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Peters WWII Veteran uncle here, the Colt 1911 was the famous handgun used by American soldiers in WWI and WWII, often older firearm collectors say “muh 2 world wars” when comparing the handgun to weapons with modern improvements. The joke is that since WWI and WWII the Americans won while using the 1911 they’ll take it out of retirement for WWIII










Nah, just high and it's a public fourm


Happy 420


I love celebrating Hitler's birthday.


Dude's honest 👍






Too soon


Was gonna like but I'll leave it at 69


Well now I'm at 100 so might as well


Small addition in that the 1911 is considered one of the most reliable sidearms to be made. It’s not just that it’s won 2 world wars but also is likely the best option as a sidearm despite many side arm pistols having come about since 1911


Boys, I think we found a 1911 fan in the wild. (I don't disagree with you, by the way. I think the only thing holding the 1911 back is its single stack magazine.)


As someone who owns 4 different guns based off 1911s.  It is a nice but now dated design. Single stack magazine. Until the series 80 there was nothing to prevent light primer strikes when ejecting a round from the chamber. Series 80 fixes that but ruins the trigger feel which is one of its main attractions. Other option is a lightweight firing pin although not a guarantee. It is machine intensive to make relative to modern pistols. It can be made reliable or highly accurate but not both.  Loser tolerances are more reliable but less accurate. Tight tolerances ate quite accurate but more susceptible to dirt. The two world wars crowd forget that the standards for accuracy and reliability were wildly different in the 30s and 40s. This goes for any weapon across the board.


Solid points all around.


I used to have a micro series 80 in .380 that suffered from light primer strikes relatively frequently, which was rather annoying, and part of the reason I no longer have it.


Can you comment on any of the upgrades made to Solid Snakes m1911 in Snake Eater being legit improvements?


As someone reading this on the 4th of July I suddenly feel VERY American....


Only pistol I ever fired while I was on holiday over there and my god it was glorious. I really loved it. I didn't want to put it down.


The beveled mag well, polished feedramp and others are legit, the removal of the grip safety not so much an improvement (mines never failed before, multiple brands).


A legend amongst mere mortals fine sir


Tight tolerances generally actually produce more accurate and more reliable firearms. Because as long as you aren't slopping handfuls of mud on the gun, the tight tolerances between the parts of the gun should actually work to keep grit out of the firearm, thus ensuring it operates better everytime. Loose tolerances are never good on a gun, that's just the mark of a lackluster firearm.


Yes, but no. Take 2 1911's. One with tight tolerances and one with loose. Tight tolerances will allow less dirt to get in, but when it does get in it is more likely to jam and will be more difficult to clear a jam. It is more likely to require being disassembled to clear the jam. One with looser tolerances might take in more dirt, but it can run with more dirt or fouling. It is easier to clear a jam when it does occur. Better chance of not having to take it apart to clear. If you are a soldier in an environment where dirt happens or may have to go longer between cleanings, you don't want the gun with the tightest tolerances possible. If you are a leo or civilian where you are less likely to be crawling through mud, cleaning frequently, and likely for a firefight to require a low round count, but want the best accuracy possible you want tighter tolerances.


>It is a nice but now dated design Only by about 113yrs, if my math is correct.


You can get a polymer frame for a double stack, the slide and barrel usually switch right over if you spec it right… then comes the trigger mechanism so it fits around the mag Would actually be higher on my list of projects if I were in a state that didn’t have a strange capacity restriction


I actually didn't know that. I know there's a printable frame for the 1911. I should look and see if it uses single or double stack mags. That might be my next project...


They’re also commonly marketed as a 2011 or 2311. The keywords here are “2011 frame” and “2011 grip”. That will give you almost the whole idea besides the trigger mechanism


Oh don’t worry about those silly restrictions. They don’t apply to US citizens.


They do if you’re in a blue state that makes up bullshit laws to feel good about themselves. Edit: source is my buddy and I were about to close a deal on one of my rifles but Washington restricted the magazines for it so I legally couldn’t sell him the mags to go with it and all the stores around him were picked clean in a rush before the ban.


I suppose gift with purchase loophole was closed? We used to get around sale of alcohol rules by offering "Free beer with purchase of sandwich" on Sunday and then charge $8 for the sandwich. So many wasted sandwiches.


Nope, they do not apply. Carry on as you will.


Not innacurate


>polymer frame Tbf, a lot of the 1911's reliability comes from the fact that it has an all-steel-frame Nothing against polys


It’s more or less a two-piece, I described it incorrectly I think The component that the slide moves on is the “frame” and it is all steel. The polymer or aluminum are the grip surface and trigger guard/trigger component housing


What is a single stack magazine and why is it not good?


A single stack magazine stores the cartridges in a single vertical line, one atop the next. Popular modern firearms tend to have double-stacked magazines for a larger capacity. In a double-stacked mag, the cartridges stack side by side, so you can fit more cartridges in the same vertical space. Let me see if I can find a picture to show you what I mean. Edit: [here's a great image!](https://gunpros.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Single-Stack-vs-Double-Stack-Magazine.png)


On top of what ChemsDot said there another aspect to Single vs Double stack: Reliability. It's a bit of a debate in the firearms world just how much it matters but single stack, which having fewer bullets, feed more reliably than double stack magazines. Generally the reliability overall however comes down to the quality of the magazine in question, single stack or not. But, that is another point towards the 1911's long standing reputation. Fewer shots, better reliability.


the only magazine issues ive had were from semi-auto shotguns, 22lr and some drum mags for 556. I've never hand an issue with handguns 9mm 10mm or 45acp all double stack thousands of rounds. Modern handguns are better in a number of was and "reliability" isn't an issue with most modern handguns. Now most guns today are mass produced not personally fitted but glock and cz are popular enough that you can basically get a "perfect gun" by throwing 1000 dollars at your base gun. if you buy a 1911 for less than that today its gunna be mass produced and mediocre at best. I have shot a few custom 1911/2011s and loved but i'd never carry one or take it out to roll in the mud.


DS 1911 (2011) enters the chat


Springfield makes a couple models of 1911s that have doublestacks. the DS is a 9mm variant I was considering a few months ago. Went a different direction ultimately, but really liked the way it felt in my hand.


Sad thing is. If you look at over all performance and quality. A 300-500 dollar glock does better than a 1000-1500 dollar 1911 so far as I remember. And repair/ parts. Glocks have gotten a lot cheaper.


Well good news, they come in double stack now


No one who owns one AND a [modern plastic pistol] agrees with this statement. It’s definitely considered one of the coolest firearms ever made, but absolutely not the most reliable.


In theory yes, when considering the us government probably not. Technically the true 1911 has not been in service since the 80s however there have been modern variants that are in use today. I’d grab the wiki page, the 1911 has been used in every US central conflict since world war 1 including the Russia Ukraine war. I would hope the us armed service would use M3s (the modern standard I believe) over 1911s but push comes to shove the guns around will be used


The Mosin Nagant has been in every conflict since it’s inception, to the point where it’s become a meme of sorts https://preview.redd.it/qzzus8095kad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4adac44dd01bd14795b127daa919357ff13a192a It’s because it’s cheap and relatively easy to procure by the armed forces without much spending power. A 1911 is still decently cheap compared to more contemporary sidearms. Plus it’s a sidearm so many countries aren’t really trying their hardest to have the best here.


I've read (in this thread!) that the 1911 is machine intensive compared to more modern pistols. Wouldn't this mean it would be more expensive if everyone and Brian didn't already have the tooling for it?


One of my favorite memes from my old gun forum days was that the old “Senator Kennedy’s car had killed more people then my gun has” bumper sticker does not apply to Mosin owners.


The glock 21 is absolutely more reliable for the .45acp platform. With a higher capacity, lighter dry weight, and easier maintenance. 1911s are cool and a ton of fun to shoot, but really not a reasonable carry option anymore. That said, I own one and it’s my favorite of the ones I own. Now, we wanna talk 2011s I’ll hear you out


>Small addition in that the 1911 is considered one of the most reliable sidearms to be made By who??? It's reliable *if* you maintain it.


Almost every single damn product in the world is reliable if maintained. Reliability is more than just performance at peak condition. Is an ar-15 a better gun than an ak-47? Yes and no. If we are talking pure accuracy, ar all the way. If parts/tools are hard to come by reliably, ak is my choice.


Go ahead and ask which is better in the AK sub reddit, I'll see you there. Hint: no one will say the AK, nor any variants of it. The 1911 needs extra care to be reliable. Modern handguns can be neglected and run fine.


A well made AK or SKS can be burried in a muddy river for a month, dug up, and pew pew. AR or a 1911 , no way


Every mud/sand/water/ice test I have seen places the AR on top. Idk what you're going on about.


Ignorant take... It doesn't work out like that anymore. The ar platform has outgrown the AK many times over.


I've owned several variants of each in my life. AK and SKS rounds and build are similar to the well known 308 style hunting rifle, which is known as the best all around hunting rifle you can own. The problem with AR15 style ammo is it has no knockdown power. It'a decent at medium range if you can hit a clean vital point. With a banana clip not a problem. Meanwhile an SKS 7.69 round is similar to the 308, it has major knockdown power, just drops sooner as it flies than the .222 nato round. AR 15's fire a glorified .22 round. The shape of the rounds for an AK or SKS are meant to pierce rather than just knock down. So the 7.69 will not only have the power a 308 has but it will rip through most nato body armour as well. The AK/SKS design has barely changed since its inception for a good reason. It's simply one of the best battlefield designs for a rifle. It's a simple bolt action design with nothing fancy just a bad ass round. Also yea, I have tested the idea that SKS's fire straight from being burried in mud and they absolutely do. I have had AR's or M series rifles jam countless times no matter how well you clean them but never once had an AK or SKS jam ever. The only thing with a lower range rifle is you have to know how to set your sight to land the round where you want. Again, a 308 round is still the prefered rifile of most hunters for all these same reasons. It just takes a little more skill to use a better firearm.


Not sure if you're a child, or just really bad at making shit up. >I've owned several variants of each in my life. Doubt it... >AK and SKS rounds and build are similar to the well known 308 style hunting rifle, which is known as the best all around hunting rifle you can own. Not even the same class of round. .308 is significantly stronger. >The problem with AR15 style ammo is it has no knockdown power. It'a decent at medium range if you can hit a clean vital point. With a banana clip not a problem. The shape.of the mag has nothing to do with this. >Meanwhile an SKS 7.69 round is similar to the 308, it has major knockdown power, just drops sooner as it flies than the .222 nato round. Significantly less power. >AR 15's fire a glorified .22 round. Crazy how 5.45 is a .22 round but is known for being astoundingly deadly. >The shape of the rounds for an AK or SKS are meant to pierce rather than just knock down. The shape has nothing to do with it. Construction does, and there's tons of different forms. >So the 7.69 will not only have the power a 308 has but it will rip through most nato body armour as well. No it won't... It's not even close. >The AK/SKS design has barely changed since its inception for a good reason. Because Russia is broke and can't afford to develop it further. >It's simply one of the best battlefield designs for a rifle. It's one of them, but there's more that are more common and better. >It's a simple bolt action design with nothing fancy just a bad ass round. Not sure if you're aware, but Russia primarily fields 5.45 now, and has for the last half century. The .22 as you would call it. >Also yea, I have tested the idea that SKS's fire straight from being burried in mud and they absolutely do. I have had AR's or M series rifles jam countless times no matter how well you clean them but never once had an AK or SKS jam ever. Buy better rifles then. >The only thing with a lower range rifle is you have to know how to set your sight to land the round where you want. Incorrect. If you sight the rifle in as intended, it should be sighted for 300M >It just takes a little more skill to use a better firearm. It really doesn't.


An AK-47 is better than an AR-15 in all areas aside from having less accuracy at long range. This is adapted by knowing how to site fire the AK properly. If you know how to site and shoot an AK it is in fact superior to the AR in every way.


I think you're trying to say sight. The word "site" refers to a place or location "sight" refers to vision.


AR-15 style weapons routinely beat AK-47s in mud tests, because the AK-47 is a very (physically) open design of rifle, with more room for particle ingress. Maybe the more modern versions (AKM, AK-74, AK-103, and esp AK-12/15) have better closed systems, but I have spent more time learning about ARs than AKs, so it's not something I can speak to. AK-47 has a heavier bullet with a lower velocity. This can be useful in the right circumstances, but for any kind of distance, the 7.62 will drop a lot more than the 5.56. This is of course levelled out with many of the 5.45 rounds that the later AK rifles are chambered for (and of course the AK-15 is chambered for 556). 7.62 drops \~44 inches over 400 yards, compared to 23 inches of the 556 bullet. The 5.56 round also has a slightly better ballistic coefficient, which means cross wind will have a lesser affect. Also consider the user base. If you're talking about soldiers who spend their lives with their weapons, maybe the AK-47 is a better choice, but many soldiers (especially draftees in the event of war), will not have the kind of time available to them that learning to sight and shoot an AK-47 at range may require, which would thus point to an AR style rifle being superior for a soldier in those kinds of circumstances. Another consideration is the modernization of the AK rifles vs. the AR rifles. The AR rifles have had small improvements over the intervening years, while the AK has been upgraded, redesigned, and reworked many, many times. The M4 is the culmination of almost 65 years of use, improvements and upgrades, and (mostly) has interchangeable parts with anything back to 1960. The primary thing this means is there is a huge body of knowledge and experience with the AR style rifles in the US that can't exist anywhere for any one particular AK version, because all the knowledge and experience is spread out between the different AK rifles. All of that aside, the various AKs add up to the most widely used rifle system in the world and are reportedly more reliable in the face of poorer maintenance. A heavier bullet suggests [better stopping power](https://ammo.com/comparison/556-vs-762#ballistics). I'm not trying to shit on the AK here. I am trying to say that the AK-47 is no more a super weapon than the katana ever was. Widely adopted where they are the right tool for the job, both are surpassed in some circumstances, and very strong in others. I would say when determining which rifle is better, you're going to want to ask "when and where?" Context always matters.


This, the 1911 design has major jamming issues - as do 45 caliber in general Great guns but tbh in a battlefield I'd much rather have something that almost never fails such as an F&H 5.7 with a 20'round clip and armour piercing ammo.


Why have a pistol with armor piercing ammo instead of a rifle with several times more energy?


Why carry a sidearm at all? /s


why not both because if he has a FN 5.7 I bet he has more than 1 rifle


That’s really just not true. 1911s require more upkeep than virtually any modern handgun. Recoil springs die faster, it requires more regular cleaning. I love the 1911, it's a dream to shoot, but it doesn't really compare to modern guns in the reliability department.


Also the trigger is amazing


It definitely isn’t one of the most reliable, at least not in the modern day. In the 1910’s it was highly reliable, but a century later you’ve got everyone and their grandmother making a 1911, and their quality control is all over the place depending on who’s making it. Unless it’s a custom manufacturer that I know hand assembles the gun like Nighthawk or Wilson, I’m not going to trust any 1911 until it’s had a case of ammo through it without a malfunction. Cheap GI copies will feed full metal jacket just fine but require you to start polishing the feed ramp when they choke on hollow points. Mid-level guns still have problems, considering Kimber takes pride in selling 1000+ dollar guns that frequently require being sent back to the factory for warranty work because the company can’t make the gun reliable before it leaves the factory. Hell, it took Colt decades to pull their reputation out of the gutter because they refused to replace worn out tooling from the 80’s through the 2000’s, and were fine with letting lemons leave the factory as a result. Least I know most of the soulless polymer guns or the 80’s Wonder-Nines will eat anything you put in the magazine and go bang everytime you pull the trigger by comparison.


The 1911 was rendered obsolete when Gaston Glock dropped his absolutely fire offering, simply called "17", a gun that you can literally shoot so much that it begins melting... and then put a new mag in and continue shooting with zero failure. It also holds a little over twice the ammunition in one magazine than the 1911, it is lighter, slightly more compact, and far less finicky in less than ideal conditions. You literally do not have to clean a glock. If you shoot you 1911 and don't clean it, you'll find yourself having failures to feed after every shot. Cheap 1911s are also completely dogshit guns, if you spend any less that 1000 bucks on a 1911, you'd be better off throwing it at an assailant.


Also sidearms are basically useless in a major conflict.


This is true. I remember reading about anomalies in US army ww2 statistics and there was ever only 1 reported and confirmed kill with an issued 1911 sidearm.


If it ain't broke don't fix it.


You’re right but everyone hates on .45 cause their noodle wrists can’t handle it


No people hate on em cause they jam.


I hate on .45 because my 10mm absolutely fucks. More power, more reliable, and higher capacity


5.7 go pew


Better against body armor, but I got my 10mm for the versatility. Hollow points when it’s on my nightstand, Buffalo bore hard cast in the woods. 5.7 fucks though, especially if you can keep it fed. I respect it, even if it’s not my taste


My .357 is better


My 10mm has more ass and holds 15+1. Lower velocity but more mass & energy. .357 is great to learn on though


The FBI has stated most self defense shootings occur within just a couple of feet and are resolved within 1-2 shots. The mag capacity argument isn’t as much of a point as you think it is. But to your point, 10 mil certainly qualifies as a big boy round to me and definitely casts a shadow over .45 in terms of ballistic performance. If you were a 9MM fan we’d be having a different conversation


Absolutely. But 10mm has better energy **and** higher capacity. It’s worse against armor just because of how wide it is, but it’s just a bigger round than .357


Laughs in 10mm


Tons of handguns are better under stress tests than the 1911 (reliability) and if it was considered the best it wouldn't have been replaced by the M17. Yes I get you said "one of the most" but it's still needless glazing when you say it's better than modern side arms.


Everyone I know that carries the m17 in the military FUCKING HATES IT. Like absolutely despises it and wants the beretta back


M9 is also not a 1911. Don't get me wrong 1911 is a good gun but it's certainly not going to replace modern handguns.


I wasn’t arguing that point. But I can say with mild confidence that those same people might also prefer the 1911 over the m17. However if that’s because of “cool” factor or actual reliability I wouldn’t know. I’ve never shot an m9 or a 1911. I have however shot the m17 and didn’t have any complaints but I’ve only shot it once


Now what if we swap the 1911 for a hi-power...


And thats what happens when you are designed by the God of Firearms himself, John Moses Browning


“Muh 2 world wars” https://preview.redd.it/jn24myyx9jad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afcfe6ac6e004da66807398248c3dda39ea437e3 I can’t tell you how many iterations I’ve seen of this


I thought they still made the colt 1911?


Several manufacturers produce 1911 pattern pistols, including variants with double-stack magazines. That comment is referring to the US military having adopted other pistols for standard issue (not that many actual troops will ever be issued a pistol).


Ahhh okay. Thank you


I mean tbh the platform isn’t broken.. and if anything they have ‘improved’ on it with the 2011’s that have double stacked mags if it’s reliable why not 🤷‍♂️


If I had a 1911 with 12-17 rounds, a red dot, and a flashlight I’d take that over a Glock/polymer frame 9mm any day. Capacity and features is what I look for in a carry gun.


These are on the pricier side of things but look at the Staccato’s. They are 2011’s very minor upgrades 17-20 rd capacity but every review I have seen from like real gun nuts, guntubers, Police Departments/ Texas Rangers are allowed to and many do use them as their duty pistol cause they are highly rated.They are nice I’ve shot one but atm haven’t had the $ to order my own yet.


I’ve looked into them but my 1911 price range when I bought one was $1000-1500 so 2011s weren’t on the table


More than fair. Price for features/capacity is the common goal, that’s why I’d love to do like a solid Sig or something but the Hellcat pro with gear up package was just too good and it was like 300 cheaper and is my edc.


Because reliability comes at the cost of accuracy in a 1911. You need tight tolerances for an accurate gun. Tighter tolerances are less forgiving of a dirty gun. Looser tolerances accept grit but at a cost of accuracy. Love the platform, but no a 1900's design is not across the board better than one with one hundred years of design and materials knowledge.


It's not fully retired. While it's not standard issue, certain military personnel have had 1911s issued to them in every conflict we've been involved in up to today. Generally, it's special forces that have that privilege, but not exclusively.


Enlist for WWIII bring your own 1911


To be fair, the 1911 is also still a very solid piece of metal


I feel like I remember hearing about some SOCOM groups using the 1911, or the m45 updated version, so I meannnnnnn


That's a much better answer than mine. I thought it was about suicide.


I mean, there's still a FUCKTON of them in storehouses somewhere. If WW3 happens they're probably getting pulled out.


1911 owner- that's why I own won


The Mosin Nagant has been around since 1891 and will probably see action as well since it's being used in Ukraine.


Three World Wars!!!!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj9wPH3\_f78](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj9wPH3_f78)


I see no reason why we shouldn’t, it’s not like extra fire power is gonna be the deciding factor when we all damn well know we’re just gonna be pretending we don’t have world ending nukes until one of us appears to be losing by to much.


>The joke is that since WWI and WWII the Americans won while using the 1911 they’ll take it out of retirement for WWIII Retirement? Since when did the 1911 "retire"? That glorious peice of steel crafted by the one true lord and saviour, John Moses Browning, never left. How do you outdo perfection?


It's a beautiful gun after all.


And it’s still used in certain sections of the US military today despite the official standardization of 9mm ammunition for sidearms.




Does that mean victory can only be achieved if the brits unretire the webley revolver?


How much pizza is the pentagon ordering?


Just the proxy war amount still


Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ Pizzeria - You order and we nail it


Yes, I’d like a Nazarene deep dish with extra olives and bread sticks.


Don't forget your most exquisite and succulent Wine as well


Nailing it on the jokes btw


Were still at below 2003 iraq levels It did increase a bit a few days ago




Joe Swanson’s service pistol here, The Colt 1911 was the Service pistol for the US from WW1 to Vietnam. The US military moved to the Barretta M9 and then the Sig Saur M18z. Most people prefer the 1911 over the newer pistols because of its .45APC rounds stopping power and lack of a better term nostalgia. The meme implies that because of a hypothetical brink of world war which would see large scale combat, the bygone service pistol ‘1911’ will see use again.


I’m fairly sure your typos are intentional but it still hurt me on the inside and made me squirm a little. Well done sir or madam.


Look hes a pistol ok hes trying his best


Awwv now he is crying in the corner


It’s really the trigger where the 1911 shines. There is no other handgun that compares to how light and perfect a 1911 a trigger pulls, which is the key to accuracy. It’s the reason it’s still the most popular design in modern competition shooting.


The 1911 definitely has a fantastic trigger, but firearms have come a *long* way in the past hundred years. My $450 Canik has a shockingly good trigger for the price, and you'd have to be a pretty highly-ranked competitor to notice the difference a $1,000 gun makes.


True, modern sidearms have come a long way. They aren’t all mush anymore. I love the triggers on my CZs. But nothing compares to a high quality, modern 1911 trigger. And they cost way more than 1k because of how labor intensive the manufacturing is. It’s hard to beat a SA straight pull trigger of a 1911 or a quality revolver without being just that. Firing a 3lb 1911 trigger is incredible.


Just me being a nerd, it’s .45 ACP.


I don’t even try with predictive texts anymore.


It's a pistol that has been found to be useful to perforate nazis.


My favorite article of anti fascist legislation


Same reason I love the AK platform, aside from starvation it has killed the most communists


They used the stones to destroy the stones


Name a more iconic duo than starvation and dirty AKs I’ll wait. 


AKs and liberation


How fashy of you


And? Both are retrograde forces which have only brought subjugation and destruction on the lands they have infected. Far as I’m concerned they both deserve a bullet


So then you want to sound fashy? Wtf


What legislation is that? I'm out of the loop.


A hole .45 in diameter, through the chest or cranium. Was quite effective during the mid 40's


That's not the joke tho


Idk i find perforated nazis kinda funny


That's funny. But Nazis isn't the joke in the op. The joke is old fudds will say the 1911 is the bestest thing ever and the reasoning is "two world wars"


Time for the US to adopt a gucci, double stack 1911 chambered in .45 Super or .460 Rowland.


.50 AE chambered 1911 when


chamber a m1911 in 20mm, not for any practical reason just because it's really funny and would be interesting to see if it was possible


Just duct tape 2 10mm 1911s together.  “Oh this? This is my Nighthawk 3822 chambered in 20mm. It’s a custom job.” 


There's that South African guy who made a prototype 20mm rifle. It fires the same munition as a 20mm autocannon but with a shorter casing & with a lot of recoil managemwnt it won't break the user's shoulder. Magazine looks like a big soup can & holds 6 rounds.


.460 Rowland, shutting up the *“.45 guy”* since 1997


[Or how about...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsenal_Firearms_AF2011A1)


Its time to adopt the AK 50


2 Time World Champion


Back2Back bayyybeeee


the OP roarj25 is a bot Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1aekqdo/petah/


1911 best pistol served in 2 Wars and that will be the third it will be used


The pinnacle of handheld American unhealthcare


😂 very nice. I’m stealing this phrase.


Fun fact about the 1911. When it was made the U.S. government was looking for the smallest round that could kill in one shot. So to test it they did it against cows. The smallest round was the 45 ACP. The ACP stand for Anti Cow Projectile.


I’m going to note that ACP does not actually stand for Anti Cow Projectile but I wish it did.


Two WORLD wars, don't forget Korea and Vietnam.


I just like 1911 👌🏾♦️


Hey Texan Chris here, riding up to tell ya about my favorite handgun and help ya out! So the Colt M1911 is an American handgun that fired .45 ACP. The pistol has a 7 round magazine but some more modern models have been able to double stack the rounds to add more rounds. The pistol was made in 1911, thus the name it was given, and soon saw action in WW1 in 1918 in the hands of American soldiers. Mainly officers, medics and other such personnel were issued the pistol. It saw action again in WW2, again in the hands of American soldiers across all fronts. The M1911 is known for its reliability, the power of the cartridge it fires, and for its weight which helps mitigate recoil. It’s a very well made and popular pistol the world around, which explains why it was used for over a century before being phased out. Even then you can still find this pistol in use by Americans, with some police officers who can choose their sidearm, private contractors, some special forces and of course the civilian market. It’s a very well made pistol and is very popular. However compared to some modern pistols it kinda falls a tad flat, mainly in magazine size and other such factors. A common argument between the M1911 and other handguns is “Mah 2 world wars” which is a nod to the service history of the M1911. So the joke here is that WW3 might be on the horizon and the M1911 might soon be adding a 3rd world war to its service history. Hope this helped! Texan Chris, polishing his own M1911.


With Project 2025 on the horizon, an American Civil War is more likely than WWIII at this point. With only 30% of Democrats owning guns vs 56% of Republicans, Democrats gotta start catching up!




For a gun that isnt a revolver, it might be known as the most reliable, even if that's just mostly folklore


Revolvers aren’t particularly reliable. They have more longevity before switching parts, but mud/dust will fuck with them more than a well built autoloader


Starter pistol in cod zombies


Gun Nut Peter here. The 1911 is a .45acp handgun that was, as its name implies, created in 1911. It was the US Military service pistol in both WW1 and WW2. This is because at the time, there were essentially no improvements to be made upon the 1911, and replacing it was a pointless endeavor. It was that good. The 1911, despite being 113 years old with no major changes to its design, is to this day among the most well known and used handguns in the US, although it is no longer the US Military service pistol. It is also among the most reliable, thanks to its simplistic design and .45 rounds, which have alot of stopping power. The only major downside a 1911 has that comes to mind, is compared to a modern handgun its standard magazine capacity is rather low. Only 8 cartridges if memory serves. I guess the argument could be made that its a little heavier than many modern firearms with plastic/composite parts, but I prefer the weighty handguns myself. Because of this, it is quite possible that if WW3 were to occur, the 1911 will still most assuredly be used by civilians, and very possibly by some of the military. Meaning that over the course of 113 years and 3 world wars, the 1911 would not yet have become obsolete, which is a testament to how amazingly well designed the 1911 was, and still is. *bang bang* Gun Nut Peter out.


Don't forget Vietnam and korea


And the gulf wars and even Iraq the last time for a few guard units/marine tankers.


The colt 1911 is one of the most reliable handguns out there There is a lot of spare parts, its chambered in .45, it's easy to disassemble and reassemble, almost never jams.. it helped win two world wars. The joke here is the 1911 is going for the trifecta




I shouldn't have found this as funny as I did..


God Bless John Moses Browning


Just wait till they hear about the 2011...


Ooh, it’s gonna get its first war in 😈


10 rounds of 45 acp is SCARY🥵


The M1911 military models have 7 or 8 .45 ACP magazines


1 round of 45acp…SCARY🥵


Back to back champion why not make it a triple lol. All jokes aside why is the human race like this?


still don't think it's gonna happen. not saying other wars can't happen though...


The colt 1911 https://preview.redd.it/l0wetophcjad1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a935500ce565abf8cdec3facc6202bd9838419d Helped America win 2 world wars…….soon to be three


Came for the explanation, stayed for the education


2 world wars




Two. World. Wars.


a handgun, one of my favorites i may add


The M1911 is a pistol that was invented in the 1900s and is still being used by many militaries and law enforcement entities to this day. While there are some drawbacks (low ammunition count) it's considered one of the best designed pistols of all time. The M1911 was used in WW1 and WW2, so it stands to reason that if WW3 broke out, some entity would be using it in some capacity.


at first the first world war wasn’t named like that bc…well they didn’t know a second one will happen So it was named the great war I think the joke is that it will happen in multiple times


The 1911 turns off the news, gets out of its recliner with a groan, stretches, and says, "I'm getting too old for this shit."


Five seconds on Google would have explained this thoroughly for the OP. This sub is getting farmed….


I see a different meaning to this meme


These meme was made by a boomer gun owner


Will the us join ww3 late as well?