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>Fleming College As someone who attended Fleming, that was your first mistake.


Can confirm. Your experience reflects mine from 7 years ago. Top Fleming admins are all grifters. You should see how they responded to limits on international money...I mean students.


Yeah, going to a diploma mill, what did they expect? 75% of the students probably didn’t even deserve to graduate from their masters in basketweaving in the first place.


You’re ignorant.


Was just at the Niagara College convocation (my brother graduated) and sounds like a polar opposite from Fleming. The camera thing blows me away, they had just asked not to take photos from the aisles at NC.


Glad you enjoyed it :)


I feel you, however my convocation (from Fleming, I got an in-person one at Trent thankfully) took place online during the pandemic and it was literally just a 30 minute YouTube video where our names flashed across the screen for all of 2 seconds, so your experience could have been a lot worse! Fleming seems to be a bit of a joke lately. Edited to add: I get there's only so much you can do virtually, but my friend graduated from a different university during the pandemic and they had a livestream where each of the graduates had a minute to say a few thank yous and also sent everyone a cap and gown to wear. So Fleming's standards were low.


This was my experience as well. They said that they would put interested students on a mailing list for rescheduling and in-person graduation. I asked the registrar to add me to the list. They never contacted me. I reached back out last year by email and never received a response. Fleming is by all means for profit. Once they have your money they don't care. I warn everyone looking st colleges to avoid Fleming.


Blame Adamson. She's poisoned the well for the teachers they won't spend a single extra minute they dont have to and I won't blame them.


Sorry you had this experience, seems like a strange one off with the camera as I also attended as a guest and many folks in the crowd had large cameras around their necks and were allowed in no problem and encouraged to take photos but be mindful of others trying to do the same. Was it a telephoto lense or something that made it abnormally large?  Refreshments were served at the reception on the second floor.  As for the actual ceremony/gowns I’m not sure what you expected. I’ve graduated from university and college twice and it’s the same style everywhere with generic greetings, alumni speeches and then the reading of the names. They can’t personalize speeches to each persons experience there’s just no way. I’ve also only ever seen caps at university grads and black robes are pretty much the standard depending on the school colours. 


I'm sure the mood and pride of employment, etc. are currently just not there for Fleming profs who are being laid off en masse and have had, I believe, 29 different programs recently cut with no discussion or warning. I'm unsure how their compensation or payroll work, but if they're not paid to be at work after hours then one can hardly expect them to attend on their personal time. I know years ago, the college I taught at, we were paid an hourly wage. If the administration ticked all the boxes, as you say, then I guess they met the requirements, they just didn't go above and beyond.


I graduated from fleming 2 years ago. During the graduation ceremony we didnt have refreshments but once that was over we were all invited to have refreshments, grab our physical diplomas/certificates, and of course by diploma frames and what not. Im pretty sure we had the first ceremony since covid? It wasnt bad at all. Sorry to hear yours wasnt what you expected.


Fleming wants your money and nothing else.


They already got your money, why would they give a fuck? These are businesses, not institutions of higher learning. Businesses gonna business.


I watched Fleming story today on Facebook and saw profs from my program in attendance, and a whole table of refreshments set up? I don’t graduate till next year but I’m wondering if it was just poorly communicated that there were refreshments. And I wonder if only certain faculty could make it. Because I definitely saw profs.


as someone who’s graduated from both schools, the Trent convocation is way better than Fleming’s. Fleming’s was so disorganized, like they’d never done one before. granted, not everyone gets to have their Trent ceremony outside but that part alone puts it leagues ahead if the weather cooperates.


Sorry this sounds rude, but it's a community college graduation, not a professional sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony or anything. I graduated from Fleming and Trent and didn't go to either Convocation. They are long and boring and generally pointless.


Every thing you mentioned that seemed horrible is just a standard. I have graduated from 3 different post graduate programs and it was the same thing.


I get that you're disappointed but I think your expectations were too high and unrealistic. Trent doesn't do any of those things either, and some people there are doing post-graduate programs and have put in 5+ years. The gowns for these things are always cheap, and they've generally been worn and reused by dozens of people. I've never seen refreshments at these events either. It's disappointing that your parents weren't allowed in with the camera, but if even a dozen students had parents trying to set up their own professional cameras, it would be a nightmare of navigating and would ruin the ceremony for everyone else trying to see past them. I am confused as to why they weren't allowed in after putting it away, but maybe there's more to it than that?


Hi, person who graduated from Trent 4 days ago, Trent absolutely does a number of things OP talked about. They have refreshments for grads, they offer snacks, give out a water bottle with cold water, and bring cold water to the parents mid ceremony. Also many profs are there for the ceremony, I know because a few wanted to shake my hand and congratulate me by name.


I just graduated from Trent too and it was really nice ceremony. All the people there to run the event were so sweet and excited for us. They are a well oiled machine, but a friendly and happy one. It felt personal and like everyone there was happy for us! Im so sorry op had such a terrible time. It sounds super disappointing and what a shame your parents could not attend. I hope you can make some good memories with them anyways as you celebrate your achievements.


Wait, where were the snacks at? I’m satisfied with my convocation but I love a good snack and there weren’t any for us. I was in the grad program one, though, and it’s a bit smaller… My undergrad convocation at University of Ottawa was more elaborate but tbh I enjoyed the Trent one too. I think I also had to pay for the one at U Ottawa, while the Trent one was freeee. And there was absolutely no way I was giving that place more money.


Trent's convocation was pretty good. Attended on Monday. Water and some snacks were provided. They even offered flip flops for girls whose feet hurt. Many volunteers/workers checking in and making sure you were good. The gowns seemed nice and it ran like a well oiled machine. The speeches were good, probably reused for all the other convocations but they were still nice. Sorry to hear about your experience OP, Flemings probably saving cash now that International students are getting restricted


All we got as grads were mass produced green water bottles in the athletic center's gym 😂


Well FYI they made them stainless steel now 😂 mine was outside I got lucky, I'm sure in the AC is worse.


Lots of people got told last minute that their guest count was cut in half because of the move indoors, I'm just glad it was just my dad anyways, but it definitely caused problems (and had the vibe of a middle school dance).


I could see that, they give you an hours notice which isn't enough but they provide classrooms to watch the live stream and as it's weather dependent I think that's fair. I was given lots of notice of what the situation was.


Just for clarity: The camera was hanging around my dads head! It did not needed no setup. He could not put the camera away because he knew no one around here and I was inside collecting my gown and stuff. So he had to wait outside and watch it online. Also I don't care if it cheap or expensive, my point is it should atleast look okay right? That just looked cheap shit. And not comparing what trent is upto. Idc. We did not even have a cap? Is expecting a graduation cap as a part of the costume tooo much to expect?


Many universities and colleges in Canada only have graduation caps for masters level and above. I have friends who graduated from many different schools and none of us had caps, except for my friends PhD ceremony.


I mentioned Trent because that's the ceremony I attended, and *generally* university programs cost more money and require even more time to complete, so you would expect the standard to be higher than a college graduation, but even they wouldn't meet your expectations.


Again, they 100% would have met OPs expectations, they literally had a majority of things OP was asking for


They haven't in the past 🤷‍♀️ I'm speaking from my own experience, since I don't make a habit of attending every single year's graduation ceremony. We got water in cheap plastic bottles for the grads, cheap gowns, no caps, and our year was set up in the gym, which was kind of sad and limited how many people could attend by quite a lot.


They did this year 🤷‍♀️ I’m speaking on my own experience as well, I don’t make a habit of using outdated anecdotes to tell someone they are being unreasonable about the quality of graduation


College and undergraduates do not typically get caps in Canada. The Trent gowns are pretty decent, and we got refreshments and nice water bottles to carry with us. I just graduated, and have both worked on campus during convocation in the library as well as actually helped with convocation for the last couple of years, and Trent has done nearly everything OP was missing, besides the caps obviously. How long ago did you graduate? Maybe Trent was worse in pre-Covid times? Because as of the last few years it’s been a fine ceremony.


Just a bit before covid. Good to hear that they improved their water bottle distributors at least. The gowns we had were pretty much the same quality as the ones I finished high school with, but green. I don't think any of my professors attended either, and we definitely didn't get refreshments. Hell, I was outside standing in wet grass as my heels sank into the dirt under a grimy looking pop up gazebo until they led us indoors. I get they did their best with the gym, but it definitely still looked and felt like a gym. My point was, it seems like OP had some really high expectations (what do stylish robes even look like?) and while it's a shame that they weren't met, everything they described sounds pretty par for the course.


Oh sorry, I did understand your point, and I and others have explained how OP’s experience was not par for the course when compared to similar convocations during the same time period, in the same city. I am so sorry your convocation wasn’t up to your expectations, and you had to deal with a worse quality ceremony. It sounds like your experience was not typical, and I’m really sorry your big day wasn’t as special as it should have been. ❤️❤️


This is satire, right? Having graduated from three post secondary institutions, all were better than described here.


That person was unlucky and had a shitty ceremony 5+ years ago. I feel really bad for them but that’s not the usual convocation experience :(


when I graduated fleming last year, while we did have refreshments available in the school after convocation, the ceremony itself was a disorganized mess in the back. on my program's day, there were at least 20-30 of us who had gotten our IPD certificates but only 4-5 people on the list of IPD recipients. they had to have professors go around program by program asking who had gotten their IPD and fix the order of names last minute. this even meant that the programs our guests got were wrong with names being called in different orders than they were listed because all grads who had gotten the IPD walked before those who didn't. none of us grads had been told anything about what to do until like 30 minutes before the ceremony, and they were still getting us all lined up and organized properly as we were walking into the gym. there was so much confusion and ridiculousness as we tried to figure out why we weren't even being credited for our certificates and how to fix our line order to make sure we got called in for the IPD and such that I remember my grad day more for that mess than anything else. we were also trying to figure this all out standing in the hot sun behind the gym in our gowns, which were very warm, with absolutely no refreshments with us for that time. we didn't get the chance to have a drink until the ceremony was over.


they also told us that we would get exactly 2 tickets to invite other people and we would have to send in a request by email to get more, I requested by email but never heard back, even after following-up, and then I didn't get an email for tickets at all even after following up, so i only brought 2 people with me only to find out that they weren't even checking tickets at all and none of it mattered in the first place, so family I wanted to be there (and really wanted to come themselves) had stayed behind for nothing, on top of adding the additional stress of not knowing if they'd be let in at all without tickets because they couldn't be bothered to send an email saying that the ticket system had been cancelled or whatever happened with that


When I graduated from Fleming in 2015 we had a giant buffet style setup of refreshments. There was lovely fruit, cheese, meats, etc. There was an area where you could get a robe back to take pics with friends and family, and the ceremony itself was not only organized, but photos were allowed and cheering was allowed for each graduate. Almost all of my program teachers were in attendance as well. They also had people driving golf karts to chauffeur people back and forth from the ceremony at the wellness center back to the college for the refreshments!


If Fleming can't collect 3x tuition from you, you don't matter. Hell, even if they can, you don't.


You think that school cares about you in any way? You've graduated, you are less than worthless to them now that you are leaving.


i had my grad yesterday and it also felt super rushed almost?? having you practically sprint across the stage because they were calling the next name before you even shook hands with anyone was awful. they also told us to hold cheering and applause until the end of all the names which i guess makes sense but it ended up being so quiet and awkward. a little disappointed to say the least.


A great number of the instructors at Fleming are part timers. Part time instructors get paid per hour of teaching. That is it, not a dime more. Some get health benefits based on working a certain number of hours per week/semester. So if you ever find that these instructors are hard to find afterwards it’s because the convocation was held on a Wednesday afternoon meaning they were all at their regular jobs. I know a lot more would have been interested in attending and showing support even on a weekend on their own dime.




Haha everyone desperately just wanted to collect the certificate and leave. They were forcing everyone to sit till the end, that was funny.😂


Did you make your way to the second floor? That's where the food was


Growing up is realizing college convocations aren’t worth your time


Refreshments? I’ve been to several university graduations and none of them served refreshments. Try to imagine how it would work logistically. Hundreds of people plus their guests all trying to get a snack at some table… and then everybody will be trying to dispose of their single use plastic. Not a very classy sight to be witnessing


The president of that school is incompetent and corrupt as fuck. She is running that school into the ground.


My education there was soulless and poorly organized, too. Just teachers reading material that was prepared when AoL was still popular. The most common answer I got when I had a question was "Wikipedia it". Three people have a job in the field that I studied, the rest are at phone centers and WalMart. At some point, this college will close down. And I won't shed any tears.


I realized a couples years after graduating one od their one year courses that they're like 1 step above a diploma mill. I wouldn't feel too bad that's all you got. I also got the online convocation, was a waste of time, but I didn't really feel it was that important anyway, just needed the stupid piece of paper saying I'd done it.


I never went to both my graduations at Fleming (or Trent Lol) but it was also over 10 years ago. This sounds atrocious. Fleming has seriously declined in heart and mind since the early 2010s.


I attended as a graduate at the afternoon ceremony on Tuesday. The gowns are a pretty standard graduate gown.. I am now a double Fleming alum and the collars are now green and white vs green and gold which was kind of strange but whatever.. That collar goes in a box to collect dust the same as a cheap cardboard hat would. They did announce that there were snacks and refreshments upstairs after the ceremony maybe they forgot to announce that at yours? Some of my faculty were there and greeted us after we graduated. I missed them afterwards but also possible they had to jet to teach. My previous convocation was at the wellness centre and this was a much better venue. I was disappointed that we were just let out the back door and had to fend for ourselves to go try finding our families they wouldn’t let us go any other way. All that being said it was a pretty standard convocation ceremony.


Your expectations were a little high by the sounds of it. I have graduated from Fleming twice for two different programs and honestly felt their ceremonies appropriate for what the school is. Graduation ceremonies aren’t like they are in movies. I’ve been to other post secondary schools graduation and they are all about the same and happen like this. I didn’t even go to the school for refreshments as my family had planned to go out to eat at one of the many amazing restaurants Peterborough has to offer after the ceremony, which maybe you should have planned for.


I would not expect much from a community college especially Fleming💀 compared to the better known more funded colleges in Ontario. After going from University of Guelph and coming to Fleming, it’s clear Fleming only cares about money and, with all the program cuts I’m sure they were trying to limit the costs.


I am sorry this was your experience.


I graduated from Flemimg in 2016 but the convocation wasn't until October.... I wasn't driving 2½hrs on a Thursday for that... I was already working and still new to my job. I got my stuff in the mail


Unfortunately it's not just the colleges and universities, the whole of Peterborough seems to be the same. I'm sorry you didn't have an exceptional experience that will never come again.


The ai generated speeches were stupid fr and the guy kept tripping over his words the whole time he was talking. I went as a guest and the security at the door made me chug my coffee before going in. There were also a lot of other people who were made to dump or chug their coffee at the door because no one was told of no outside food or drinks policy(except it was completely fine to buy food and drink from the memorial centre vending machines). I’m glad I didn’t bring my boyfriend’s camera to take pictures of him bc of what happened to your parents. The food was in the reception area and they actually had a good selection, although they didn’t really announce that there would be food there, they just said go to the reception after.


I agree with you it was not put together well at all. And the sashes they provided were not even Flemings colours! The handed ones out that were teal and white. What a disappointment. They might not take such things serious, but us graduates do!


I heard a staff member tell a student they couldn’t wait for their friends because the doors were going to be closed if they didn’t go in I can confirm the doors were never closed to late arrivals and that this was entirely just being a dick to someone who wanted to go in with the friends mind you the friends this person was waiting for were not even 20 meters away and literally just getting out of a car soo like woo scare tactics


All the students looked so fancy and beautiful and happy I just hope you were able to find some enjoyment in celebrating your escape with your fellow graduates


Lol do community colleges even qualify for convocation