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I get the impression there's an ultimatum coming from this post. In which case, don't be surprised when he chooses the dog.


I would. She’s probably the smelly one.


I'm a little uncertain what you want to achieve - if the dog smells regardless of baths or health, then it's...well, just going to smell. There's not much you can do about it. Surely you don't want to move in with someone and then demand their dog be removed? There's a reason I picked Samoyeds for a breed - very low smell.


Some breeds of dog just reek. My ex’s parents had two cocker spaniels and you’d open the front door and immediately be assaulted by dog odour even though the house was immaculate. This type of dog is the same IMO.


You didn’t really answer…what’s your goal here. Are you trying to get away with saying you think your bf should kick the dog out for you and you think people will upvote you and agree with this?


Looks like you have a very sensitive nose and don’t like dogs.


Ok but what's the point of this. Imagine your boyfriend now agrees his dog is smelly, what do you think will happen next?


That he keeps the dog off of furniture/beds and keeps the house smelling cleaner and/or gets an air purifier or something? The house is tidy enough already, it’s just the dog odour. I don’t think that’s too much of an ask. I’m gonna take on board what someone else said about the type of food, that’s the kind of suggestions I need. I just don’t want to sleep in a bed that smells like dog or is covered in shed dog hair. As I said, this dog sheds like a Husky. Yuck.


How did you end up moving in without knowing this?


The air purifier is a good idea, but he doesn't really need to agree about the dog odor for it, just say you need one. When it comes to keeping off the sofa/couch that's a big ask, personally I'd never agree to restrict my cat for some girlfriend, but maybe you'll have better luck with him.


Is your dog allowed in the bed?


I think asking him to not let the dog sleep in the bed and stay off the couches is reasonable imo. This rule would need to be for all dogs in the household, not just his dog, though. Or if he still wants dogs on the couch, maybe you can wash the couches with a Bissell cleaner, and then put some blankets on the couches that you wash every few days to minimize the smell? When I had dogs, I personally didn't let dogs sleep in my bed/go on the couch because those things just absorb the dog smell you're talking about (they always had plenty of their own beds that would get cleaned regularly). Maybe you can try using a deshedding shampoo and some pet bath wipes in between baths? I personally wouldn't be able to live in a home that smells like that, so sorry you're getting so much hate from people. I feel like so many dog owners just go nose blind, so they probably don't smell it after a while since everything they own smells like dog


I am sensing that Op hates all dogs. Shame for they are great pets and guard dogs.


OK, so why did you move in with him? Seriously. Is the point of your argument just that your papillon is small and therefore less ‘dog smelly’ and better than your boyfriend’s mastiff? The dog lived there before you. You must have stayed over there before deciding to move in. Your post history indicates that you had taken your dog there before, so you must have known what it smelled like, yet you still moved in. Your dog is apparently allowed on the furniture, in his home, so why isn’t his, too? My advice is get over it, or move out, because he lived there first with his dog.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianPets/s/dPAquD7nsh One rule for your dog and a different rule for his dog?


And what do you think will happen if he realizes the dog smells? Between you and the dog he probably will choose the dog, I would.


One of ours had that smell and nothing worked. Transpired any corn or corn additive in his food did it. We cut it out ( it's not easy, companies use small print and all kinds of names for that stuff). Seriously. It was almost overnight. Doggy smell went away.


From your post history, you have spent time with your dog at his house and even asked about specifics and problems associated with the boyfriend’s dog. I’m confused what you thought would change after you moved in?


Honestly? If he won't listen, you can't stand the smell, and don't want to take over the care and feeding, just move out. It sounds like overall the food the dog is eating isn't the best for him. There are a lot of people who are "dog food snobs" & say feed only fresh made food, raw diet, or insert kibble brand here. Boyfriend needs to start with a different food, preferably starting with a new protein. If the dog eats chicken based food then trialing a salmon based food would be good. The dog also needs more frequent professionally grooming. At home baths don't always cut it particularly if the dog doesn't get completely dry, quickly. If he's only getting towel dried the skin is probably still damp which increases the likelihood of odour. Daily brushing with appropriate tools will also help. Now let's talk cleaning of the house. Floors will need to be regularly cleaned-- sweeping and mopping, if they are hard floors (wood, tile, engineered hardwood or whatever the modern flooring is called). The furniture needs to be vacuumed and wiped down, especially if the dog is allowed on it. Human bedding needs frequent change if the dog is allowed on it. The dog's beds need washed. The walls need washed-- if only one dog and primarily leash walked maybe every two months. I have multiple dogs and they are leash walked and have free time in the yard so my walls are washed at least once a month. Oh, and regular dusting too. I'm going to refer you to my first paragraph. The boyfriend probably won't listen because he's nose blind. If you want to continue the relationship take him somewhere for a week or two without the dog and then go back to his house. Although he might not notice even then.


⬆️This, low-or-no-corn food and furniture covers. They don’t have to be expensive. Get cheap sheets and launder them regularly. You’d be amazed how much odor can live on upholstered furniture. I convinced an ex-boyfriend to switch his dog to grain-free food and he swears she also doesn’t shed as much. Good luck.


Are you sure it stinks or you smell the poo in the yard? Short haired breeds do not take a daily or weekly bath. They can bathe every month, or months apart. And all dogs shed. You have to get used to this dog if you want this man as your boyfriend with benefits.


It's his house, his dog and his furniture and you are trying to dictate where his dog goes on his furniture and home. Bluntly if I were him I would have kicked you out already, you are way overstepping. Sounds like you just hate his dog, I hope he is not a push over and picks the dog over you.


Invite vocal friend (s) over and let them tell that to your boyfriend. Or discuss with him that the stench is horrible and that he doesn’t feel it. When he denies, tell him that he either can’t smell it or is gaslighting you. Ask which one it is. Basically - start a fight! This will not resolve unless you’re willing to set clear boundaries, possibly ready to leave over this. He needs to admit this is a problem and look into solutions, not you.


Your advice is to start a fight? Hahaha good luck in your future endeavours.


It was a joke, as illustrated by the exclamation mark. You must be so fun at parties.


It was not a joke since you answered what would come of this fight question pretty seriously. 😂


What is the boyfriend supposed to do??? Get rid of his dog because his SO doesn’t like that it smells like a dog?? W t f


Clean the apartment and wash the dog. I had a colleague like that once. She asked me to drive her to a gas stop once and I kid you not - the stench was so bad I threw up and I am not faint hearted. She did not see that there was a problem.


What should come of this fight?


Either he throws her out, as he doesn’t care, or finally takes actions to clean the apartment and the dog. You know - not all people with dogs have horribly stenched apartments.


You know, what you just said can be accomplished with just words not fighting or getting her vocal friends to shame him right? No shit people have dogs in apartments that don’t stink. I guess you think it’s normal to ask stupid questions with your communication style. 🥴 Good luck with your problem solving skills! lol


Either he throws her out, as he doesn’t care, or finally takes actions to clean the apartment and the dog. You know - not all people with dogs have horribly stenched apartments.