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Out chemong just before bridgenorth. Persons front lawn been around as long as my dad can remember. I use it to fill jugs all the time


Still there! They have the water tested often. Last house before Pinehill Road if travelling from ptbo. They have a donation box as well. It can get busy, and you can get ticketed if you park on the side of the road there so just cautious of that. They have a designated spot in the driveway for folks refilling their water.


nice! I looked it up and saw someone on Google Maps filling a jug so I'm going to drop a pin there for later! haha


thanks! sounds like a good one


Yeah I love it. It’s damn tasty. Plants love it too.


anyone remember the one that used to be beside St.Petes high school?


lower buckhorn has victoria springs, the water was delicious when i was a kid 30 years ago but no idea now, nor do i know if it's safe or been tested recently.


HWY 36 North of Bobcaygeon, near the municipal building. I see people filling up there all the time. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Duphgsk9PSnNpwKU6


I’ve tried to google yet, I’m still not understanding what an artisan well is. Would you be able to explain to me? Thank you.




3rd line , off County Rd 2 Baileiboro.


There’s one in Millbrook at King and Turner. West end of King. [Map](https://www.trailforks.com/poi/68317/). I should mention I haven’t stopped at it in a couple decades, but it looks like it’s still operating. I also thought there was one in Peterborough, maybe near St. Pete’s, but I can’t seem to find it. That memory is from 30ish years ago, so who knows.


Checked google maps and I did see a sign about "drinking water protection area" in that location so I might go check it out! thanks


Its still flowing, but there is an ominous sign saying the township takes no responsibility for the safety of the water.