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Please report him to the authorities if you can and if they will do anything about it or animal charities that will actually look after the rats he still has. If he has the heart to just mindlessly and pointlessly kill mice he could easily kill the rats too. If he knows where you live or anything like that please be careful about reporting him as he could become aggressive towards you. I would want to tell the police about him killing his pets and say that you're scared that he will do something to you as well. (That's what I would personally wanna do but please be careful and look after yourself first)


I used to work at Petsmart so I'll share what I know. (me and 4 other workers quit the day before black Friday as a protest because of how badly they treated the animals and employees.) When I worked there, they had a list in the back room of people who were blacklisted from buying any living animal as they had been found out to have been killing said animals, whether it be for snake food or something else. There's also a small family owned pet store nearby that I love and they do the same thing if they find out someone has been abusing animals or killing them, etc. 100% go to your nearby pet stores, show them this and give the managers/owners the full name (first and last) of your "friend" and see if they can be blacklisted from ever buying more animals in the future. Most pet stores around where I live require an ID when you purchase live animals as pets so that they can be sure that 1: you're not one of the blacklisted people, and 2: you're an adult and not a child trying to get a pet without a parents permission. On top of that, if possible, definitely go to authorities. Show them these messages. At the very least the person could hopefully be charged with animal cruelty.


You need to take this information to the police, don’t sit by and hold on to this information tell someone also share this information with his family and friends as well if he has any


Rest in peace babies 🕊️💔


Crazy that there's people in our community like this, the fact that he can't even respectfully lay a pet to rest says a lot about his character. Don't have much advice but wanted to voice my disgust. Rip...


I bury pet fish for Christ’s sake. To flush a mouse??? I can’t imagine what the inside of his head is like. And I don’t want to imagine tbh.


Hurting animals without remorse is a sign of psychopathy, just saying


Look up animal cruelty laws in your area and keep those texts to see if he can be cited for the abuse. I am sorry you are going through this 💚


what the fuck is wrong with that guy is he a fucking psychopath???


Were the mice legally your pets in a way you can prove? If so you might be able to take legal action. Technically they'd be your "property" and he "destroyed your property," horrible as it is to phrase it that way when they're living creatures. I don't know if you'd be able to prove it, it would depend if your agreement that he'd take care of them is in writing somewhere. You might be able to get legal action with animal cruelty laws, but idk, a lot of that depends. Dogs and cats usually you can, but things like rabbits or chickens, you can't. I'm not sure what mice would fall under. You could certainly reach out to breeders and rescues in your area, as well as pet stores, though I would guess a bigger chain like Petsmart would be less likely to do anything about it compared to a mom and pop store run by animal lovers who get to make those decisions for themselves, versus a chain that has to follow rules from corporate. I could see breeders, small pet stores, and rescuers absolutely blacklisting him, and it doesn't hurt to at least ask at big chain stores. They might not be able to do anything, but it's worth trying. I'm so sorry for your loss, he is truly a monster.


I started reading this hoping that best case scenario he was trying to feed fresh mice to a reptile by somehow humanely euthanizing, like you would before cooking a lobster. but holy shit. there’s not a deep enough place in hell for this guy.


I can't even do that to my mice I have to euthanize, just seems to cruel to do especially to a pet.


What the fuck??? Take this and proof to the police. This is an actual crime he has committed


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