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new skatepark


I, for one am really looking forward to a new skate park, this bmx track. Hell even throw some pickleball courts in. It just strikes me as odd we need all 16 in one spot. As opposed to spread throughout the city at various other parks. Otherwise it would be like having a park of nothing but 8 baseball diamonds. Or... It'd be like building a hockey arena directly beside another hockey arena... Wait a minute... Shit... It's a Peterborough thing. The town council must want all the "same" things grouped together.


16 courts allows them to have tournaments which is a big money maker for the organizer.


No tournament will ever be held there. The courts will barely be used. The plans are to make 16 east-west facing courts. There's a reason why tennis courts are made north-south facing, it's so one person isn't playing with the in their eyes. These 16 pickleball courts will only be useful at exactly noon or after sunset.


Well that's a design flaw


One that will remain as long as the mayor keeps losing his mind anytime anyone wants to criticize these plans.


>big money maker for the organizer. I would bet that the PPA and that angry looking old dude on his fourth pacemaker are rubbing their hands together thinking about that sweet cash. Have the city pay for their tournament set up while they get to collect all revenue. Public debt, private profit.


we LOVE a new skatepark!


We love housing.


everyone loves housing, too bad nobody wants to approve permits in Peterborough, probably the same soft ass desk boys that think they are above building them. if we do get new subdevisions approved it's all untaxed labor from the gta. our whole housing system in Peterborough County is corrupt.


There are a ton of people in Peterborough who oppose housing. Please speak up in support of housing more.


Not just support housing, but resist any barriers to building more, especially affordable, housing. That's why it's important for City Councillors (cough cough)to STFU about parking worries when people considering new housing projects, especially downtown where transit is viable. Less paving Peterborough for parking lots is a very real way we can encourage more housing to be built.


Wish they would take that 16 court money and Made a couple more skate parks around the city so young skater kids,BMX riders, scooter kids, etc. who don't have the cash or parents don't have the time to take them to bonnerworth can also have access to a nice safer than the street skate spot.


It's a boondoggle of a project that's being pushed through without any consultation of the area residents.  It's being done because a certain wealthy small minority of retirees want a pickleball tournament space.   It would be better overall to add a few courts and keep green space or other multiuse space at this park, but again: they want to force the project through whole cloth.  And yes, I live in the area. And yes I object to this. And yes, we recieved no notice or consultation. We received notice and consultation months in advance of the new apartment building that went up, but not a single word about this park.  This whole thing smacks of NIMBY from the councillors who are pushing it through and the lot of them are corrupt assholes. 


NIMBY from people who dont want it. BOOO HOOO dont touch my unused park! we dont want traffic here!!!


I don't have a problem with the park being redeveloped for increased use, as I've said elsewhere the idea of adding a pump track and expanding the skatepark is great. What I have a problem with is entirely paving over all that green space to make way for parking and single-use sport courts for a fad sport enjoyed by only a teeny minority of the population. Heck, they could add a cricket pitch and a half dozen multi-use racquet ball sport courts and I'd be way more okay with it; but as the plan exists they're essentially going to pave over one ball diamond for parking and the other for 16 pickleball courts that cannot be converted to other sport uses without significant, costly re-development. It's the epitome of shitty entitled behavior by Council, pushing a pet project that the vast majority of the city does not want and will be basically abandoned in 5 years.


Alex, if this your actual account, what's your take on all of this? I mean, now that you've not been "gutted like a turkey."?


What's the average age of the protestors there? Can construction not just... wait a bit?


But wait... isn't the age of the supposed "pickleball community" the same demographic?!?!?




Actually the demographic opposed ranges from the youth baseball to the seniors at Marycrest. Many people seem to want to lump the protestors into a single category and then proceed to malign and criticise while knowing little or nothing about the issue. There are currently 7450 who have signed this petition for multiple reasons. It is a complex issue and can't be reduced to uneducated, sarcastic comments from people sitting on the sidelines, quite possibly criticising everything that crosses their screen. At least the protestors are actively engaging in something that is politically and socially irresponsible.


I think redeveloping the skatepark is a great idea. There is NOTHING for youth to do in this community, and it is well used and loved and they deserve a new one. If this means bringing in the stupid pickleball along with it. Then so be it. As for the baseball players , it isn’t fair either, are there not other spots to play baseball? Too bad they couldn’t allot ate some funds to another park and maybe replace the baseball field somewhere else so no one had to miss out on


Pickleball is fucking stupid….This idea is fucking stupid. Leave the park alone.


I'm with you. Its another fad that'll likely die right after this is done.


If it was such a sure thing the pickleball group would be doing some of their own fundraising.


Okay, so there are 3 councillors now in opposition of the park. Has it always been that way? Or how did it initially get approved? Looking for a little bit of context.


https://www.peterborough.ca/en/news/statement-on-bonnerworth-and-knights-of-columbus-parks.aspx here’s the city’s official statement & timeline


How did the councilors vote in 2023? How disapproved and who approved, I can't see? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjj6sxof-SY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjj6sxof-SY) It's in here somewhere lol!


On October 23rd, 2023, council unanimously approved the **Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study** which included the following information about Bonnerworth Park. "Bonnerworth Park is a central location for an active recreation hub due to its current amenities, the potential for increased parking, proximity to McDonnell Street Community Centre (MSCC), Hamilton Park splashpad, disc golf, and Jackson Park trails. This project includes the installation of 16 lit pickleball courts, an expanded skateboarding park and a specialized bike track. The development of trails throughout this facility, connecting Hamilton Park and MSCC supports the active transportation plan and creates a linear, multi-generational park, that will be used year-round." At this meeting, Councillor Bierk asked the following question Councillor Parnell & Rob McAulay, Recreation and Park Services Division for the City of Peterborough Councillor Bierk Question | **1:19:10** "Can you share with us what the plan at this stage of it looks like for Bonnerworth? The diamonds are going but is there any sense of where things are going to be laid out or is there more to come with that?” Councillor Parnell Response | **1:19:24** “Thank you, through you Mayor  Rob - did you want to? I know he’s got it all planned out. I don’t have a copy of that with me this evening.” Rob McAulay Response **| 1:19:47**  “We don’t have an actual plan for where everything is going to be situated because things such as the trees, the landscape, noise barriers - pieces like that all need to be considered as part of also our community consultation piece so engaging the neighbourhood around that about what they’re looking for as well Rob McAulay Response Cont. | **1:20:03** “We know what we can fit into the park so the next stage - if this is approved - to work towards the actual design phase which will be the community feedback, the user group feedback, all coming together.”


Okay, so it was unanimous meaning all councilors voted in favour of it. And now three of them are seeking publicity as the "people's champions", posing for pictures with citizens to overturn something that they voted for. How interesting.


They unanimously voted to approve the parks and rec plan that included Bonnerworth park as a 2024 project. They didn’t have an actual site plan to show during this meeting as Mr. McAulay stated in his response. When the site plan was presented to council at a later meeting, 3 councillors (Riel, Bierk, Lachica) voted against the plan and expressed various concerns.


Council voted unanimously twice on the project in October 2023


Would love to see another dog park in town. seems 1 dog park for 80, 000 people isn't a lot


There are 3 separate areas for the dog park and I've never seen them full. I walk by often at different times of day.


It definitely doesn't get as much use as it could, but I feel as though a large part of that is due to the location, and also the lack of planning that results in it becoming a giant mud puddle for half the year. I see tons of people with dogs around bonnerworth, and lots of off leash dogs on the surrounding trails. Personally, as someone without a car I'd love a more accessible dog park on this side of town, and i think it'd fit well with the community hub vibes there.


I totally agree. Saying that Park is three separate areas isn't really true. One is a mud puddle and one seems to only have purebred dogs lol. It's also a 20 minute drive for me. Would love one that's more accessible and maybe it would be more full




No, $2mill was precommitted in the 2024 budget


It’s still going to happen. And I will still sleep at night as it’s happening.


I see a lot of C.P.P recipients in that picture…..


Take another look. There are exactly two “older” folks, three if you count Riel. None of the retiree age people I know are in favour of this, don’t give a shit about pickleball, and are angry at how this was handled.