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Different vet. That's absurd.


This covers it. ⬆️


That's what I was thinking, but these are the only 2 dogs I've had, and this vet is my only vet I've known. We'll look into a new vet. I just didn't know if this was actually normal or if I was being dramatic. Thank you. Knowing someone else thinks this makes me feel better about the decision.


Just out of curiosity, how old was she when you took her in for her very first spay consult?


3. And she just turned 5. I was always told to wait until after 2 to be fixed. I think it's actually like a myth from older people in my family that it'd stunt their development. It took the 2 yr span bc she'd be put on meds for a couple of months, and then surgeries would be scheduled far out bc they only did them on certain days. Mine and my husband's work schedules caused me to reschedule once, and it was such a long wait to be put back on an available day. My older dog I had in high school and just thought it'd be fine bc I always walked her on a leash. So she was 8 when we found cancer, got it removed, and she was fixed at the same time.


I have no idea why they're even checking the liver enzymes on a healthy 3 year old dog. Your current vet is shit.


Oh! They said it was about anesthesia. I feel so dumb.


Plenty of dogs get spayed without that. My low-cost vet only does bloodwork pre surgery if the dog is over a certain age. None of my animals have ever had bloodwork done before a spay and I've never had an issue. I guess they're being thorough, but making you wait this long and spend this much money on tests and meds seems really unnecessary and negligent, quite frankly. But I'm not a vet so who knows.


True. I'm going to ask around my area and get a different vet. I want my girl taken care of.


Different vet, same tests will have the same results. And this dog you will have to keep indoors and home during heat time.