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bruhhh same, im tired lol I hate mazes im terrible at them


Sameee 😭 I gave up after 20 mins of ending up back at the start 🤣




same no cap


So I walked for an hour straight. Found a secret door. It had a 50x egg in it.  I hatched it twice and then somehow accidentally hit the home button.  I think I'm done with this update. 


Dontttt, I found a x75, left my phone hatching whilst I went and did stuff, came back and I was at the stairway to heaven😭😭went back through the portal and it took me to spawn😭😭I was so frickin annoyed, spent from like 5pm after the update till about 9pm when I found the room😭


this happened to me but in the 100x as soon as i opened the door and i had only just opened the egg once. i've never left a game so fast i was so upset. they should at least remove that button especially for us mobile players


what does the secret door look like


It's a small brown door with a padlock on it, you'll know when you see it. But there's other doors which you have to complete puzzles to get through. I swear I've only seen 5 secret doors all day and I finally found a x75 one and it kicked me out after 30 minutes of hatching 💀


A few things to remember. The eggs over 10x seem to have a limit and they will kick you. The maze is procedurally created. What does that mean? It means, much like the stairway to heaven, it is generated as you go. Once you or someone else in the same server goes there then it's generated and will stay but there's no "set maze/path" to get to the 100x egg or the 50x egg or even the 2x, 5x, or 10x eggs. I gave up on the higher level eggs and finally just found a 10x egg and I am going to AFK at it for the day and see what happens.


When you felt like you were going in circles, you probably actually were.


I most definitely was 😭🤣 I hate it in there 🤣🤣


Try swapping servers. The maze is diffrent on each server


That's what I did. I kept ending up in the same spots. Joined in world 2, successfully found 50x egg behind locked door with no timer. I found 50x egg yesterday. Hatched for 2 mins before it said not enough space, try a diff room and kicked me... after taking 2 hours to find that room. This update is definitely frustrating, but switching servers does help!


that seems like bullshit


It is what it is




Yeah I feel the pain I have 150m and 50 keys but no doors to be found


Only thing good about the update is the backroom pack. I got a normal and a gold huge early on.


The backroom pack is great, got a huge at 250 robux which seems like a fair deal


I gave up on this "update". I found about 1 door each hour, most of them were chests giving me stuff like T4 Enchants. Found one 100x egg, didn't hatch shit. Since i own the HH gamepass i need at least a 20x egg to have better huge odds than the active huges and since the game just restarted im pretty sure the odds have been nerfed some more. The backrooms could be fun but there is literally nothing to do. all you do is look for these stupidly rare doors (still have over 75 Keys and just cant use them) just to hatch for 1h and do it all over again. I'd rather just autohatch the normal eggs, farm the last area in the meantime and profit way more out of this. This update is a 1/10...


Dude. This is the best description of the Backrooms update. I don't know if Big Games reads these posts, but they should read yours. The return-on-investment of time and coins is non-existent. This was cute until the first time I got sent to the stairway to heaven, then this just became frustrating and then flat out boring. F- this.


I keep falling through the map somehow


And it keeps turning off my auto hatch


This sorta reminds me of the Huge Pineapple Cat event in PSX. You basically just had to server swap until you found a 50X egg. I think i hatched like 5 during that event. My son once hatched 2 in one hour. lolol I honestly haven't had too much difficulty today in finding a good egg to hatch when i've played. I've had some duds, but by hopping servers i've found a 100X, a 75X and just found a 50X to hatch right now. i just hatched a huge on the 50X. lol...i've used up all my luck for the next few months. I hatched a Cyper Agony on like 25 keys yesterday and now this.


I hate to stop, they were making me nauseous somehow 😂😭


Motion sickness I bet. It happens to me now and again with video games


Yeah, it’s the first time I’ve ever had it happen with video games it was weird


I feel this! I finally managed to find a door and right when I was about to open it with my key the server restarted! about to give up at this point


Really love this update and the mini game very cool and a lot of fun from getting lost to understanding it, navigating gets easier once you get in hatched myself a gold huge on x5


I found a secret key room with x75 chance egg. Hatched all 8 mil of my coins, nothing. It is getting old already. I can’t even find anymore boss chests which is where I got the keys in the first place.


I only found the 50x, hatched for awhile and got a notice that I didn’t have permission to hatch, walked around in a circle and came back, door was locked and was able to use a key and hatch again. They’re timed too😭😭


Any breakable can drop coins.  I skip the big chests and have about 20 keys.


I only got when spending 20 mil


How do you get into back rooms


When u spawn in world 1, look to the right and you'll see a sign. Just go in the building there.


I keep dying (???) while grinding backroom coins or hatching the backroom eggs! I find myself at the Stairs to Heaven all over again and again and again and even with my pets this time (sry for the quality of the photo). https://preview.redd.it/njwrrckbskyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15262f93d78d83641577ad8d85b73c24883bfb0c


Me too! I spent from 5pm till 9pm finding a x75 room, left my phone hatching, when I came back, I was at the stairway to heaven😭😭


This is due to only having a limited time with special eggs, and server jumps


Silly me,for a second I was hoping for it to be a sing that I might finally reach the Huge Angel Dog at the End of the stairs lol


Why can you only equip 10 huges? Can you keep up with coins to hatch for an hour?


Backroom pets work better than huges.


Back in the day, before the backroom were a thing, jingle jingle pay attention, I said you're favorite word, the backrooms ?


I have mixed feelings about this event. On the one hand it is finally a mini game that takes more than 1 minute to play, and the challenge is pretty balanced for all players. On the other hand, I spent more than 6 hours yesterday to find an egg better than x25. I woke up with a headache today from all those endless corridors. But I wanted to show it to a friend and found a x50 egg after about 5 minutes... So I guess it still a matter of luck after all. For the people who can afk on PC, go for a x15 - x25 egg and stay on it overnight. Those are not time limited and you can hatch forever if you park the pets to grind and go look for an egg.


I accidentally got to a point where I hit the outside of the map and I could see the whole thing but I couldn't see what all was there. I found the laser room and I am not leaving at all.


Was the laser room the bank room? I have found it a couple of times, most I got was like 41k


Mine was next to water and the egg was a 10x egg


same, in two places i could see outside the map, and i got into the third laser room 20x egg, def staying here for awhile.


Is this the same place you saw? Note: link expires in 2 days [https://streamable.com/dzgv8f](https://streamable.com/dzgv8f)


It can be really painful. After hours walking around my gf and I finally found a x50 egg behind the first secret door we saw in ages (weirdly easily in a lobby we just switched to). Gave us an hour to hatch, she got the huge in the last 30 seconds of that hour. Took us a moment to even realize it actually happened. She does have the gamepass, but this is the first she has actually hatched with it! Also, it says potions and such are off in this area, but it looks like enchantments and passes are still valid, though I could be mistaken


These huges are not effected by enchants, potions or gamepasses as they are not an active huge, active huges are the ones in the final egg


Same. I only walking. I was find locked door, open chest and get Old Boots. And after update mini and big chest in normal game missing. I have 3-star quest, "break 5 mini chest in the best area" and can´t do it.


The update is utter garbage and has messed up the quest system


Just imagine the spawn as a square and then make a perpendicular line to it and try to always be the closest to it while walking forward.


i used my key and the server reset 2 minutes later 😭


I managed to find a 25x egg that doesn't have a time limit so i afk'd that overnight


How long does it take to farm keys in the back rooms?


I agree


Pick a path left, up, or right and keep going that general way. I have been doing this and it works a lot of the time. When I’m searching too long just switch server


Would have been funny if preston made the backrooms a long hallway and at the end of it was a black wall and behind that Blackwall would be the egg.


yesterday i found the 50x and 75x a couple times.. today i haven’t found them at all. i really don’t like that the backrooms change so much.. its already mad confusing without it changing up every time you join a different server lol


Dose the Charged help at the 100x Chance? https://preview.redd.it/r9yst06ieuyc1.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3da8b1adf4a215f5fad52f021660d67a102a53c


No, it makes no difference with golden either as the price doesn't change.








https://preview.redd.it/cwwpkxrb7wyc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbb6735dd02a2522714f6b4b1e26b6fefb2b5b3 All of the rooms I just posted do absolutely nothing






https://preview.redd.it/g36ulenm7wyc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8f136baa1c01555321ca564dce8fd680eaec875 Got nothing at all!


I hate how you find one of the rare eggs and you set to hatch and withing 20m spawn to Stairway of Heaven; and it even does it on World 2 last egg. So you can't auto-hatch long term because it just sends you there, it's dumb; people buy auto hatch to not have to watch it, so done with this game.


exploiter heaven update, they can just tp to 100x eggs


It's not that hard guys


Womp womp


I felt like I was waking it circles too. You wander a bit and find a 3x chance egg. Then wander around and find it again. But actually you can just find them all over the place. Don’t play focusing on getting huges. Play to have fun and wander around a cool new map. When you find a good egg then you get to celebrate for an hour then go back to exploring.


That would be great, but it sucks to just womder around endless yellow halls.


dude, thats the point of the backrooms


That's cool. It just sucks to run around for hours and find nothing. The best thing I have found is a 15× egg and nowhere to use my keys that also can't be sold.


Skill issue.