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So fun fact, if you work for any employer that's affiliated with NYU, you can go to school for free as long as you get accepted. I believe its a max of 4 years. To answer your question, 100% a captain/pilot of an aircraft.


is cvs one?




Unfortunately life screwed me over big time. It's not the money that's the issue anymore. (I'm local so I know the options there) But thanks.


Yeah its just an option for you to know.


I always wanted to be a music teacher, I still do. Pharmacy tech is just a temporary job until I can go back to school, get my degree, and teach private violin lessons full time or work at a school. That's going to take at least a few years. Right now I do tutor someone in music but obviously it's not enough to make a living.


My sister is a music teacher and her major was viola!


i really wanted to do something with animals like vet tech, work in a shelter, or do something with conservation of endangered species. couldn’t find anything in my area i qualified for so took the pharmacy tech job bc it lined up w my previous job of being a med tech. working with animals seems a lot nicer than working with people lol


I originally wanted to be a veterinarian. I didn't end up going back to school I told I was 32 though by which point I didn't want to be spending that many more years (and that much money) on school. I considered vet tech but a)the school was a much further drive than the college offering pharmacy tech and b)I decided pharmacy would be a lot easier to find work.


You can still do veterinary technician Penn foster has a program online and you pay monthly.


I'm Canadian, to start. Pharm tech is a mandatory college program here and I haven't recovered yet from the childcare and tuition costs from that. And I'm 41. At some point I had to decide how much more debt I want to deal with before I can retire. I am a lead compounding tech and love my job so I'm good.


Ok. I was 55 when I did it total cost was $1200. Paid monthly. Sadly could find a job in the South that paid enough to live on. Switched to pharmacy tech. Have license not certified yet.


Dang if I could have done it for $1200 that would have been great.


Penn Foster


I’m a registered veterinary technician and trust me I wanted to go into the field because I didn’t want to work with people however.. you still definitely work with people. The job is mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting. Between the toxic work environments/coworkers, awful clients and terrible pay it’s just.. ugh lol. My heart is still in it for sure because I love being a voice for the voiceless however I’m currently trying to switch careers to be a pharmacy tech.


You could always get your CPhT and then work in an animal pharmacy! You already have the experience with animals and animal medication. In my state you need a CPhT to work in one but experience with veterinary medicine is preferred since there is some overlap with pet safe human meds like gabapentin or alprazolam but then something like Felimazole (methimazole) 2.5mg is pet only and higher strengths are available at human pharmacies.


Have you heard anymore about them adding like a PA position they were talking about it for veterinary technicians so that you could take some of the work load off the vets and be paid more.


Nope, haven’t heard anything recently


That’s to bad. That would be an awesome alternative. Thank God knows their needed.


I’ve wanted to become a mortician since middle school and still do. I think I need to be more stable first before jumping back into school.


Same here!!! I went to mortuary school for a semester and unfortunately couldn't afford to complete schooling 😭


I’d be a biology teacher, and I will be soon! I got accepted into a Master’s in Education program! My last day as a pharm tech is May 17th :)


My original job was as a middle school English teacher. If you need help with anything, let me know! What grade/subject are you planning on teaching? What school are you going to (it would be so weird if it's my alma mater!!!?


My original plan is to become an anesthetic or infusionist nurse. But same here life is hard, things happen to slow you down and right now pharmacy is just supplementing a tuition nest egg until I can get back to it because I refuse a long life of debt. 


We need great infusion center nurses!! My aunt (who passed away) was a nurse anesthetist.


I'm sorry to hear about your aunt passing. 


Thank you. She was a brilliant NP (**one of the good ones**-she had been an RN for 25 years before she went back, and was an ACTUAL extension of her docs, like NPs are supposed to be.) and my godmother, and I miss her every day.


What qualifications does one need to be an infusion nurse? I've been an IV tech for years (ATL Metro) and have worked in hospitals and home infusion as a mixer for about 4 years now. I need to go back to school, and am wondering ...


Nursing. My family is filled with nurses and that put me off. Now experiened as a tech, I now have future plans to potentially become a CNA.


My mom was a nurse's aide (then a CNA-she started decades before they were a thing). Please be aware that you will pay with your body if you choose that path (not as much as my mom who did a lot of her work before lifts were available at her hospital...but still), and be careful.


I understand the physical challenges. My parents were both CNA/HHA and mainly traveled to client's homes.


I just like to put that out there just in case. Mom is retired, and seeing **her** hurt because she gave her all to her patients hurts **me**. She did the right things for her patients and will pay forever.


Naturalist in a beautiful forested park. I love being outside, love nature, love physical activity. Dream job right there.




i’m going to pharmacy school for infectious disease starting this fall, but if money was no object i would 100% still be doing my high school job of being an activities coordinator at a dementia assisted living 🫶🏻


I love that 🥺😍 dementia residents are so fulfilling to work with sometimes!


i’m literally called up to the front every time someone with dementia comes in to pick up prescriptions since everyone knows i love interacting with them! i’m fluent in “dementia talk” - and i say that very lovingly 🥰 seeing their eyes light up will always be the highlight of my day


Me too. My mom worked with stroke & TBI patients for 30 years and now does memory care to keep busy. She taught me a lot.


Yeah, if money wasn’t a problem I would volunteer at my library more often


Air traffic controller or pathologist. I want to help people, just not be near them lol


Or anesthesiologist, your patients are sedated and intubated. 😆


you are very much near them though


Only in theory, not in actual practice 😉


There are paid programs for air traffic controllers where companies with pay you and train you and just like everybody else they need people


When I was college age, I couldn’t figure out. Kept changing majors, like a fool. Got married and had a kid, so I worked in the post office for 32 years. At the end, I kind of felt like I wanted to be a registered dietitian, but couldn’t find the time or the energy. Retired from PO and I’ve been working as a tech for 3 1/2 years. Don’t be like me, go for it!


Too late, or I would.


Never too late


When you'e terminally ill, yes. Yes, it most certainly is.


Sorry to hear. Hugs from this internet stranger.


Thank you.


currently pharmacy tech but studying for medical coding


I went to school for ultrasound, but things didn't go as planned after I graduated, so I ended up working in retail. Things happened schedule-wise at my store, where I was working in apparel and pharmacy needed a cashier, so I went over there. I got promoted to tech two years ago.


I know 2 former coworkers who went for ultrasound. One got a great job and the other is lead tech at 3-Letter, last I checked.


When I first started working in a pharmacy it was weird because all the pharmacists and techs were bitchy and refused to tell me what meds were for like it was some top secret info just because I was new and I guess a hassle to train. I felt useless whenever customers would ask me what a medication was for and I had no idea. Then I started working in inpatient pharmacy and it seemed and it got kinda boring working some nights would be so dry my coworkers would either start talking shit about each other behind each others backs or I would be making drips back to back to back. I say all this to say that all these things motivated me to actually see the other side of patient care and I always wanted to be more involved. I’m now enrolled in a local ADN program at a community to be an RN. I wish I got paid more as a tech 😭


I have never really thought of it. My goal has always been to work in a clinic or hospital to help people. I saw pharmacy as a chance for getting into it.


I want to own a ranch where I can rescue stray or hurt dogs and take care of them. But I would need a lot of money saved up and be able to retire


I met a man who retired and did this but with cats. I had a shirt that said "cat mom" and he asked how many babies I had. I said five. He said that was nothing and told me all about it. He was so lovely.


Can I come visit and help? I can't afford an animal (would love a service dog) so I love caring for other people's pets.


trying to get a degree in public health so i can educate people.


Get your degree as a Registered Nurse. You can then transition to a Nurse Anesthetist role or Nurse Practitioner role. Another possibility is a Physician's Assistant.


It's too late for me now, and I would never want to be a RN ever in a trillion years. I know my options- it's just too late.


criminal and clinical psychology, hoping i can start college for it and move up to honors and get my psyd


I've been working in behavioral health care for many years. I struggle with my own mental health issues and find this line of work so rewarding. I can actually emphasize and sympathize with my clients. Every day is a gift.


That last part is 100% true.


I’m going to school for art while working as a tech, never thought I’d end up in any realm of the medical field lol. Dream job is character design, my “realistic” goal is a college art professor or highschool art teacher


Character design would be awesome!


Used to be a private chef. Then Covid hit. Still sad about it.


I always wished to have my own thrift shop.i flip in my free time and it is so fun


I'm so sorry


**Thank you so much.** It's so awkward to be dying in my 30s while all my friends are getting married and figuring out their living situation, and chasing kids around. Thankfully I have 3 nieces who've stolen my heart. (I need to visit more but they are 4 hours away and I don't drive--I am excellent at long-distance public transit, though.) **Their giggles fill my heart with pure joy.** *I even like getting up early AF to make them breakfast before coffee (the strongest possible love from a coffee addict!).*


I want to be a Data Scientist.


Interesting. What does that entail and what advancement opportunities are there in the field? (Just curious)


My personal goal is to become a Pharmacy Data Analyst but data science work is about uncovering patterns and interpretation and collection of Data from various sources. Data comes from so many sources and it takes someone to either interpret it or program an AI to do that. I work as an Pharmacy Inventory manager and I have significant experience that I can leverage to help people use data that is collected to benefit the organization if I transition into Data analysis. It's a newer field but as data collection becomes easier there is a bigger drive to use it to inform business decisions. I'm in an online bachelor's program for data analysis with a minor in AI. It's already helped with my job and operations in general. Salary varies but on the low end it's over 30 USD per hour.


I had my dream job at 25. I worked in a high flow cash room 04:00-12:30 doing nothing but counting hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash from till drops at an international airport. I loved the schedule, I loved the job, no customers, and I left feeling fulfilled…but upper management was well and truly a Good Ol’ Boy’s Club and basically made it hell for any one other than those in the group. I left because they were hiring people at $1.05 more than me to do less work than I did for them (I often did more than just cash room, long story) and the GM called me a spoiled brat for wanting to be fairly compensated. Now I’m a tech waiting on my state license to arrive. I don’t hate it and there’s higher paying opportunities near me than WAGs, but I don’t think I’ll ever get that sense of fulfillment back. Only went with WAGs because of their program to pay for your training to be certified but it’s not end goal.


I wanted to be a pharmacist or a nurse. Now idk lol


Both have pros and cons, I would think. I just hate that nursing staff is treated with more respect than pharmacy staff. Like, you need a doctoral degree to be a pharmacist but people treat them like they just took a three hour course on medications and now they get to wear a white coat.


As someone who worked at a hospital pharmacy, Nurses get treated like trash by patients, and doctors I always choose to give them grace! This is why some of them treat pharmacy like dirt, the best nurses are always the ones who worked as a pharmacy tech previously. I’m no longer interested in both, but now I need to figure out my next move.


That’s interesting. My nurse friend has the total opposite experience but he works in geriatric care in a hospital. Everyone treats the nurses like saints and the pharmacy staff is always “too slow” or “don’t listen to the doctor” because they deny some meds due to interactions. Either way, best of luck to you figuring everything out!


He works in geriatric. Thanks for your kind words


Be a research scientist for the CDC, life also gave me lemons but I just got my BSN


Life handed me the sourest lemons on Earth and I can't really bounce back from them, so it's tough.


Aww I’m sorry to hear that but hopefully some good luck heads your way


Dairy Queen. Free ice cream


Electronic engineer. Because that's something I was trained a bit in from 9yrs old to 18 yrs old, I enjoy it, & still want to do it.


always the choice of a PA. Able to give care, get paid very well and it is a career that you can be proud of. Don’t fuss what others think. You do you! There is always a way. Community college for 2 years, then transfer to a school that has a PA program


Unfortunately it's not an option anymore, as there is no way to fix the hand I was dealt. Pharmacy was my compromise. I don't want to be a midlevel.


You can go to Harvard for free if you have the grades to get in and make below a certain limit. Also, I worked non-clinical for 20 years for a huge not for profit heath care company. They paid well for educational expenses as long ad it applied to your job or ANY job in the company. The only job we found that we didn't have was air traffic controller. (We had a helicopter fleet though)


Money is not the issue, but thanks.


Einstein Medical College in NY is now tuition free due to a $1 billion endowment. One of the best doctors I ever had was a RN first, then med school, a Komen Fellow, and a fantastic surgeon.


I'm a New Yorker. While I am happy for them, MMC is the worst hospital ever and I would never ever be educated there.


Surgical tech, then use that to get to the next rung.


Unfortunately life screwed me over big time. It's not the money that's the issue anymore. It's literally too late. But thank you!!


My original plan was to be a dental hygienist but a lot of things happened and my grades were down so I buckled up and settled for this and honestly might go back to dental hygiene, but I think I'll start out as a assistant first


I have friends who are hygienists and assistants and they love it!


I have my degree in communicative disorders. Wanted to be an audiologist. Loved working with the deaf and hard of hearing and was passionate about ASL. In my final semester a professor told me I didn't have a good enough reason to be an audiologist and I should consider changing majors. It really broke me. When I graduated with my BA I didn't bother trying to find an Au.d program. I knew I would have to move out of state, which wasn't really an option. Told myself when legislation passed for my state to offer the programs I would look into it then, but never did. At this point I don't remember anything from my courses and I just have an expensive piece of paper.


I was shattered into a million pieces by FAMILY. I would have been an amazing doctor, just like my mentor. Will regret it to the grave.


My first love; making coffee. I really enjoyed making coffee, nerding out on what makes a bean or the extraction method special, chatting with my favorite customers, and getting into the flow state of the morning rush! Being a barista will always be my "dream job" because making a living wage with it is far out of reach for the overwhelming majority of baristas. Not to mention the chronic burnout I still feel from the old café I worked at for years. It's a simple and fun job that is often made complicated by resentful and micromanaging middle managers paired with disengaged and uninterested upper management. Now I'm in school for Pharm Tech! I hope to be in an inpatient facility by this time next year or sooner.


I would make an excellent barista because coffee is one of my special interests. {Death Wish, black - or with the now-discontinued Reese's creamer - French press or Chemex). I'm just burnt out and hate people.


I relate to burnout and hating people. Once I hit my burnout wall at the café it made it very difficult to interact with customers. Pair that with a change in management and a bout of depression, I was written up for "not smiling, not making eye contact, and not engaging with customers." Unfortunately, it's not always about the coffee and making an excellent product. P.s. I love French press <3


Coffee is my life. I know a ton and enjoy a proper cup {Death Wish Coffee, black (but Reese's creamer - now discontinued - used. to be AMAZING), Chemex or French press. I just couldn't be a barista; I'm permanently burnt out from customer service.


I actually really do like pharmacy, as far as jobs go. I was always told that "there's a reason they have to pay you to do it", so as long as I'm happy with my job 75% of the time I'm okay. That being said, if we were in a world without scarcity and I didn't have to be paid to work I think I might like being a teacher or working at a garden center.


It would want to work in banking, I’ve deal with money for years and recently got into pharmacy! I just like the idea of working at a bank and wearing fancy clothes haha and also a lawyer would be fun and even a doctor, but I don’t feel like I’m smart enough 😅 other interesting things would be like a nurse or a teacher or maybe even in tech would be cool


I am doing farming 🌾🌾 as a side business


Post Audio Engineering.... I just love it. But alas... here we are... Here we ALL are...




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