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Change Ann's pink dishwashing gloves for something cool


Saw fanart that gave her pink biker gloves instead. That was kinda cool ^^


Lol im playing rn after 150 hours and just realice those pieces of sht gloves hahaha


Soejima specifically mentioned that he put a certain care in Ann’s glove to not make these look like dishwashing gloves Lmaooo


those damn things have always bothered me


Low-key her and Sumi should have swapped gloves. Pink is closer to violet than red.


but Joker is red…




omg finally someone else say they look like washing up gloves. literally why the bright pink


Personally, I always wished they were claws.


100% Idk why they didn’t do this😭


Holy shit I never noticed that until now. I had to look it up. I always thought she just had an entirely red costume


I use a mod that makes her gloves red, looks so much better.


Practically the first thing I did when I got the game on PC was get a mod that changes them to the same red as her boots. Significant improvement.


I'd make them the same color as her boots


Alright. I'm about to say something. And once I say it you won't be able to un-see it. So you've been warned. Seriously it might ruin a character's design for you. If you don't want that, don't fucking click the spoiler tag. >!Joker, for some godforsaken reason, has an all black outfit with BROWN shoes. I'd just make them black. Why the fuck AREN'T THEY BLACK, ATLUS!<


I noticed that too, when I was putting my cosplay together I just said "nope" and bought black boots instead lol


That's how he gets ya. You're supposed to get distracted.


Truly, you never see it coming.


His shoes are too brown for eyes.




It's to trick the Palace ruler. They're all ready to lay out their plan and fight before they look down and be like: "Motherfucker, are those brown shoes?' Leaving them open for an ambush, it's brilliant honestly.


Does someone have a gun? I want to make it quick and not painful


I'd recommend checking in with a group called "S.E.E.S."


Worst part is they aren’t even that far off from being black.  It was deliberate and they laugh at us. 


Curiosity killed the cat…


You mean Morgana?




Oh yeah, right


This puts a new spin on the Shadows "clown shoes" taunt for me. Not just the shape but the color sticks out too from the rest of his setup.


Never had an issue with it, and never will, I like his shoes, a little confused why they arent black but it's fine




Time to change some hearts... *looks at Atlus*


I hate that you're right. I'll never be able to unsee this one


Iv never noticed his shoes


How did I never notice this until you pointed it out?


Give Haru a more distinctive mask. Still black, but just some kind of French masquerade deal with decorative feathers.


I can kind of understand why it's so understated. She has her fancy hat, so making her mask too elaborate would seem too busy alongside it.


Yeah but Wolf has a fancy hat, and his mask is way more elaborate


So basically you want her mask to be like akechis


Not really that much of a "nose."


yeah i think akechis is more italian inspired?




Considering the outfit/all out he’s still highly inspired by the comedia del arte (pretty sure i just butchered the name)


I think he can have multiple inspiration but I do remember soejima saying in the artbook that his mask was inspired by tengus


It obviously is very tengu-inspired yeah


pretty close, it’s commedia dell’arte


I think better way make it more interesting add some pattern on mask. Like flaming purple or something.


I'd like Makoto and Yusuke's to have a little more colour contrast. They don't need to have bright colours, but a bit more Grey and Blue/Navy respectively would look good. 


Yeah cuz like Makotos always throws me off when looking at her model and spirite vs fan art and her AOA splash art. Like sometimes it seems all black/grey. Then all of a sudden in her AOA there's blue. Not even like a dark blue but like what u imagine the color blue as


Give ribs to Ryuji's suit






I’d suggest this as a middle ground between your suggestion and what we got. It was an unused concept. I think it still fits with the theme of discovering agency and power in her sexuality better than yours, without undermining it by being tasteless and exploitative like what we got. Plus it looks rad as hell and a lot more panther-ish https://preview.redd.it/eseaavoxpm0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2abe846a5180be8af195199f5f134adddd09d8a1


That black suit in the top left is awesome. Bummer they didn’t add it as some sort of DLC or alternate costume. I’ve also seen people play with the idea of giving Ann a ponytail instead, or with having her hair down instead of the pigtails. Haru also looks great with a ponytail added imo


mask is kinda like wonders


I have this book on order. I feel robbed that they didn't go with this costume.


Holy shit that’s way better than her current outfit.


Oh my god. We were robbed. That design is so much better in literally every way. It’s even still ‘sexy’ if the devs really insist on keeping that angle. Why the fuck did we get the morphsuit instead???


Because this design is fanart that was made because the original sucks


Ohhhh. It looked like actual concept art LOL. Still, you’d think professional character designers could’ve cooked something of a similar quality! Alas, we were not so lucky.


Yeah, this is a really nice design. These are her actual concepts, still better than the final design, lmao https://preview.redd.it/6ozz19z0qm0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=453d810352b9cc00fb3f6060918f78142bff2106


also this https://preview.redd.it/d9anenk2qm0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822c985ecd6908d402aa9743b892b8cd73838460


Wait if I'm looking at this correctly is it basically a black suit(fully covering)with pink lines on some Adidas shit? It looks cold, the claws add to the whole Panther design


yeah, i guess this design was more heavily based on catwoman, and stripes look like they could glow as well


Oh wow the cyber-cat woman design is still kinda ridiculous but still SO much better, damn.


No idea, I don't like her outfit either. Especially since those zippers ought to hurt in several places... and it just doesn't look good in general.


That looks so good.


Akechi needs an entire new “Crow” form. It looks so stupid, especially compared to his “Prince” form.


Big akechi fan over here, but I completely agree. I guess it makes sense if that was his idea of a cool rebel bounty hunter when he first awoke his persona at like, age 13. But please let it grow up with him we can’t keep living like this 😭


He looks like he failed the ABBA auditions and is super salty about it


his prince look is ABBA audition reject. his crow look is what happens when syndrome from the incredibles is a daddy issue riddled psychopath


god yeah i hate his stupid bondage pajamas


I actually had the idea of combining the Prince and Crow outfits together, since he doesn’t have to exactly hide his true self anymore.


I like the bondage theme, it makes sense for him specifically given his story, but he does look a little silly. I think it would help if he had sharper aspects all over instead of just on his limbs and head.


The part that really bothers me is that it looks like he’s got diagonal stripes on his suit. Like why? Have it be a solid color or make it a more specific design. Stripes do not look good. I’m also not a fan of edgy/spiky designs, but I get that’s kind of important to the character so I can live with it


Oh the stripes are there for a reason, it like Loki is meant to look like dazzle camouflaging something that ships on WW1 did to make it harder to estimate how far away they were


I don’t mind it on Loki, it just looks bad as navy blue and black with Akechi himself


Yes. It looks like a cheap-ass Halloween store's attempt at Daedric armor.


It looks like the sort of outfit the queen bad at sewing would come up with on make your own outfit week on drag race


I wish whenever characters upgraded their Personas, you unlocked a new outfit based on the first


This is actually such a great idea


Just let Makoto punch with her bare fists and give them a different visual effect, or go the route of Devil May Cry and give her gauntlets/greaves - her oversized weapons just look like edgy tambourines in-game


overall more flowy pieces or loose fitting clothes would be nice Imo but I'm just kinda biased towards those kind of designs, it's why I like jokers design so much, it flows with him as he moves. also I am aware of the animation cost of that but still another thing is better colour coding. Ryuji is a great example of this, his hair is yellow which puts in a lot of work but then the yellow gloves kind of just confirm the yellow of the design and when he's the electric guy yeah that makes sense. it doesn't have to be the entire design but just accents like that. I think morgana gets the worst of the colour coding, his element is wind and thats the green one but there is nothing about his design that gives off wind or green at all. hell he has a yellow scarf. unfortunately I think his design would be pretty rough if he has any other colour scarf. his black fur take alot to overpower and stand out against, maybe go for a dark blue but idk. I Stoll like his design but some green would be nice. makoto is in a similar situation although it gets better when you put her on top of her persona which is very blue but like that nuclear blue they use. same with yusuke where goemons white kinda highlights the dark blue of his suit. Ann aswell, I know her entire suit is red but why are the gloves and boots pink like make them black bro that'd be sweet. ALSO CHANGE ANNS UI COLOUR TO RED SHES THE GODDAM FIRE ONE MAKE HER RED NOT PINK IM LOOKING AT YOU PHONE UI AND ALSO STRIKERS PARTY MENU RAHHHH


Joker is red though he’d have to have different one if Ann was red


use a different red both makoto and yusuke are blue both Ann and haru are pink use a different red


Haru is purple, but I get your point. I do think light blue and dark blue are more visually different than a light red and dark red. The pink sucks but I don’t know I just can’t imagine the double red it doesn’t feel right to me. Maybe if Ann was purple and haru was pink?


again totally get it but like jokers on the other side of the phone, or male his colour black, or male his colour the curse red just let my girl be red dawg


Black mask having actual armour than a striped morph suit to fit the helmet.


Joker: no real changes aside from maybe inverting the color of his mask and maybe make his boots actually black instead of dark brown. Skull: Give him a little pirate hat :) Mona: No changes Panther: this is just me talking but give her a small leather jacket so it's not JUST latex (do y'all see my vision) Fox: Get rid of the tail Queen: No changes Oracle: Add a hood to her outfit :) Noir: Maybe give her normal shorts instead of the puffy shorts(?) so her design is slightly more streamlined idk Crow (Goody Two Shoes): make the outfit black but keep the rest the same it'd look stylish as hell either way (maybe add a cape because he's so extra) Crow (Vanitas Cosplay): get rid of the stupid hood/helmet/whatever the fuck it is (at least for the boss fight and third semester, he can keep it for everything prior for obvious reason) Violet: MAKE THE OUTFIT ACTUALLY VIOLET COLORED YOU COWARDS




Ryuji with a pirate hat would slap so hard oh my god




The hood for Oracle, I love it. My childhood otaku girlfriend needs a mysterious-but-actually-just-socially-awkward flair.


Give Sumi's suit Cendrellion's color palette. The fact that her OG color doesn't match esthetically with her Persona gives me hives!


Agreed. It's super weird how she's the only dedicated bless user of the party, yet she got the same color scheme as Joker, who's meant to represent Arsène's dark affinity. Everyone else in the party has an outfit with a very similar color scheme to their Personas, minus Sumi. I also find it weird as shit how she's called Violet, yet there's not a single speck of the color violet to her. Even a small detail like her bow or the flower in her hip being an actual violet would've done wonders to her design.


Not a lot of people are talking about how seriously strange her design is, you summed it up well


Yusuke's tail is dumb. It feels like they decided to name him "Fox" and thought the mask wasn't enough. Just ditch the tail entirely.


The tail looks like the classic furry butplug tail and that's all I can think of whenever I look at his costume


The fact it’s just dangling off of his belt like a keychain accessory is so weird. Like are you gonna wear it or not


But it wags when you open a chest :(


It’s off center and I cannot unsee it


Give Ann some black boots. She's the only team member to not have anything black on her costume and the boots would be the easiest change. Possibly do something about her pink gloves. They do not work with a bright red costume. Change Violet's gloves to dark blue or indigo. It would help live up to her code name and differentiate her color from Joker's more. Queen can afford to give up her dark blue and stick to the gray so the new girl can have it. Make Joker's vest red. It's supposedly his color, but nearly everything he wears in costume or in casual clothing is black. Sit someone down and make them decide if Queen's suit mostly dark gray or dark blue. It keeps changing from cutscene to cutscene.


Maybe slightly more cohesion? Some unifying element, at least? I know individuality is kind of the point, but they look a bit silly when they're all standing next to each other. Visually, they don't feel like they belong to the same group at all.


I always put them in the Yasogami high uniforms for a unified look. Give them something. Even a Phantom Thieves button.


haru and ann are the main culprits here imo


I think it's Futaba and Yusuke who stand out the most, actually. But yes, Ann's colour scheme definitely sets her apart, too. As for Haru, she actually matches Joker's "punk ballroom"-aesthetic pretty well, I'd say.


I would swap haru and anns costume as a minor change I'm tired of Ann being "bdsm" when everyone knows full well haru is the sadistic one.


Haru with a whip is a terrifying thought


Wait, Joker's wearing heels? 😂


He wears winklepickers, basically pointy boots


My change is that Joker wears heels now


considering arsene’s knife heels i wouldn’t put it past him


Joker would absolutely wear knife heels if he could get away with it.


and he'd look fabulous https://preview.redd.it/3k959y5k6o0d1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bcec04349b5bbcb7562bd06d9e90e9afaa9636a


What the heck is this and where is it from? I need to know


leave him alone hes serving cunt


I wouldn’t put it past him. I’m pretty sure he canonically likes to crossdress.


we love a bisexual icon


I thought it was Yu who liked to crossdress? Where is it stated that Ren also likes it?


They're Cuban heels. They used to be cool once upon a time.


Futabas. I don't know what to replace it with, but this aint it. I get the whole cyber lines look, but otherwise it just doesnt look fitting for a phantom thief in any capacity. it also looks like its missing something, like its unfinished. Some kinda hightech cloak could do well, long as its uniform in color and doesnt have clashing or overcomplicated designs with the rest of her suit in mind. That or a hood, or a hooded cloak.


I have sketches for a cosplay somewhere in my notes where the fabric of her suit has subtle holographic hieroglyphs layered into it to give it some more punch and depth


Is it just me or does the thing joker is standing on look like Ohio https://preview.redd.it/79maql021n0d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27db432180e722c1865ca5311066ae69c7a1b3d1


Add a some black highlights to Ann's outfits. She's essentially the only main Phantom Thief without any black in her outfit, so maybe some streaks or detailing would help bring everything all together.


i really dislike haru's, the top and bottom half look like two different outfits.


this is exactly why i hate it so much lmao, the bottom half could be changed to a cage skirt with bloomers still, but the clash of the colors makes it look like they just threw pinterest AI outfits together but also from completely unrelated pins


I feel like you could even just make the gloves, shorts, shirt & the ribbon & feather on Harus hat all the same shade of pink than it could be an OK desgin but the lack of color cohesion really dampens her look & shows off its initial faults.


Morgana needs more green, Haru needs a more unique mask.


Ann’s zippers. Sure keep the one in the middle front, but that is an excessive amount of zippers. Just why. Also shorten Akechi’s mask. The nose is way too long


I love the nose ;(


Joker needs a top hat like what Arsene has.




Joker with Arsène color scheme should've been a feature


I don't think any of the Thief's designs are bad, but I do have a slight problem with Noir's mask and boob window (why does Haru have jiggle physics by the way?)


Give Crow some feathers


Akechi's black mask attire. They put a lot of work in the mask, but the body is just some diagonal blue and black stripes.


Make Panther’s gloves match her boots. I get their gloves are supposed to match their color theme but it just looks bad with the dark red boots imo.


Joker: Make his shirt something a bit more akin to the shirt and tie used by the man himself, Arsène Lupin III (Da goat.) Ryuji: Move the metal part of his gloves to his knuckles instead of the upper part of his hand Ann: Remove the middle zipper of her costume, that just looks so out of place Yusuke: Move the tail so it is actually behind him and not on the side of his waist Makoto: No brass knuckles, give her fking Beowulf Futaba: Make the neon green lines on the jumpsuit glow Haru: Give the mask more detail, the plain black just doesn't fit the french aspect Akechi: Cut half the beak for prince and make the helmet for the Blackechi fit cover his entire face and not just half of it Sumire: There is a severe lack of red laces on her fit, put some on her wrists and waist Morgana is perfect, nothing to change about da boi


Make Makoto's costume more colorful so that it doesn't look so similar to Ryuji's.


A bit off topic, but I wish that whenever they got their 2nd/third tier persona, their costumes would change to match said personas


Ann look so much better with her hair down [https://youtu.be/WfH61ZZe\_Ek?si=\_80YFONWR199hEN](https://youtu.be/WfH61ZZe_Ek?si=_80YFONWR199hEN)\_ https://preview.redd.it/wvt1y626kn0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3801d8403bd7763d88f6035dce49d0c214f7d2


Joker-Nothing. That’s perfection right there.  Panther-Get rid of the boob window otherwise she’s fine. Sumi-Give her a unique color palette ffs and make her outfit look less like a blatant rip off of Joker’s.  Wonder (P5X)-Same issue as Sumi but I don’t mind it as much because it has enough features that he feels unique enough. I like his modern phantom thief aesthetic as a contrast to Joker’s classic.


I headcanon it that since the thieves' outfits are based on what they view as rebellious, Sumire's looks like Joker's because of how she looks up to him.


I'd like to believe that's the case...but she didn't even know how Joker was when she transformed and it's obvious they couldn't be arsed to give her something unique instead of the original FeMC design.


It still should have had a different color palette at the very least and have a little more Cendrillon inspiration in there. Also I think your hc is borderline canon because Morgana said something like that in Kamoshida’s palace iirc.


It's canon that the outfits are based on a person's image of rebellion. My headcanon is that Sumire's looks like Joker's because of how she admires him.


I get that, but she had only seen him in his outfit for a couple of minutes before she "awakened". It probably shouldn't have had that big of an impact on her that she'd completely internalize it.


Remove Ann's boob window and give it to Ryuji


Ryuji would look fabulous with a boob window


I second this


I third this, as long as we also give one to Yusuke


Yes pleeeeeease 🤤


I agree with the Sumi thing. I understand she’s supposed be close to Joker, but I think she needs some originality. She feels pretty weak.


Her boob window part of her character


I kind of wish Makoto's outfit was more thief-like, but then again I'm not very familiar with Joan of Arc.


Her persona is based off of Pope Joan, not Joan of Arc, but I can see the confusion


Id give Haru a total rework. I don't know what into, to be fair, but I find her outfit to be so dull.


I like the vest because Haru is small up top and it gives her a little "boobage," but the pantaloons are ridiculous.


I also don’t like black mask’s cape. If anything I’d like a cloak that covers around his body. Like Sasuke in Boruto.


Really a small thing but I hate that Joker’s undershirt is sleeveless. The few times we see him without his trench coat makes him look weird lol.


Is that actually canon though? I don't think we've ever seen him take the coat off in canon...


When do we see it?


I believe it’s in the manga. I don’t think it’s been seen in the games.


Def Ann her fugly ahh gloves. Why are they pink??? They stand out in the worst way possible. And thats on the character thst already stands out most because of her flashy red outfit.


I think it was supposed to be a riff on the 90s version of Catwoman only with her early 70s gloves.


I’d change Ann’s to look more like Carmen rather than have her in a gimp suit, and get rid of the gloves, they look stupid


Make Panther wear black with pink and orange highlights insteas


Just change Ann's weird latex catsuit for something that doesn't resemble fetishwear


1. Have Sumi meet Ren's alter ego much earlier so the whole "Her outfit looks like Joker because he's her idea of rebellion" theory holds water. 2. Give Sumi her own outfit later. Between her outfit continuing to look like Ren's and tying up her hair again, she really feels like a static character who isn't learning her lesson.


is that Jonte


Ryuji with a yellow necktie


For purely personal reasons, I'm giving Joker a hood. He doesn't need to wear it all the time, but it would just look Bada$$ if he had a hood for some scenes.


Joker: I love the red alt he has in Smash Ultimate, plus it matches Arsène beautifully. Skull: His ascot should've been yellow, the black and red makes him look too much like Joker. Morgana: Drew a blank, it's perfect as is. Panther: Not a fan of those pink gloves. They're so distracting from her all red outfit. Make them the same shade of red as her boots Fox: Not a fan of the tail, especially when Ann already has one. Queen: Her outfit should've been a brighter blue, navy most likely. Oracle: That mask is way too big on her, I think a regular pair of goggles would've worked better. Noir: This was tough, I really like Haru's design. Maybe give her some more combat oriented boots? Crow: Shoes should've been white. >!**Crow**: God, I hate that mask! Make it a twisted version of the Robin Hood mask, changed to fit the Loki outfit.!< Violet: I don't know... Wolf: That collar is so fucking stupid. Make it shorter.


None of them wear pants. Just airing their shit out in the Metaverse.


Is that an actual figure alt colour?




Now what came first, the Smash Alt or this?


The Smash one came first, this figure is from 2022


Oh! Another version joker! I own this model. I love it.


Joker fathered right there


I think Panther’s boob window didn’t need to exist, and maybe she needs a jacket, but the rest of them are fairly good designs. Maybe give Oracle more clothing? IDK, Futaba’s someone who’d want to be comfy, I think.


Crow’s mask makes him look like a mosquito


I would put more pink in Ann's costume. I know I'm in the minority, but I actually love the red+pink look. Make the boots match the gloves. Put a bit of pink embellishments on the mask and maybe on the suit, like thorny vine decals or roses or something.


Imma be honest, Akechi’s “real” outfit looks fuckin stupid. Like edgy black mask is cool, but evil BDSM jester is such a weird thing to combo with. Maybe make his lower body look more detached from his upper body cuz the jumpsuit look isn’t working for me


Damn, he looks good in red. I always found it odd that the gloves were the only red part of his outfit (not saying it was bad, just that it was weird). Red coat with black gloves look *so* much better. And it fits Arsène's color scheme more closely.


All the designs stand-alone go hard, but as a collective? Blue and Black overlaps 3 times. 4 if you REALLY want to count Morgana I guess. Yusuke at least has white and light blue on him but Makoto and Akechi straight up use the same colors


honestly i just wish we had more unlockable alternative costumes. Something like the dlc but more world themed than season/event themed. As much as i like original desings and i get lore-wise why they only have one actual costume it gets tiring to look at after alot of playtime imo. Also i just wanna make my party look like they fell in from jojos bizzare adventure lol


I would have given Makoto a studded jacket to make the biker theming a bit clearer.


Not necessarily an answer for the question, but seeing the image makes me wish they added the Joker alts as costumes, at least on Switch for players with SSBU with Joker downloaded


give akechi a >!redesign for hereward!<


Change anns outfit completely, not even saying this because it's sexualised its just ugly imo.


Make the inside of jokers coat red, everything else the same, just that. Because all red is kinda overbearing but I like there being more then just his gloves being red, so I feel the inside of his coat is a good middle ground, I made an example a while back and I really like it https://preview.redd.it/qch9vstw8t0d1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193b8d6ce80d6a1ebcaa171100711d894d126206


Ann's breast window. Like... Why, just why. I get her character arc and all that, and fan service, but she's already in a skintight cat girl fetish wear.


I would remove Yusuke's tail. Yea he's a fox but I would do some alternative to signify the tail rather than what he currently has


Make ann have a good, non-sexualised outfit that doesn't have *ZIPPERS* in very unnecessary locations


A complete overhaul of ann’s design


I don’t want to sound arrogant but I think a lot of these opinions come from people who didn’t read the artbook or don’t understand how phantom thieves outfits works. I don’t say « y’all opinions are bad » but I think that having these in minds makes the outfits way more understandable




Her arc is about wanting to be sexualized _on her own terms._ Between her antic at the beach and with Ryuji, and how she approaches modeling, it's obvious that she doesn't mind flaunting her body. She takes pride in her looks. What she hated was being sexualized against her will/ by others. A swimsuit model wouldn't want to be catcalled out on the street, as an example. Your point about the costume itself is on point, though, seeing as how she clearly didn't care for it when she got it.