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These people would go volunteer for and adopt underprivileged kids if they really cared. They would protest for affordable housing, affordable groceries, proper supports for children in our education system, and protest for the much needed investment in our medical system so that citizens have the support they need to raise happy, healthy, educated children as opposed to being forced into homelessness, being underhoused, malnourishment, no medical access when needed, and being stuck in career paths that don't pay enough to survive. The abortion argument has and will always be about power and keeping the poor poor. They don't care about babies or "lives" a bit.


Exactly, I couldn't agree more. I wonder how much these same people are advocating for global peace and for children being murdered and enslaved overseas, but I doubt they bring the same energy.


Wasn't there a woman who used to show up to anti-abortion protests here and pull off her shirt and bounce her boobies around next to them until the protesters became so uncomfortable they'd leave? We need her back.


found the hero, Patti Pendergast! https://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/news/boobs-distract-from-graphic-anti-abortion-signs-topless-woman/article_5c0bdd73-1df4-5762-98ab-b1f2f673273e.html


Ha, nice detective work!!!






Women won the right to walk around topless in public a long time ago. Breasts are not legally considered indecent unless you're doing something sexual with them. The law considers male and female nipples to have equal rights.


This is the way.


OMG WHO IS THIS HERO?!?! I do like to hang around topless, something to consider…..




I remember her!!!!


What's even the goal by protesting at a school? Like aren't you supposed to be disruptive to people with relevancy, authority or sway? Or at least be visible in high traffic areas by people who may have those things? Like clearly the people dropping kids off there aren't the ones who opted for having an abortion- there's not a single logical reason to be set up specifically there, it has nothing to do with their "cause".


They are hoping to fuck up a couple of the emotionally fragile and vulnerable students who made a mistake and have a life changing decision ahead of themselves.


based on time, likely unemployed boomers looking to recruit in numbers because they're literally dying off and trying to keep their values going. total pieces of shit imo.


Don't they have a park to protest?




could say the same about another group protesting at schools... should the old people occupy TASS?


Which other group? I think the only time protesting at a school has a place is if you're protesting something that involves the school, or if it's the students doing the protesting.


Way to be vague.


Where is Patti 'The Hero' now??? We need more Patti's


Tell women they have no right what do with their with their bodies: Ok  Tell same people they need a COVID vax to enter a restaurant: Muh rights are being violated




Jail people you disagree with eh? No doubt you're a lefty.


Outside of Holy Cross a couple hours ago too- bunch of miserable 75 year old fuckheads


Anti abortion protestors are just judgy assholes with nothing else to do and no one to talk to since their kids won't call or pick up the phone anymore. If they actually gave a shit about kids in poor circumstances they would adopt, foster children, spend time volunteering with those in need. Etc. But nah. Way easier to judge and yell at people on a sidewalk.


We had them near one of my jobsites one day. They were maybe 10' away from my drill rig. So I just set the feed very light and let the hammer pound away. It's around 105dB when I do that. They didn't last long. And then I put a fast fence around their vehicle, because they moved my cones and parked on the jobsite. I told them, they can't leave until the site is shut down for the day, and since they were illegally parked, they had no one to complain to.


That's a couple layers of excellence.


These people are disgusting and a disgrace. Made me crash my car.




Yeah this was years ago. I was driving to my 8am class at Trent U, and the "protestors" were on water right outside campus by the yield sign. It's 730 in the morning and when I look to my side there's people holding pictures of dead babies. I think "what the fuck!" By the time I turn around I'm heading straight into the back of a car that was stopped at the yield sign. I managed to slow down a bit but slammed into the car doing 20-30kmh. My car was done. There was too much damage and this was a beater not worth repairing. I get out of my car and talk to the girl I just hit (ended up taking her on some dates let's go). when I hear tires start squeeling. I look to the road and see a minivan driving the wrong way down water, it stops near us, the back door opens and the "protestors" all jump in and squeel back off. The cops showed up but it was too late. It's a good story now and because of them I'll always be pro abortion.




Stop being a weirdo.




You are just spare parts, go touch grass. 


Oh yeah it's perfectly natural to see people holding pictures of dead babies on the side of the road. Just another everyday occurrence in Ptbo


Whoever disagrees with abortion. Is mentally ill. ( In my opinion)... It's a catch 22 for sure. It's great the kids are seeing the opposites of the world and they get a chance to form a public opinion. But they are just kids also. Personally, a child around this age should be well aware of the options they have without any prejudices or backlash of choices. I mean. A kid around these ages gets pregnant. It's frowned upon. You get an abortion, that's also frowned upon. The kids don't have a win. ( Everyone makes mistakes , but it doesn't always have to ruin your life) Had a friend get pregnant at 14. Her life is messed up now. Never had a job. Never will.( Not everyone is this stupid. But also.... Their kids.) They need serious talks like this but not protesters bashing an option.


It is hard to agree with abortion when you consider it a life... just like somebody shouldn't be able to and cannot murder you or your family members...


Me and my family members can talk to each other, share a meal and even play some video games. Can a gestational fetus do any of that? No, because it isn't a person.




If they have a DNR they aren't getting plugged-in in the first place. If they're in a vegetative state they probably aren't waking up. Yes, with medical technology we can keep people "alive" in such conditions indefinitely but what for?


Yeah I had 2 abortions while with a highly abusive ex. I'm glad I did. If you want to consider it a life.. then I really just saved those two lil souls from a lifetime of abuse. If you want to be a parent or even consider a child. You must think about their future..it's not about you.


Ahhh the annual abortion protest at TASS, I wasn't there to drop my daughter off this am and scream at them from my car like last year unfortunately, but her dad did it for me. The students came up and had a few swings at them as well.


A few years back my brother drove past and egged them. True story!




Interesting comparison… 🤔




When I was a Christian they encouraged us to protest near schools. I never went. I now support abortion. It is traumatic enough for anyone faced with that decision. No need to push antiabortion on children.


I drove by them at holy cross today and yelled that they should've been aborted. Lol


Was at a baptism a few weeks ago and a bishop from Toronto and the knights of Columbus did an advertisement MID-MASS for the group. They included an anti abortion/LQBTQ during this ad break. Way more anti abortionists in Peterborough than i thought which is disappointing.


W H A T?!? At a baptism????????????


Well actually none of them stayed for the baptism. It was during the mass before the baptism which I thought everyone normally stayed for. But nope. the “knight” did a second ad for the group, mass ended and poof bishop disappeared.


Stupid motherfuckers






They're just doing their part to push kids away from organized religion.


Don’t give them attention, they’re all very old and will die soon along with their tainted views. Special place in hell for those “protestors”.


....!.. I think you dropped these.


Lol, I was waiting for someone to mention that. Thank you very much grammar police.


Punctuation exists for a reason. Choosing not to use it means it requires more time and effort from anyone trying to read your writing. So, by saying you saw this coming, you're saying you *intentionally* chose to make life more difficult for the people reading your post? I assumed you just didn't care, but it doesn't sound like that anymore.


I rolled down my window and told them they should be ashamed of themselves, and they blankly stared at me in their Tilly hats looking like they are going to hike Everest at 80 years old! Then I called the non-emergency number and complained. I have young kids in the car with me and they are wondering why the dead babies are on a stick (it’s the ruler they use in the photos). The sad part is, they would complain about kids being entitled when the shoe is clearly on the other (old ass decrepit) foot!!