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How is this the first time I hear about baby yusuke https://preview.redd.it/evd36cras65d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650d904fb5910283630a0a0736fd2da0bc089550


Persona 5 The Animation is bad mfers when baby yusuke exists fr though it mostly sucks, theres just only a few things i like about it


Tbh the valentines scenes were pretty good


Isn't that OVA released years after P5A?


OVA yes, but it wasn't years after. I don't know how long it was, but it was short enough for ATLUS to put the scene in Royal


Only saw meme compilations of it






Don’t forget Makoto Haru and Akechi https://preview.redd.it/icvj18gpz65d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6152e489a286501b2586752d09b765c6bac8533






We also got Futaba in the manga. https://preview.redd.it/yxze2vc5375d1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cd5292aef16dae8482484a211482ba4eb39c2f3


So cute!! Maybe I should buy the manga after all


Here he’s on his way to slaughter a family of 4


This is Joker’s imaginary innocent childkechi actually, if I remember the ova correctly


Joker was angsting for Akechi so hard he was imagining scenarios of his kid self being happy and then crying over it. Like are you good??


his boyfriend >!just died,!


Oh yeah I’ve never actually seen the anime so all the anime original stuff is unknown territory to me


The ova is pretty much Royal Akechi confidant. Idk why but Royal imported lots of stuffs from this ova. Maybe it was a scrapped idea in the base game and they let the anime use it before Royal. The jazz club bgm “No more what ifs” comes from this ova too. The anime itself is mid but ova is worth watching, if you like Akechi. And the Valentine ova is pretty good too since you get to see Sae romance route. I can see why but sadly this wasn’t imported to Royal😔


Pointcrow reference


it's even better cause akechi's codename is crow lol




I want to raise all 4 of them, Yusuke Haru Makoto and Akechi. I’ll give them nothing but happiness…!


you just prevented the entire plot of p5 by giving Akechi a loving home


Phantom Babies


Where is this shot from? An OVA?


I cant remember these scenes. What Ep?


awwww look at her bigass head


https://preview.redd.it/p5z4io5krd5d1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51223e2760e67a279328542d469fb966c0f6f6f You make the first move, OP.


okie now you https://preview.redd.it/0fbjcf51or5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e51932974c2b9481619c98371728258a302f1a91


:0 Makoto-Chan (before Makoto-senpai)


So why did it show baby versions of all the Phantom Thieves? Was it for their introduction or in Joker's head?


Baby Akechi is Joker’s imagination (OVA). The other ones are from the anime and it was to show their pasts.


Genuinely enjoyed the anime. Have rewatched it.


it’s okay but the animation in some places really is as bad as everyone says it is. Even as someone who’s a lot more easy on it and very forgiving overall there’s just so many places where it looks unfinished and leaves me scratching my head like “Who thought this was passable?” and then the other half of the show looks ight, but even if you’re someone who enjoys it you cannot deny how frequently characters(even when they are the dressed in their phantom theif getup) go off model


I find it more amusing than anything. But I love akechi and he looks odd to me in the anime. Ren looks super handsome some shots though, kind of makes up for it.


It doesn’t fix it for me, it’s just the equivalent of putting a bullet on a bandaid wound. Look at the main characters whenever they aren’t the main focus of a shot and laugh at how quickly and how frequently they go from main characters to child drawings of the phantom thieves. I can only laugh at it for so long before it becomes depressing


Ah, yes. I, too, put bullets on my bandaid wounds.


There are times where it feels rushed and like it needed a higher budget, but I enjoyed it. It was a fun way to experience the story for the game again. And some of the new things they added for the anime that weren't in the game were pretty cool too. The P3 movies and P4 anime were great though.


Oh maga, best lil boy


imma die of cuteness


Seriously, we now have witnesses of a extremely happy yusuke


Now I'm imagining him in this mini form, but still having the voice of Matt Mercer.


What about Baby Akechi? https://preview.redd.it/k6ac7900175d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1cdd4c96d3a144294978f2824eb961e538699e




mfers going baby for baby oh lord


quick say a akechi quote


"Pancakes... I don't want to hear that word again for a long, long time."


“Hey,leave the pancakes out of this.”


There’s baby yusuke? https://preview.redd.it/gpji0k7tv65d1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4768a68f1a062241893223db9cc92b28ee5a51


The voice cast brokes their backs carrying the show because of how bad it looked.


I did enjoy the newer elements they added to the story, like some PT backstories as kids being shown rather than just told, or combining certain confidants and character moments, like tying Kawakami's story into Ryuji's story, or adding an Akechi mystery to Yusuke's story But other than that, it just felt like a speedrunners first time playing P5


https://preview.redd.it/jpak3iag175d1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad0d6ba8f03ebfba600c014b1155697722d244b Unrelated I just wanted to share my funny image


OMG!!! Peak!


These little scenes made me wanna cry bruh he's so adorable and didn't deserve all that 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/tzo2adapv65d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65276c42e3d86ebbb13f0beb171183639cf5cba7 Honestly it has some of the best scenes in P5, mostly becuse the 3D animation dosent have much emotion


this screenshot out of context. i am steal it now


Did we get to see Yusuke’s mother’s face? We know it wasn’t the face of the Sayuri. So what did she look like?


Yes, but not because of that. P5A just wasn’t very good.


This is my first time seeing this


I want


You do raise an adorable point!


OK valid point


"Scott tell Persona 5 the Animation that I forgive her"


I'm currently watching through it and I honestly don't see why it's bad.


pay attention to the main characters whenever they aren’t the main focus of a scene. Like i said before, even though i am more charitable of the anime than a lot of other people, even I cannot ignore the many many places where it just looks unifinished. But that’s why people don’t like it, it doesn’t look good


P5A is dogshit. From the bad animation to the exacerbation of the pacing of the story.


yeah but it has it’s moments


P5A is bad (in a pretty normal “bad anime adaptation” way) but baby Yusuke is peak


My opinion of yusuke just rose by 1000%


The P5A is kinda like an Abridged version, it's fun to watch after you play the game.


now i feel bad for dropping the anime


P5A isn't bad at all people are just giving it shit but it's amazing I love it.


Ehhhhhh come let’s not get carried away, even hardcore defenders or people like me who are a lot more charitable than others cannot deny that there are multiple places where it does not look finished and the actual animation just doesn’t look good in numerous places but hey it’s not all bad


I watch the anime all the time and I honestly cannot understand why people hate on it so much it's an awesome anime adaption the only thing that could've made it better is of we got more episodes per arc and if they explore all the side confidants as while I can't remember them off the top of my head they missed a few in the anime. So yeah nah P5A is awesome and while I do understand that it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea that's just enjoyment which is Subjective as an anime it's awesome nothing I'd say looks unfinished


The animation, I literally just told you why it’s hated. You can live in ignorance and pretend it doesnt look unfinished 50% of the time(again, i am more charitable and i think it looks *fine* half of the time but pay attention to the cast whenever they aren’t the main focus and marvel at how quickly they go from looking like the characters we know to a child’s drawing of the main cast) The CG also looks awful, even for anime standards its pretty bad, and the fights(at least the complaints i’ve heard about them, idk if i agree but you said you don’t know why it’s hated so i’m simply explaining it to you) look like visual noise. And as for “Nothing looking unfinished” PUH LEASE. Look at just one of the many screenshots i can attach, i can provide more if you still don’t believe me but there’s no getting around it, this looks like a fucking child drew it, not an anime with a budget. Want more examples? I can do this all day. Most of the time(on closeups specifically) they look fine and that’s all that really matters but you can’t deny where there was clear cost cutting because when characters are in the background it’s simply cheaper and faster to make them this cursed looking, that is the excuse but it isn’t really a good one for a project this important. It’s lazy and it looks ameture as fuck, sorry to burst your bubble but like i said this isn’t an isolated incident. https://preview.redd.it/9aklyz9qii5d1.jpeg?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c208a7304bf14da5bf6c2765562216f2084333ea


That's no different that Naruto yet no one hates on it for doing the exact same thing. I personally disagree you can hate on it if you like but it's an amazing anime and nothing you say will change my mind. Guess you're not as big a defender as you thought you were. https://preview.redd.it/lwhvv1cvmi5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c153e14a19002126bb78d55ee2583c0537f48ce


that’s because it happens way more frequently in Persona 5 The Animation, and I’m not saying i will change your mind, you just said you don’t understand why it’s so hated and I explained it to you. Also, broski I probably like it more than you considering I payed for the Blu Ray box set, who are you to tell me what I do and don’t like? The way I see it is, if you can enjoy something while seeing it’s flaws that makes you more well rounded of a media consumer. Persona may be my special interest but I won’t eat up anything with Persona on it…. although i spent money on the blu ray box set which… wasn’t cheap so maybe i’m just as much a sucker as you are. Look man, point is i paid to own this show on Blu-Ray because I like the series, it’s completely fair to criticize it, and people who are unwilling to are DIIIICK RIIIIIDERSSSS, but if you wanna come here and tell me I don’t like a show I paid… an embarrassing amount i don’t wanna disclose simply to put it on a shelf with the rest of the media i like then you’re wrong. Hell I’ll point out something the show does really well right now. Akechi is handled FAR better than he was in the vanilla game(albeit Royal took this framework and ran with it further but credit where it’s due) and the voice cast is phenomenal, they really killed in the recording booth, they sounded like they had a ton of fun. It really makes it more watchable hearing talented voice actors having fun playing their characters. But it isn’t perfect. It has pacing issues and numerous animation errors, here’s another. Like what you like, I’m not here to change your mind, but also be able to have the self awareness to recognize when you’re meat riding. https://preview.redd.it/ivr2zectoi5d1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6a793d4f5abdab6a353476f1cafe5e6fc6da6e


> considering I *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You said you were Defender but that's not what I see it's like you're trying to hate on it for no reason so if some shots are a bit weird so what... Nothing you say will convince me that P5A isn't a masterpiece. Because it is, people just hate on it cause it's the cool thing to do but you do you doesn't affect me you be miserable hating on the show I'll be over here loving it flaws and all.


Shit is still shit even if you spray perfume on it, it'll still smell bad.