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Yeah but didn’t Peter attia really stop using oura because they didn’t pay him what they said they would.


Yes this is the reason. I think it’s even the reason why he supported them in the first place. The legal documents make for interesting reading.


Controversial opinion maybe but I don’t wanna know about my sleep habits. I feel like I get pretty good sleep (8-9 hrs a night) with few noticeable wakings. I think having all the data on my sleep would give me more anxiety than anything.


If you feel like your sleep is on point and not an issue in your life, then 100% do not bother with tracking. I use the oura ring. The data is "fun." I have problems with sleep due to my line of work (professional firefighter) and generalized anxiety. The efficacy of the device is in that it has made me diligent in my sleep habits and sleep hygiene, and I've made vast improvements in my sleep because I have something holding me accountable, and there's a small reward system when I see those good scores. But yeah if sleep isn't a problem for you, don't do anything to track it and possibly mess that up.


There are studies that indicate if you simply tell someone they had bad sleep the negative impacts are similar to getting bad sleep.


You have a very good point!


Yes. I had a Fitbit back in the day and it just stressed me out more looking at the data 😂


Personally loved the oura ring, Peter is biased as fuck He’s also the only reason I got em But he’s not an influencer. Right? Right??


Peter Attia recently joined Eight Sleep's Scientific Advisory Board. Seems like he will shill whoever pays him, rather than what is good or not. Naturally, Attia now supports Eight Sleep and stopped using Oura ring due to both a conflict of interest and the ongoing litigation.


I get very hot at night and sweat super easy so the concept of eight sleep really appeals to me but i'm always turned off by the blitzkrieg of podcast marketing they do. Sometimes podcast marketing just makes me associate things with scam products like AG1.


Felt the same, bought the eight sleep, it’s incredible.


My problem with eight sleep is that its already insane price is paired with subscription hell.


Yeah I am for sure sick of having to have monthly subscriptions to things I already own.


Yeah I try to boycott products that force this bullshit on us. Like either charge a lot or charge a subscription - don’t do both.


I struggled with being too hot at night. Got the 8sleep to replace my old chiliPad….it is truly incredible. Definitely expensive but worth its weight in gold. The metrics crush the oura/whoop/garmin metrics too. Have had em all


Yeah this is what concerns me as well. I wonder when he will join Morpheus.


I love my Apple Watch. No idea if it’s the best product but it keeps me honest.


Battery life + uncomfortable at night keeps me away


Mine lasts all day and I never notice the Sport Loop


My issue is I want it to last all day AND night haha it’s a couple years old too though idk how long the newer ones last Only having to charge the ours ring 1x a week was the biggest benefit Definitely prefer my watch for the non-stop HR tracking


Same. I splurged for the better one and still ended up going back to my Fitbit. Charging a watch every day just isn’t worth it. I charge my versa for 15 minutes every few days and it’s good to go.


It’s not worth it at all Even when you charge it overnight if you’re actually using the watch at all it doesn’t last all day at all. When I spend $400+ on a watch and can’t use it all day I make the decision to never buy one again😂 Apple chooses to put shit batteries in a lot of their devices for whatever reason


I use one also, but I don’t trust my health data at all


The Vo2 max measurement is busted as fuck but everything else seems pretty accurate imo.


Pretty sure my recovery metric and my sleep details are random numbers also


I wear the Apple watch and compare it to the Oura ring, and the watch nearly always indicates less deep sleep, as well as a greater number of sleep disturbances. But it seems pretty spot on with REM, RR, and HR.


I'm so glad to hear someone else say this. I'm not the fittest 50 year old, but I'm not in bad shape by any means, yet the VO2 max on the Apple Watch says "below average."


Mine has set my v02 max at the level of an elderly old man. It doesn't calculate elevation changes well or doesn't seem to know i'm carrying my kids or pushing a wagon or something so it just thinks my heart is working way harder than it should be. It probably works well enough if you're running on a track.


Apple Watch here as well. Pretty accurate for all measurements.


Oura was far superior at sleep tracking vs. the Apple Watch I used to have, and to the Garmin watch I currently have. For me, Oura was very, very good.


What makes you think it's accurate? It seems like most people consider accurate to mean whatever matches their subjective experience, but there are so many aspects of sleep that you are unaware of, or have no memory of. The Quantified Scientist has tested virtually all the sleep trackers, with EEG devices and polysomnography tests to measure sleep stages, heart rate, oxygen etc. And Apple Watch has performed better than Oura ring for a while now. Fitbit was actually the most accurate a few years ago but was surpassed by Apple's newer algorithm more recently. Oura has only very recently improved their algorithm to be closer to Apple Watch's. Oura still over estimates deep sleep a lot, and doesn't capture awakenings as accurately as Apple.


Totally agree! Oura's sleep tracking has been incredibly accurate and insightful for me too. I much prefer using Oura over other options.


Actually no. Very inaccurate readings compared to Apple watch. A guy on YT did a scientific comparison between them. More insightful, maybe, but then you get the same insights with some additional apps installed.


I like my whoop over my Apple Watch. Whoop is pricey for a sleep tracker, but I also don’t give myself a black eye with it.


I am also liking the whoop. It’s great in many respects, but in particular I like that you don’t need to take it off to charge it


I prefer the whoop as well and feel like it does a good job with sleep-what I really love about the whoop besides charging while wearing is the ability to wear anywhere. My primary strength training is done with kettlebells and barbells and a watch or ring doesn't work well.


Atria is also suing them so he’s biased over his disagreements of how the contractual agreement went: https://www.law.com/radar/card/attia-v-oura-ring-inc-et-al-49526523-0/


I have Apple Watch , oura and Whoop. Apple Watch is the most accurate to track sleep duration. Oura and Whoop track readiness better


Peter uses Eight Sleep. It's basically a mattress with built in sleep tracking and temperature control.


This is the correct answer. In case anyone's interested, Withings has a sleep mat that also tracks sleep. Fits under the mattress so not affected by moving your arm around the way an Apple Watch would be. Also, for what it's worth, there are many stories reported where people were running or riding around in the Apple watch registered they were sleeping. I think the performance is very very specific to individuals.


Following, because my Oura has never given me great results.


I use the Garmin. Problem I had with Apple Watch is that I would be on my iPhone in the middle of the night and yet it would next day record that hour as “sleep” time.


I'm very happy with Ringconn.


Fitbit. Anyone of their lower priced models under $150. Cheap. Great sleep metrics, including HRV. Lasts 5-7 days on a charge.


Whoop seems to be gaining in popularity. Their product seems pricey via subscription but do offer some unique insight if you’re interested in the data.


There's a YouTuber who works at the University of Vienna who does reviews of various wearable devices by comparing their results to that of actual lab equipment. You might find [this summary](https://youtu.be/PvqRLG0K4SQ?si=s9C8fBZPNug2rHfU) interesting. He first discusses what published studies on the accuracy of various devices, and then compares those results to his own testing. Basic takeaways from my perspective: 1. Most of these sleep trackers are mediocre. None of them are measuring the primary signal used in actual sleep studies, which makes it difficult to be accurate. Heart rate and accelerometer data probably have a limit as proxies. 2. Apple products seemed to perform best, followed by Oura.


Oura might be the best sleep tracker but most of the competition is almost as good. So pick one like the Apple Watch that doesn’t have a monthly subscription. If you are working to resolve issues with minor apnea, the Oura’s SPO2 tracking might tip the scales in its favor.


Here’s some actual independent testing/analysis regarding the accuracy of all of the different sleep trackers. I’m still using the Oura gen 2, but it convinced me I should probably upgrade to the gen 3 soon. https://youtu.be/PvqRLG0K4SQ?si=HlMDB5LALJ9GiEOE


Wow! This guy is amazing. Thank you for sharing. I was considering Oura, but then they came up with a subscription model so I didn't. Now I'm reconsidering.


Whoop maybe?


Garmin Instinct 2 watch. Great and useful sleep tracking data.


Bonus points for no subscription! If you take care of the device, the Garmin Connect app is free, so it should last a long time. I’m on year 5 with zero problems.


A friend of mine has UltraHuman and loves it. Similar to Oura but I guess there isn’t a monthly fee?

