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I don't talk that way to people but I'm guessing a lot of people are turned off by the begging and constant trade requests.  I let someone know that the super charged enchant he was selling was manipulated rap and he said he traded his only huge for it.. he then proceeded to follow me around the trade plaza spamming "plz bro buy it from me" over and over again. I had to switch lobbies. That kind of stuff is just as rude in my opinion 


I think your comment explains it perfectly. While some people are just outright rude from the start, a lot of people get more and more annoyed over time from begging.


Dude I watched that happen


Agreed. Im not rude to players like that but people like that really annoy me and I just ignore them or switch lobby


I’ll help people if they ask for it. But more often than not I get people begging, spamming trade requests without saying anything, and when I give something to someone they don’t say thanks or even ask for more right away. Maybe 1 in 4 or 5 show gratitude. People tire of that quickly. As for nothing being guaranteed, that’s only true if you are hatching. If you farm or especially if you trade then you will slowly build money over time and will inevitably get a huge and plenty more.


Exactly. I gave a random 5 rb prison vows, he said bruh so little with .5 sec on the accept timer. I was so pissed


they always want more and more istg


Ya they are so entitled thinking that they deserve everything. These 9 year Olds are fucking spoiled




Just yesterday some newer player traded me without any hello or previous interaction. I asked him what he wanted in chat, and he replied diamonds. He was rank 8 already and in world 1 still. I told him sorry, but I don’t know him and haven’t even had a conversation with him. He proceeded to spam trade me repeatedly for a few minutes, and then beg in chat for diamonds and pets, and give a sob story of how he was hacked 2 years ago and lost his account. I’ve been playing 2 months and have grinded a lot to get where I’m at. He’s had plenty of time in 2 years to grind his new account, yet he chooses to spam trade strangers and beg instead. If you’re new and you want help from strangers, then be polite and speak to the first, say hello, have a short conversation and politely ask for help. Don’t ever spam trade, beg in chat, or act like an entitled brat. I still gave him advice and told him what to focus on to get stronger and earn more diamonds himself, and I gave him free pets, potions, enchants, fruits, gold fishing rod, gold shovel, and 500k gems. He went right back to begging and trading strangers after that.


And this is exactly why people don't want to help players in game anymore. The begging problem has been a big problem since the first game. It's a huge problem in Roblox in general. We hear all the time about scammers, but these people begging and harassing people for free stuff all the time are 100% scamming people.


You should see all the begging on this subreddit. I’ve set up automod to intercept most of it but some of it slips through. Every day people asking for free stuff Like dude, someone hatched a pet and is so happy about it that they posted on Reddit. Do you think they are going to just hand over that pet to a random begging stranger? People seem to think so. Also some beggars seem to think that “this is not begging, I’m just asking” is a secret code that will get them out of the no begging rule. Had one guy in PSX threaten to spam report me if I didn’t give him a huge. I said I would report him so moderators could see that he was blackmailing me and the guy went nuts, spamming up chat saying I am a hacker and I took his pets and whatever.


Yeah, i don't doubt there are tons of posts that we don't even see because of that automod intercepting. That guy trying to blackmail you is exactly why you can't just trust people at their word. He was using classic tactics of social engineering. Make your victim fearful of the consequences of not following along with what you are asking for. If that doesn't work, then try and appeal to peoples sense of sympathy and their natural desire to help people. There are also tons of people reporting in game and on here that they have been scammed. I know some of them are likely true, but a bunch are likely scams themselves trying to get sympathy so people might offer free stuff.


this is ultimately trueeee!!!!


Currently at full team of huges in value, I try to help give advice around this sub but sometimes I just get annoyed because alot of the questions asked have been asked 100s of times throughout the sub and they could have just looked through the search bar instead of posting, if people aren't putting in effort to finding out the answer/checking if it's already been answered, I personally am not gonna put in effort in answer it (i.e questions asking, does huge hunter work on XX egg?, is boss chest/boss lucky worth buying?, or the god forbid impossible broad questions where they don't provide any details at all 'i just started the game a few days ago, how can I improve my setup?' if you're asking about guides/tips that fine but please but in effort to provide info about your current gear) But in trading plaza I usually just ignore the lower level players since they are usually low balling / are kids begging


I’m not 100% rich but i’m siting at around 60 huges value. We do it because of the beggers. they lowball, beg, and just annoy us.


But they’re asking u for a lil help tho…


There are several examples of them being extremely annoying, be it this game or another. Back in the AA days for example, I was accused and iIrc reported for racism for not doing a horrible trade.


i gave up helping new commers.. once i gave 8 exclusiv and 10m gems.. after that he added me and start following me where i am asking for more gems and pets. he didnt even said thank you when i handed him those lol just asking for more.. after that im done..


I had the same bad experience


I think anyone that has given stuff to beggars has had this experience


I usually only give times to people who deserve it, most of the time when someone begs to me in trades, I look at their rank and diamonds, and most of the time it shows that they’ve barely played the game, they never get the idea of actually playing through the game to get stronger, instead they beg for huges.


It's really not that difficult to get a huge pet in this game. You have people all the time crying that "all they have ever wanted was a huge pet, and they just can't seem to get one". But none of them are willing to actually work for it and put in the time to build up their account and earn a huge. You will value that first huge so much more if you actually put in the time and effort to earn it for yourself. My first few huge pets I got are special to me and I will hold onto them forever.


that's why I always say to my audience to just keep on grinding. Having my first Huge was actually days of grinding. I was not lucky in hatching eggs so what I did was to sell the items that I have in my inventory to save diamonds😁and bought my dream huge😍


yea.. even my son is 6 years grinded hard to afford one huge. then hhc came he grinded that afk farm to now he got 6-7 huges he quit thought. didnt wanna give me his huges😂


I have multiple titanics so I’m constantly getting spam traded by beggar’s and scammers and it gets annoying.. I don’t mind helping people out at all, if someone asks me in chat for stat pets or gems i’ll throw them a mil or something (if they said please) but a lot of these kids have ZERO manners. Or they’ll just start adding garbage to the trade without even saying hi first They just expect free stuff and are rarely ever grateful, I gave someone a rainbow exclusive worth 15m and they didn’t even say thanks lol So now i’m “rankcist” 🤣 if u trade me and ur under rank 8 i’m not accepting, cuz 9 times outta 10 they just waste ur time


I'm a big p2w player with a full team of huges and a few titanics, but most times I get asked for help it isn't to run the game or to help grind but more just asking for handouts. I like helping newer players as it helps the player base, but if I'm asked how I "got good" it's mainly time and p2w stuff


I’ve mentioned this myself before. I can’t stand the constant begging or following me around. Even with chat toggled off, people will jump around and beg or follow to a point of having to switch servers. People asking for free huges when I either grinded, hatched or bought them myself. Yes some of us put money into the game. That doesn’t mean any of us owe anyone anything. Some of us spend our own money on our own game for our own benefit and can’t help what other people choose. Most the time it’s people rank 1-3 who are most likely alts, or just getting started and don’t want to put in the work. Seeing a full team of huges may make it seem like we don’t put in work or grind, when it’s actually the opposite. Most of us are grinding 24/7 if possible. The other day I pulled my own Huge Prison Cat off a Golden key that I grinded myself. Why would I give that away for free to someone who I know didn’t put in any effort. We don’t try to be rude, it’s just a literally everyday thing. It gets old.


as a 'rich' player, i try not to be toxic but im so used to going into trading plaza just to get spammed with trade offers begging for a free huge or exclusive that i keep my trading offers off. but sometimes ill have someone genuinely be surprised by the amount of huges i have and dont beg, which i usually will just give them one for being humble. i wish biggames would give us a way of toggling our pets as viewable, because having even a few huges makes you the target of constant begging. its sooo annoying having people follow you around like lost ducklings when i just want to sell my loot drops lol it got so bad i made an alt specifically to avoid beggars since ill have no huges/exclusives for them to beg for. (and so i can keep grinding on my main of course)


You can toggle edit mode on your pet teams, if you don't equip any pets for that profile (1-5) you won't have any pets equipped, so no one will see your team.


I tried to do this one just for experiment 3 weeks ago and I noticed no one is requesting for trade. So yeah up until now I haven’t equipped any pets in trading plaza.


It's insane how bad the begging problem is. And it's rarely anyone that actually needs it and will use the stuff they get to improve their account.


One time i gave someone the strongest stat pet they complained. (It was during world 2) They beg and be picky. Can’t they just be thankful? Lol


wish i knew about that sooner, i seriously hate that most of the time beggars are people who arent new and just go on to scam people with the facade of being new.


Yeah, the beggars are a big problem in roblox in general.


I have trades set to friends only, but: 1. No, you can't borrow a titanic for indexing 🤥 2. (Reddit) There are lots of ways to get huges, please use the search 👍 I've always tried to help genuine players, but it's harder now being in private servers. So I'm only encountering others in the trading plaza, which is like the wild west 😂


my problem is i’ll help people by giving tips and then they’ll just end up begging for my pets or diamonds anyways


give me tips my friend I am in need


Use alternate accounts and grind 24/7.


get to the last world asap on updates, hatch as much as possible, sell them asap


3 Way of Moods along with 3 examples: Example 1: "Hi, Huge pls. Its my biggest dream" or Just "plz huge" > Go to earn It yourself. Example 1, Case 2: Huge plz > i cancel trade Without replying as i only have few time to Play and those are timerobbers or timethiefs... Example 2: "Hey, can you Help me?" >In what Sense? "How do you manage to get so much huges" >By doing the following [a Lot of Text] Example 3: (Just happened Yesterday) A Kid offered me Big Mimic Chest with a Rap of around 234M for two huges. I told him that i dont need the Big Mimic Chest, and If He sells it, He could easily buy it, and even get totally 3-4 huges totally. He offered me IT for only 1 Huge Computer. I denyied as i told him that His Item is Just so much more Worth, and If He sells it on the Market He could get around 230m easily, and this way get even a better Output then Just 1 Huge, even If He really wants it badly, aS i didnt want to exploit him or get Advantage of it.


I just dont like beggars and the new best pets are cheap and on the start of the game u getting 3 k i think? So they can buy it. And if they still dont have plaza they can find someone with these pets and buy it from them


I always used to help with PSX explain the various machines and how they work, was always fun to let them chose an egg from spawn even if they haven’t opened it yet and I’d buy them a bunch to help them progress. This is when PSX was still new and Techworld was the only new world. I’d also always try and give pets than wouldn’t ruin the joy of the game first time round so nothing that would just make you blitz through the game with the strongest pet from another world. You could always weed out the beggars from the genuine players that way. I haven’t really come across too many people asking for help on PS99 but if someone asked a specific question in chat I’d always reply if I knew the answer.


I reply to posts on this sub all the time helping answer questions that players ask on here. I would definitely be considered a "rich" player, but I got where I am by consistently grinding in the game and doing exactly what I advise others to do. A lot of players asking for 'help getting a huge' just don't want to put in the time and effort to get one. Getting a huge in pet sim 99 is easier than it has ever been. It was way harder to get huge pets in PSX. In game, I ignore any unsolicited trade requests because it's pretty much always someone trying to scam or beg. If someone asks a question in chat and I see it, I'll try and answer the best I can. But someone asking "can I get a free huge plz! It's always been my biggest dream in life to have just one huge!" Yeah... that stuff gets old fast and I'm not going to encourage that. If you want huge pets, play the game and put the time and effort into it so you can earn one. The huge pets you get will feel a lot more valuable to you that way also. I have seen so many times where a player is given a huge pet, and they are like "Oh this is sooooo cooooool!" for about 5 minutes and then they go play something else and rarely come back to pet sim.


Give us ur secret advice bub


"Plz gib huge for 3m gems" Yeah, I don't know why I get tired of seeing this in the market 73 times a day.


So in game chat can be suuuuuper annoying and frustrating. Also lots are sick of beggars and scammers "bruh give me huge. You give. You give huge". I blocked trading and joined a decent clan of people. We compete but we help the lower players learn more. I just watched this video and it helped some kids I play with learn more. Hope it helps. https://youtu.be/ebVJrs3SX7Y?si=vQBPRGSc_qxLFY6A


Many of us have been at this for years and get burned out by the repeated questions (search works great) and constant begging/scamming. It just is what it is. I do help sometimes but not as often bc that leads to messages with more begging etc.


because beggars are annoying wastes of time


I think that if someone would ask for som good stat pets to grind with, they would more often than not get a full set of very strong pets and probably also whatever enchants they needed to get going. I have done so a number of times when people seems genuinely interested in playing and improve. What I won't do, is just to hand out huges to a random person who are not really interested in playing and just want a huge, for unknown reasons. But if I can help out a new player get a good start, I'll happily throw in some stat pets and extras and wish them good luck. I got a boost back in pet sim x and it got me started. The huges came much later with too many hours of playing and grinding.


I would guess you'd consider me a "rich" player. But I am overlly nice in game. But when someone sends me a trade request I click no and they try again 50 times, I am going to say something you may consider rude. If someone asks for free stuff for whatever reason I usually will say something. If someone asks for help smashing stuff I'll be there in a second to help. If someone asks for guidance, I will help. If they take my help never asking for something. Before I leave I'll mail them a huge or 40 or 50m of gems. If they are asking for input on fruit or ultimates and I can tell it would help them. I'll trade them and let them have 1000s of flags or whatever will help. I give away over 100m worth of stuff everytime I end up in a public server. But never once to a begger. Once I had 4 people begging me so to teach them a lesson about begging I gave everyone else in the server a huge and 50m gems. I got where I am without getting anything for free. So I expect others to do the same.


I’m someone who is fairly rich. I usually have 100-500 mil diamonds at a time and I have like 40 huges. It can be annoying when people constantly keep begging or they ask me to buy something from them. I don’t say anything, just ignore them.


the people that beg. people will sit there and beg so much or try to get us to overpay for items and shit. there’s downfalls to being rich in the game too. and wym it isn’t fair to new players for the mastery? make it make sense. if you don’t wanna grind a game to get your mastery up and your pets just say that. they’re not gonna just fall into ur lap. you gotta grind. mostly afk that’ll set you up with stuff to sell when you get home and provide coins to open the max egg and also provide you with prison keys to have a chance at getting the huge. i pulled two of them last night 20 mins apart for a total of 3 pulled. 2 regular and one rainbow.


Those people were once beginners themselves. Grinding is the same for everyone else.. we have all been there. Stop crying over spilt milk. You value strangers opinions/words far too much.


too many ungrateful bitches, im more than happy to give advice or like 500k gems but when people think they are entitled to a huge im not going to give them anything


I don't ever remember for asking for help in any way in this game the best you can do if you want help join a clan that accepts beginners and nice people from there will surely help out but please don't beg for anything that turns people off ask if they have any spares of good pet stats with people will mostly always have and be polite being nice and polite will always get your far


I am not a rich player i am strictly free to play who happened to luck out in pet sim x and acquired about 20 huges there and simply transferred them over . Anyway i try to be nice to other players but had one the other day where they approached me while grinding , asked if they ask me a question about the update i said sure no prob , they asked me how many new levels i said 5 they said cool can i have a huge or 2 i said no they started saying they would report me i said go for it , for the next 15 minutes non stop they sent me friend requests so i switched to a new server and a few minutes later they followed me there and started the whole thing over again made me realize that the richer players probably deal with more then this


I typically will help people out who look like they need help but don’t ask. Like others have said, the beggars have ruined it for everyone. That said, rudeness is unnecessary, I just turn off trades.


When I get trade requests I don't even respond or cancel them. At least THAT person can't keep spamming. But yeah, it's annoying to get into a lobby and immediately bombarded. I only help my family on Pet Sim and they barely say thank you lol


I've only been playing for about 2 weeks and I wouldn't say that the game is hard at all. Unless there's some secret way to play it that I don't understand. It gets grindy, obviously, but it's essentially a tycoon. If the game is hard for you, then I think it's just a matter of how you choose to play. I like grinding through levels and collecting the pets, which, as far as I'm concerned, is supposed to be the basis of the game. I'd like huge pets, sure, but at the moment I'm not really in the position of knowing how to hatch eggs in order to get them, and I'm not going to be spending money on this game. As for the players you're describing, they're simply just trolls. If they aren't going to offer to help those players, then perhaps you can!


Im not rich persay 60 huges but i do it because i would have enjoyed the experience of the game more if i had to grind for what i had not ask someone for stuff and they are annoying


You can't blame other advanced players for being sometimes rude there are lots of players in the game who keep begging and sending trade requests. I do help others as far as I can but sometimes some give me that attitude and keep asking for more especially huges 😅😅😅


I'm not rich or anything and stuff but I'm really talkative in chats (especially when I'm afking in world 1 for zone quests) and people try to interact with me, I try to give them the some strong stats pets that I have in spare to ease their burden. 90% of the players are grateful and I'm happy that I can help them even though it's not exclusive or anything extravagant. But some players just really spam spam trade or anything and when I try to give them strong stats pets they ask for stuff repeatedly. I also encountered some rich players just being blatantly rude but they're usually helpful (esp in the trading plaza). I think it depends, in every game there are players that is either rude, nice, in between or just don't care at all.


i help if they cant acces the trading plaza yet but if they can ill just tell them to buy pets


Because they think they are cool and make fun of f2p ppl. (My experience since the heaven update from psx)


I get begged and nagged for stuff 24/7 to the point i just ignore all the low levels


Once you're rich people harrass you for gems and huge. Begging, sob story, trying to be overtly friendly, excessiv flattery for the sole purpose of getting valuable items from you. You can be nice with people when you're not rich because they don't see you as a potential moneybag But once you're rich, being nice attract leechs and seagulls. People stop taking no for an answer and they act like absolute pricks. The ONLY way you have to protect yourself from this excess of attention is to be rude. That is the only way to get your boundaries respected. I know that it feels like rich players are assholes but they don't do that for fun. What you can do is just tell them "listen man, I'm not begging for stuff. I'm just figuring out how to play this game and you seem like a more experienced player" They'll understand


I don’t, if a new player asks me for a pet I’ll give them one, usually the best one in the game at the moment


I’m definitely not rich but whenever I see new players asking for advice or new pets in game I generally give them some stat pets because it benefits the communities longevity. Sometimes I don’t give pets but one million diamonds instead so they go and waste it on a happy new shopping spree. ( a waste to me and them but I’ve done it before buying things I didn’t know were horrible until I hit end game while still having fun.)


lol op is talking specifically about players here in this subreddit being rude. Why is everyone deflecting to in game scenarios?


They beg here too though. In dm or right on the thread.


Ikr. I mean some ppl are just freaking dumbasses bro, like when I offer for a guy's huge and I was 4m of rap, he said "hell nah I'm not taking offer! Imagine being that poor, I already have 50 hugest lol "


The rudest rich person ive seen on here was someone who said they were kinda poor and had 2 titanics and 500 huges


How is that rude? He is poor relative to the top players.


I find most of the people who respond like that are often the type who AFK on several accounts and think their shit don’t stink. They aren’t worth your time, but also begging is incredibly annoying. But I would never say that to someone.