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These aren't the type of landlords you want to lose, their house will be bought up by career landlords and REITs who will increase rent to what the market will bear(barely) and have no compassion. This tenant is clearly abusing the system that's in place to protect tenants. There are bad apples everywhere, and in the case it's appears to be the tenant.


I know a guy who did this. Skipped out on rent at 2500 a month for two years. The funny part is he was proud of what he did. Now he’s in another unit and it’s just a matter of time that him and his partner do it again! I feel really sorry for his new landlord


When our government allows shit like this and squatters to happen, it erodes the confidence people have in our society and criminal justice system.


Nothing described anywhere here is criminal.  


I feel like in this situation what you’d want is a corporation owning the place because they have the finances to firstly weather this huge hit in payments, but also can afford to get the proper legal help to actually get these tenants out.


If you can't afford to pay the expenses of the property without a tenant you shouldn't be a landlord.


They didn’t open a shelter


If you can't afford to pay yoi agreed apoj you shouldn't be able to rent a property, to to government supported housing


So if there's no tenant renting who's paying the bills? If the tenant doesn't pay you're never going to collect the money after the fact after they've left. Being a landlord is a business, your stake is the equity in the property and it's increasing value not your month to month income which is ideally above $0.


By your logic, if a store can't afford to have someone steal all their products and still survive they shouldn't be open... What an ignorant take.


Great analogy, thanks for being logical here


Your the reason why I Airbnb.


I’ve rented from mom and pop and corporate landlords before and I’ll take the corporate ones every time. They tend to actually know the law and what their rights and obligations are.


Actually, I had the same experience. Renting from a small landlord, they broke LTB laws freely. One day I came home and they were just in my unit because they wanted to change a filter or some nonsense. Didn't even call to ask, just let themselves on in. And then they of course put the property up for sale and I had the harassment of realtors wanting to do showings all the time, and each and every time I was asked to leave my apartment. This went on for months. And then I got an angry call because the sink was "dirty" for a showing... you know what "dirty" was. One coffee cup from the morning. They requested a showing at noon for 1PM the same day, and I agreed since I was at work. Only to get a call from the landlord about one coffee cup in the kitchen sink. I'm not alone with these experiences, small landlords seem to think the law is flexible for them. Long story short, they decided not to sell, and keep the house I lived in. I gave notice and moved to a building owned by a corporation. And my home, was much more peaceful. I had access to great amenities included in my rent. My rent increased by legal amount each year. Notice of entry was properly handled. Any issue I had I could go down to the main floor and a super was on site and available. And my rent was initially more, but because they followed LTB increases were within the legal amount. So when the market went crazy, I was protected. And I didn't have the worry about renovictions, or personal use that comes with small landlords. And that allowed me to save up, and actually buy my own property. Even with the cost of the market going up. Also, the housing market needs rental supplies. Apartment buildings are needed to meet that. That means corporate landlords. There's been a lot of comments here about how not all small landlords are bad, so it's nonsensical to say all corporate ones are.


I hate this freakin' article because it mentions the "growing movement calling on the province to make changes to its Residential Tenancies Act" without digging deeper. What changes? Not paying rent is already grounds for eviction, does this "growing movement" just want to use the dysfunction of the LTB as a grounds to take away tenants rights? (Spoiler: yes) The law itself is more or less fine; the problem is that the LTB has become totally dysfunctional and the government is totally happy to let it stay that way - harming tenants and landlords alike.


Yes, like an agenda for automatic evictions I keep seeing about? The LTB, like many government run agencies is dysfuntional now, sure. But, the residential tenancy act does not need reform in whole, nor does the act protect tenants in the way they are saying.


The movement is a lobby of landlords asking for the authority to evict without due process. Ontario’s media has no problem carrying water for landlords with all sorts of stories about the plight of wealthy landlords owners but rarely shows the clusterfuck tenants deal with. For example, there was a recent corporate landlord fined $70k for a long list of horrific shit but you don’t see it reported.


pay your rent.


yes the provincial govt has made a mess of LTB which was compounded by covid but the biggest issue is trying to find a balance. One on hand you've got tenants who trash the places they rent and refuse to pay rent and should have have been booted out yesterday against the slumlord landlords who don't comply with the law and don't perform maintenance and upkeep. Direct debit payment to landlord could be a good (if the tenant is on ODSP/OW there are provisions with in SAMS do this) but what those not on social assistant I know the landlord can ask for first and last but don't know if there's a provision where they can specify payment methods. some might say that's giving the money to bad landlord and reducing the options for the unfortunate tenants but the LTB advise is never to withhold your rent. Maybe provisions for automatic eviction rights for the landlord if the tennent fails to pay anything for 3 months and makes no attempt to deal with the issue (and no making promises to pay it all next month doesn't count). At the same time improved options to have the slumloards jumped on from a great height if they don't keep properties up to standards.


There’s a world of difference between people (and especially corporations) buying up properties to rent and people who are renting out a space in their home because they need money more than they need the space. The fact that so many people can’t understand the difference is alarming.


I dunno, while I despise predatory landlords, without small rental property owners like this one there’d be even fewer homes available. Stories like this will compel more owners to outright sell, or just convert to short-term rentals, which don’t help the rental shortage. These tenants sound like a nightmare— enough so that the people in the other unit didn’t feel safe and moved out.


Oh.. She already has.. The lower unit is an air bnb.. Lol just saw her showing that off on a cbc news video that was just sent to me. We have a housing shortage..and all these landlords do by having income properties is drive the cost up higher so new people can't enter the buyers market. It used to be you rented and saved up until you can afford to buy. And that was a reasonable goal. Now you rent to build someone else's wealth who does little to nothing for it.


Yeah, we need to regulate Airbnb out of existence. More government, rent-controlled properties for low income residents would help. But this is a gigantic issue that would take drastic measures to fix. Corporate and foreign investors shouldn’t be allowed to hoard housing- they gather the profits while we suffer the effects.


Renting always built someone else's wealth. The problem is that the Canadian economy (and a lot of Western economies for that matter), have become overly reliant on "productivity" through finance. Our economies are basically just built on selling each other debt instruments and cheeseburgers. As a small-time landlord, I can tell you that what I charge for rent is dictated by what my costs are. And unfortunately, I'm not the one responsible for driving up the price of housing (and therefore rent). High rent in Canada is a feature, not a bug. Housing prices (and the myriad factors that influence them) are the real culprit here.


>Our economies are basically just built on selling each other debt instruments and cheeseburgers. I’m working on a system where we can eliminate currency world wide. Where we don’t even have to use currency, so I don’t have to figure out math and incomes and that… Just replace currency with a system of blowjobs and cheesburgers, cause that’s really all they need in the end of the day. “Nice car, can I suck your dick for it?” “I just got my dick sucked, you got anything to eat?” “All right, here’s a cheesburger.” There’s kinks in the system that I haven’t worked on. Hindus, for instance. That’s a problem with the cheeseburgers, and I gotta work it all out but… when I do, everything’s gonna change.


Wtf are you talking about? The lower had a family in it who fled and this landlord didn't feel right renting it out to a new family with a psycho nut job ex con drug dealer living above it. Yes. It is her right to try to recoup some of her losses.


Allegedly. We don't know factually why tenants moved out. But let's play this one through.. Tenant tells you property is unsafe and they are vacating. The landlords right to recoup income in your words than allows them to place Airbnb guests into the harm? I feel like that's a lawsuit they would lose hard. So profit trumps safety for unsuspecting guests?


Why don't you start renting your place then?


“People and corporations hoarding housing is a big part of the housing crisis.” “WhY dOnT yOu ReNt YoUr HoUsE oUt ThEn?”


Not in this case.


Live in their moms basement thats why 


No, they would be available just not as rentals.


True, but we will always need rentals. There are those who can’t, or don’t want to be homeowners. In a perfect world, we’d have better housing protection, and government with the balls to regulate the market to get corporate money out.


what does the actual article say (paraphrased) i’m interested but not willing to subscribe or pay or whatever to read this


Paywall 🫤


Fixed it for you. https://archive.ph/20240622122140/https://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/news/how-does-she-have-more-rights-to-our-house-than-we-do-peterborough-couple-say/article_52a1e1aa-6627-5aa3-b8a7-ab776db74c2a.html


She says the tenant moved out.. in a uhaul... but lets her friends come and go day and night. Why not go in and toss everyone to the curb??


Id never rent to anyone. 


It's a business venture..and with any business venture comes with risk.


Every business comes with a risk, but we shouldn’t be accepting or encouraging theft. 


Yah, a risk I am not willing to take.  Which is why i made my comment. Have a nice day. 


I'm with you, and besides, they stopped building apartments in the seventies when the rent review board became law. I bet those people that least a car they make their payments, that's the law, but in Ontario, it's the law not to pay your rent in Ontario


Business is exchange of money for goods and services No grocery store has to keep giving you food if you don't pay. This is straight up theft. These types of renters should be charged and sent to jail, and landlords should be allowed to evict immediately on nonpayment. Renting should move to a "pay before you stay" model, where you pay upfront for the month ahead. You don't pay on the 31st? You don't stay on the 1st.


There's a little too much glee in this post and OP's responses to suit my tastes. When we talk about housing shortages, it's not Lorinda here who is primarily at fault. I think it's ok to have some empathy.


Not sure how you're infering "glee". That seems like an inherent bias in your end. It's not soley the landlords fault. But they contribute by owning an income property they don't need to being a barrier for others being able to enter the market as home owners. This isn't an altruistic choice they made. They are in it to make money.


Not all landlords are in it for profit. I just became a landlord because we kept our old house after moving into new one. We are renting it out at $600 less than market value to a family member who would have otherwise had to move our of the city. It's $100 more than they previously paid but doable for them and they are very thankful. Their kids all can still stay in their schools with their friends nearby etc. On our end it is more than we pay mortgage as well so it's a nice middle ground for both of us and we are not greedy. We had the main floor repainted and I was just over there for 5 hours last night regrouting the bathroom tiles. Next week we have brick people come in to fix up the threshold and some gaps in bricks with repointing. My goal is to be a landlord that others would kill to have and brag about to their friends, lol. I've read through slumlord subreddit for over a month prior to becoming a landlord to see what kinds of problems tenants have in regards to the LLs to try and avoid it all and be completely above board.


If you are charging more than mortgage thats profit. Sure you can say you are not charging for the maximum profit. But you are choosing to ensure some profit is made. And that's no even touching on the equity.. In terms of risk probably worth it since you are renting to family that you know. You know more background on them then you would a potential tenant including things like their previous rent costs. But in a market where housing supply is low, you are contributing to being a barrier for others entering the housing market as buyers by choosing to keep and rent the property as an income property. We need the rental unit supply to be corrected and not at the cost of the housing market. So this action sure, supplies rental unit. But it does it by removing from the house buying market.. Putting a barrier to ownership for people to enter the housing market.


Hold up. Mortgage plus insurance. Plus, small landlords need to plan for future repairs. Suggesting that charging more than a mortgage is profit demonstrates a remarkable lack of understanding of the real world. Equity is not profit. Do not make this person out to be evil or a new contributor to a problem that didn’t exist when the bulk of landlords were not corporations.


All of what you listed are business expenses that can be written off. I never said they were evil. And they chose to comment. I didnt make them out to be anything


I don’t think you understand write offs…it’s not free money, insurance, taxes, maintenance all still need cash flow to cover.


What do you think a write off is? lol. It doesn't mean you don't have to pay it, it means that you don't have to pay taxes on it because it counts against your profit. Edit for clarity: In the most basic terms, business expenses (Insurance, property taxes, maintenance, mortgage interest) still need to be paid out of the gross profit (Rent). You deduct the expenses (or write them off) from the gross profit, getting the net profit, which is what you pay tax on.


People who don't understand tax use the term write off, those who do use the term expense. OP is in the former category but speaks with the confidence of the latter.


No you are a mean and awful landlord who is keeping everyone from owning a home that they’d still not be able to buy if you put it on the market but that’s also your fault, you evil landlord you. And I better add a /s just in case.


You go to work to make money, and the job you have is a barrier for others to have your specific position. If you were taken advantage of by your employer, would it be ok for us to have the same response? Look, I'm not trying to be combative, but there are landlords truly taking advantage of the system; this doesn't appear to be the case.


Sure, it doesn't appear to you personally to be the case. I'm pointing out discrepancies within their narrative.. So I am not willing to give them the same benefit of the doubt. I truly don't know but I've seen some questionable conduct on their side. As to your thoughts about my employment being a barrier.. The job market is more fluid than the housing market so this isn't really a comparison. And as for employer taking advantage. Well I'd have to go through the proper channels. And to do so I'd have to wait the time it took to do so? If it's an employment standards issue the time frame for a claim is 6 to 8 months.. Which is the current timeframe for the LTB as well? That seems to be the most compatible entity in this proposed scenario.


Can’t speak for other places, but where I live, corporate landlords are taking over. Every time a decent property goes up for sale, the corporations just outbid everyone. They are keeping rent high and are offering shit conditions. Small landlords are the only ones offering anything reasonable here. It’s actually better for people to not sell right now because they are keeping the houses out of those corporate hands. Small landlords are also the ones who suffer the most when their tenants get away with squatting for literal YEARS. I have lived the nightmare in this article as I have friends who’ve had it even worse. I rent my old duplex to young family friends for way below market value. If I sold, some stupid company would buy it and charge way more. These tenants would be unable to buy anytime soon and my property has allowed them to stay local, rather than getting pushed out of town. Not all landlords are the enemy. Sometimes it’s the tenant. And there’s nothing to punish people who do this to their small landlords. This issue isn’t black and white.


Except you as a seller, accept buyers offers. So you could simply sell to not a Corporate entity?




Lol thank you. Yes, as a regular middle class Canadian just trying to get by, if I were to sell my secondary house, I would be looking to make as much money as possible. As much as I do care about trying to help the housing market in any way, I’m not turning down a bunch of extra money. And since it’s a duplex on the water, I’ve received many offers that are well above market value. I have no intention of selling any time soon, anyways. Even if I did choose to not sell to a corporation, that doesn’t mean the other thousands of people in the same position won’t.


There is risk with all investments, I have no pity for the loosers. If you want less risk buy stocks or bonds that meet your tolerance.


"Many landlords looking to get out of the rental business due to frustration" LMAO GOOD


Yeah, the fact she was referred to as a “housing provider” shows you the focus of the article. If the house was so important to her for emotional reasons, why is she renting it out and using it as an airbnb?


Right or trying to sell it in 2023?


The people defending the tenant who is living for free in someone else’s home really need to give their heads a shake. It’s one thing to be against landlords gouging people, and another thing entirely to support someone taking advantage of a set of rules designed to protect renters like you in order to essentially steal from someone else.


I haven't seen anyone defending the tenant? They can not agree with the landlord's position and actions. That does not mean they are defending the tenants actions. To be honest, I support neither side on this one. And my non support for the landlord is due to their own unprofessional conduct. And from what I can see they themselves are on breach of PIPEDA laws with the website they have created. And I agree with the poster about the go-fund me action. Any business losses, you can file as such on your taxes.. so they already get assistance with that. So it's inappropriate. If it brings this much stress hire a representation( again an expense they can write off) to cut their losses.


Does anyone care about landlords?


About as much as they do about you pleebs


Found the slumlord


Or maybe just someone who realizes there is bad stuff happening on both sides of the aisle and treating 100% of people the same way is stupid. Almost like you can't read the sarcasm of my comment....


I bet a shit ton of you complaining about this landlord would be absolutely fine with your employer not paying you for over a year but still taking advantage of your labour....


How do you compare that with actual work lol Being a landlord isn't an actual job lmao and if it is the most laziest privileged job ever.


Well that falls under employment standards.. So you'd file a claim which would take 6 to 8 months.. So the same time as the LTB?


And you'd obviously keep working for free until your case was heard.


Wake up honey its the annual landlord sob story. Most landlords are extracting wealth from tenants at an unprecedented rate and making cash hand over fist yet we still get these sob stories every few months. Also lol, "Housing Provider"


Oh no, the risk associated with my risky investment! Surely the government will subsidize this so I remain unaffected by the repercussions!


Being a landlord is work (surprise) and too many people think they can just do it without risk - not saying landlord deserve shitty tenants - just that its not all roses


If you can't afford to carry the property in situation like this, there is literally insurance you can buy to cover. The LTB has been backlogged for years. This wasn't an unforeseeable risk that if you need to file for eviction for non payment it's going to be a while. They think they can run a business without the risk of running a business. They took a chance and lost.




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They love posting these stories because most tenants pay on time. And most landlords are not mom and pops being screwed out of their retirement or whatever. Investment and owning property has a risk and everyone has a right to be housed.




My favourite part is emotional manipulation statements like "I've fought tooth and nail" to keep this house for my kids. Listed for sale in 2023.. For $689,900. Landlord states openly in the comments her current mortgage is $305,540.43. Sorry the plan to walk away with over $300 grand profit didn't work out for you? And the completely entitled and pure priveleged view that she was "helping" in our housing crisis? No.. Hun you are a big part of the problem. She made a bad business decision. Renting is a business. And has now started a go fund me asking for people to pay for it for her? The priveleged get greedier and greedier.


Renting is for sure a big risk, one id have no interest in getting into these days. But many people are actually holding onto houses for their kids. I know older people in my own neighbourhood that could sell and downsize but aren't doing so because they want to pass their homes on to their children. They see that their kids might not have the chance to do it themselves. If your kids aren't ready/old enough to move in yet, why not hold onto it until they can? The fact that you are siding with people who clearly turned this house into a drug/trap house and are using the landlords to foot the bill says a lot about you. Sorry, but you took a swing and a miss here.


That isn't what this landlord is doing.. They bought another home to live in and rent this out. Holding on and living in a house instead of downsizing isn't the same. Also to claim you have "tooth and nail" to hold onto it.. When factually they listed and failed to sell it in 2023..hardly what I'd fighting hard to hold onto it. I have not sided with the tenant. But I also won't take the landlords account of things at face value when they make highly manipulative statements and openly contradict themselves.


In both situation its keeps a house off the market as they hold for family though. Speaking of manipulative statements, you're also making assumptions that they said "nah $300,000 profit isn't enough, pull the listing" saying that's entitled/privileged/greedy. Hardly any houses are selling these days and i'd bet big money that the reason the house didn't sell is because... who the hell wants to buy a trap house with a squatter!? not because the seller is privileged and thinks they deserve more. I do think they should cut their losses and just give up and sell but how do you sell a house like that? I also think that police know whats going on at the house and should do something about it.


Your comments are appalling. The tenant has not paid rent in nine months. That is not a “business risk“, it is a brazen violation of law (and trust) that is not being enforced. The evidence also suggests they are engaging in illegal activity in the unit. In what other business would someone be forced to continue to provide services month after month to someone who is never paying their bill? The owner is NOT one of the landlords you despise, or a wealthy person, despite the windfall they will reap at some point due to a crazy boom in real estate prices they have no control over. There are despicable landlords in the city. I had one once. This owner is not one of them.


Right. So if you chose to be in a business where the risk is higher.. That's a choice the property owner made? Part of deciding to do something ad a business should be if you are comfortable with the inherent risk? If they did not approach it as a business and it failed.. I don't feel sorry for them. But it sounds like you have personal knowledge since you claim to know about that landlords wealth? Or are you just assuming they are not wealthy?


If you choose to go outside, and someone beats you up, I guess that is just the "inherent risk" of going outside in a country that doesn't respect the rule of law anymore and has rapidly transitioned from a high trust to low trust society. Remember, according to you, if you make choices you accept the risk of your actions, which can be a loss of income or worse! Speak the truth! lol


The whole point that you keep ignoring is that the specific "inherent risk" you keep talking about should not exist. It doesn't matter who the landlord is or how they came about owning the home. If someone is renting but not paying rent, the system should not protect that person and it's asinine to think otherwise. This case is even worse because for 8 months the people in the house were squatters who were never even on the lease - why the hell do they have any right to anything? They've basically stolen 20 grand from these people, in no other business would that be okay. And it's not about profit. You don't have to feel bad that they aren't making money on the property, that's fine, I get that. But the fact that they're paying for the roof over these people's heads without any contribution whatsoever from them, is not right. You are bang on about the Go Fund Me page though ... it's insane for them to ask people to donate money to help them save their second home. Nobody in here should be defending that decision lol. I do think they made the right call building the website and trying to drum up attention on the issue but asking regular people to donate to help them solve the problem is completely entitled and embarassing. Yes, they should have considered ALL of the inherent risks that come with being a land lord... but shouldn't they also have more rights to the property they own than the squatters? That's all they're really asking for.


What a terrible take on this. I don't love landlording, but we can't accept what this tenant is doing either.


Where did I state anything about accepting the tenants behaviour? End of the day it's a business. The landlord chose to do this. Sounds like the risk they took didn't pan out the way they wanted. And these small landlords, using emotionally manipulative tactics to try and make is feel sorry for the huge amount of privelge they have for being able to buy income property when most people can't afford a house to live in.. Its gross. Yeah they got a bad tenant. That's the risk of renting. Starting a go fund me and asking for people to pay for your bad business judgement is gross


So if you open a business selling t-shirts and somebody comes and steals all of your inventory, it’s you that fucked up because people breaking the law is an inherent risk? You’re trying to be smart and edgy, instead you just sound fuckin stupid, as evident by just about every person’s response to your dumb fucking comments. Try getting out more, the real world has a lot more to offer than your basement and COD chat rooms.


Cant make an argument so you resort to personal attacks.. You do know that businesses can have theft insurance, right? There is also non-payment insurance for landlords, which this group clearly didn't go for.


Cool comment furry queer. It’s the internet, you’re free to say whatever you want, but I doubt anyone will agree with you.


You sound like a jealous person.


You sound like a greedy landlord


Even poor people that rent think you are out of touch on this topic. Source: poor person that rents


Touch grass


You are trying to claim people are making a massive profit without accounting for their costs. It was made quite clear that they are losing money because people are not paying rent, and the mortgage and other bills still need to be paid. You appear to have ignored facts and logic in order to make an emotional appeal to demonize a landlord. I guess you are so caught up in the oppressor/victim narrative that you can't see that the "tenants" in this situation are taking advantage of the situation at the expense of the landlord. How progressive of you.


OP sounds like a salty poor.


Are you insinuating being poor is bad? Just to be clear here. Do you percieve that to be a moral failing? Is it a failing that deserves punishment? Please elaborate on this statement so we're clear on the full meaning.


I think it takes a certain breed of person to dig through news articles, find one that shows a human being in distress, post it online, and then revel in that person's misery. Are you insinuating you somehow hold the moral high ground here?


The deflection says it all. This landlord is running to every media outlet they can. That's hardly digging. I read news. You should try it.


I don't need to read the news. I'm rich, I control it.


Sounds like she had a bad investment. Play shitty games, win shitty prizes. That's what happens when you hoarde shelter. 🤷


Seriously? Owning one rental property is in some way a “shitty game” to you? Your sense of entitlement for a deadbeat tenant in brazen violation of the law is non-adult. It’s jaw dropping.


Yeah, it's a "shitty game" for those who work hard and know they can't have the dream of ownership. Why would they have empathy for an individual who helps to keep them in rentals? That individual sure doesn't have empathy for them when they chose to keep a property for rental because they can gain profit from doing so.


You think this person would be able to afford to buy a place to live? With no job? You think a person on disability would be able to afford to buy a place to live? People need to rent. Guess what? All over Europe and Asia people overwhelmingly rent. It is your NA privilege to think you are owed a detached home and that anything less is dog shit.


This comment is honestly a bit all over the place. Which is on trend for you.. But I'll try to address it.. What person? I think you mean the tenant? I'm talking about many people who work hard and had to let go of the dream of ownership. Many people here in this thread I'm sure relate. Someone with a disability, well I think you mean ODSP.. And again I never said anything to that effect. Do people need to rent? Absolutely. But when rent is as much or more than a mortgage payment.. A landlord owning a rental property only to charge above and beyond the mortgage payment.. You're not helping the low income people. Be real. Again didn't say about handing houses out to everyone like they are cars from Oprah with no work to get them. It's ignorant to whine about your income property when many won't be able to afford to buy a home through no fault of their own. We don't care. Why should we? We can go to school, get out degrees, get jobs, and pay so much in rent we don't have a chance. But again you own a home right? The rest of us can accept we don't get that chance be use other countries are mostly rentals


They can both be shitty for different reasons. Adults can think multiple things at the same time. Try it! 👍🏻




I saw a show on tv where the new owners rented the house to new tenants. All legal and they had the house keys and lease to prove their legal occupancy. These tenants weren’t a bunch of people who take shit from anyone. The old tenants were out of that house by the next day.


Want a bunch f us to over and shout, shame?


The paywall prevents me from reading the story but I'm interested to know if the tenant has not paid rent or has the rent being held in an escrow account over a dispute with their landlord. Very often in these cases the media portrays the renter as stealing from the landlord when in actuality their rent has been paid to an account and if they lose the case before the tribunal all that back rent will be paid to the landlord.


For the future: Paste the link in here https://archive.ph/ and let the magic happen.


I think there is more to this story than is being told. The house was also up for sale, and then removed around the time the tenant stopped paying rent.


poor landlords with multiple homes boohoohoo.


I’ll never feel sorry Someone contributing to housing crisis, Fuck landlords and fuck the conservative government for gutting the LTB and tossing tent control. We need to tax capital gains at the same rate we tax labour, tax house hoarders out of existence and use the money create public funded housing geared to low income.


Just out of curiosity, if we were to implement what you're proposing and increase capital gains rates on secondary properties, what incentive will owners have to sell all the housing stock they currently possess?


I should have clarified the second part of that sentence, By taxing them out of existence I mean taxing people for owning additional homes. Everyone is allowed one dwelling, Any additional dwellings will be taxed so heavily that it’s very difficult to make a profit on housing. Forcing them to sell any homes they can’t put into other family members names.




They also may sell to a first time buyer, More investment homes in Ontario are owned by small landlords than businesses, If you’re renting out a home you don’t live in you’re part of the problem.


Yes, and there is this narrative that corporations owning and running rentals is why there has been so much corruption in the landlords of Ontario? This is why many of us are tired of these landlords crying about how bad it is, without any ownership of being part of the problem.




[https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/46-28-0001/2023001/article/00001-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/46-28-0001/2023001/article/00001-eng.htm) Chart 2, 10.9% in-province investor/1.9% business.




Cope harder ⬇️


Cope harder??? You're on the losing team


I have great sympathy for these Landlords, they seem to have a legitimate claim and yet can’t get possession of their own property. Personally having been in their shoes, I would have acted when it appeared the tenant had moved out or abandoned the property, by filing an Application of Abandonment. Persons or parties that are not on the Lease have no right to possession of the dwelling. As a Landlord you should never hesitate to issue an N4 if the rent is late or an L1 after 14 days and the issue is unresolved, this is the type of documentation that will bolster your case with the LTB. Also make sure you are doing routine inspections of the property both inside and out giving/posting the appropriate Notice of Entry as required by the LTB. Make note of any issues. [https://tribunalsontario.ca/documents/ltb/Interpretation%20Guidelines/04%20-%20Abandonment%20of%20a%20Rental%20Unit.html](https://tribunalsontario.ca/documents/ltb/Interpretation%20Guidelines/04%20-%20Abandonment%20of%20a%20Rental%20Unit.html) At this point it might be better for them to cut their losses and hire a good lawyer that is well versed in Landlord/Tenant legal matters and save yourself the stress. There are good landlords and bad ones and the same goes for tenants, as in any situation there are two sides to every story. When appearing at a LTB hearing be well prepared, be accurate in your presenation to the LTB, it is hard but try not to get emotional, present your case and listen to your tenant or their represenative present theirs. Speak only to the LTB adjudicator, answer his or her questions concisely and don’t over embellish the facts. The LTB acts primarily to the benefit of the tenant but they also have to apply the Landlord Tenant Act as it is written and sometimes the landlord wins. The backlog in hearing applications seems to be the biggest issue with the LTB, this needs to improve and when an order is set aside by a last minute appeals by the tenant these appeals need to be resolved as a priority and not rescheduled for months down the road.


Theft in other business happens all the time. It's often a long and lengthy process to pursue action and recoup costs. And often cost are not recouped. So actually it is indeed "tolerated" as you say. Or they mitigate it so the risk is less damaging. Whether you believe the risk should exist or not doesn't matter at the point of deciding to operate as a landlord. It simply is. Now you can of course mitigate risk. But you cant change the risk because you believe it shouldn’t exist. This landlord chose to take on the risk, and its impossible to know what they did to mitigate it, but certainly did not do enough for the financial hit mitigation wise. And sure lobby to minimize the risk in the future. You still have to work with what is though.


Its just it worth it anymore.


[https://archive.ph/](https://archive.ph/) F\*&\^% paywalls


how much does fire insurance get ya?


Well, because we’re a weak nation