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It kind of sounds like you're talking about "puppy dog eyes"? Dogs eyes tend to look all sad when they're resting and looking up at you.


Maybe he’s thinking deep thoughts, or maybe he’s thinking back to puppyhood trauma. We’ll never know. As someone who has never had a dog that wasn’t a rescue, I can tell you that some of them just take time. Be patient and don’t stress or he’ll pick up on that energy. I currently have a 60-lb mutt who was found living under a house with eight siblings. She gets 1/2 homemade and 1/2 grain-free food and fresh carrots at meals. Two snacks a day. She will always be obsessed with food, so I try to keep a regular schedule. Not long ago she broke into the laundry room and ate until she puked. She’s 10, so it’s unlikely she’ll ever get over the early starvation. Whatever happens, congrats on your new family member.