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She’s a kitten. Kittens act like that. If you want a calm cat, adopt an older cat. Also, please keep her inside. She’s too little to protect herself and even adult cats are subject to injury or death due to various outside dangers.


a week is awfully fast, can you confine her to a smaller room, just one room, for a little while, let her have a place to hide while she acclimates to the new situation.


How old is she? Sounds like she might be young and has an excess amount of energy? Are you playing with her frequently or just expecting her to entertain herself with the toys? Solo young cats need a lot of playtime stimulation. When she starts going after your legs break out a feather/stick toy and distract her until she gets tired. Same with before you eat and before bed, she can't act out if she's sleeping. If she's just acting out of fear I agree to confining her in a smaller space, get some Churu or other wet food and only let her eat when you approach her. Eventually she should feel safer in the space and associate you approaching with being rewarded. Work up to petting etc while she eats, but don't force a ton of physical interaction if she's too upset. Also in a week or two nothing seems to change, take her to the vet and make sure she's healthy. If she is healthy you can ask for kitty Prozac (get the gel kind if possible). And maybe double check with the shelter that she wasn't bonded to any of the other kitties there. Also I don't recommend letting her outside unless you build a catio, it's a recipe for disaster.


It takes time for a kitten to get used to a new home. A week is not long enough. 3 days to get used to home, 3 weeks to get used to routine and three months to feel fit in. Give it more time and soon it will be feeling like a kitten safe in her new home.


She needs to destress. Put her in your room and close the door, with food, water and a litter box in there for her. No one bothering her. Are there other pets in the home?


U need time and patience to train her properly. She just went thru quite a trauma being transported from shelter to your house and new family. Be patient and train her properly. Also don’t forget to go to vet for her check up.


She’s in a brand new environment and shouldn’t be expected to act just how she did at the shelter where she was acclimated. Put her in a room by herself with food and water, litter box, scratch pad and toys, several places for her to hide, and ideally a comfy spot to look out the window and sunbathe. Maybe put some of your clothes in there with her so she can get used to your smell. Let her acclimate in this environment alone for a couple of days but check in on her regularly. Make time during this period to sit in there with her for a little while each day so she can get used to you too without feeling stressed, and let her come to you. I’m sure she’s a wonderful kitty and is just confused right now.


If it's stress, Feliway can help. You can get it as a plugin diffuser or as a spray to apply to areas where she hangs out. It just has pheromones that cats release when they're happy to signal to your cat that she's in a good environment. Cats can smell it, humans can't. Could even spritz your clothes with it to make your friendly intentions a bit more clear to her.