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Oh they're cooking. A mod came out somewhat recently that un-hardcaps the number of romanceable characters. Meaning that you can now make ANY and ALL CONFIDANTS ROMANCEABLE (assuming you can code it yourself)


holy shit igor romance when??


Hey, people have already modded to make Kasumi join at Shido's Palace and added scenes around that. Igor romance could totally happen once someone gets around to code and write dialogue for that.


do you have a link for the kasumi mod? that sounds really cool


[I do have the link!](https://gamebanana.com/mods/478577) (or more correctly, I know what to search for on google, lol) The dialogue is really good (like how she gets her codename, or why everyone thinks she is Kasumi) and it just - it makes so much more sense to get a new party member at Shido, instead of getting two new members for Third Semester. She even has a rat form.


Once again lamenting the fact that I’m not playing on PC.


I'd say its worth it just to get to play with mods. If you need more convincing I got several mods for that.


Can you share a list of working mods worth installing?


1. [P5R Female Protagonist](https://gamebanana.com/mods/440088) remakes Joker to be a woman. Coupled with gendered terms, some changed dialogue (example: Ryuiji: "You're into girls, right?" instead of "You're a man, right?" when starting the whole maid thing) and BASICALLY ALL animations adjusted - and ofcourse model changes. This mod is also nearly fully voice acted by a woman in English. There is also currently a Yusuke romance and it is so in-character for this artist goof. And there will be Ryuji/Akechi/Mishima romance in the future as well. 2. [P5R Ultimate Rebalance](https://gamebanana.com/mods/417861). This mod overhauls what skills your party members learns and adjusts their leveling up to level 90 instead of capping at level 75. Alternatively it can also revamp the Severe skills to actually be usable and not +20SP for neglible extra damage. Really good mod for repeated playthroughs. And I pair this mod with the next mod; 3. [P5R Party Resistances Reworked](https://gamebanana.com/mods/423702). This mod adds 2 new affinities for your teammates. Captain Kidd is strong against Gun and weak against Bless, along with his normal affinities, for example. This mod really just adds more flavor to your team because you probably dont want to bring Yusuke and Makoto at the same time to Kaneshiro's Palace because they are both weak to Fire. 4. [Early Violet](https://gamebanana.com/mods/478577) I linked this before but I'll link it here too. Makes Kasumi join the PT's at Shido's Palace. 5. [Leveled Scaled Enemy HP Multiplier](https://gamebanana.com/mods/420954). A simple mod that makes the game actually a bit more skillful. It adds a flat +% to the enemy HP, and then adds that same bonus to HP every 10 enemy levels. I dont say exact numbers because it goes from +100% to +500%. Some stats: At "Hard", the +100%, Enemies in Okumura's fight has +500% HP. I hit for 5500 damage and DIDNT wipe one of the waves (it did like 95% of their health tho). Add this mod after you have played a handful of hundreds of hours and know how to use Fusion Alarms, because you're going to need it. 6. [More Natural Text Messages](https://gamebanana.com/mods/449151). This mod does what it says it does. It makes (the main story) text messages more natural. Including things like "No WTF" ">:C" and misspellings. Just really makes them more natural rather than being "dialogue but through text" - now it looks more like how teenagers would text. Hell, they even have "personalities" in their text now! Some dont capitalize at the start, some dont use punctuations, etc. 7. [Long Hair Ann](https://gamebanana.com/mods/446850). Ann with her hair down. Looks really nice, though her hair clips through her in some animations. But overall this is just a really nice, more subtle change for repeated playthroughs. We also have [Mr Beast Maruki](https://gamebanana.com/mods/465948) and [Asshole Igor: The Royal](https://gamebanana.com/mods/408452) in case you want Igor to just rip into you when you die. Oh and you'll need to get all the required mods for some of the mods above, but they should automatically install if you use the [Reloaded 2](https://gamebanana.com/tuts/15399) mod manager to download the mods.


Bookmarking for future reference. Thank you for this. Unfortunately can’t afford to go PC quite yet but been saving up for a while so fingers crossed this is the year!


Even though I'm playing through vanilla on PS3, you are making me want to start over again on PC with these mods...


This is gold


If you care about Violet joining in continuity, then Early Violet is what you want. But with [Early Party Members](https://gamebanana.com/mods/438643), you can make it so EVERYONE joins your party starting on the first day you can freely go to Kamoshida's Palace, so you can do every battle with the party members you want (except for mini-bosses in Kamoshida's Palace where it puts the default 3 party members back in the party, but you can swap them out after the battle) and the later party members all start at Level 1. Obviously, this isn't in continuity, the characters aren't going to interact with party members until they actually join you in the story Major endgame spoilers for a character and how they work in the mod (if you've played the whole Royal game, which I imagine you would want to before you even use this mod, then the spoilers don't matter but I'm leaving it here just in case) >!Goro Akechi is Prince Akechi the whole time, until you see his true form when he summons Loki, and then the Akechi in your party permanently changes to his 3rd semester self. (Akechi is the reason I love Early Party Members because he's my favorite character, and I love being able to play the whole game with him)!<


tysm https://preview.redd.it/1uzyp3cplu2d1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebe64816de391501ac59c641326b82a0175165dc


Holy mackerel... Now this I have to see! This would make the pacing so much better for her story! Not perfect, maybe, but this makes much more sense!


It certianly feels better to get 1 teammate at Shido and 1 in Third Semester. Like, its worth it just for that. Currently there is only a scene of her being introduced to the rest of the gang, and a scene when you enter the Palace to decide her codename. Other than that, to my knowledge, the story hasnt been adjusted past that (it would require a lot of work and changes, to be fair. This is just a fan mod after all) (Tho I havent played past Shido's Palace actually)


How does this mod affect her third semester scenes? Does she just join the party twice?


I think those scenes might just be removed or altered. Hey, I mean, they added two whole scenes. They can probably remove or shorten scenes as well. I havent actually played to Third Semester, Im still on Shido's Palace because its so monotinous for me and other games released that I got grabbed by.


i use the mod where kasumi joins earlier and absolutely love it. it's pretty awesome, and pretty balanced


show me what that nose do


Any and all? Please do not the cat.


ANY AND ALL??? ...please for the love of god tell me there's not an option for shinya


The mod only un-hardcaps the romance limit. It doesnt do anything else. It just lets people add more romance options without doing wierd workarounds like removing the current romance options. And to my knowledge, nobody has made Shinya romanceable yet.


oh marukiiii


They better not do Shinya and the Twins.


To my knowledge nobody has made those yet. Thankfully most people are jumping on making Yusuke and Akechi romanceable first. The unhardcap mod is pretty recent, and I'd imagine modding new romance scenes and dialogue takes a while.


So, I can romance Lavenza?


Once someone makes a mod for it. The unhardcap mod only does that. It doesnt add romance options itself, it just allows modders to do it much, MUCH more easily.




when i saw this for the first time i went insane, i fucking love them https://preview.redd.it/6keuym3qiu2d1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=04fb6c2fc7253c4fa137a344a3b287f2d02f6f2c


If Atlus won't give us gay yearning then we shall take it by force


I’m all for bi Joker but this is the biggest “don’t stick your dick in crazy” I’ve ever seen 😂


“I cannot fix this man. I can fuck him tho, maybe that will calm him down.” -Joker, probably.


funnily enough it just might


Look if anyone’s gonna stick their dick in crazy it might as well be Joker


It's for the good of society I swear


crazy is the best


Hoo boy


https://preview.redd.it/xxk27oqhiu2d1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a11f8decf6a20f4ba0da56da24bced51d9192c7 i spent way too long making this stupid meme.


And I'm glad you did.


Haha I’m the one who recorded it. All thanks go to Alive_Neptuna for creating the mod, I simply wanted all ShuAke people to be able to see it without needing the PC release and replaying long game ~~unless you cheat and use a mod menu like me~~   Its actually very in character and well done, but I didn’t bother posting it here cause I figured it wouldn’t go over well given the general opinion of Akechi and this ship so I just stuck to posting it to the relevant community.


As a ShuAke person, much appreciated. https://preview.redd.it/g6ggtwqp5u2d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40aff6ade549f2bcb734ce6b3536ec0ae09aed61


as a ps5 player who doesn’t want to have to rebuy the game i really appreciate it!!


Cooking what? Filet mignon? Rabbit stew? Seafood carbonara pasta!?


*Cooking what? Filet* *Mignon? Rabbit stew? Seafood* *Carbonara pasta!?* \- MaguroSashimi8864 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The third line was wrong. :(


Bro’s acting as if Joker isn’t canonically bi already


Thank you Maruki!


https://preview.redd.it/omh1h59tc13d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304195487a6c4656ec3bd06b944cf0636bc20477 Missed opportunity in Tactica that you can marry everyone else but Crow and Violet even though they appear in DLC.




If only...


ryuji romance route when


the mod has ryuji as an option too, along with yusuke and mishima


fuck yeah


i saw this aswell


Honestly it really should’ve been in the base game, perfect romance option and their interactions have the tension 😂








He's not real you know






i need akechi to hold a gun against my forehead


People simp over Dio, the big bads of Chainsawman and Dangan Ronpa, Harley Quinn, Loki, and Light even though they all did shitty terrible things. And lots of people preface it with that they don’t condone his actions. But for whatever reason the Persona fandom loses their shit over anything related to Akechi and has to be toxic to his fans.






Some of the haters make interesting comments, and I love reading them. However, writing a comment like this (which has been said a million times and also, use a spoiler tag, idiot) on a post showcasing someone’s hard work is downright rude. If you have something interesting to say, which I doubt, please make your own post.


I'll never understand what it is about this character that makes people devolve into apes flinging shit every time he's included in a post. Not even Futaba and Haru are haters like this and he >! fucking orphaned them !<.


It’s less about the character himself and more about certain people hating him and expecting others to hate him as well and throwing a bitch fit when they find out they don’t because they can’t comprehend that different opinions exist.


It's 2024 and you'll still see debates on whether the Power of Friendship game should redeem it's tragic antagonist with the Power of Friendship.


I think its this and him being paired with Joker is incredibly popular and makes a lot of them very uncomfortable which adds to the venom.


I mean I can understand where they’re coming from since on a surface level it seems odd (I used to think the same prior to Royal coming out and upping the Gay ^TM ) and it’s ok if it’s not their cup of ~~coffee~~ tea, but bashing and generally being toxic to Shuake shippers simply because they like something they don’t is really fucking low.


I dunno man. I think people in general have become, or always been, somewhat desensitized to murder in fiction. Some people, me included, just don't automatically dislike characters because they are murderers. Sure, if they killed real people, then yeah, fuck them, but this is a fictional character who killed mostly unnamed and offscreen characters and a few who either we didn't really get to know, like Wakaba, and others who we actively dislike, like Okumura and Kobayakawa. Also there's the fact that he's like that because of the damage others (Shido) did to him, which while in real life doesn't excuse it, in fiction tends to be a get out of jail free card for most people. Essentially, he is a bad person, but he's also a fictional character who suffered a lot and has a lot of sympathetic elements. I understand his haters but also his fans. TLDR: He killed fake people so, at least I, am not that bothered about it and like him regardless.






I haven’t played P4/P4G so I may be dead wrong, but isn’t Adachi a misogynist as well as a >!murderer?!<


Calling it misogyny falls a little flat of what he actually did. >!in the beginning of the game, adachi tries to assault a woman after she rejects his advance. he seems to be planning to hurt her/SA her before the TV stuff happens. He also investigates a witness, who is a 16 year old schoolgirl, and brings her to the police interrogation room where he proposes her with sex as well. she refuses, he kills her. he also has some pretty nasty beliefs about women that align with incel/nice guy beliefs, and he will just start spewing these once he masks off. !< needless to say, it's not surprising gamers find him more "relatable" than akechi, someone who is actually fighting a real injustice in the one way he's able to. LOL


Holy shit I didn’t know he was *that* bad lol. What a creep. 


Maybe I can fix him, but whatever the fuck is wrong with him is way hotter


Thats the best part




And they should never cook


These people really want to date Ryuji, Yusuke, and Akechi and I do not feel comfortable with how far they'll go to do it.


Outbuddied once again😭