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You can bring in a sample to Pool Tech Peterborough on Chemong and they’ll diagnose it for free and even give you a written report on how to fix it.


Do they do pool cleaning?


Have you run a backwash cycle on your sand filter (assuming you have one).


I have no idea how too do that


There are some simple videos about it on youtube but basically turn off the pump, there should be a dial on top of your sand filter, turn the dial to 'backwash', turn pump back on. let the water pump out to the road, stop the backwash once the water starts to turn clear again. This will empty the dirt that's filling up inside the filter and allow you to vacuum again and the filter will have room to hold the dirt you are now sucking up. also, as someone has mentioned go to pro tech on Chemong, get their water sample bottle, fill it up and bring it in for them to test. for me, backwashing, vacuuming, adding chlorine usually did the trick. always best to add chlorine when the pool is stirred up.


Can you dm me a picture of the pump and filter?






Watched a video on YouTube, tried it out and the water coming out was a grayish colour, and the glass on the side of the filter had green tinted water. After the backwash ran clear and the glass was clear aside from something attached to the inside of the glass.


Looks like you did everything right. Have you added floc? That will draw all the suspended fine particulate (the stuff that makes the water cloudy) together to filter out easier. Then let your filtration system run a few hours and then vacuum your pool. After all that, use your test kit and see if you need any additional chemicals.


I read about floc, but neither canadian tire nor home depot carry it, or if they do I was unable to find it. I got os clarifying sticks that said to place the in the skimmer basket, but they did little to help.


Try a concentrated clarifier instead. The one you bought will probably work but it’s going to take time. I haven’t prepared a pool in years and floc may have fallen out of favour for water clarification.


Thanks for the help. After the back wash, the pool started to get noticeably clearer.


Vacuum and scrub the bottom of your pool multiple times a week, it's probably algae build up, that's why it's not clearing up, you need to treat the problem at the source


If you still need help I can come over and teach you a good maintenance schedule


Test your water. You can do it yourself or take it to a pool place. This is our first year taking care of a pool and getting the levels right was the most important part of getting ours to finally clear up. You can call places like Sterling to do weekly maintenance if you want but it’s not cheap. If you want to do it yourself YouTube is a great teacher, that’s where we figured everything out.


https://www.troublefreepool.com/blog/ You'll find all your answers.  Stay out of the pool stores....they are criminals...all they do is tell you to add unnecessary chemicals and magic nonsense to your pool water at hundreds of dollars a visit.  That's why they offer "free" testing....because they want to sell you all their magic potions.  Visit the trouble free forum....you and your bank account won't regret at all.


Pro tech pool and spa and yes they clean pools




No problem they will also look at the filtration pump if you have issues with that


Sterling Pools is a solid company with a lot of good technicians, I'd reach out to them if you'd prefer not to do it yourself.


I have used them before, nothing but bad experiences.


Fair enough. A close buddy of mine works there so I may be a little biased


I'd recommend that! You can pay them to come out and clean your pool. Book it at a time so you can stay and watch to learn about the equipment you have. Mention that you would them to help you figure out how everything works so they can book you in for maybe 2 hours