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Scotter1995 and Bernie and his friends had to delete the channel because they said some offensive crude things on their livestreams and YouTube was hearing it all. You can find the archived videos on my youtube channel officialMX. And Scott is alive and well! EDIT: This is outdated and not official please read Scotter1995's comment


shouldn't be a crime to make jokes btw.


thats true


Official statement: Yes we went to college and didn't have time to keep funposting regardless of how fun it was. But, the channel was actually deleted because one of our editors thought that all the funposting we did would be found by the colleges he was applying to so he pressed the big red button and just deleted everything. I lost the hard drive with all the content on it and to this day still seethe and cope with it. The world truly is fuss and misery... I'm now working on a startup focused around AI and yell at a server all day that full send reciprocates it so I'd say things are aight.


Your friend really tweaked out there deleting the whole thing, but it makes sense. If that hard drive ever turns up, you oughta post the content again. I remember being a much younger lad and watching the video where you got that new Gigabyte laptop, and I thought it was hilarious. Happy to hear you're still kicking around though.