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Honestly, when he goes and posts about how he has to stop doing it because he can't support his family, it gets on my nerves. He whines that people don't support him and then the donations come flooding in... Most recently from Jessica Yates and Jack's roofing. As helpful as it is, running a Facebook page isn't a job and he shouldn't expect people to pay him for it. That's the kind of thing people do for fun. I'm not sure if he still does it but for a while there he was posting content on Facebook that required a paid subscription to view. I like the page he runs but when he goes all "Woah is me I make no money and people should be paying me", I like it a little less.


But that no different than any 'influencer' really right? the goal is to make a social media page, grow a following that is large enough that people want to advertise on it. Then make money off it. Nothing wrong with that. Complaining about not getting enough money is weird as that's on him and his business plan, but nothing wrong with businesses who want to advertise on the page for views.


Influencers post and then have additional content for money that’s not even on the same platform they have a following on. They also don’t take “tips” from viewers, instead seeking sponsors, brand deals, etc. so it’s very different from influencers where they expect brands to pay them not the consumer of the media.


He runs a fucking Facebook page based on people sending him “stories”….hes a charlatan lol


The people who claim and believe it’s news is mindblowing to me.


I like the page and all, but I'm not giving this guy any money, running a Facebook news page isn't a job. He's threatened to stop running it so many times, whines about how he has no money and then people give him some. Get a real job I guess buddy?


I see a white suv with Peterborough scanner feed in white cop looking letters everyday at st Paul's school I love right across the road....so he has a vehicle...and it seems he has a job or why would he be at a school all day everyday...seems shady


That's his wife not him.


His wife is also known to drive it so possible she works there.


Then what would he do with his pseudo-cop car ? Lol


I mean Harrison does it better anyway and doesn't fill it full of ads.


I'm more curious about what the CRA would say. Funneling all this money through random payment sources 🤷


Can we report him to the CRA to flag an audit?


Yes but you need some identifiers for that


He can get a real job. It left a bad taste in my mouth when he went on a crusade against the dollar store in Havelock for “gouging” a few years ago. He then misreported on a friends accident where a pedestrian was struck by a truck trying to make a left turn on a yellow. He said “according to sources near the scene, the pedestrian ran into the street as the truck was already turning.” Video evidence proved that wasn’t true, and the only person at scene he could’ve talked to is the homeless person who usually stands on the corner of George and Parkhill. He’s not a real journalist and rushes to post as quickly as possible, which comes at the expense of accuracy. If he wants to be paid like a media member, he should act like one.


The guy can't spell, it's supposed to be accepting not expecting.


That is why I posted it..I thought it was hilarious expecting donations. I had to re read it a few times to understand he meant accepting.




Lol I laughed at this kwality


He’s a scammer! He doesn’t do anything but post what other people send him now. He just got a bunch of new sponsors after saying he was quitting so now he wants to see what else he can get


He goes out to all the calls he can on the scanner, with his own vehicle and writes all his own posts, so many people including myself enjoy reading what is going on in our city.


You read your own writing Shawn? That's shocking. How do you spell Reaboro? Oh guess I gave that away to ya? Bet you will spell it wrong again.


Perfect donate away I will not be


And the page is just full of reposted to death sponsored ads.. Lol


"He’s a scammer! He doesn’t do anything but post what other people send him now." So like a newspaper?


Except newspapers have standards and oversight and accountability, and their reporters are actually going to places to talk to people regularly and using verified sources.


And that’s exactly it. Posting a crime or accident scene before fully understanding the whole story is reckless. Especially if someone died on scene before family is notified. It’s hacky. One day he will post the wrong image of a hurt family and get sued - perhaps then will learn his lesson. 


Except that journalists these days just sit around on reddit and pretend that is [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/comments/10b4yys/what\_do\_you\_think\_about\_news\_sources\_taking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/comments/10b4yys/what_do_you_think_about_news_sources_taking/) Standards, oversight, and accountability? Really? hahaha self regulating industries are a joke. [https://www.mediacouncil.ca/about-us-ethics-journalism/](https://www.mediacouncil.ca/about-us-ethics-journalism/)


Entertainment sources pull from Reddit stories- the kind that get plastered all over Facebook to trick you into clicking their links and use AI to compile long lists to show as many ads as possible. That's not news sources. You're not going to find those lists in newspapers or on community news sites. If you don't know the difference between boredpanda and like, KawarthaNow, i don't know what to tell you. That guy has pulled some really shady shit in the past, things that would absolutely go against any newsrooms policies.


He has 0 journalistic integrity and wouldn’t last a day at a real newspaper but nice try


I stopped following when he got political. Yes, you have NDP and Liberal supporters on your page. No its not acceptable to start spreading conspiracies and lies about them then expect to keep those customers and expect them to pay for it.


Thought he was quitting?


It was just a made up sob story to get more sponsors (idiots).


It’s not real news. And if Facebook knew he was publishing news he’d be banned.


He gets all his calls from the police scanner and talks to police for his reports so I guess what he post them is lies that the police have told him.!!!


He asked people to send him tips and picures and posts that.. So not so much


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE CANNOT STAND THIS GUY!!! I was genuinely floored when he posted whining that nobody wanted to donate to him so he was going to have to stop the page and get a real job.


It's a behaviour that has been repeated too many times


He was good when this thing was just an entertaining hobby. He should look for a real job.


I personally won't be supporting any of the businesses that run ads on his page. He's shamelessly profiting off of rumors and trauma, and feels entitled to make a living off the bare minimum.


Oh.. I actively will not support them. I've stopped using some businesses I've loved. He's made a lot of questionable choices.. Like running a raffle and never delivering?


Yesterday he posted about the drowning at beavermead. I looked at the examiner this morning and they weren't talking about it. So that's a point for him in my book. When major news places have to say "allegedly"all the time and in all the wrong places and can't publish the names or faces of dangerous people in our neighborhood, I don't mind a bit of vigilante journalism. Even if he typos and even if he has opinions. He's a lot like old newspapers used to be. They had a clear agenda, yes, but they told the stories people were talking about. Think of how old articles used to be all like "Missus Neil had her bushes disturbed by n'eardowells last night" and compare that to this guy. So ya I think he does good. I haven't given him money, but seeing how many people here are all against him, maybe I will. I thought everybody was on board.


How is someone drowning “major news” to you. Unless you are friends or family, in which case you would have been notified, I call that gossip.


Ha that's great. Did I say it was "major news"? No. You made up that criteria. And then you pinned it on me. Nice work. No, someone drowning isn't "major news" like your mainstream "maga tells you to think: this" or "liberals want you to be outraged about: that" standard fare that has eroded our society, and that's a damn good thing. We lost something important when we got rid of local news. The fact that you think that's gossip highlights how big the problem has become. Because it's not gossip. Let that sink in. You think major news (whatever you define that as) is the only news that anybody needs to read and you think local news is gossip. Someone drowning is information about your community, and it sustains a community of differently minded people who can all know what's going on in each other's lives. I'm not talking about the fake "community" that people try to build with grants and glad handing and stickers saying "everyone is welcome" when half the population isn't; I'm talking about the real community - the thing that died over the past 20 years because of things like "major news" and social media turning us all into idiots. A story about the drowning yesterday is knowledge about why the beach might be closed today. It's a reminder for parents to tell their kids that everybody needs to be safe in the water, and might spur some to finally register their kids for those swimming lessons they've been putting off. It's information for people who arrived late to beavermead and were wondering what was going on. But most importantly it's news that creates and sustains society. Society: you know, that thing we all used to build together so that we would lift each other up? We got rid of the things that made that happen and now none of us can figure out why we hate each other so much.


… dude you legit said major news, go re-read your post. And maybe have a sandwich.


Yep, I said "major news" but not in the context you decided I did to support your incorrect premise. That was kinda the whole point of my rebuttal, but I won't punch down. Give reading a few more tries.


Maybe you should re-read it yourself… he did not say it was major news, he said when “major news companies”


Actually it was "major news places". Good quoting skills Shawn 😂


yeah, Scanner Feed reported the “drowning” but they couldn’t have known the person had died as they were rushed to hospital. Other news outlets reported differently. Choice of words makes a big difference.


There was a drowning at beavermead ? I follow him and didn’t see that, too bad.


Scanner feed reported a “drowning” but it was not actually confirmed that the person died. Other news sources reported that the person was pulled from the water— rushed to hospital and their status is unknown. So while Scanner feed site reported on the incident, they should not have stated at that time that the person drowned.


I was amazed by the idiots on here who wanted to report him to the CRA. There are a lot of jealous keyboard warriors afoot.


Oh that was me.. And he was indeed reported. Not jealous at all. He's scammed people, and he will continue to. So the CRA can have a look and decide whatever they need to on this one.


Is “indeed” reported, more serious than just plain reported. Because if it is the scanner dude is really in a lot of trouble. Keep screaming into the abyss.




I think he is good as well and you’re right, I go to his page for my local news and he never lets me down. I may donate as well


Harrison Perkins is the best! That man works hard for his content


He does not. Now people just send him shit and he posts it


Have you not noticed he's at most scenes filming?


He's at some scenes filming




Yes and his page isn't full of sponsorship ads.


The best actual reporter in town.


He is a parent with young children. You cannot expect someone to work 24/7. Journalists don't even do that.


Peterborough scanner is also a parent with young children


Most news sources today are propaganda not news. If certain topics go against their agenda you’ll never hear about it,even if they are completely true. We live in a censored world. Little social sites like this are more realistic to what’s really happening around us. Appreciate theses types of sites. Just need to use decrement with what I look at even scanner dude’s facebook page. If I was to watch CNN,ABC,CBC,CBS, ect. I would be living in a constant state of fear….. I never watch mainstream news or read mainstream newspapers or listen to am or fm radio. I don’t want their garbage in the mind. The earth is beautiful place to navigate if I stay away from the fear porn. Have a wonderful day folks.


Testify !


His social page is successful. The donation thing was actually suggested by many of his followers. Those who like the page follow it. Those who don't like the page do not have to follow it. It's that simple. Now problem solved. Get back to what you do and stop complaining just because it's not your thing.


Lol where am I am complaining ? I shared this because he had originally stated he was expecting donations and corrected it to state accepting.


That's just it though. He never "expected" donations. It was suggested by many of his followers.


He absolutely wrote he is expecting donations And after a while it was edited to say accepting. Not quite sure what you are not understanding what I am writing here. Here you go, I still bad this in my clipboard for when I tried to share it originally. Now you might say that I wrote this and trying to make him look bad. But no just accept the fact that he made a pretty funny typo Post has been edited to remove donation address so reddit would let me post. SOME OF YOU HAVE ASKED FOR IT SO I WILL NOW BE EXCEPTING DONATIONS! Everyday I continue to receive messages from all you amazing followers asking how you can donate to the page, although I have yet to accept donations some of you have insisted you would like to help, so I have changed my mind and will now be excepting donations. I drive a 2014 Police Intercepter, an old police car which definitely needs some major work done to it so I will use the donations to complete much needed work done to it. I won’t be using Gofundme as they do keep a percentage of your hard earned money so any I appreciate all off your support you all are amazing and I’m so excited that you guys have made the page what it is today! Peterborough Scanner Feed @followers I am also playing with the idea but if you own a shop and would consider doing some work on the SUV in return for advertising/sponsorship I would place your business decal on the SUV along with something that says “Our Vehicle is Powered by the Great Mechanics and Work of _______!” If that’s something you may be interested in definitely send me a message and we can talk


Theres no requirement to consume Scanner Feed content, or to donate for that matter. Also there are avenues and paths to report people to the CRA however if it’s a false report there are repercussions. For the people that find value in what the scanner feed offers they’re free to donate or do with their money as they please for the rest who find little to no value you can always move on.


I thought he was quitting because the cops were encrypting their comms, no?


For all those wondering he changed it...we are the few that know about this small error. I say we do what reddit does best and never let him live it down


The dude has been doing this news service for free for years. His sponsors have been drying up. He needs a funding model. This is it. Can’t expect him to work for free.


He needs to get a real job or make it a proper business.




Money laundering ? So he has huge amounts of cash from an illegitimate source that he legitimizes through a Facebook page ? That’s a good one, pull the other leg.


Who cares?


The CRA in theory


Not even “in theory” lol 😂


It's a hobby not a job! Care to pay me for my hobbies? I can't work for free after all


He is accepting donations. Go to the fb page, doesn’t say “expecting “ . To add to this, he reports things much quicker than anyone else does in that city.


He changed the typo in his original post from expecting to accepting.


He provides a very good service, and he should ask for funding. He seems to be the only reliable source for what’s happening in our community. I support him, i


He does not provide a very good service. “If anyone has pictures, send them to me” get off your ass and go yourself. I will not be giving donations while others do his work. Point blank.


Funny enough, he blocked me on FB years ago, and to this day, I have zero idea why. I’ve never even had any sort of exchange with him ever. Bizarre dude.


He blocked me years ago when the cops shot and killed that 1 year old knowing the child was in the vehicle they were pursuing. I made a comment along the lines of only a cop gets to kill a baby and get paid time off while it’s being investigated. It’s surprising me how many people think he represents an unbiased and reliable news source.


Read as: guy laboring for free for years would like to be paid. I got blocked on scanner feed a long time ago as he has basically a 0 policy to opposing opinions, but like or hate him, what he does costs him time and money. Why is it so unreasonable to want to be paid for your effort?


Because the majority of his posts are things people are sending him. Dude meets no standard of journalism whatsoever.


I mean... you just described the overwhelming majority of modern journalism. Journalism in Canada has been falling apart for years... it's barely even a husk at thos point. Most "news rooms" the days run more RRS feed stories than any other content, and allmost no original journalism is done.... even when it is, it's only surface level because it's under funded.


I've known local journalists and at least at the community news levels they're actually out talking to people, verifying sources, having editors and quality standards. Not to mention at the very least minimal accountability for what they say or do, and standards of what's acceptable to share and what isn't.


like? if you have this list of local quality journalists putting out more than RRS feed reposts and fluff/filler articles. please do share them. god knows we could use it.


Neither does the paid for media in Canada. It’s hard to find the truth.


All these people whining about it should just stop following the page. It’s that simple. I see no problem with him looking for sponsors or donations. He provides good content and I’d definitely rather give him a little money than Peterborough Examiner. He can’t be everywhere all the time. That’s why he’s asking for photos.


I shared because he wrote expecting instead of accepting. Big difference.


Right..and considering he just got all the sponsors he needed to save his business.. Why all the sudden does he need insurance. Oh his truck needs repair. He doesn't factor the vehicle he needs in his "buisness" into his budget and ensure he gets the sponsorship needed?


If you don't like it, don't donate! No need to post about it as an excuse to be negative. It's ok if people do things you don't love, like or support. As long as it's not illegal, just STFU, let them be and maybe try to do something even better. The entitlement of the complainers here is astounding.


Lol am I complaining? I shared what was posted stating expecting donations. Have a snickers bud


Why is he not allowed to post about it? And well.. There is some probability he has acted illegally. So we don't need to STFU? Are you a mod? No. Right. Don't dictate then what people can post about


This is reddit. We express opinions here. And people who operate Facebook pages and scam people is a topic we are discussing snd rightfully so. You don't have to be here if you don't like the discussion?


The post says accepting not expecting, I just checked it. Some of you people will complain about anything that gets your panties in a twist. Go back to complaining about something important like those stupid pickleball courts. Reading over the comments in here some of you are laughable.


He fixed the typo then.