violent very quickly. It's like playing nice with that stupid fuck that shows up to every family reunion because you don't want to cause a fight. White settlers were never actually welcomed but natives had many instances of doing their best to keep the peace to minimize bloodshed, especially since those white settlers had already proven they were happy to start shooting the moment they felt unwelcome.


Yeah but their ancestors were from a different country! Unlike indigenous American Lizzie Marbach, whose ancestors were all born in America, every single one.


12 generations! (We don't talk about the 13th)


I hear she's-a peein'


12 generations since her ancestors first oozed out of the swamp


Now that would actually be interesting


And those foreigners being so threatening by .... Checking their mail and mowing their lawn. Menacingly.


> Lizzie Marbach, the director of communications for the Ohio Right to Life anti-abortion group, initially tweeted that "there's no hope for any of us outside of having faith in Jesus Christ alone." Ahhh. One of *those*.


> director of communications for the Ohio Right to Life anti-abortion group In other words: she doesn't have a real job.


You don't think posting selfies and hateful messages to go with it on Facebook and Twitter, on her way to a Starbucks run, is a real job? You don't think she's iNfLuEnCiNG you?


Not on those platforms she isn't, because I don't use them.


Oh, I'm sure she's clearing at least 150k a year.


Still doesn't make it a real job.


Huh. Could you define *"real job?"*


It's like obscenity: I know it when I see it.


So, you're literally just talking out your ass, just like Potter Stewart was in 1964.


Stupid director of communications for the Ohio Right to Life anti-abortion groups need the most love!


She also said. > Dennis Prager says you’re “alienating people from God” by teaching m*sterbation is a sin. What a disgusting & perverted old man. He should have zero influence in any Christian or conservative circles. I mean he is a disgusting and perverted old man, but this is just lunacy.


S'what happens when you spend decades courting the religious nuts and then realize they don't actually account for enough people to advance your political project.


She's Ohioan?!? I assumed she'd be British or something, where ' 12 generations ' would sound possible. That's 350(?) something years though, no way in hell her ancestors have been here a century longer than the US was a country


350 year would put her ancestors in around first landing at Plymouth. While I highly doubt that she’s traced her roots back to the pilgrims, theoretically, it could be possible.


One side of my family has been in the US about that long. They’re racist shit heads too and we don’t talk to them.


Christians tend to prefer younger brides (why do you think they want to keep child marriage legal?)


Not impossible, my first ancestor to come to the Americas was back in 1670. 'Course, I'm not a racist piece of shit about it, but that makes it no less true. He was an apprentice in England, and got tired of being treated like shit so he cut a deal to sail over here on an agreement that he'd be an indentured servant. Wound up marrying the boss's daughter a year or so after arriving, and managed to inherit a significant amount of material wealth through that marriage. A pretty famous copper mine, a few warehouses, a shipping company, and had made significant contacts in the Caribbean in the sugar and rum business. Ohio is interesting because that guy's great, great grandson went on to found a town in Ohio. Unfortunately, this nutcase might be a distant cousin.


Also, there's apparently only ~528k immigrants in Ohio, making up ~5% of the population. So either she's extremely deluded, thinks 5% is too much, or "immigrant" is a catch all for non-white people. Who am I kidding? It's definitely all three.


Never actually reads that very special book of hers, does she? Jesus has some things to say about foreigners that she might want to check out.




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Wait. Ohio? There is a slim, but real chance that her ancestors lived on land stolen from Mormons (in some places by violent mobs). Early Mormons did not have a bad relationship with native tribes when they were forced westward, but admitted they arrived in Ohio after that conflict. So another argument can be made that they love on land stolen from natives by her ancestors (who were foreigners). I'm not making any arguments for or against any religion here. Just pointing out the hypocrisy. Mormon settlers in Ohio, their beliefs, and their reasons for leaving, are not really relevant. Just that she has so many face palm infractions here it is eye watering.


All due respect, they don't give a shit about being hyprocrites. They don't care who's land it actually is. They're not interested in being internally consistent in their beliefs, if they were, they wouldn't be religious conservatives. The BIBLE contradicts itself in multiple places but they still believe every word when it lets them fuck over someone that makes them feel weird. They don't wanna live around black people. That's it, that's the beginning, middle, and end. They're racist. Everything that follows, the dreck about ancestry, our land, heritage, safety of children or women, crime statistics, eugenics, the shape of skulls, whatever they decide to use that day is just motivated reasoning working backwards from them being real fuckin racist. Arguing with it is pointless.


Can you imagine living someplace, your family living someplace, for 12 generations and then when a new neighbor shows up you don't feel like you're at home anymore? I mean, absolutely terrifying to be that intellectually stunted and small, that completely insecure, isn't it?


I can never understand how white Americans can be so anti-immigration and feel they have a right to the land because their family lived there for like 300 years at max when indigenous populations go back 20,000 years or however long. The mental disconnect there is just insane. You have to either accept that your family had no right to immigrate there when they took over the land and you should leave and give it back to indigenous people or new immigrants have just as much right to live there as you do.


I'm really stuck at conservatives seemingly wanting nothing to change - no new neighbors, food, cars, lightbulbs, friends, ways to do things, meanings, TV shows, music...Honey, the only place things don't change is the grave.


You get to decide who may enter your home. You do not get to decide who may move into your neighborhood. What an entitled ass. Is she really about to cry over her neighbors not looking exactly like her inbred family?


It's the first time she's ever seen someone who isn't a blood relative and it scares her. Her cousinhusband feels the same way.


Native Americans enter the chat.... (I'm going to hazard a guess that they can lay claim to more than 12 generations.)


Scientists estimate the first crossing of the Bering Strait was 26,000 years ago. Assuming a generation length of 20 years, that's about 1,300 generations buried here. Seems a bit more than 12.


It isn't that much! I mean 13 and 12 aren't all that different in value. By the way what do those weird circles next to the 2 mean? /j




Also, on average, Latinos will have about 1/3rd native american blood (although it can vary *a lot*). So they've had ancestors here for a thousand generations as well. e: grammar


Suddenly all about feelings for these folks


Yeah it would be such a terrible shame if, in America, the native population was somehow replaced and pushed out by uninvited settlers, destroying the culture of those who have lived there for generations. But that would never happen, right?


Are you suggesting that Marbach isn't a Shawnee name?


She says “12 generations” like it’s a lot. Technically I’m one of those brown foreigners and half my ancestors have been on this side of the Atlantic since they crossed the Bering Strait.


Boy wait til she hears about the native Americans who lived on her land for hundreds of generations


She should seeking guidance from the native Americans that lived there when her forefathers arrived. I’m sure they can tell her way worse stories than what she’s experiencing. Surreal when colonizers complain about “new folks moving in”.


"We" don't feel out of place in our own homes.


Go out to the reservations and whine about it. I’m sure they’d love to hear it.


Natives lived on that land a lot longer than her or her family. Manifest destiny is a bitch when you're the one on the receiving end lady.


Wait till she finds out that people were here before her “ancestors.”


She's right. She shouldn't feel out of place in her own home. However, she's a racist so she does. Also, I wonder who originally owned that family plot. I'm willing to be they weren't white.


Whenever someone brings up what their ancestors did, it would be safe to say they are piggybacking on their achievements to make up for a lack of their own.


So, you understand the plight if briwn indigenous people then?


Poor victim /s


Lizzie, 13 generations ago, who was living where you live?


Kind of curious, who was on the land before your 12 generations? Did your ancestors perhaps move into their neighborhood and take ALL of their land from them???


On the one hand, I’d like to ask her how she’d feel if a Swedish couple moved next door. On the other hand, I can predict the answer is probably “Well, they share our values.”


Bet she's a Christian.


*have* lived, worked, and been buried. Also, I'd like to point out that a "generation" can be pretty short.


And before those 12 generations the people said that same thing about her Neanderthal ancestor that stole land.