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Reddit lately has talked about it a lot on the home page every other question on ask Reddit no stupid questions is about it so yeah it’s definitely irritating


Lately? That's been ask reddit since the inception of the sub lol.


Well since I’ve joined the sub they hadn’t done it in the last few months but these last like 2 weeks it has


Probably because they'd rather ask a stranger on the internet than people they know. Anonymity is pretty attractive when you're talking about a taboo subject If we didn't have a puritan culture that *made* sex a taboo, I doubt very many people would find it so gross


But more times it's the same questions over an over like "what do girls find attractive in bed" which they could just Google with "reddit" in the search and find like hundreds of redditors who asked the same question. I find that so annoying coz it's not even a unique question and then the subreddit is filled with same questions over and over


Yeah it’s super annoying and it’s been going on a lot lately


AskReddit is always filled with crap too.


Don't forget teenager subs asking if they're gonna be pregnant.


Sex is great, but the over saturation of sex in media honestly makes me uncomfortable. I don't like watching sex scenes, and if it's a repeating occurrence in a show, I'll just stop watching... Really don't like it.


The oversaturation of sex in media makes me feel like we are turning into that movie idiocracy.


We are idiocracy


The desentization of sex in general is kinda concerning. Gen Z in general have been speaking about how there should be LESS of those in media, but some people call them prude. I say, let them speak


I completely support them in that sentiment.


I'm Gen X and completely support this sentiment. Not wanting to see or talk about sex 24/7 does NOT make a person a prude.


As someone who was born in 2005, I may not be very old but I know I’m tired of it.


Yeah but where the fuck were you on 9/11? Nowhere to be found that's right. More sex shows it is. Matter of fact, new policy. You must fuck TSA agents to prove you're not a terrorist.


There's a lot of those sassy women TSA agents. I'm ready to dive dick first into a pile of them. Terrorize some of that ass. Get put on the No Fuck List for it


Lmao, I hope this was a joke cause it’s pretty funny. I do mean this most sincerely.


But there is less sex in media. Films used to include some big actress showing it all in order to sell more tickets. As a kid I remember friends buying dvds because so and so shows their titties. We don't really have movies like that anymore


I dunno, Euphoria is pretty much titty-galore


A lot of male nudity too


Isnt that show filled with teenagers?


That's exactly why some people are iffed with that show. The characters established are teenagers, but they're all played by young adults... who are mid-adults by now...


i don't recall anything like game of thrones existing back then lmfao....


You never seem Spartacus? I love that series but some episodes were hard to watch with family because of the sex


>desentization of sex Or just call it normalization. The US is chronically prudish about sex, like the whole world laughs at us about it.


By the "whole world" you mean like 3 countries in Europe.


Being prude can lead to leaning on the Internet to fulfill your "shameful" urges secretly. With the Internet becoming your solution, there are a vast amount of ways for someone else to profit off you. Also sex education is absent from many high schools in the US. Edited because learning from a helpful bot.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Treebull, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thia thread is pretty wild. A lot of pearl clutching.


The whole world? I have experienced the opposite in some of the countries I have visited and knew I had to be more conservative in discussions/attire because.


It’s pretty funny when people get caught considering western Europe the whole world


Yeah and I think I was downvoted for pointing that out?


Dude the ridiculous amount of sex scenes in TV shows makes it hard to actually care about the characters because, do the people in Hollywood even understand that most people DON'T like sex scenes?


What bothers me is how if you point it out, YOU’RE THE JERK. I tried to do a post about this saying how over sexualization of society is out of control. If you say anything, you’re the problem. Like thong bikinis. Why are we just so okay as women having our entire ass out? Like are men just gonna wear speedos now too? Also, at what point do these thirst traps become straight up porn? Cuz most of them are at this. Same with videos of young girls at age 13 dressing and looking like they’re in their 20s. That’s not healthy and creating unrealistic standards that are damaging to mental health. Also wearing crop tops and having a full face of makeup is insane. But say something and it’s “just young girls having fun”


I haven’t been around such people since college. If they’re past that age/ out in the workplace then that’s just immature. Edit: This was meant to be a standalone comment, not a reply. My bad.


Same. It's basically porn with a backstory these days!


Don’t go to r/Advice then. Literally every single post is about some weird fucking obscure sex or relationship problem that I can’t believe even exists half the time. People are so incredibly fucked up.


I LOVE sex and i do mean love, however, it seems to be the only topics of conversation for aita, dating, and a few other subs i follow and oh my gods it’s gotten so annoying. “My _____ is cheating on me”, “my _____ and i want to open our relaionship”, “my _____ is talking/flirting with _____, should i be concerned?”, “my _____ won’t have sex with me, what do i do?” etc, etc, etc and honestly i’m just done with it. It feels like that’s like 90% of the topics now. Like find a mf hobby ya’ll.


Do you mean on reddit or in real life? If real life, then who are you hanging sound with? I can't remember the last time someone I know talked about sex


This is a very online complaint. For reasons very circumstantial and inferential.


They're probably still in high school or something.


I think people constantly talking about sex is the same thing as people talking about having kids or getting married. It seems to be the new life goal everyone has Also I completely understand how you feel it's kinda getting annoying that practically every sub I'm in talks about sex or relationships in some way (yes even in subs that have nothing to do with either of those topic).




Hey have you heard of this new thing called SEX?! It just came out. It's my life goal now. I'm buying 2 tickets this weekend!


Find some asexual friends, when sex isn't at the forefront of your mind nonstop you can focus on other things that matter. Asexuals can be fine folk.


As a straight man, I agree completely.


Sounds like something a gay man would say


I mean I think sex is very overrated but idc if people talk about it. I never understood why people talk about it like it’s the best thing ever.


Because it probably is to them. It's a driving factor in many of their life decisions. Different strokes for different folks. I hate pickles, some people think they are the best ever.


I’m here to prove your point: pickles are one of my absolute favorite foods 😂




Because it is to them. It's the reason why any of us exist. If we didn't have this desire pulling at us, we wouldn't be the massive species we are.


Mmm, massive you say...how massive?


Yep agree


That's how I feel about watching sports, so many people love to talk about it all the time and I find it incredibly boring. I'd much rather people talked about sex.


ITT: a lot of young males pretending that the reason they're not having or talking about sex is because they're practicing "self-control", 'abstinence" or "celibacy". Sure, dude. It's easy to practise all of those when you have no steady partner. It's like I'm not buying a Ferrari because they're damaging to the environment, not because I couldn't afford it....


I think it's in part a brain chemistry/lifestyle thing. I talk about it a lot with my friends because it's immensely enjoyable and a wonderful part of my life. I also make sure to read the room though


"I had sex with this guy/girl last night and I had a great orgasm, I'm sure you all just needed to know that because you're my friends and I love sex"


Sex is not bad on its own but there's a time and place for sexual discourse and activities


probably should take a break from your friends or find new ones. people change like the seasons and like the seasons they come and go.


i always used to overhear conversations in high school. most of them were about how they have sex. they really talked about it loudly too...like that's none of our business. i think talking/boasting about the fact that you have sex to another student in school shouldn't be allowed, its fucking gross, especially in a school environment.


Really would get very annoying my friends would immediately want to talk about peen size of their new partner or ask me what mines size was. I would always tell them that’s weird and I’m not giving them a mental image of my sex life or my partner naked… Sometimes can’t even watch tv anymore bc it’s just sex 24/7 or naked body parts- I always feel like my brain is rotting when I run into these situations


"it's never been a big thing for me..." - It has been a big thing for me, and the way it gets talked about and how often it gets talked about ruins even for me.


Not trying to pry, but just genuinely curious & am fully aware it is not really any my business, but just for my very own understanding, where are you & or so many others dealing with this, at where everyone is just talking about sex?


This is exactly what it’s like with sports and I do hate sports. You know what people tell me when I voice this as my pet peeve? “Suck it up, buttercup. That’s life.” So get used to very little sympathy unless you can figure out a way to keep yourself in like minded groups of people.


I hear you. It can get annoying to say the least. I've been single for a while a long while and the one thing that annoys the hell out of me is chatting with a guy online and by the third conversation he wants to know how freaky I am in bed like dude I haven't even seen you face to face and you want to know about my sex life? Go to hell!. Reason 101 why I'm still single


a guy immediately unmatched me when i said i dont talk about sex with strangers lmao


Ppl are too horny


I hear you. 💯 When people can’t help but make everything sexual I am DONE 🙄🙄🙄


I get annoyed about every show removing around sex. Especially sitcoms.


I’m asexual and find sex very meh lmao so yes I get annoyed with constant sex jokes or conversations.


To address your example, everywhere I go, people *do* talk about sports, passionately and at length, it's ubiquitous and completely uninteresting to me. But I don't whine about it, I let people have their fun.I advise doing the same vis a vis sex. It's not everyone else's fault that you're not super into something which most people are. It just is, and there's nothing you can do about it but learn to take it in stride.


Are you in college by chance People grow out of it




I work at Walmart and there's this popular song (idk, I don't listen to slow jams) on the store radio where she sings "make me wet, make me holler." I don't want to hear this while working or shopping.


I heard that song on a YouTube short 🤢 can't believe they play it somewhere like Walmart 🤮🤮


Thanks for validation!


Time to hang around some different ppl irl because that sounds excessive and not normal lmfao. The only people I encounter who excessively talk about sex are male incels online who are unfortunately ruining apps like these 💀


Asexual here. It peeves the shit out of me. 10/10 Do Not Understand the appeal.


Right?? Sex used to be something that was private, now it’s all anyone talks about and I’m just as annoyed. Don’t even get me started on sex scenes in films, my boyfriend and I always have to skip through half the plot because of it.


Thankfully I don’t get this off the people I hang around with, but in general I know what you mean. I cringe at sex scenes in films/on TV that are there just for the sake of it (which is most of them). I also couldn’t think of anything less appealing than watching porn, but then I am asexual so I’m not exactly in the target market. 


"It seems today. That all we see...."


I feel like recently I've noticed how much adults talk about it or make references towards it in everyday normal conversation even when in a casual setting like top golf or the gym


I love sex and I'm very open when talking about it, but I'd never enquire about someone else's sex life without invitation. Feel free to tell people that do this they're being invasive and making you uncomfortable because it is absolutely warranted.


I don't know what circles you are surrounding yourself with, but maybe stop? Like if I don't like sports I wouldn't got to a sports bar lmao


So what you’re saying is people shouldn’t talk about things that are not on your pre approved list?


Yeah, everywhere we go, including this post. Nice.


People are dumb animal caveman at the end of the day.




Not really


The internet is like 90% porn. Maybe try interacting with people not on the internet. Usually people don’t ask about your sex life in real life unless they’re weirdos


Absolutely agree. I'm tired of it. Why do we need to talk about sexuality so much. Why does it matter if you're proud of your sexuality why the fuck do I even need to know your sexuality unless I'm planning to date/fuck you? And why do people think others care about their sexual exploits. As a guy it feels almost normalized for other guys to just walk up and be like hey I was banging this chick last night and we had so much fun and we were in this crazy position and oh I was so amazing dude Like bro keep that shit to yourself the fuck. Or even worse as how open the average person is nowadays about their fetishes. Like no random guy on the train I don't need to know that you have a fetish for my little pony porn or that you love getting off to women's feet or whatever please shut the fuck up and keep that to yourself. Again unless I'm planning to date/fuck you This is not information I need nor is it information I want. Yes everyone has their weird fetishes and because of that everyone should just keep that shit to themselves or the online communities that have sprung up that are specifically for those fetish groups on top of that sex is used so much for advertising and movies and creating fake relationship drama in television and so on. I'm just so overloaded by the concept of sex that it's hard to even take it seriously anymore. Sex is almost kind of funny to me at this point because that's just so prevalent It's weird for me because when people talk about relationships they always talk about sex like it's such an intense emotional romantic experience but because of just how overloaded I've been by sex in the general world I don't really feel that. I feel no real emotion from sexual interactions other than just mmmmmm pp feels gud. Like I just don't feel that intense love or passion or any of that crap because I've just been so overloaded by the concept of sex that it just seems kind of goofy and a normal Oh people play video games to have fun while sometimes they have sex to have fun. Like it's hard for me to even comprehend it as this deep emotional thing because it just isn't to me. Nothing about it is deeper emotional It's just something humans do for fun I basically just been sort of demystified and desensitized to it to where it just kind of exists and that's about it


I love sex and I love having sex, but I know what you mean


I agree. People throw their lives away for sex and act like it's this end all be all. It's never that serious.


Agreed💯there’s more to life than sex💁‍♀️


Then just ignore it. If it wasn't a big deal for you, then it shouldn't annoy you. I think there are other issues here...


Tread lightly…opposing pov’s & or suggestions to resolve the problem triggers some folks in this thread. Never ceases to amaze me, Reddit, made famous for people who literally offend themselves if their feelings are not validated how they want them to be.


I mean Reddit is mostly teens what do you expect


Im identify as asexual (not interested in sex) and honestly I don’t care. If you wanna talk about sex then talk about it. At least sex jokes are funny af.


People will never convince me that sex positivity is not just a fancy way of saying hookup culture and not feeling guilty when you dispose of people after.


Ikr? me personally when someone keep on talking about sex I will confront them like? this topic is making me extremely uncomfortable


You not being a fan of the act or the talk is okay. You do have the agency to get out of/ voice your displeasure in these conversations. No one is forcing you to be there. Alternatively, if this is a constant thing that is happening in your life and you continually shut this down for others in your presence, don't be surprised if folks don't want to hang. You get the benefit of not hanging with sex-forward people and they get the benefit of not feeling weird for enjoying sex. Other than that, if you're complaining about people talking about sex on the Internet, then piss off to another part of the Internet. There are spaces, both meat and net, where you can do other things. I get that one can be mixed up with things in life, but don't bitch about others for trying to better understand or appreciate the things that you don't.


Hey, not talking about on the internet, and I have made my displeasure known yet some people I am forced to communicate with take it as a joke no matter what I say, I’m fine with people enjoying sex as it is a normal thing to like I just wish that when talking about it and people try to involve me they respect my wishes when I shut the invitation down instead of trying to push me into it. Sorry if this may of came off rude I really don’t mean to be


Well, doggie, I likely came off aggro. I apologize. My question to you is how often do you get roped into this vs how much you care for these relationships? I get not being able to avoid some folks, however hopefully you have the ability to engage with a large enough population that you can find folks of a like mind. Is that not the case?


Im just gonna sex even harder


I don't want to hear about it. I don't want to see it. I can't escape the trash.


“Everyone should stop discussing food because nothing tastes good to me, specifically”


As someone with food sensitivities and aversions, it pisses me off when people around me that know about my food sensitivity continue to ask me specifically about food. No I don't eat spicy food. I don't care for the mouth feel or the butt feel. No I don't eat red meat, I literally can't without throwing up because ticks are a joke. Doesn't matter how you cook it. Stop telling me I just haven't tried the right steak. Weird vegetarian and vegan haters, when I'm not even one. No I don't mind eating bland shake n bake chicken with rice and veggies 3 nights a week, stop asking when I'm going to grow up. No I don't want to spend $60 on one meal when I could spend $20.


I’m 100% sex positive, I believe in having open dialogue about sex, WITH CONSENTING PARTIES. Which leads me on to my problem and why I completely agree with you. Too many times people will just launch into conversations about sex and it makes me personally very uncomfortable when I hardly know them. Yes, it’s maybe contradictory with me being sex-positive, but I don’t care. Talk about sex all you want with someone who’s given you the all-clear. Don’t just start talking to me about last night’s hookup at the breakfast table, @ roommate whose name I didn’t even know at that point. College roommates (I go to university in the UK, we’re all feral when we get to uni) were the worst for it. They’d literally come downstairs with their significant others and announce that they’d just had sex, and would very earnestly comment on each other’s performance as I was eating porridge. I’m sorry but that’s just strange. Like I say, I think people should be able to talk about sex as much as they want with people who’ve said that’s okay, but if you’re not my friend and I didn’t ask to hear about every detail of the sex you just had, then take it elsewhere.


So many people will claim to be sex-positive, but in reality, they're actually just exhibitionists. The difference is usually the "consenting parties" variable.




I fail to see the correlation between this and OP's post. I agree that those podcasts suck, but I highly doubt they're going out of their way to listen to that trash.


I agree, I find weird how people’s talk openly about their sex life. Like ahhh idgaf.


I wish the producers of 90 day fiance would read this. 😅 We don't need to see anymore strippers or see/hear about Yeeno & Jasmines sex life.


I mean, no. People are allowed to talk about sex if they want to even if it bothers you. People are allowed to be open about their sex life even if you don’t like it. People don’t have to talk about what you want them to talk about especially when it comes to their life.


Well it’s pretty classless to talk about sex. So I agree. Todays culture has the wrong set of values.


I'm a literal narcissistic sex addict and it even annoys me lol.


But...you're doing it now.


I could not agree more. And it’s so annoying when people make it their personality. People should keep that part of their lives private. No one cares or wants to know.


I totally get what you’re saying. Even fully grown adults are just obsessed with this one aspect of life and I agree it’s pathetic. I mean do what you do, enjoy what you enjoy, but don’t let it completely take over your life and your consciousness.


I genuinely do not grasp why so many young people are full on sex repulsed. It’s really odd.


Maybe because we don’t subscribe to the society’s sex obsessed culture


It’s not a dirty thing. It’s literally necessary for human life. I get that some people are ace and ofc that’s their right, but for it to occur on a generational level is concerning.


Sex isn’t the end all be all. Plenty of other things to do in life.


literally that's really sad if you think life is strictly about sex......


They didn't claim it was the end all be all.


Some of yall really just need to buy a toy


It’s how more humans are made of course people are gonna talk about it


Never . Sex is amazing


College was great.




Yeah, let’s stop talking about sex. Cum on guys, it’s not funny anymore.




Do you only hang out with teenagers or something?


It's all that's on reddit, or maybe that's all I look for.... 🤔


Who are you hanging out with? I haven’t heard anyone talking about sex IRL for like 3 years.


If I wasn't having good sex I probably wouldn't want to hear about it either. 😅


Not if Sue Johanson has anything to say about it.


Maybe you’re on the asexual spectrum?


… So this post doesn’t count ?


invent a wild and embarrassing story to share and make everyone uncomfortable, problem solves itself. best if the courts get involved,maybe some community service ... have fun!


It's really the only thing besides sleeping tho what else is there to even talk about?


People do constantly talk about sports and I'm not a fan of sports. I just ignore them.


I mean, I remember being taught to not speak out about it, like with people you literally don't have sex with. That it truly is a private discussion only with people you trust AT LEAST. The same way nobody should be talking about watching porn randomly. I get it. Especially with everything being sexualized nowadays, it is hard to believe people will ever relax.


Everywhere you go, people are talking about sex? Really? Where?! 😂




Alex is that you? lol


Someone's not getting any


I love your last paragraph because that’s literally me. I don’t hate sports or anything, but I don’t give a single shit about any of them, but it seems like that’s what everyone wants to talk about. I keep to myself a lot.


Sex is great and all but have you tried heroin?


I "recently" watched The Big Bang Theory for the first time, and by GOLLY every single episode until about Season 5 was about sex. Like, what? It got annoying VERY quickly. Sex is a thing, people. Get over it. Humanity's identities are so tied to sexuality and sexual intimacy that when someone is asexual or just doesn't care that much, they're treated as weird or "other". I have no clue why, because honestly, as someone who will not have sex before marriage (on purpose), I don't get the obsession with it.


For real! I feel like I always hear about it and it’s weird. Like enjoy your life but why is everyone talking about it all the time


I fucking love sex and still agree. It's EVERYWHERE on the Internet and it's so stale. "Oh boy, more boobs on a woman I don't care about, promoting a product/only fans/twitch/YouTube/tiktok oh yes so original." Please just shut up


Yes, very dry topic.


So other people like a ring, and it makes you mad? Grow up. I hate anime, but I don't care that it makes other people happy.


Maybe because it’s the number 1 thought of 75% of people




So you been getting any lately?


>Sex has never been a big thing for me and I personally don’t think it’s that great. You might be asexual and that's ok too!


I agree, It's one of those things where if you have it regularly it's no big deal or even if you use to have it regularly it's no big deal but if you never get it or are overly obsessed and become easily addicted then yea it's gonna be hard


They even talk about it on the asexual board. If you tell them having kinks is kind of.. contradictory to asexuality you get accused of gatekeeping and banned. (May happen here too, it's reddit after all)


Sex is the reason you are here today




This is really immature.


You might just need better friends


Sex is overrated and should be special. You get desensitized to romance love and sex and you almost become an animal


Everywhere you go? Or everywhere you go on the internet? Try touching grass.


Yeah, as a virgin I hate it too. I don't want to be consistently reminded of one of the many flaws I already have


My roomate is like this he always ask me about my sex life and our other roomates (we're college kids in an apartment). He is so nosy about it and talks about sex non stop I can't stand it anymore.


It's a byproduct of the recent wave of sex positivity, and a lot of it is likely very purposeful due to society being so repressed for so long. It will likely be like this for a while and eventually recede to more acceptable levels after a few years


Pet peeve of mine too. I think it's gay to talk about with other guys as well. But if you don't think it's that great it's because you don't have the right partner or aren't very good, I felt the way you did about it at a point in time. Seriously, practice improves the experience for everyone.


I concur.


Just makes me think of people who are like “I hate sushi!” But have only gotten the premade packs from 7/11


I feel exactly this way! It’s so triggering for people with sexual trauma. Which a lot of people sadly have. Also not everyone has the same relationship with sex. Some people are more private and protected about it. Nothing wrong with that


Sounds like something that someone who’s never had sex would say. Curious.


The answer is no, get over it. It’s our favorite thing


get laid and you might understand. sex, music, and food are literally the only things that make living bearable


I am so sorry that sex isn’t a big deal to you & that you have never experienced great sex. I am pretty sure & confident in saying that for a whole lot of other people, sex is an important factor of their life though. Idk where these people & you are at, but there are places where just chatting it up about sex is inappropriate though & in those places there is a very simple & effective way to ensure that is brought to an end. In a casual setting though, if you do not want to hear a conversation, then why would you remain there & or continue to be around people that discuss something you find annoying?. Rather than those people shutting up, have you considered just getting a way from them & or actually communicating with them in effort to actually get them to stop? Does it seem logical thar everyone should shut up simply because you do not like it?


I find this comment annoying


I have sex around 3-5 times a week on average and I agree it’s completely overrated by people that don’t do it that much. I think about sex the way I think about going out for dinner or going to a bar. It’s fun for an evening, it can be great, but it’s really just a way to spend a few hours. Once you do it enough you stop overvaluing it. People who are obsessed with sex are just deprived and lonely IMO.


I didn't even read. The punctuatiom and the & did it for me.


This comment is so cringe yikes


Without sex none of us would exist.


Nice try Pope, I'm gonna keep taking about sex


Quite of puritans and Amish people in those comments!