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The meme is a reference to Saturn worship, Saturn worship is linked with satanism. They worship the cube of Saturn. I believe the hexagonal shape is a cube unfolded or something.


Hexagon is a cube being looked by its corner


Minecraft cube


Yeah thats accurate


next question: is minecraft satanic


It does have a dimension of fire and brimstone so yeah


I personally call that dimension hell so...


Hell is a christian concept not a satanic one.


Never said it was satanic though


The parent comment had to do with Minecraft being satanic, logic would conclude that your comment was also referring to mine craft having a hell, so therefore agreeing with the parent comment... fire and brimstone | hell is not satanic.


I mean, can anything called Satanic really be separated from Christianity, tho? In order to believe in the Christian Devil, one must acknowledge the coexistence of the Christian God, no? Maybe the question I mean to ask, is liike... Do you know of a form of Satan-ism/worship that isn't at least somewhat derivative of the whole kinda theology of Judeo-Christian ... lore? In at least name alone, surely. I'm not tryna be a dick, genuinely curious. Maybe just a lil' tipsy.


https://thesatanictemple.com/ Atheist at the core, believing in neither God or Satan, Satanism is just the title given to be recognized as an actual religion.


Satanism is a Christian concept though so


Actual it is not, it has nothing to do with Christianity. Maybe you should go learn a thing or two about something before speaking about it.


But the Bible says our reality has a Hell too, why would Minecraft be satanist for lining up with Christianity?


Everything is satanic if you try rejecting reality enough.


Whats a tesseract viewed from its corner?


It's still a tesseract


Not sure if you're giving a technically correct answer to be funny, but this is incorrect within the context of this thread . If a hexagon is a cube viewed from its corner, then a tesseract viewed from its corner would be a rhombic dodecahedron (assuming we also got bumped up a dimension).


Knock that shit off. Some of us want to still get laid.


Get on my assumed dimension bro.


I can't, too many ladies and no room...


All the ladies love my dodecahedron tho


Do you know this as received fact or can you actually fucking visualize it/ calculate on the fly Cuz that would be very impressive Also i was going to guess dodecahedron and i shouldve because it would’ve looked like i have exceptional spatial intellect


Close, [it's actually a rhombic dodecahedron](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Orthogonal_projection_envelopes_tesseract.png)


Yea dude I'm not gonna lie this whole conversation is above me. Whole time I've just been picturing the blue thing from avengers


A hexagon is just a square being pinched on it's cheeks by it's grandma


Is the squares grandma a parrolelogram?


plot twist its actually an octahedron from the side


Can relate


So Saturn has a portal to hell, not Mars


Underrated comment


It's died down alot but /r/saturnstormcube has some crazy shit going on. I still show up occasionally to read some unhinged ramblings by someone who's off their meds. It has a wide range of crazy. From the rich elite having eternal youth because they drink the blood of children sacrificed in ritual murders, to the usual reptiles and aliens shit, people claiming the antichrist has been born again because of a building in Saudi Arabia?. And regular old the end is nigh Christian doomsaying. /e I also forgot that Dave Chapelle is a clone according to these people.


I was browsing that sub for all of 10 minutes and it's full of antisemitism and even a dash of Holocaust denial. Yikes.


Oh yea please don't take this as me supporting anything those idiots say or do, I just occasionally like to jump in the deep end of the crazy pool. It's kind of a morbid fascination and kind of reassuring that even though my life isn't great at least I haven't completely lost my shit.


cube stuff relates to Judaism a lot so they automatically hate it


Thank you for sharing. People are so deluded


Fuckin hell, that's brain poison. Gives me a headache.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SaturnStormCube using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The Presence of the Shining Ones: ball of light UAP/UFOs are active benevolent and malevolent interdimensional entities watching and manipulating the progression of mankind since the beginning of time.](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/qth4n3/the_presence_of_the_shining_ones_ball_of_light/) \#2: [This sub in a nutshell](https://i.redd.it/09m8pljcoi691.png) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/vfofxf/this_sub_in_a_nutshell/) \#3: [Missing Flight 370](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/tc7xdg/missing_flight_370/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


i hate when people's response to this is just "nah that's a conspiracy theory you're crazy". okay?? will you explain why? i understand you think i'm crazy but will you explain why these conspiracy theories are not true?


How the fuck is saturn worship linked to satanism? Saturn is a pagan roman god and satan is title given to antagonists of hebrew faith. 99% of satanists dont actually believe in a literal satan.


Hypersyncretic revisionism is a hell of a drug, and the satanism referenced in "Saturn worship" theories tends to be of the Satanic Panic persuasion


Basically, people just make shit up


🌎 👨‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


https://youtu.be/C4NJF_xdUsY?si=zKiC2FsR3jMP8Gp7 It's complicated.


Well I guess I gotta watch the video you linked then because I am still very confused as to how there is a Saturn/Satan link that doesnt involve some form of dyslexia.


Illiterate idiots a major part of the satanic panic? More likely than you might think.


Because that's what Christians do to things they don't like. They change the bible to make whatever it is evil.


Saturnalia the Roman holiday for saturn . Rome was the Hebrews enemy as they had occupied the holy land . Satan is the enemy of the Hebrew God as you said earlier. So even by your own logic saturn = satan . But yeah Christians tend to claim Satan on alot of things anyway. Edit and of courses Christmas is the updated version of Saturnalia so Christians are celebrating very similar customs of what they would consider Satan and don't even know it. They also won't admit the Roman's changed the already 300 year old teachings of Jesus to fit their own agenda which is what Christian doctrine is based based off now.


Nah. They sound the same and Saturn definitely isn't Christian. That's enough for some people.


I assume it's because Christians treat every other religion as Satanic because it isn't Christian, and it's taking people away from Christianity. So it isn't really, but if they talk long enough, it could be?


Correct. They even treat other christianity as satanic, because as followers of the Levantine war god, their religion craves war.


Fuck that comment is so metal


Not even an exagerration, I remember a month or two back seeing a comment chain of a catholic and a protestant initially in agreement that mormons weren't really Christians, but as soon as their own denominations were mentioned they started calling each other devil worshippers.


There is actually one more, very simple, explanation that I haven't seen below: In some Christian circles, there are only two higher supernatural beings: God and Satan. Everything that is not God (who is easy to identify, as their leaders will do it for you) is Satan in disguise. Gods from other religions? Satan. Talking to Ghosts? You're really chatting up Satan. Visions outside religious services? Oof.




I'm gonna kick that guys ass btw. Fucker pops up everywhere. Bringing us into this reality or are we not the archons?I cannot remember.


Wait who?


Demiurge. It's a snake with a lions head/sunflower? that defied God and created everything in our physical world. Did something that released archons into this reality at the same time. Archons are bad spirits basically but not "spirits" and more like 4th dimensional hellspawn nightmare fuel that occasionally inhabits bodies to do bad stuff. Or just hang out. All of this to defy the gods of some other reality we cannot see I think? I forget. Stupid snake, potted plant, lion thing bringing everything into existence. Unless we were being screwed prior. Then Thank-you demiurge.


Homie doesn't listen to enough alex jones


Paganism and satanisms connection has existed as long as christianity has. It was christianity that co-opted half of paganism and then demonized the rest.


well, guess it’s time for me to fart at your house 😅


Then why do they call themselves that?


>Then why do they call themselves that? They like to troll.


Never before, have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with.


In modern Satanism, Satan is used as a metaphor for individual responsibility and critical thought. This is how the Satanic temple explains it, "The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse. Satan is a symbol of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds. Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer – the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical impositions. Our metaphoric representation is the literary Satan best exemplified by Milton and the Romantic Satanists from Blake to Shelley to Anatole France"


Satanism originally was a rebellion against God. The fact that modern times made a satanic church decide to change their message doesn't mean satanism isn't satanism. That's like saying the Pope speaks for Christianity.


What about what he just said do you think contradicts that. It is is a religion about rebelling against God. You don’t have to believe in a literal God to hate him or rebel against his church and followers. They call themselves Satanists out of spite for Christianity and what it represents.


Stop making sense, you’re scaring them.


And the "Birth of Christ" wasn't on the 25th I Of December. It's almost like historical religions take on new appearances based on pre-existing cultures.


Actual Satanism has nothing to do with that.


interestingly, it is most likely caused by basic [cymatics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cymatics). You can get much deeper into it with sacred geometry, but overall gist is vibrations within a liquid / gaseous environment presents different shapes within the substance. [cymatic hexagon](https://youtu.be/XMUC1-OYnXM?si=5XH1yCU4mxBsmuG4) More info on [cymatics of Saturn](https://www.tokenrock.com/cymatics/cymatics-of-saturn/)


They believe the earth is flat yet cry at polar anomalies on round planets. That's just the beginning.


And here I was thinking it meant giant alien bees


a hexagon is a bestagon


Why? Because BEES


Hail Satan 🤘


Not sure if this is the intent of the meme, but: Famous sci-fi book The Andromeda Strain revolves around a satellite crashing in a small town and the alien disease held inside it killing everyone. The disease formed hexagonal crystals. A few years ago a sequel was written where the disease showed up again after a meteor crashed in the Amazon rainforest. Among many twists and turns, it is implied that the disease was created by aliens and has been found on every planet and moon, and is implied to have been designed to kill intelligent life. Again, the hexagonal crystals are a repeating feature throughout the story. The book ends with a classified government briefing discussing the large hexagonal shapes on Saturn’s poles.


Saturn best fren protect earth even in deth


That’s the same concept used in the expanse. Saturn captured the alien object before it hit earth.


Currently on my second watch of the expanse. Also just burned through the first audiobook in about a week and a half. Fucking love this story


The books are so much better than the tv series. The characters are drastically different.


Naomi played harder to get in the book lmao. Millers character arc was pretty different. Def looking forward to the rest!


Andromeda strain is awesome


Your comment just unlocked my memory of reading that book and experiencing awe and horror at the same time.


>experiencing awe and horror at the same time That's cosmic horror. It's an entire genre. There is plenty more to read where that came from.


Got any recs? Been really getting into cosmic horror recently


Aight, that sounds horrible. ​ ​ Gonna read the thing


It's not bad, just an unexplained anomaly.


They stacked the increases. Happens every time I crochet a hat.


God exists and fucks up while crocheting.


Not even unexplained, just a weird phenomenon with fluid mechanics


L: Saturn R: A beer 5 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/tvdv57rpd58c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f42b32d69d548c148b5f2a0dbaf8fed85f2b4c63


therefore saturn is a beer planet and we should fund nasa to exploit that


I mean it is unexplained because science is really stingy as to what they consider “proven” but it’s probably just a standing wave in the atmosphere of some sort caused by different rates of rotation as you get further away from the pole. Edit: so yeah basically fluid mechanics


I read last time this came up that they repeated the experiment in water or something. It had an explanation but it was pretty new.


I think it's a byproduct of the way planets are manufactured. It's a giant nut that was ground down to flush after Saturn was assembled. The other planets have similar fixtures internally, but Saturn had to be designed slightly differently to get the rings attached correctly.


Fluid simulations have demonstrated similar shapes in a lab, showing how the hexagon likely formed. That’s not what the meme is about, but it is neat.


Thinking exactly this when I saw people saying "no clue how it formed" and things like that.


The top comments are more like "no proven answer" which is true and very different from "no clue".


You have any links? I'd be very interested in learning more


Here’s one I found https://www.universetoday.com/148247/simulation-helps-explain-saturns-mysterious-hexagon/




You know, Hexagons are the bestagons. Why? Because bees. Bees are the best and build only the bestagon, the hexagon. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Bees build hexagons because they’re hexapods with hexagon eyes. How could they do otherwise? Excellent point. But the humble bumble has an engineering problem to solve. She makes two things: honey and wax. The former to eat, and the latter to contain the former. To make but a little honey, she must visit a lot of flowers. And to make one unit of wax, she needs eight units of honey. Wax is costly for bees in flower terms, and honey is drippy in food terms, so to make a hive that contains the maximum honey while using the minimum wax is royally vital. Thus, a honeycomb conjecture. Which shape works best? To answer, we need to talk tiles. Tiling is covering a surface with a pattern of polygons. There’s lots of options because there’s lots of polygons. Even the regulars go on and on-agon. Now for bees picking patterns, the more complicated ones obviously use more lines than necessary. That’s what complicated means. And thus a honeycomb of that tile would use more wax per honey. So sticking to the simple regulars, there are just three that tile tightly. Triangle, square, and hexagon. Pentagons are broken hexagons that leaves gaps. Same with Septagons. Octagons are alright, but they’re no hexagon. Which leaves the tiling trio which tile differently. A square is a square of squares, which is a square and so on. Squares tile tidily by basically cheating, covering an infinite plane with an infinite number of parallel lines. Like, wow, that’s what a plane is. Boring! Triangles pull the same trick, dividing themselves into infinite nothing. But not the hexagon! The only regular polygon to tile a plane without resorting to debasing self-division, unlike some squares I could mention. At least triangle is trying to be more geometrically interesting than square, teaming up a bit to… one, two, three, four, five, six. Wait, hexagon! The other shapes can’t help it. They just want to be the bestagon. Even some of the irregulars, like rhombus, tile by hexagoning. Same with your triakis tiles, and deltoidal trihexagonals, and your, ah, kisrhombille, and floret pentagonals. Look, they’re all just hexagons. Even Cairo tiles (poor pentagons) tile up as best they can do to form a lumpy hexagon. The rest just can’t compete with the best. The hexagon, nobly indivisible, is the bestagon. Uhh, where were we? Oh right, honeycomb conjecture. Max honey. Min wax. Three options. Okay, yes, there’s the circle. A shape defined by the least perimeter for the most area, but that only works when you need just one. Pack circles and this is the best they can do. Look at all that wasted space! And even if you pack the gaps, you still use more wax. And again the way these circles, arrange themselves… it’s almost like… onetwothreefourfivesix hidden hexagon! Bees use the hexagon because no shape is better to create the maximum area for the minimum wall. And this min-max stat of hexagon is one of the many reason they show up everywhere. Including in the aforementioned bee’s eyes. Each hexagon is a long tube that leads to the light-catching cells at the bottom. More light equals better vision and hexagons let the most light in using the least amount of wall. So why aren’t your eyes hexagons? Au contraire mon ami, they are L’hexagone. Not on the outside, but on the inside. Your light catching cells are at the back of your eye, in a hexagonal... (I couldn't fit the entire thing in one comment)


lol that just means you gotta finish it in another comment lol


*ahem* ... grid for the same reason as bees. Max light, min wall. Your window to the world, is but through the hexagon. Does that not make it the bestagon? Okay maybe hexagons as a min-max-agon doesn’t catch your fancy. Then how about a little mystery, oui? Let us travel to Saturn. Yes, the rings are attention-grabbing, but leave the equator, travel north and here lies the unexplained. The Great Hexagon of Saturn. Need something for scale? Well, here’s the Earth. Oh, here’s six Earths. Saturn’s hexagon is pretty big. What is it? Well, you might be thinking it’s a geological formation. An enormous basalt column like the smaller versions you find on Earth. But no. Saturn is a gas giant. There is no surface or geology to speak of. So the great hexagon is composed of shapeless clouds somehow keeping shape and changing color. It’s a magnificent solar system mystery. And, while I’m no space archeologist, if I was looking for an alien-gifted monolith, on the most “look at me” planet, under a hexagon beacon with earth-sized sides, that’s where I would start. After all, what aliens would want to make first contact with the nearby monkeys before they became enlightened to pursue the universal truth. Hexagon is the bestagon. From the largest down to the smallest. Say for example, this tiny snowflake I happen to have, that have six sides, as all snowflakes do. Gee, what could cause that to be? Let’s zoom down to the atomic realm and see. When water molecules join together to make a flake, the sturdy shape they prefer is the hexagon. As more molecules join, they extend the flake fractally up. The beauty of the snowflake on the monkey scale, is but an extension of the hexagonal perfection on the atomic scale. Okay, yes, you will sometimes find snowflakes with twelve sides, but this happens when two growing snowflakes get stuck together, so it still counts. And the hexagon isn’t just for snow, but for all ice 1H, which means basically all ice on earth. Yeah there’s a little ice 1C which we don’t talk about because it’s made of cubes, and cubes are boring. And there’s a bit of ice 9. No, don’t touch that. But if there is ice in your drink, give thanks to the hexagon for keeping it cool. And it’s not just water. Lots of atoms use hexagons because… (take a note) hexagons are the bestagons. Oh, using a pencil? Get ready to have your mind blown about the hexagon here too. The lead. Well, it isn’t lead lead, it’s carbon. And you know what carbon atoms think is the bestagon? The hexagon. Pencil graphite is a whole bunch of hexagonal carbons, and when they happen to be in a straight sheet, that’s graphene. Which happens to be the strongest atomic material in the universe. Some of which is in that pencil. To tear a sheet of graphene apart, you would need a hundred times more force than to do with steel. Hexagon is strong-a-gon. This is because when hexagons come together, they form three-sided joints 120 degrees apart. This, for the least material, is the most mechanically stable arrangement. Pull on one joint, and the other two equally pull back, push in, and the other two are the most able and stable to resist. Now look anew at a tiling of hexagons and you see it is composed of nothing but these max stable joints, each arranged perfectly to help the others be stronger and stabler. This is another reason hexagons show up everywhere. The universe blesses stability in her physics, from those basalt columns, to bubbles which, as soon as they can, ditch their spheres to become as close to the hexagonal perfection as they can. That’s so cool. Oh right, yes. So if your pencil lead contains some of the strongest material in the universe how can your write with it? Okay, okay. This is going to get even more exciting. While hexagons are super strong this way, they aren’t super strong this way. On a small scale, that means your pencil can break off in layers to leave a mark. But on a big scale, hexagons can be flexable while keeping their strength. Which allows us to create some totally unreal materials. Print out a grid of hexagons in whatever, from aluminum to cardboard, make a little sandwich, and pow! You’ve got honeycomb paneling. A ridonkulously tear-resistant material that’s also super light and flexible. It’s used everywhere but particularly in aviation. Rockets need to be strong yet light. Same for aircraft. With wings that really can’t tear but also need to bend. And only the magic of the honeycomb panel can do both as well. Give thanks to the hexagon for blessing our flight. And we still haven’t yet discussed the most important application of the hexagon. Games! For centuries there has been great debate over boards, squares of hexagons? Spoiler… hexagons win. Square boards are the first thing an unenlightened species would think of. They look sensible and are easy to implement, but they are terrible, ineffective boards that cause spatial suffering. On a square board move horizontal or vertical once space and you’ve moved one space, but move diagonal and the distance is the square root of two spaces. Gross. Diagonals warp the distance pieces move. Square boards look even and tidy, but it’s deceit. Their diagonals corrupting the meaning of space and time, and of course they must, because a square only has four true neighbors. Hexagons, however, have six which is more than four, which is better! And the distance from once space to the next is the same in every direction. One space. Just as it should be. If you’re a game based on squares, I’m so sorry. But there is hope. With thought and effort, you can hexagon yourself into a better place. As we all should aspire to do, spreading order and hexagonal enlightenment for, hexagons are the bestagons. And now that you agree, with your eyes will see their six-sided perfection in all things. And you will say to yourself, as part of the order, hexagons are the bestagons.


Holy shit you actually did it


Grey would be proud


No, he wouldn't. He'd be pissed about the plagiarism.


Nah, it’s not monetized so he wouldn’t.


new copypasta just dropped


Brilliant. 10/10. Humble bumbles everywhere should be proud. You madlad.


I needed this






oh come on i just watched this you dont have to remind me again


Thanks for sharing this!


I came here looking for this 👀


Sorry, but every shape is actually just a bunch of triangles, making them the best shape


Um, that’s stupid. A square is obviously a square, not “a bunch of triangles.” If everything were just triangles, then why would we have different names for different shapes, hmmmm? Think before you say something so absolutely idiotic.


No the fuck they are not. The reason hexagons are used in engineering and nature is because they’re the okayistagons in regards to surface area using the least material. Which is why they’re seen in nature such as bees. Atomic particles are held together by.. well, atomic physics, they cannot be applied to the real world because you don’t have very strong positive and negative forces keeping everything in place. Grey’s notion that they’re the ‘strongest’ in any capacity is false, triangles are the strongest shape. You can’t build a good bridge out of hexagons. And honeycomb cardboard actually does not derive its strength from the honeycomb structure, but rather, the reinforcement from the sides.


Us pentabros would care to disagree Edit: I guess I should have mentioned it was a joke. There is no such thing as a hexa/penta rivalry.


And you would be wrong. There's a reason so many things in nature and engineering are hexagons and not pentagons or anything else.


Trying to understand this to laugh but i couldn't


its meant to be r/distressingmemes, it aint even meant to be funny


​ https://preview.redd.it/i8belhrly38c1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=5da5477fde108d90bc935de75d2eecb825be9988


this version kinda sucks compared to the original one




the funny


Because it's not a circle


"All these squares make a circle...all these squares make a circle..."


“Kami tell me I can leave this place whenever I want”


Mr. Popo you can leave the lookout whenever you want.


B\*&!h don't tell me what to do!


…” All these squares make a circle… All these squares make a circle…”


Deep cut


Then triclops comes turning triangles into frikken squares


It’s unexplained and seems like it should be impossible


It isn't, it is a consequence of a rotating fluid. People have done the modelling, based on finding this.




Because it’s not a planet It’s an eye


Hexagons shouldn't really occur in nature that much. Especially on the scale of saturn gravity should just equalize the gases and stuff and make it a damn circle but not a hexagon.


“Honeycombs, snowflakes, the compound eyes of various insects, benzene and other cyclic compounds, and certain types of minerals are among the most well-known examples of hexagonal structures in nature.” https://www.britannica.com/science/hexagon Hexagons are in fact common in fractals, like crystals and many other emergent natural phenomena as well. It is not impossible that they could emerge in various stable forms from a large scale chaotic system like the atmosphere of a gas giant.


That’s weird because they’re an incredibly common shape in nature due to its structural stability


Not because of structural stability. See [this video](https://youtu.be/4zWDLKWmBnE?si=kBP5Mg4e7Z8vmQDe) for a longer explanation of how hexagons aren’t an unusually strong shape. What hexagons do well is (1) tile the plane and (2) use the least perimeter for a given shape that tiles the plane. They are also a common result in [Voronoi fills](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voronoi_diagram#:~:text=Although%20a%20normal%20Voronoi%20cell,Voronoi%20diagrams%20also%20subdivide%20space.). Any time you have a set of regions that grow from an even distribution of nuclei (cells, basalt columns, etcetera), they will tend to hexagons.


I respect anybody who comes with sources.


A more simple explanation of why they are so common in nature is just because it's the most efficient way to pack circles of equil sizes together. This also translates to spheres which are basically what atoms are and then you have the most socially efficient way to organize atoms being the hexagon close packed system.


Why doesnt cookie dough come like this


It's a big world-ender weapon's cannon, of which we can see the wrong end


Because hexagon is the bestagon!


(eerie music)*the five pointed upside down star*…..Come Satan! Eh, best guess.


Reality is made of triangles. Tesselate triangles and you get a hexagon.


Peter's sporty cousin here! [somcer ball..](https://xkcd.com/2513/)


Is it something to do with hexagons having the highest volume/perimeter on a flat surface?


> Is it something to do with hexagons having the highest ~~volume/surface area~~ surface area/perimeter on a flat surface? Of the shapes that tessellate. Yeah. That’s kind of why beehives are hexagons. Not sure if that fits here though.


My first though was saturn is actually an eye? The last panel reminded of a pupil.


The best thing I ever heard is that the winds are going so fast that the hexagon is actually occurring due to cymatics. If you have seen those vibrating plate videos that show cymatic patterns on them apparently Saturns pole is a similar situation. I freaked out for a whole day the first time I heard that lol


https://preview.redd.it/u7ubou9vr58c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c721cd63111c0554440e5f8fe37e6c04fcd8af48 Merry batmiss


The hexagon is made from the fluid dynamics of the high speed winds that encircle the planet. Experiments have been done that replicate this bizarre phenomenon.




Because hexagons are bestagons.


Hexagons are the bestagons!


I thought this was made by someone who suffered through organic chemistry and/or biochem. Speaking from experience, drawing hundreds of hexagons isn't fun


So the mod comment…


Its not a hexagon. Its the Time Cube!


#Why Hexagon?!?!


I think I played a video game based on it, the game went batshit insane but it’s just a cool scientific anomaly.


Observation? Play as an AI in that one.




The bestagon!


Because it’s the bestagon.


Guys come on! It's obvious! There's a giant soccer ball inside Saturn and on of the hexagons of the soccer ball is visible as that hexagon!


While I don't know why it is a meme, I have heard the reason why Saturn has a hexagon is due to the storms surrounding the hexagon. They help to form the hexagon. I'm not sure why it causes it, and I suppose scientists aren't too sure either.


I thought the joke was him wondering why his ex was gone


Hexagons are the bestagons.


Simple: Hexagon = Bestagon


Hexagon is the bestagon


Hexagon is bestagon?!?!?




Sound waves make the shape I bet. If this planet has a massive amount of gas and constant storms then it would produce vibrations that are likely at a steady pulse when averaged. Sound waves are known to produce set shapes when applied to louse material


Hexagons are the bestagons


Hexagons are the bestagons.


It's Jigglypuff from above


Well the hexagon is the bestagon


It's the bestagon


Doesn't this have something to do with an SCP? I think there's a big weapon in it or something along those lines


Because hexagons are the bestagons


Because we don’t know


As a wise man once said: hexagons are the bestagons


It's a butthole


Because hexagons are the [bestagons!](https://youtu.be/thOifuHs6eY?si=Yc4OPoQc8Pk1jku9)


It's not the first cult I've joined, but I am optimistic about this one.


Also, hexagons are the bestagons.


It's the interior of a Star of David. It's the Jews. They control Saturn.


because fuck you hexagons are the bestagons


I think because it is supposed to be impossible.


It means 5 storms not one. Imagine if 5 class 5 hurricane were spinning around each point


Looks like a boob. /Least horny Redditor