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Try posting pictures of the dog all over your social media and family chats so that your whole extended family and family friends see. Shame your parents into taking care of their dog. That or drop him off at a shelter understanding they will probably put him down, which may be a mercy.


Yeah, the parents took on the responsibility of a pet (by allowing a child to have one). They are abusing it by not taking care of its needs. A more obvious example of the same thing would be, letting their kid’s dog starve to death because they don’t want to buy food.


The last edit says all we need to know about the shit bag parents. Hopefully OP becomes a better adult than the idiots who created him. Parents are away on vacation, they're doing OK financially, but going to the Vet costs money, so it's a no from them.. I hope when they're old, OP says sorry, can't afford the nice nursing home, have a vacation planned. OP, bloodwork takes a TINY amount of blood and it's not an unnecessary test. Having a pet costs money and allowing your dog to suffer is insane. Your mother is making shit up to make her sound good. Edit to add word. Diagnostics are necessary!


For some reason I can’t see the edit you are referring to, but even without it this is inexcusable and disgusting. Especially since the parents can take vacations out not get their pet f*cking medical attention???? Tf is that. I’m not getting an animal even though I want one SO badly because I know if something like this happened I couldn’t afford it. Best believe the second I can I am though. It kills me to see people who don’t deserve animals neglect and abuse them like this. It’s like taking in a child. You have to make sure you can actually take care of them. At least with a child you can get some help from the state though.


I think that people like you should be the ones to have animals.


When did he say that they are on vacation? I saw that they are away. I assumed working. Glad you caught the vacation part that makes a big difference when we are judging the parents. Unfortunately doesn't help this kid or the dog that is reaching out for help and asking to please not shame his situation. All that will do is shy him away from asking for help with any situation that comes up in his/her home life.


I agree with you


It sounds like he's dying. Please contact local rescues and shelters and tell them about your parents medical neglect of your dog, use those words, medical neglect. Describe his symptoms and tell them you don't want him to suffer anymore, and if they can help. They may be able to take him and end his suffering. Also please tell your parents if they aren't going to bother to actually take care of an animal not to get anymore pets. These people are seriously cruel for just letting him whither and die like this


>Also please tell your parents if they aren't going to bother to actually take care of an animal not to get anymore pets. These people are seriously cruel for just letting him whither and die like this Emphasizing this. I know it sounds like people are being mean because it's hard to hear words like that about your own parents. They are probably wonderful people otherwise. But pets aren't objects. They're living beings that are 100% dependent on humans to do what's right for them. That includes medical care. And if your parents aren't willing to get medical care for pets, they shouldn't have any more.


No "wonderful people" would allow an animal to suffer like this.


Seriously. Read the last edit. OP says in the same paragraph that her parents think he'll die if they take him to the vet and that they don't know he needs a vet. This kid is extremely naive and probably won't take this seriously when people say their parents are neglectful, even though they described the dog as skin and bones that won't eat. They damn well know, they just won't act.


Yeah exactly. How are they unaware he needs a vet when he’s pooping blood and won’t eat? I feel so bad for this dog.


I’m amazed that most of you are telling a KID to stand up to his parents. No one ( including OP ) knows the family finances right now, times are hard for a lot of people. Maybe OP could call a local Humane Society to ask for advice???


People are fucked up.


ya know, most of the world is not privileged enough to have access to vets and a lot of beloved pets die of "medical neglect" it doesn't make people cruel and it doesn't mean they don't care for their pets


Surrender him to a rescue so they can get him medical care asap. If you can’t afford to care for him and your parents don’t care to help, unfortunately you shouldn’t have a pet. They cost money. And you cannot even take him to get seen.


A Rescue won't accept a surrender from a minor.


The parents sound like they will happily sign over ownership. I take owner surrenders into my rescue


Ah that might be true but the parents could also be those weird type of parents who get a pet, neglect it and won’t give it up despite them not wanting to care for it.


I mean, it still may be worth trying. I'd imagine the shelter would call the parents which would be very embarrassing for them. OP might risk getting into a lot of trouble, but the rescue might be able to either offer resources or just serve as a source of public shame that nudges the parents into doing something. If OP can drive or walk to a rescue or shelter, and if they are not in physical danger from their parents, this might actually be a good strategy. ETA: Im not suggesting the rescue shames the parents. That's not effective unless they have some kind of enforcement to back them, such as if there are strong neglect laws where they live. I just meant that the parents getting a call from a rescue could induce shame in them. But OP knows them best.


Maybe a lie is best here, for the sake of the dog. Sad situation. Could say they found doggy, what can they, vet, rescue etc do to help.


This is the harsh truth right here. No matter their reasons they are being cruel and neglectful here. This poor animal needs help so he should be surrendered at least to someone willing to provide it.


You can help him by surrendering him so he can either be treated or humanely euthanized, if you cannot afford a vet. Care credit is an option as well.


He's a child, can't apply for care credit, parents sounds like they wouldn't qualify


Care credit is predatory and should only be an extreme last resort


It’s not ideal, no, but you can be responsible with Care Credit. I am about to pay off my third thing on Care Credit without paying any interest because I calculated a monthly payment that would pay it off in time, added a bit more, and made that payment a priority.


I've had to use my care credit a few times for emergencies for my Dane and I got either 6 months or a year (can't recall) of no interest each time. I wonder if that's standard or if it's only offered at certain times and I was lucky in that regard then? I think the first time its used the promotion (6mos or a year) is something everyone gets though. It's a good resource to have in a pinch. Especially with a giant breed, everything is more expensive (we can afford his monthly expenses and routine care, but the emergency vet near me has astronomically high prices compared to his regular vet and any time he's had an emergency, naturally it was after his normal vets hours. It's like *he* *knows* =/)


You get different lengths of times depending on the amount. I am halfway through paying off $4400 for a dental implant in 24 months.


It’s not more predatory than any other credit card. Plenty of regular credit cards have interest rates in the 20 percent range. The difference with CareCredit is that you at least have a chance to not pay interest, where you’re only getting out of that with a credit card if you pay it off in full. I use CareCredit, myself, and I’ve never made an interest payment or paid a fee.


No it’s not predatory. It’s actually one of the better credit cards around for this situation. They offer interest free promos for a generous amount of time


Your dogs furr is taking all the nutrients...what? Cutting your dogs furr isn't going to make a difference in mal nourishment. The dog either eats the nutrients or they don't. The furr isn't going to change a thing. Very confused at that statement tbh lol. Sorry to hear about your pupper. Hopefully you can get a friend/family to take him to the vet, but yes they are expensive!


A senior dog HAS to be seen by a vet -- he should probably be on a pain management plan with medication. This could be very serious or it could be easy to treat. There are no home remedies and he IS suffering. It's horrible, I'm sorry. Do you have a trusted adult friend or family member like a relative? People would be shocked and upset to hear your parents won't take it in.


Watching someone or something you love suffer is heartbreaking and I commend you for trying to do the right thing. Do you have an Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Grandma/Grandpa, ect., you could reach out to for help? A friend or their parents? I know your parents may not approve, but it also may not be legal to deny care to your pet, depending on your city/county/state laws. Animal control could be called to help deal with the situation, but your parents would definitely be upset. I’m sorry you aren’t getting support when you need it. ❤️


Puking yellow liquid is an indication that he is hungry, but has an empty stomach. We call it hunger pukes. His stool is likely mucus covered because his stomach is agitated from being empty and from vomiting a lot, mucus is a way to protect the GI tract. It's very concerning when an older dog stops eating regularly and not eating is a sign of something bigger. You need to talk to your friends or like someone else said, post on social media photos to shame your parents into bringing this dog to the vet. If they don't want to pay for tests, they need to accept that the best thing for him is to euthanize him. Starving to death over something that might be treatable is neglect and extremely painful and slow. Don't boil liver. Dogs can eat it raw and boiling takes out a lot of the nutrients that he needs. You can call vet offices and explain the situation and see if anyone is willing to help as well. Euthanizing would be much much kinder than letting him starve.


Just wanted to correct the first statement: while bilious (yellow) vomiting can occur in dogs on an empty stomach if their stomach fluid is too acidic (so it doesn't happen with hunger in a normal, healthy animal, but can become a regular occurrence in animals with gastric pH disregulation), it can happen with much more serious illnesses as well, especially those involving the bile system. In this case, in combination with the other symptoms, it is not indicative of hunger but of the extent of the disease.


Thank you for the correction. I've no experience with bile in truly ill dogs but this makes a lot of sense. I hope OP can figure something out for this animal because it sounds like he is really suffering.


I would call a couple vets in your area and explain the situation. See what ways they may be able to help you be seen or if they know elsewhere that can help. Sometimes contacting rescues for advice can help too. Good luck, I really hope you get something figured out! 🩵


Don't force feed him. He could have a blockage (which might be why he is throwing up, and you are making him feel more sick. This these are symptoms that can have several causes so there is nothing you can do without a vet. How old are you? Do you know of any rescue groups where you live? google: dog rescues [your city] Call and explain to them and ask for help. Do you have a Humane Society nearby - they can likely help. Do you have an adult relative that can help?


Take him to your local animal shelter if they have vet services they are usually affordable if your parents will help. Also when my dog was ill and needed to cross the rainbow bridge I called around and priced services. I picked a clinic and they were amazing and very affordable.


OP PLEASE CONTACT A LOCAL ANIMAL RESCUE NEAR YOU reach out now OP, I’m sure a rescue will help you, you can look some up on facebook, just type in animal rescue near me in the search bar & ask them for help! Tell them the truth & that he’s suffering. Shame on those parents they’re terrible for that ! I wish I could help you!! Reach out to a rescue, or drop him off at a vets office, & just leave him that’s better than nothing. This is so terrible 💔


You can try cooked rice with canned chicken. Do not force feed him. If he is vomiting then something is going on and force feeding will only make it worse. Don't shave him either. Nutrients don't just all go to the fur and he will lose just as many nutrients to his hair to grow it back than he would to maintain it and you will only have a skinny cold dog. If you cannot afford vet care and basic necessities for an animal then you need to surrender it to someone who can.


Sorry but your parents are assholes. It isn't your dog, it's theirs and refusing to take care of it is not OK. They signed up for the responsibility when they got it regardless of if they said it's for you or not. You're just a child and they need to step up. If they can't afford to then they can't afford a dog and it needs to go somewhere that will take care of it. Sorry for the hard pill to swallow.


I'm sorry to hear about your best friend. Perhaps he has a bowel infection or a cancer. I've had several dogs and sometimes you have to let them go over the rainbow. It's always sad. As you grow you'll find another great friend, never to replace the last. Only to come along side of you to share your time and to comfort you. Be strong. I wish you peace.


Thankyou so much for this. I’m actually tearing up while reading some of the comments, I’m still afraid to face the truth that it’s time to let go.


While you are afraid, your dog is suffering. I am sorry but this was a lesson I learned when I was 4, you do not let your dog suffer, you take them to be put down when it is time. You feel the pain so that they dont have to, that is what it means to love a dog. nobody who is spending hours in the internet with your level of literacy is too young to know the difference between right and wrong, so go get your parents and tell then the dog needs to be seen and most likely put down, and do it now before this dog suffers more. If you let someone know where you are (vaguely, nobody cares where you live) we could find a shelter for you, we could raise money to cover the cost, although that money would be donated directly to the shelter or vet and definitely not to you and your family.


Would they pay to have him euthanized? It seems like it’s the only humane option at this point.


If it doesn’t cost a lot I can pay for him. But I’m afraid to go without telling them, If i do tell them they might be angry at me.


Who cares? Your parents are awful people.


It’s cruel to let him suffer. They shouldn’t have a dog if they are not going to provide essential medical care. Ok, they might be angry with you, but be brave and tell them it was your only option. They clearly don’t care if they won’t even do this final kindness, so although it’s unfair, you are going to have to be the responsible person. Best wishes. He’s lucky to have you to advocate for him.


I am so sorry. I went through something similar when I was young. It’s heartbreaking to feel so helpless. I’m a vet tech and will try to help you. Stop feeding him. I realize you are trying to keep him fed and hydrated, but he is vomiting. Keep him clean and dry. Good hygiene prevents other issues, like skin infections and urine scald. Call your local shelter for help. Many have assistance programs and/or their own medical staff who may be able to help you. Some vet hospitals also have funds for emergency help. Try your regular vet first. Please post updates.


When dogs are violently vomiting with diarrhea the last thing you should do is keep trying to feed them. There's a number of things that could be going on with your dog, but as the commenters already said a veterinarian or even surrender to rescue needs to be your next step. I'm sorry. Are you based in the US? When the school year starts back up again, please go to the counselors office and tell them you need someone to talk with about things at home. It may not be clear until you are much older, but there's going to be trauma associated with this sort of neglect, and you could really use some support. Your parents are responsible for getting proper care for this dog, it should not have to fall on you.


Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do if the dog is pretty old. What your dog is going through sounds like Parvovirus. Throwing up bile and blood in the stool is a huge sign towards intestinal/liver/gallbladder infection. If it is Parvo, the best the vet could do is give your dog IV fluids, IV electrolytes, anti-nausea medication, anti-inflammatories, de-worming medication, and antibiotics to help cure the infection and prevent sepsis. In worse cases, there is the option for plasma transfusion as well. With the dogs' age in mind and a rapid decrease in weight and energy, I'm going to assume that the vet will offer to put the dog down instead of pursuing treatment due to the cost and what your dog will have to fight through. Until the infection or issue is cleared up, your dogs stomach will still be irritated and will still have trouble keeping down food and water. This would make giving your dog the medications it needs to digest in order to survive longer a huge issue, as he can't keep anything down, resulting in IV medication treatment or injections which are highly expensive. I would still suggest encouraging your parents to take your dog to the vet, just to see what's going on, but if the turnout is that your dog has something that will require an intense amount of effort, money, and energy to pull through, it might be better to let him go than to watch him suffer to survive. Sadly, pets cannot last forever, and his last days should be spent doing something he enjoys with you, someone who loves him, rather than being hooked up to IV tubes and pumped full of meds just to keep his body alive. It's never easy to let go of a pet, I just recently lost my childhood cat to diabetes. He was 18, couldn't keep down food anymore, couldn't control his bowels & having diarrhea, was throwing up multiple times a day, severely underweight, drinking so much water and then throwing that up, etc. The vet said that insulin injections or oral medication wouldn't do him any good at that point. He was just too old and couldn't fight anymore, and we wouldn't have been able to keep up with the cost of his medication. It would have just been putting him through more pain and something new he had to fight and adjust to while simultaneously draining us financially, only for him to MAYBE live another year or two. So, we had to make the decision to put him down so that he wouldn't be in pain anymore or be forced to suffer more. It was hard to do, and there are still some days where I ask myself if I could have done more, but the last thing I wanted was for my kitty to be in any more pain, and that realization hits me like a brick any time I feel regret for letting him cross the rainbow bridge. Before you make the decision to get your dog treated with medication for whatever it is that he has, make sure that you're doing it for the right reason. Do it if there is actually a genuine promise for him having a greater future without pain, not just a hope, but a definite "yes" that he can recover. Ask yourself if it would just be putting him through more pain for the last few years of his life or if it is something that would actually help him. The hardest part is separating your wish for keeping him alive from what is best for your dog. You have to think about the pain that he's in and the pain he would have to face in recovery due to his age over anything else, because that is the most important thing, making sure your dog is happy and healthy, not just "alive".


…I’m really sorry about this situation. It’s always really tough to want to help but not be able to. I will say, based on his prior diet, and keep in mind this is conjecture as there is no way of accurately diagnosing or analyzing your dog without a proper exam/test, I would say he is having some kind of liver failure. Liver as a consistent food is very fatty, and not the best thing to feed as a main source. Pumpkin as well is supposed to be an occasional food, not a main, as it is also fatty and sugary. By no means am I calling you or your parents bad owners; this info can be hard to get, especially w the raw food diet craze going on, ppl think that it’s healthier. But most dogs will not do well on a raw diet, and if they do it must be prepared specifically and prescribed by a dietician tailored to the dog. You are doing good by feeding him food w water, but make sure that the canned food is specifically for senior dogs! It should say “Senior Formula”. This will be gentler on his tummy. The water is very good, that will help keep him hydrated. But on the other hand, not wanting to eat or drink is not a good sign, and defecting blood and puking bile is also not good. Both of these make me think liver failure; and unfortunately, the testing and treatment can be expensive. And in this case, it sounds like it might be advanced enough that it might not even cure him, just alleviate his symptoms. There is two things you can consider doing. One, is take him to the vet but say upfront that you cannot afford the tests/treatment. They might turn you away, or they might offer to test him anyway at their own loss. Vets do this often out of their own pocket, as they care deeply abt their patients. But they are not always able or allowed to do this. In that case, your family can consider surrendering him to the vet. You will need to sign legal papers, and unfortunately no longer own him, and will be unable to retrieve him if he does recover, but this gives the vet full reign of treatment as this comes as a rescue expense, usually a non-profit will fund the testing/treatment. You may call and ask how he is doing, chances are the vets will know you are simply asking for the dog’s well-being and will tell you. Many animals surrendered in this way end up adopted by the vets or vet techs themselves, so he would be in good care. Lastly, there is one final option, and this coincides with the latter option I gave. It might be time to consider giving him the greatest mercy you can give. I understand you want to help him, and that’s exactly what you should want to do. But in your particular situation, trying to save him might just prolong his suffering, especially since your family is unable to pay the vet bills. There is no guarantee he will get better, even if he is surrendered to the vets and they do everything in their power to save him. Discuss with your parents the option of at-home euthanasia, if possible. There will be a fee, but it is far better to let him go painlessly then to die naturally. As someone who has been forced to watch my family’s dog die that way, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. If at-home is more expensive, take him to the vet but bring his favorite blanket, toy, some treats (even if he doesn’t eat them, he can smell them) and talk to him gently the entire time. He will be at ease with your family no matter what. I truly, truly hope that you don’t have to do this, and that he will recover just fine, but it’s best to be prepared. Whatever happens, don’t beat yourself up. You have been a wonderful companion and carer, and you have stepped up to the plate and tried to help him as much as you can. Financial situations are no joke, and it’s very unfortunate that the costs are going up while the value of our money goes down. It’s not you or your parent’s fault. Your dog knows you love him, and he loves you back. No matter what happens, if you are all there by his side he will be ok.


Pumpkin is not fatty or sugary, unless you add fat and sugar to it lol. In fact pumpkin is often given to dogs to help them LOSE weight because it is low calorie and high fiber, keeping them fuller for longer.


You say stop shaming your parents but that excuse you were given was complete BS. If you're not ready to foot the cost of your pet like you would your child. Don't have any. It's mind boggling people will get animals and be like "oh it's too pricey" or "oh they won't make it through all the tests" but at least your animal would've died knowing you were trying to get help. All your dog sees is you helping, your dog does not see that anyone but you cares. By the time your dog is puking and pooping the considerable amount and possible blood, there may not even be much to do. The suffering is almost done, and it was a long a treacherous road that was not deserved at all.


Their parents are shit people and nothing will convince me otherwise.


Veterinary care is expensive. This post is honestly enraging. It just sounds like you’re regurgitating your parents’ mistrust of medical professionals, which is an experience I also had as a child. Everything was about “price gouging,” so I didn’t get the medical care I needed. My Boomer mother still yells at the eye doctor every time he needs to dilate her. You know, that standard part of an annual eye exam. Of course they’re gonna run tests. Your dog is clearly very ill. Do you think they have a crystal ball to diagnose him otherwise? You obviously love the dog. But please change your mindset from “sending hate” to what it actually is—people begging you to be a logical human being because it sounds like your parents are not.


OP. You claim your parents can afford a vet, but refuse to take him. Realistically, your dog will die. At this point, the dog needs to be euthanized to end suffering. Either this or you take the dog and surrender it to a shelter and maybe, just maybe- they will be able to somehow get it healthy again but more than likely, they will have to put it down too. You can’t just let old dogs struggle like this, they don’t have youth on their side to help the healing process. Sorry, OP but I would recommend to your parents that they don’t get another pet until they realize vet care is part of responsible ownership.


He’s sick. He either needs a vet or humane euthanasia. Or surrender him to a rescue who can help. Given his age and health status he would probably be put down at any shelter


As a dog groomer, if you are concerned about his coat getting all his nutrients, I promise you you do not want to shave your dog. It's gonna grow back, and that's when the nutrients are gonna start going to the coat more so than now. If he is thin as you say, shaving him will make him so cold. Do not do it.


I'm sorry but the only logical option is to try to get your parents to have him euthanized :( it's such a difficult decision but if he has little to no quality of life, it may be time. My dog, Angel, was old and in constant pain. Seizures, blind, deaf, really miserable. It was so difficult to cope and I did spiral but I'm glad we didn't force her to stay any longer...


Your parents should not be allowed to own another pet. PERIOD. I'm sorry you are going through this, but the fact that you are making excuses for your parents are blowing my mind.


Get his humanly euthanized. Your parents clearly do not care about the dog. They’re only concerned with the money aspect which they don’t want to stick their hands in…yet adopted a pet..*Sigh* Why adopt a pet if you can’t afford the chance of a vet visit. Always have that in mind when adopting any sort of animal.


Honestly, I think this is the answer. He’s obviously suffering, and if medical care is not on the table then the only other option to ease his suffering is euthanasia. They said he is old, so it’s not the worst thing, he may not have much time left even if he got treatment.


I have taken my dog to the vet and tell them I can only afford $200.00. They did all they could and kept the cost to that amount.


Sometimes you can get donations or help from organizations/rescues, but please surrender the dog if you cannot afford proper medical treatment. I personally had a job at 13


And his diet is obviously not helping, so I would change the diet asap


I’m sorry to hear about your dog. I’ve lived with cat almost my entire life and I know what it’s like to have to make the decision to put one down. Do you have any other family members or close friends who may be able to help you with the cost a vet visit? I know they can be expensive but as others have posted maybe you could have the dog be seen at an animal shelter clinic? Good luck to you.


I’ve read the comments and honestly try a gofundme or similar and share it online. I’m sure you could get a few sympathetic people to donate, hell I’ve donated to people I don’t even know to help their pets


I'm sorry but your dog is dying. He's either going to go painfully at home or your family could have mercy on him and go to the vet to euthanize him. I know you love your family, but letting your dog slowly die like this is extremely cruel and I do not feel your family should own any animals again.


Diluted beef broth is better than watered down dog food at this stage. A dog can have 1/4 cup of undiluted broth per 25 pounds of body weight. Start the dilution with 1 part broth and two parts water. If the animal starts to improve, dilute the broth a little less until you are at a 1 to 1 ratio. If the broth reduces the vomiting and the diarrhea, then you can progress with a watery gruel made by soaking some plain rice in the broth. Small amounts at first, like a rice soup, increasing more as the animals appetite improves. Other foods that help are: * Boiled chicken or beef: Unseasoned and cut into small pieces * Pumpkin puree: Rich in vitamins that can help boost your dog's immune system * Mashed potatoes: Plain and easy on a dog's digestive tract * Sweet potato: Rich in nutrients like iron and magnesium * Boiled egg: A good source of protein that's easy to digest * Cooked oatmeal: A source of easily digestible fiber, but make sure it's plain and cooked in water * Cottage cheese: A couple of spoonfuls can provide protein and are easy to digest 


He is very ill and needs medical care. You don't have to do everything the vet may suggest, but you must at least have a consultation. If you or your parents were ill, surely you'd at least see a doctor to find out what's wrong, and your dog deserves the same consideration.  Taking a small amount of blood for testing does not weaken them. Do not delay, but get your dog the help he needs and deserves. He may be in pain, and you owe it to him to alleviate his suffering by giving him proper medical care. 


Call your local animal shelter/Humane Society/ASPCA and ask for the name of a local vet who will see your baby at no cost. Also, post on your local Next Door app and ask if any one can refer you to a vet and assist with the bill. I've done both in my area and had good experiences.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you all. It's really hard when someone you love is sick. You mentioned that the vet took blood samples last time. Do you remember what the results were? If the symptoms are the same, your mom may be able to call the vet and get help over the phone. Also, an online vet may be cheaper. They can't do blood tests but may still be able to help if your own vet can't.


The reality is that veterinarians are very expensive. Even a simple check up can cost hundreds of dollars. Not everybody has the money to take care of a sick dog. Sometimes it’s between the cost of eating or the cost of taking care of a sick pet. It’s less about shame on the parents, but more about shame on the veterinarian industry. Some veterinarian practises have to bring in certain amount of money each month because they work for large corporations. If it means peddling dog food. Or having your dog inoculated. But it’s big business. This is going to be tough, but you may want to just surrender the dog to a veterinarian. Maybe say you found this poor dog and he looks like he’s in distress. And they will definitely put him down. But don’t let your dogs suffer. Good luck.


Your dog is very old you said. Pooping blood and not eating are signs he is suffering. Many vets will humanely euthanize rather then let an animal suffer. Go to an ER vet. I'm sorry for you but your dog doesn't deserve to suffer. Just tell the vet it's time.


I'm sorry your dog is sick. It's such a helpless feeling. He really needs to go to a vet as soon as possible. I'm not as familiar with dogs since I own cats but the vomiting and the red in the stool are extremely bad. You could try to call vets to get different prices but it may be something that's harder to diagnose and it will take more tests and be more expensive. I love my vet. She's saved at least one cat that got sick really quickly and she was so kind when one cat was dying of cancer. Please get your parents to take your dog to the vet. Your dog is very sick and is probably scared. Talk to him and love him to try to give him some comfort.


First of all, don’t cut his fur. It’s very easy to cause more harm by accidentally cutting his skin, or by making it regrow unevenly. Your dog sounds old and in pain. It might be time to consider taking him to the vet for euthanasia (being painlessly put to sleep). Ask your parents if they are open to this. If it’s time, at least he will go pain-free. If it is actually not his time, the vet can suggest treatment for your dog.


Honestly op, I hate to say it but if you can’t afford to have the dog diagnosed and treated, you are probably going to be kinder putting him to sleep. Judging from having blood in the poop and elder dog I doubt he’s going to survive without medical treatment so right now you are dooming him to a slow death by doing nothing. If they can’t afford to get him treated, at least get them to have the dog put down. It will be a lot kinder to the dog then doing absolutely nothing and hoping for the best. 


I'm really sorry. Your dog is very unwell and having the responsibility of the life of a dog requires spending money for care. It is expensive to have a pet but they are living beings that count on us to not let them suffer. The diet you dig once ate probably did not give him proper nourishment.  It's not the Drs fault that their efforts cost money. It's your parents poor judgement that medical care isn't worth it. I hope they recognize they have chosen to ignore the dogs obvious pain and should not get another. No living being poops blood normally and this is so serious and frankly, they are choosing cruelty by not getting him care or putting him to sleep if they didn't want to pay. The vets are not predators. This is so disheartening and i commend you for looking for help but I hope you are seeing a different perspective from the one your parents have taught you, because their choice to ignore the dogs pain is traumatic for you and you will live with this reality that they severely neglected the dogs actual needs . This isn't normal and you shouldn't believe it is. 


Your parents are responsible for the care of this dog. It is not ok to own a dog and not pay for its medical care. I’m sorry hun but it does sound like if they can’t afford its care and it’s old and does sound unwell, it is suffering then it is time to have it put to sleep. Responsible ownership also means knowing when it’s the kind thing to let them go. Try contacting your local animal welfare league or surrender the dog and they will put it to sleep, it’s the kindest thing to do at this point.


"We are financially okay but taking him to the vet might make a dent in my parents bank" Don't get a fucking animal if you arent prepared to pay for it. Vets are expensive everywhere. It's something you should consider before taking another living being's life into your hands. We've spent thousands on our pets. Most of it went on credit cards because we didn't have the money. God I hate people like this.


Dogs are not people. He won't just get better. He's either very sick or dying and allowing him to continue to suffer in the manner you described is cruel your parents are teaching you very inappropriate care for other things by using money as an excuse to allow any loving creature to suffer this much. I'm sorry you don't want to hear it but this is morally the incorrect approach to loving and owning a pet. Take him to the vet. If you can't afford treatment, the puppy deserves a graceful dignified death without all this extra suffering. I'm sorry kiddo, 💜


Blood tests are absolutely necessary to determine what is wrong with your dog. They don't do it just for funsies. That's at least the bare minimum testing. If you can't afford to take him to the vet, you need to have him humanely euthanized or dropped off at a shelter that can get him taken care of (but in all honesty, they would probably just put him down still if he's that old). Please seek help for your fur baby.


Not going to shame your parents but here’s something you need to think about. And btw two members of my family are exactly the same way talking about how they run all these kinds of tests to make sure they get the most money out of you as possible. Medicine (veterinarian or human doctors for that matter) is not exact. People tend to get spoiled by tv medical shows like ‘House’ where 95% of the time they cure the person by the end of the 45 minutes after only looking at a few reasons for the illness. Medicine is not an exact science. Unfortunately you can’t say “the dog is doing this” therefore it must be “this” that’s wrong. There could be 20+ different reasons why the dog is having that symptom. To diagnose the problem correctly and make sure they are treating the correct reason for the illness they need to run tests. Are there doctors that run unnecessary tests to jack up the bill? Yes absolutely, but usually (hopefully) those are few and far between. Most veterinarians are in the field not to get rich but because they truly care for animals and most are truly running only the required tests to figure out what is wrong with your animal. It’s literally not a massive scam to get as much money as possible out of you although it can really seem like it. It does also help when you take your pet in to make sure you tell the vet that you cannot afford too much so if they can work with you and discuss which test and treatment plans to go with. Unfortunately doctors and veterinarians are expensive (they might be able to help you out in financing though if you ask) and they might point out that whatever is wrong with your dog is a chronic illness that will need treatment for the rest of his life which could end up being pricey and unfortunately the humane thing to do might be to let him go. The vets are not holding your dogs life hostage but unfortunately some treatments are expensive (medication can be cheaper when purchased from other areas like human pharmacies or online) and even the expensive treatments are not guaranteed to save your pets life. The reason you shouldn’t hold off on going to the vet is if your dog is sick enough that this might be an end of life illness and as much as you love your dog you do not really want him to suffer and be in pain longer than necessary. And it might be something as simple as he needs a different kind of dog food because his body cannot process the ingredients in regular dog food anymore or maybe he found something really fatty to eat and is having a reaction to that but unfortunately they won’t be able to know unless they take blood tests to see what is going on inside of his body. Also if pet owners wait too long on what could’ve been a fairly easy and inexpensive treatment, it might end up getting worse therefore become expensive or even moves past the window of opportunity to treat the pet. The only suggestion on what I can give you to try to feed him is low sodium beef or chicken broth/stock or bland cooked chicken with no spices or oils. The fact that you said he isn’t eating does indicates he is sick. Again it sounds like there is no way around not taking him to a vet. I am so sorry there have been people here rudely insulting your parents. Unfortunately there are some people out there who believe the only way to give out advice is by insulting and shaming the person into doing what *they* think is correct. It’s not just about pet advice but they will attempt to bully and insult people on all other kinds of decisions. I wish you well and hope this issue with your dog is an easy fix.


Hi there. I’m not sure if this comment will get lost in all the others but if you happen to take him to the vet and you need someone to help you advocate for you, your parents and your dog, please reach out to me. I am a veterinary technician who has only ever worked in low income locations, I understand the struggle. I can act as an uninvested third party if that’d make you feel more comfortable!


Hi! I’m so sorry to hear about your situation! The best course of action would be to take him to the vet to be seen and I understand that cannot be done right now but hopefully you can take him soon! In the mean time maybe try a different feeding schedule and different foods! You could try to feed multiple small meals about 1/2 to 1/4 of what he gets currently 3-4 times a day with a few hours in between each and try bland food that won’t upset his stomach like plain boiled chicken and plain white rice make sure you don’t put salt in the water when boiling! They also have things like high calorie gel supplements you can try to get calories into him, one I believe is called Nutri-Cal. I hope this helps and I hope he gets to see a vet soon!


Take the dog to the vet and surrender it to the vet. Or to a rescue. I work with several rescues and this happens a lot. Some rescues will let the owners have the dog back. One of our rescues recently ok in a yorkie the owners were deliberately breeding. The dog got into trouble and needed an emergency C section. The owners couldn’t or wouldn’t pay and surrendered the dog. Everyone turned out ok. It did however ignite a firestorm when the rescue decided to relinquish the now spayed mom back to the owners. Was it the right thing to do for the owners? Nope. But was it the right thing to do for the dog? Absolutely. It was the only home the dog had ever known.


I don't want to sound like I'm being mean, but pets are expensive. I have a senior dog and his medication is around $300 a month.


I just wanted to wish you good luck with trying to convince your parents to help. If your parents don’t want to get the dog help because of a previous experience, I would honestly suggest asking others for help through donations and possibly a ride to the vet to get your dog the best care they need right now. If you can’t convince them or can’t get any help your best chance is surrendering to make sure your dog gets care. In the future, I would advise against getting another pet if your parents still refuse the vet visit while you don’t have any income. You need to be able to take them to a vet whenever they need it and them not wanting to take any pet to a vet could put a pet in irreversible harm or worse.


I don’t want to sound callous but your parents should not have this dog if it is this sick and they are unwilling to care for it. The dog needs emergency intervention and is almost undoubtedly suffering at this point. I know you said you’re underage and you’re doing the best you can but there’s really no other option than taking this poor dog to the emergency vet. No vet in their right mind would turn a sick animal away just because you show up saying you can’t pay (any decent vet that is.) even if you have to surrender the dog to them it’s really important to find a way to get to a vet asap


I understand your parents think vets are bad because the last dog died at one but even if they were right your old dog is going to die without vet intervention so at least you could offer a peaceful death by going to the vet. Maybe it would help if you explained that


Do you have a humane society near you? Sometimes they have the ability to help get your dog medical care. No guarantees, I know a lot of them are underfunded, but worth a shot!


Call the humane society and report your parents for neglecting the dog. They will have to pay or surrender the dog to the humane society . They will do what is needed for the dog . Sounds like it may be time for the dog to go to heaven .


Call animal control or the Humane Society on your parents.


Sounds to me most likely he has he might have like a tumor or something that is taking all his nutrition. It might be best to surrender him because it seems like he is suffering darling. If he's not eating properly drinking properly or going to the bathroom properly that is an issue.


I don't have any advice for your situation as a whole, and I'm very sorry your parents are so awful and just let your dog suffer. I can't imagine how hard that is. I did however just want to explain that hair/fur is dead. The energy the body expends goes into making the hair/fur in the first place, not in maintaining it once it's grown. Cutting your dog's fur won't stop his body from making new fur, so it won't help him maintain nutrients unfortunately. You may, however, want to trim the fur if you are having a hard time keeping it clean, such as around his back end if the diarrhea is getting in it. Or if it's matting, that can be very uncomfortable and cause infections.


Your dog is very ill. There are no home remedies that would be useful at this point because there are a few possibilities and a vet diagnosis is the only way to know for sure what it is. *if* he is even treatable, it's likely to require medication. You can try reaching out to local rescues or vet offices if you can't convince your parents to be compassionate over the animal they're responsible for. Or try extended family? Cutting your dogs hair won't help.


no kid (like, 8 year old) cares about being "milked for money", etc., alright? i find it sketch OP would type as much, even if "just repeating an adult"...i suspect this isn't a kid, & if it is, it's an older one, at the very least. i hope the dog gets seen or surrendered ASAP. 💔


Try putting 2 lid fulls of apple cider vinegar in his water and only give him boiled plain white rice to eat.Once you see the poop is solid slowly start adding soft dog food back into the equation.


How can these parents see a pet suffering and just refuse to seek medical assistance especially assuming this dog is in agony. He's dying a slow death due to their inaction. I'm not sure what state you're in but if you explain the situation to a local rescue group they will try to help however they can. Additionally, maybe work on convincing your parents or extended family to host a bake sale, yard sale, any thing else to make the money to get him help or use one of those services like 'lap of love' that helps put your babies to sleep comfortably without pain


I’m curious. How often was he fed liver and pumpkin. Just because of vitamin A toxicity levels. If you can’t afford to take him to the vets, do you think you could surrender him to someone that can? This dog needs a dr. Keep his diet bland until then.


You could possibly talk to your (a) vet near you. Walk in with your dog and plead mercy. You know what your beloved dog needs and do not have the means to do it. Perhaps, depending on your age you could barter for the service. Like clean rooms/kennels, etc. Throw yourself on their mercy.


Your parents are Aholes. I’d start calling family members and asking if any of them can take you and the dog to see a vet, it’s either that or put him down to stop him from suffering any more.


I’m sorry your parents are like this and even more sorry the dog is suffering. Idk if shelters everywhere do this but it’s worth a try, call the shelter and see if they can help the dog. My local shelter will, often times for free because people like myself donate food, money , blankets etc and also my vet volunteers his services when required. It’s worth a try .


i am so sorry for your loss and your dogs pain. if he is very old or maybe very sick, he may be at the natural end of his life. have you tried mixing some chicken or beef broth with his food? or a little soup if that is what you have in the house. sometimes it helps to heat the food or broth slightly, it engages their nose a little and can help them get an appetite.


It's probably full of cancer and is one it's way out.


My guess is the issue is money for the parents gets aren’t cheap and money is tight for most of us which is understandable lately. I’d call local animal shelters I’m sure they can at least put the dog down so he isn’t suffering any longer. Sometimes there are charities as well that donate to help ppl pay vet bills at local shelters


If I were you, I'd get ahold of your local Humane Society! They have vets there who will be more than willing to help your dog, at a fraction of the price. Your dog does need to be seen, ASAP.


He is dying. It’s his time. Don’t let him suffer if possible p. The humane society puts to sleep for 45 dollars.


It could potentially be a blockage, try giving him some peptobismal. Two teaspoons, if you have a syringe its easier, he will spit up some, but will get some in his belly. It coats the stomach to help with the acid causing the yellow vomit, do it 2xs per day. Domesticated dogs need hard chewable food, nothing raw as we treat most of our meats. If the pepto doesn't work you can try some mineral oil. Raw hides are terrible for him, they cause a lot of blockages. Mineral oil works somewhat like a stool softener making it easier for a dog to poop, also making it more comfortable to pass things in his intestines. I am not a vet, however I have a ton of experiences with blockages as my Bull terrier would pass socks, underwear, one time a toy Pocohantas. It would be wonderful if you could explain to your parents how much more its going to cost if they wait to take him to the vet. The other thing I wonder is if he's been exposed to parvovirus, if so he needs the vet immediately. Good luck, praying for you both.


Try showing your parents sources of funding for vet bills. They may be financially struggling. It's a really difficult situation to be in when you want to care for your pet but also have to pay the mortgage. I've used assistance previously for my cat that had diabetes - they are wonderful and gave him several happy years he wouldn't have had. [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/are-you-having-trouble-affording-your-pet](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/are-you-having-trouble-affording-your-pet)


Red gooey poop is not good, hon. This is really an emergency situation. He really should be seen by a vet.


From the description you gave it’s similar to my last dog which had to be euthanised because of lymphoma, check for lumps around the neck and lymph nodes on the dog, the changes happen so quickly and it’s  heartbreaking to watch, the dog needs to see a vet urgently I’m afraid 


Are you now feeding him cooked rice and chicken which is nutritious and very safe? No bones tho!!


He may have acid reflux. My older dog has this: The thick yellow stuff he is puking is bile and he may have stomach sores from the acid. Can you get Prilosec from a drug store? Give that to him. Get a vegetarian dog food and soak it in water so it’s soft when he eats eat. Don’t feed him too many treats or fatty foods. He also could have pancreatitis: give him bland food (boiled chicken mixed with rice) and put water in it so he doesn’t dehydrate: It’s one of the two above things. Acid reflux or pancreatitis/ do google searches and you’ll find home remedies/


I’m sorry this very stressful adult problem has fallen into your lap but you can do the right thing. I am saying this in the gentlest possible tone, the title reads “can’t” when what you really mean is “won’t”. Right now, Call any adult you trust that drives and get your dog to a shelter immediately. If your parents do not want to pay a vet (even an over charging one) then I’m sorry but they shouldn’t have gotten the dog. This is not your fault.


Maybe it's time to realize that just because they are your parents/family doesn't automatically make them good people or animal stewards.. You can't protect everyone and everything all the time.. I feel like you take the most ownership of this dog and give it the most love, and therefore, it is yours now. You're acting in its best self-interest and actively seeking help. You should decide for yourself how you would like to get help for the dog... You can call your local shelter and explain, claim the dog as yours, you have every right to do this. Be advised: opening this can of worms has consequences, and I can't even guess how your family will react.. Don't let that stop you from doing what you feel is right. I'm sorry you are going through this and had to ask in reddit for advice...


Goto QBC Kennel channel on YouTube. Find the video on his healthy soup that he makes for his dogs. Try that. At least get some of the ingredients in it. If you give him kibble, add some fresh water to it for easier digestion. Also try YouTube vet videos for natural remedies for gut health.


It's time to say goodbye to your old boy from what it sounds like. A dignified death is the least your parents can do.


Your parents ARE assholes. If their reasoning for not taking an obviously sick dog to get help is "vets cost a lot", they are assholes. They have an obligation to the dog, to take care of him. If they can't do that they should not take on pets in the future. No amount of "they are worried" means anything if they're not actually taking care of the animal, and they aren't. If they won't take him to a vet and you actually care about this dog, you need to surrender him to someone who will actually get him the care he needs.


If your parents won't provide care then you should surrender the animal to a no-kill shelter.


How underage are you that this is your responsibility, because holy shit man get this dog to a vet or the shelter like. right now. yeah the price tag is gonna suck at the vet, but that dog is suffering and in pain and its you and your families responsibility to care for that animal, or surrender it to a shelter. He is way past the point of home remedies, hopefully professional medical help can at least make him more comfortable. Im sorry I know it is tough having a sick dog, I know money is tight everywhere and vet bills are expensive, but you guys owe it to the dog to get it the care it needs. I know you are a kid, but I hope this is a lesson for you. An animal is a responsibility and a commitment. It isn't like giving up cable tv or selling a car and taking the bus, it is the absolute last place you should be trying to save money. It is an innocent thing that relies on you for all of its needs, and right now it needs medical attention


If your parents cannot afford to take your dog to the vet then it was very irresponsible of them to give a child a pet! Don't let your dog suffer. Surrender your pet, maybe even post on FB your situation. There are very kind animal lovers out there who may be willing to either take your dog or contribute to a go fund me for vet care. Maybe ask your parents to get the Care credit card (specifically for vet care) and make payments. Good luck to you and I am so sorry you are dealing with what feels like a hopeless situation. There is nothing more heartbreaking than watching a living being suffer.


Call your local animal shelter and inquire about vet care for low income people.


I have no advice except to say, please stop force feeding the dog. I know you’re trying to do what’s best for him in a terrible situation. But force feeding him isn’t it.


We need a little more info. to properly assess the situation. Have these symptoms been the result of lack of food, or is the dog well fed and has developed some kind of condition? If it's simply a lack of food, then Redditors may be able to offer you a temporary fix for the situation. (I live on the East Syde, and I could hook you up with a dog food drop to get your boy taken care of. \[No contact/creepy feeling.\] Dog food dead drop to get your baby fed.


Pumpkin can make dogs sick. Why is he not just eating dry dog food?


OP, you said yourself your dog has been sick for a while, is suffering and is very old. If your parents don't want to have him treated, there's nothing you can do about that. But it is inhumane to let him suffer further. Please take him to be euthanized and free him from his painful, failing body. I am so sorry for your situation but you've done the best you can and you will always carry him in your heart.


Your dog sounds like he is in end-stage kidney disease. I think euthanasia should be considered.


you’re all…oh my. give him to a center so he can at least die in peace.


Have u checked w animal control to see if there’s options for discounted vet care? Also there’s sites that will give ur parents small credit limits to help w vet care. (I’ll try finding them n oat them to this comment. U can also go to google n search options but if he’s super old id def see if anyplace would offer payment plan to humanly euthanize the poor thing


This is what happened to my dog in his last days. I had to put him down. 


It's about time to put the dog put of its misery and buy a new one.


What country do you live in? If you have the means please take him to the vet yourself to at least to make a basic enquiry Do you live in india by any chance? Ive been following an amazing indian rescue and i could try reaching out, maybe you can get advice or maybe they can help


Your dog may need to be put down if you can't get tests done. Vets always require consent for tests. At very least your dog needs to be put of pain.


Your parents are arseholes, we won’t tell you otherwise


I completely understand your situation and I dont judge your parents. Theres many of us who love and adore our pets that just cannot afford taking them to the vet. Just to run tests to find out what the problem is usually costs several hundred dollars, sometimes thousands. If the tests come back that its something life threatening then its gonna be several thousand dollars for sure.. If the tests show he is terminal then its several hundred or more to euthanize.. There are NO "free" vets, I have tried finding one when my dog needed a $5000 emergency surgery or else he would die.. It sucks so bad not having the money or means to help your dog, who is your family, I know exactly how you feel and Im so sorry you are going through this.. Im not sure how old your dog is but what you are describing is definately something very serious, and if he is elderly its a strong possibility he has reached his end of life phase. If your parents absolutely cannot come up with the $ for the vet, I suggest trying a GoFund Me and/or reaching out to friends and family in hopes they can all chip in enough to get him to the vet. I would help you myself if I had it but Im struggling myself.. Worst case scenario if you cannot come up with the $ for the vet all you can do is make sure your dog is comfortable and love him. Dont try to force him to eat or walk if he doesnt want to, just make sure he has a comfy spot to lay and let him know you love him.


If you care about the comfort of the dog, he has to go to the vet. There's nothing you're going to be able to do at home for him other then keep force feeding him and that's a very short term solution since he's not keeping it down. Red gooey poo is blood. Vet.


Force feeding him cause potentially give him pneumonia. Please stop doing this. He NEEDS medical care or euthanasia ASAP.


I hope your dog is ok, and you have managed to get him to the vet. His condition is very concerning, and there is nothing you can do at home to fix it. He needs medical care. As far as your parents feel about vets, unfortunately medical care costs money. Can you imagine what all the equipment costs at a hospital? Do you know that vets have to do more training than doctors? How much do you think it would cost to get surgery as a human, if you had to pay for all of it? Vets have more education and lower pay than human doctors- they have higher stress and are genuinely in the job for the love of it. I read about the other dog that passed at the vets. It is very sad, but there is nothing suspicious there. He had trouble passing urine, which can cause issues with kidney function: which is why they would have wanted to keep him overnight to see why he was having trouble and if his kidneys had damage. The bruise near his rectum would probably have been from treatment or investigation where they put a finger up his bottom to see if there are stones in the urethra, and try to remove them. A very sad situation, but standard medical treatment. I can link information if you want. The situation with taking too much blood and the dog becoming weak, I find very hard to explain. The amount of blood taken for even a full range of tests is not going to make a dog weak unless there is already a medical problem. My dog has had massive amounts of blood tests for epilepsy and a heart condition- they filled 6 tubes to run every test available- he pranced out the door and wanted to go for a walk. Earlier this year he had a medical emergency and was bleeding into his belly. They drained 3 1/2 litres out of his belly in surgery. He was weak, but still didn't need a blood transfusion. He was tired for a couple of days from surgery, but I needed to keep him quiet because he was feeling good but needed to heal from his operation. Compared to 3 1/2 litres a few vials is not going to make a dog weak. Dogs regularly donate blood for other dogs that need it, usually 420-450 ml, with no problem. For a blood test, a sample is usually around 5ml. Even if 6 vials are filled, that's only 30ml. I feel bad that you are in this situation. I really do hope that you have been able to talk your parents into going to the vet. But if they don't want to pay for vet care, or are too upset by experiences with vets, then I really hope they never get another dog. What is being allowed to happen here is very unfair, and makes me incredibly angry. (ETA- OP, I'm not angry with you, and not blaming you. I feel bad that you've been put in the situation of having to find a solution to this problem. I am, however, *very* angry with your parents because they can afford it, but choose not to). Pets deserve medical care, to the best of our ability, no matter how old they are. Just like people. And if you can't fix the problem, then you give them a good passing, without pain. The kind of passing we would want for anyone we love. If your parents are not ok with having a dent in their finances, don't have a pet. You do not want to know about the yawning chasms I have had in my finances (gladly!), and how I'm on a first name basis with all the vets and nurses at my local vet. Also- if you want vet bills to be cheaper, get the regular check ups and vaccinations, and go *early* before any problems get bigger.


Why don't your parents have insurance for your dog? I'm low income with cats and they are insured up the wazoo cus I know I couldn't afford more than the excess if they ever got hurt or sick. Your mum's excuse of "vets will make you have loads of tests that are expensive" is pathetic, that is given-vets are expensive. They are leaving your dog to suffer because they're worried more about money than a family member's well being. From my experience, if you tell your vets you're struggling financially they will work with you to get results in the cheapest most effective way possible.


I am sorry to say, but I think it is time to say goodbye. Unless your parents are willing to pay a lot of money, I do not think there is much that can be done, he is already very sick, weak, and those symptoms are worrying. Please keep us updated.


There's no care credit card plan they can do ?


Your family sucks. That dog needs medical attention months ago


My dog is 12yo and she got a point where her feces became loose, runny and she would shit at random. We played with her diet for months until we got to plain boiled chicken and boiled potatoes. She no longer has uncontrollable diarrhea and can hold her bowels but her stools are a tad loose. Also I noticed that feeding her food that was cold / leftover from the night before helped her as well. Something about cold food helps slow digestion.


Please just surrender him to a rescue. I’m hoping that is a possibility where you are located. This is just so sad.


Dude. I read your edits. No vet *forces* you to run tests. They *cannot* treat without consent. You could bring a dog in that was literally dying and we cannot treat it without your consent. So the whole “Afraid it will cost money” thing is bullshit. You can get a paper estimate for every single thing. No blood work is getting sent to the lab without payment, and it won’t go out if someone doesn’t want to send it. If they don’t want to spend money, that is on them. Nobody is going to make them do anything. If that’s what they are telling you, it’s bullshit. I know people genuinely have financial constraints, but sometimes there are people who just don’t think it’s worth the money, and that is *not the same thing* as those people being correct in their assessment of value. The idea that your dog is too “weak and old” to figure out what’s wrong with it is silly, but if your (and your parents) plan is to let it die slowly and painfully because you don’t want to do anything, that’s shitty. That feels like rage bait, tbh. Does it make sense to you that a small blood sample would stress its body out more than pooping large amounts of blood/bloody stool? And know what? The longer people wait, the more it costs. People do this all the time and it kills me. They are so afraid of a $100-200 treatment plan suggestion that they wait until an animal would need intensive hospitalization to try and save it. Then it’s way more. And if the weakened animal still dies or if the situation cannot be reversed, people say “See? I knew they just wanted money” when it’s *the person’s fault they waited so long*. Euthanize it. Say goodbye. Don’t watch this animal suffer because nobody will intervene. If you cannot treat it, fine, but don’t let it suffer. That’s cruelty in the extreme. I don’t know where you are, but I *promise* that “all the vets” aren’t in the field to squeeze money from people. Regardless, watching something die because you won’t act is not about money. And yes, I recognize that it’s not just your decision, but you’re being infuriatingly accepting of your parents’ views on this, and that’s probably why people are “hating” on them. Because they are wrong. So, so wrong. Edited to add: I am genuinely sorry you’re in this situation. If it seems like I’m angry, I am, but just because I care more about the health of a random dog I’ve never met than the adults in charge of said dog. This is an important lesson for you, tbh. Don’t continue to defend the words and actions of your parents. Don’t believe what they are telling you. Part of growing up is learning hard truths about the people in your family, and this definitely applies. I appreciate that you’re in a tough spot, and I genuinely do sympathize. Just know that people who work in vet med are not greedy assholes. I’ve never met you and I’ve never met your dog, but this breaks my heart. It’s a hard field to be in, and this is a major part of why.


Your dog IS suffering! Get him to the f’n vet. This is so wrong. 😡


Take the dog to the vet, NOW


Here’s a vet tip: you can say no and do only what’s necessary. The very least, start with a check up and get their opinion. Chances are, if your dog is old and weak, unable to eat, has uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, it’s time to put him down. He’s suffering. Call around for pricing. You don’t need to buy anything expensive (like a paw print or urn from said vet). You can do a print in clay on your own. Make sure to seal with clay sealant. I’m sorry your dog and family are suffering.


Your dog is suffering. To be blunt you need to stop thinking about yourself and do what is best for the dog and that might be putting him to sleep. Letting him suffer is not ok 🙁


After reading the edit, OP you need to take them to the vet regardless of your parent’s wishes/fears. They’re lying to you. They’re on a vacation away from you, you’ve said that the dog has been like this for a while? So they’re aware of how badly the dog is doing, and won’t spend money on a vet, but will spend money to go on VACATION? I know this is going to be hard for you, but I hope this situation opens your eyes a bit more. Your parents and their behavior is not what “good people” would do. Please do not excuse their awful behavior towards your dog. Look in the mirror; they left you home alone (a minor) with an extremely sick dog and are feigning ignorance about it all. At this point I would call the vet and see if they can give you an estimate of how much euthanasia would cost, if the dog progressively gets worse. If it’s within your price range, arrange transport with a friend. Could you see about a taxi service that allows dogs? Possibly an Uber or Lyft? You’re vague about the country you’re in. You just keep saying it’s hot, so it’s hard to give you any idea of transportation. Are you in Southeast Asia? North or South America? As a pet owner, I would do ANYTHING for my baby. I wouldn’t stand to see them suffering like this, pointlessly, for so long. I just cannot fathom your parent’s lack of compassion for the pet they decided to get. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it needs to be said so YOU can now be the adult. They’re already expecting you to behave like one and care for a sick dog. So it might be time to make a “grown-up” decision. If you decide to move forward with it, we will all be here for you. I’m sure everyone in here can understand the fear, confusion, and betrayal you must be feeling right now. There’s a lot of support and grief groups that would be able to help you on here, and provide links to anything you might need. Please, for your dog, do what’s right by them.


Sounds like an intestinal blockage to me. This will not resolve on its own. You need to see a vet, who will give you your options.


Definitely take him to the shelter. I advise against taking him to the vet. You never know, they might call animal control and have you and/or your parents arrested for abuse. Just something to think about.


It’s time to put the poor thing down. When you have a pet, if it gets sick beyond a point that you can handle taking care of it, or that the dog itself can handle, it is your responsibility as an owner to put it out of its misery. No matter how much you love the dog, if you’re not willing to get it the help it needs and it’s clearly old and suffering, you are not showing genuine love to the pet. They need to be put down.


Your dog is dying sweetie. He might die without intervention, or it might be end stages and he is going to die no matter what. You can deny tests and see about just getting palliative care. I'm sorry


Vet care is very expensive. It is also necessary when you have a pet. The vet isn't "trying to make you spend as much as possible," they are doing their best to treat the animal. They need to do tests to be able to appropriate treat the animal. Vet school is incredibly expensive. Vet school costs as much as, and sometimes more than, medical school. And veterinarians do not make nearly as much money as human doctors do. Most vets struggle to pay off their student loans for most of their lives. And then they have clients who blame the vet because the client can't afford care for their pet. The tests, equipment, and medicine is all expensive as well. It is usually the same equipment and medicine that is used in human medical care. If your family is unable to afford vet care for your dog, I encourage you to have your dog humanely euthanized. Your dog is clearly suffering.


My step mother and half brother’s dog was in a similar situation. She had some kind of skin condition and there was something beyond that. I would hear her whimpering in the night sometimes and just the way she would act you could tell something was wrong. Your dog has a lot more going on. I’m so sorry you have to watch him suffer like that 😢. I like the idea someone else had of putting your family on blast and pretty much shaming them into caring for the being they took on and swore to care for (Maybe not literally but everyone does when they take in an animal). It’s not your fault. Like you said you’re underage and have no income. This I would think is the most you can do. If there is something wrong the dog needs medical attention. It doesn’t sound like something that can be fixed with a home remedy. Then again I am not a vet and know more about human anatomy/sicknesses, but if this was happening to a human I would be taking them to the hospital 🤷🏼‍♀️.


You guys need to surrender the dog to a rescue because it’s clear you won’t take them to get medical help they desperately need.


I think a lot of the comments are missing the fact that you are not in the US, and are underaged. Vets in other counties are not necessarily like the US, there is not going to be carecredit or anything like that. Depending on the country there may not *be* a rescue who can help. OP- You are taking the best care of him that you can, he knows you love him. You are doing your best to keep him comfortable and he knows that too. Unfortunately it sounds like he is very sick and might be dying. I’m not sure when your parents are coming back, but I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this alone.


He's most likely dying and suffering. They need to take him and have him humanely put to sleep. Once they stop wanting to eat and pooping blood that's bad bad signs.


Sounds to me like the dog is terminally ill. Take him to the shelter and ask them to euthanize him. Thats the best gift of love you can offer him.


OP I know you said the dog isn’t neglected, but it is. Routine vaccines are part of basic care, but so is taking the dog to the vet when he’s sick. Your dog is very very sick. It is neglectful to eat the dog continue to deteriorate (lose weight, vomit, etc) and not seek help. If you can feel his bones, he is underweight and neglected. Please either bring him to a vet or surrender him to a shelter for care or humane euthanasia If your parents are unwilling to spend on medical tests to help him, then he needs to be euthanized. He is in tremendous suffering.


You can inform the vets prior to you going and on arrival that money is an issue for you and don’t be afraid to keep reminding them of that. Any good vet understands that vet bills are expensive and want what’s best for your pet still and will try and work with you. If they’re not doing that, you need a new vet. And you can tell your parents that too, remind them it is okay to tell vets you don’t have a lot of money. Even though it’s sad, euthanasia is also an option. It sounds like whatever it is going on with your dog is starting to get quite serious because he’s getting blood in his poop, so tbh there’s a chance it might be the only option. But you can remind your parents of this, if you can’t financially support getting your pet medical help euthanasia is the most cost effective option. Tell them there’s a lot of options to make it even cheaper, like electing for a group cremation and not getting an urn, but this does sadly mean you won’t his remains back, but the vets should give you the option to get some paw prints and maybe a nose print. I understand completely what you’re going through, op. It’s happened to me multiple times as well. You’re doing great! Best of luck! And just remind your parents there is cheaper options that will still help your pup!


Whatever you do, do NOT keep the dog at your house while it's continuing to suffer. Drop the sick doggo at a shelter. They may be able to cure him and rehome him. If not, they will humanly euthanize him and he will no longer be suffering. You don't have to pay anything to release him to a shelter. Source: I've volunteered with shelters and rescues on and off throughout my life. Do not be afraid of dropping off a pet at a shelter instead of making them suffer.


Well, he could have pancreatitis or cancer. The truth is a lot of things could cause this specially an older dog. If he regularly eats liver and pumpkin, I don’t know if that is nutritionally balanced. Dogs have to eat the correct ratios of stuff like phosphorus and calcium for example. Not doing so can mess them up. I don’t know if it would give these symptoms, but could be nutrient deficient in theory. A bland diet could be some lean ground turkey/beef cooked with white rice and or pumpkin. Or you could try egg whites easy on the butter. Just enough to not burn the eggs or if you have a pan . if nothing is resolving after giving him a bland diet he’s not eating then he really should be taken to the vet. She can’t go on like that. Perhaps tell them you have a budget that you cannot exceed and what they think the best they can do with your budget?


I'm really sorry you're having a hard time accepting this but if your parents aren't willing to have him looked at by a vet when he's obviously suffering that is textbook neglect. Expensive or not this is part of their responsibility as per owners. I understand it's hard to hear these types of things about your parents but this is the truth, they are neglecting your dogs care, regardless of how they've cared for him in the past. When an animal is very clearly struggling like this good pet owners take their pet to the vet regardless of cost, they find a way. I know you want to believe your parents are wonderful people, but wonderful people wouldn't sit back and let their dog suffer like this. He's literally dying of malnutrition and they're just letting him. That is textbook neglect. I know you don't want to hear it but you fucking need to. This is a bit more pointed than my last comment because you don't seem to be understanding that you yourself cannot help him without a professional. He's not eating because he's sick and force feeding him will only make things worse. He's literally actively dying and your parents won't help him, that is neglect. How you don't understand that I'm truly not sure. My parents went legitimately broke when my childhood dog got sick, and spent over $1000 a year on her after she had a cancerous tumor removed from her side at 6 years old. Your parents are neglecting your dog and you need to call a rescue and/shelter if hey continue to refuse to take him to a vet when he's literally starving to death. Euthanasia would be a kindness here kiddo, and I'm sorry to say it but you're getting a nasty dose of reality with this situation. Either step up or don't. But don't your parents get any more animals if this is how they treat them at end of life care time. It's cruel. Vets are expensive here too and even with insurance my fiance and I paid over $2000 on tests for our one cat who ended up having to be put down a week after her diagnosis of stomach cancer. I don't regret spending that money because I was able to get her on palliative care meds and take her pain away. Just letting this dog whither and die is a date worse than death. And if they aren't even willing to put him out of his very obvious misery then he needs to be taken from them. If the cost and him dying at the vet is what they're worried about with tests then it's time to say goodbye and put him to sleep. Just leaving him the way he is is absolutely unacceptable. Stop making excuses for them. They're aware he won't eat and he's becoming weaker. They absolutely know he needs to go to a vet. If you know it, they know it. Do not ever make excuses for their neglect of his health.


If your parents won’t take him to a vet, surrender him to a shelter that will actually take care of him, post him on an adoption group on Facebook, contact your local SPCA, etc. This animal doesn’t deserve to be neglected because of you, or your parents feelings. They committed to getting an animal, & if they’re too traumatized from previous vet experiences to properly care for a dog, they shouldn’t have gotten one. If you can’t afford to take him to get euthanized, or cared for properly, surrender him somewhere that will.


As a parent and a pet parent, what your parents are doing is not ok and is not excusable. What if when they are old and sick someone just says we aren’t going to check you or run tests or treat you because you might just die anyway? Would it be ok for them to be left in pain and just ignored because of the cost? Your parents know better and have the resources. I’m sorry, but they are AHs and one day you’ll look back and know it. My guess is they are also neglectful of you and your emotional well being, though that is often hard to see until you’re an adult and problems arise because of the damage they did to you as a child. You’re trying to protect your dog, but also to protect them when they’re the ones doing all the harm here. I’m genuinely sorry for both you and your dog because I can tell you are a caring person and that’s really important. It’s the piece that means you can eventually become an emotionally healthy person yourself and do better than your parents have.


No more meat. Just the pumpkin. Maybe some boiled rice, with lots of water. You can give your dog baby aspirin. 1 81mg per 10lbs. It sounds as if your baby is end of life. The yellow she is vomiting is bile. She is not eating. Perhaps she cannot and has just decided. I'm so sorry. Before you take her to the vet, you can call them. Tell them you do not want tests. Just exam to confirm what you believe and either make her comfortable or end her suffering.


OP, your parents are neglecting your dog. If you were sick like that, they would take you to the hospital and pay whatever amount it costs. Medical care for your pet is NECESSARY and not an optional expense. The blood tests will not take so much blood that it makes him weak, that was likely a confirmation bias thing that they observed from the last time. Your dog is not just weak and lack of appetite because of old age. Old age does not do anything to the pet on its own; but as the pet ages, then diseases and issues like kidney disease, cancer, etc. are able to take hold much easier. It is likely your dog has something underlying that needs to be treated. If he isn't eating then he may even need euthanasia and your parents are letting him die slowly. They ARE aware that the dog needs to be taken to the vet and they're choosing not to provide necessary medical care.


Try telling them to apply for care credit. It'll cover vet bills! You can also tell the vet you are on a budget and need to stay within it, and if they're compassionate, they will do what they can with the budget. Call around for the cost of just an exam, they can't quote you anything past that, but they can tell you at least the exam cost


Your parents shouldn't own a dog if they're unwilling to care for him. Refusing to take him to a vet and instead letting him suffer is wrong regardless of their reasoning. The only answer is taking him to a vet.


It is negligence not to take an animal to the vet, it is criminal, Same thing applies to a child , it's neglect if you fail to take care of either If you and your family are reported you can be in alot of trouble. You should not have pets if you can't afford costs associated with their care


Please call animal control if your parent won’t bring him to the vet!


As a vet tech, the vet isn’t performing all the tests to get money out of you, they are running diagnostics to find out what is wrong with your dog to create a treatment plan. Your dog is sick, it needs to go to the vet or it will continue to suffer until it meets its painful end. Making a “dent” in your parents bank should be the least of concerns when your animal is suffering. Vomiting multiple times a day, blood in stool and anorexia are not things that can be fixed with home remedies, something is seriously wrong and you are neglecting the dog by letting him suffer. GO TO THE VET And maybe think before getting another dog.


You need to do diagnostics to figure out what’s going on. The cost of supplies have gone up each year and veterinarians need to adjust their prices to accommodate that. Surrender your dog.


Call and talk to the vet that treated him before. See if they can recommend any over the counter or inexpensive medication. Or have your parents talk to the vet about putting him to sleep. Or have them surrender him to a rescue.


Your dog is pooping red liquid. Red or dark, tar black is usually blood. Your parents would rather watch your dog slowly die than even do the mercy of putting him down since supposedly they can't afford to take care of him. I hope you grow up and look back on this, sometimes parents lie to children.


This could be a bunch of different things but none of them are something he will get better from without treatment. Best case scenario is pancreatitis, which can be deadly without treatment.


Your parents need to have the elderly, sick dog they will not care for lovingly euthanized so you can stop watching him waste and die. What they are doing is inhumane. You need to hold him and comfort him as he painlessly drifts to sleep. It is a merciful, loving thing, and far better than letting him suffer to death. It will be hard, but it is the promise we make to our pets when we take them on: that we will care for them in exchange for their love and loyalty, and that we will let them go rather than letting them suffer. Faved with a family that will not (not cannot--as you made clear in your edit) pay for his medical care, any vet will agree to euthanize a pet that's suffering like this. But the fact likely is that he's old and ready to go no matter what they do.


There’s no excusing your parent’s behavior. They’re allowing the dog to suffer. The tests are necessary. He needs to be seen asap. If a human were displaying these symptoms they would seek medical care. Either they get the care he needs or he needs to humanely be put down. Vets are doing their jobs because they love animals, not to steal your money for unnecessary tests. There is no getting around that this is neglect. If they won’t seek care for the dog he needs to be taken to the shelter with the understanding that they will likely euthanize him. But at least he won’t be suffering. And when you’re an adult don’t get an animal unless you’re willing and able to provide proper care through their whole life.


Vets aren’t “taking your money” your dog sounds very sick and your parents are irresponsible. I don’t care why they don’t want to, they took on the responsibility of a pet and need to care for it. Stop making excuses and get the dog some help. This is abuse.


Sounds like parvo dog needs a vet. It will be expensive. Sadly euthanasia would be cheaper and doggo won't suffer any longer.


Some shelters have nice doggie drop-offs for after-hours. They are anonymous. Try to take doggo as late as possible. Don't be cruel. Doggie needs attention. Take some of its blankets, toys, and food dishes, (empty) or other things that make it comfortable until the drop cages are checked.


Do you have an adult uncle or aunt or neighbor who could act as your parent to get the dog into the vet right now. It sounds like this is serious, and there's not much time left.


When my granny had a cat that was laying on its side on the the floor acting like it couldn't get up, she didn't have vet test or euthanization money as she lived on a fixed income, so she surrendered the animal to a local shelter (who tried to charge her a $50 fee but she didn't have that either at the time & they still took the cat) to be euthanized and/or get the medical help it needed It broke grannys heart to do so (i think the cat was like 7 or 8 years old then) & she spent a couple months afterwards regretting it & having me occasionally make sure it wasn't on the adoption site for that shelter, but it either got help or got put out of the suffering. Not the best solution but could be an option if you can't get the finances figured out & the parents would agree to surrender it :(


You have a petsmart close to you? They have a plan for like 60 bucks a month and you can bring him in. You pay for a year. It's better than nothing. Also, give him some low fat ground beef, drain the fat, and mix with some white rice. That helps sick dogs too. Good luck.


if you own animals you risk spending a bunch on vets because that is life- old age is not a disease and these tests are necessary. your dog won’t die because of a test. I live pay check to pay check and shelled out 900$ to test my cat only to find out she needed to be put down/ my friend on disability also did that. its about doing right by the animal amd not letting it suffer. that might mean a big bill and the last act of kindness but it should be done


You are still under their care. But please listen to what people are saying and start to become very aware. They are control freaks and or abusive to that dog. You may think it's normal bc that's all u know. It's not normal it's abuse. And making u watch the dog suffer is Def not normal. When a living being is distressed people will feel something and help. Compassion empathy. Ur parents lack both. Luckily u aren't like them. 💔💜


Your parents are responsible for your dogs health. Your dog is sick and suffering. Not taking him to the vet is inhumane and cruel


Do you have a friend or family member who could take your dog to the vet?


Are you’re parents on vacation? But can’t take their dog to the vet?