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Thanks for sharing, interesting that you’ve managed to get to this point without contracting COVID, well done!! Not heard of JN1 variant, is it the latest strain or local to you? I would urge you or anyone who experiences side effects or treatment failure to report using your local systems. In the UK we have the yellow card system and anyone can report medicines not working or causing any adverse events. This way the regulators can get a better view of problems and potentially deal with them when it’s a warning signal and not a full blown issue. Several drugs have been pulled because of issues only discovered after mass public use and reporting as it took years to generate the data.


This is true. As I said, Every Body has it’s own DNA and will respond differently to Any Medication. Reports of side effects allow the heathcare community to learn and make the best match medicine for future patients. So Yes, please report any SE to the manufacturer. Good advice. This is why there is so much effort to develop Precision Medicine.


Did you end up in the hospital on a ventilator? If not, the vaccines and Paxlovid worked. You need to understand that Every Person’s response to Any medication is INDIVIDUAL and the goals for treatment are always to stop progression and support the body so it can recover. I wish everyone would have spent time in an ICU at the start of the SARS-COVID pandemic. You’re Alive, Breathing and were able to eventually recover.


What a stupid statement as if everyone that gets covid that wasn't vaccinated or given paxlovid ends up ventilated or in a hospital.Statements like that are the reason people with an inkling of intelligence question this stuff.


Clearly you are not a clinician. It’s Mind Boggling how lay people think they understand medicine and don’t listen to their doctors and CRY for a VACCINE just before intubation. Thank G-d for mankind you are Not a Clinician!


I had 1 jnj and 1 moderna booster.No I am not a clinician.But the clinicians said how many get critical and intubated in terms of percentage?Yes I agree some cried before intubation in terms of wishing they were vaccinated.Nobody wants to die.I still stand by the ignorant statement remark.My rheumatologist told me the vaccine has caused quite a bit of issues as well.


You do You. The beauty of being an American.


Good lord. Drugs do not get approved based on personal anecdotes of individual responses. Disclosure, I have done clinical R and D for almost 20 years at Pfizer and about 4 years at Boehringer Ingeleheim, have been on med school faculties continuously since 1981 and continue to do the same coming into my 7th decade, and still take care of patients. The pharmaceutical industry here and abroad is one of the most highly regulated industries on the planet. The people who run these studies, like me, are dedicated to the science and really have nothing to do and have no interest in the commercial side of these products. Paxlovid would not have been approved if the data was not conclusive. My anecdote: I’ve been covid vaxed about 5 times with Moderna vaccines and the one time I let my guard down, and wasn’t wearing a 3M 1850 mask on a ski junket in the Austrian alps April 2023., got COVID. You can bet your ass that I chased down the one doctor in the next village, on a Saturday morning, who confirmed my test (I take test kits with me when I travel) and prescribed Paxlovid. I hiked to the one pharmacy that had it, in the next village, and my symptoms improved almost overnight. Yes I had rebound, but my only question was why didn’t the run the clinical trials for a treatment duration more than 5 days. Any person’s response to an antiviral will depend on a number of factors: the viral load they got hammered with in the first place, the strength of their immune system, their age, co-morbidities, and whether or not they are taking other medications that might reduce the activity of the anti-viral. Follow the science, not individual experiences. Here is the a summary of the Paxlovid data that convinced the FDA to approve it. Finally, ask yourself why a physician wouldn’t hesitate to take these drugs or prescribe it for family members if we didn’t believe the data and the science. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2023/217188s000lbl.pdf


Reducing symptoms is not the goal of paxlovid and also not what the clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness were designed for. Additionally Covid rebound happens in people with and without paxlovid https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7251a1.htm