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You talk to them in the language you set in Options. If the Spirit Box lights red after you talk it means it has successfully received your question.


I’d switch to the Text option if you can. It’s easier


I did this and the options stay on screen the whole time and you can't move while using it. Do you just have to click the option and then turn it off and will still get a response or do you have to sit there frozen? Is the text always on screen or am I doing something wrong. It's there even when the box is off.


The text being there even with it off sounds like a bug. Unfortunately the downside to the text option is that bug and yes, you can’t move while using it. So essentially you use it, listen for response, turn off and move to other parts of the room and repeat


Yea click the option, then you can move again. Text option is a little different from the voice option. 


Make sure you have voice activation active. Or take a look at your settings to find out what button you use for push to talk


Make sure lights are off in the fav room and then use these questions NAME How old are you?, NAME are you old?, NAME how young are you?, NAME are you young? , NAME are you here to hurt us/me? , NAME are you a friendly ghost? , NAME can you show us/me a sign? , NAME are you here with us/me? Make sure to not spam questions and to walk around the favourite room, I usually get it pretty quickly with this rotation of questions. On Mobile


Using the name actually hurts you. It sees it as a unique input on its own, and the game has a limit between accepted inputs of about 5 to 10 seconds. Using its name will increase the activity slightly for about 30 seconds, which will help with potentially getting a response, but using before every question gives you a chance of your question not being accepted if it responded to the name. Say the name to anger it. Then start asking your questions. Most people repeat the cycle of "are you friendly, how old are you, where are you" as those have the most direct SB responses. Also, just a general tip to all, please move around the room as you ask, don't just stand in one place. You need to be within a specific range of the ghost based on your tier (2, 3, or 4 meters?) So do 2-3 Laps of the room asking questions.


I ask them in Spanish or in English?


I say them in English, but I'm also assuming you can say them in Spanish Here is the wiki with ALL of the questions you can ask the spirit box if you want all the information, pretty accurate afaik https://phasmophobia.fandom.com/wiki/Spirit_Box


If your language settings in game are in Spanish, you must ask in Spanish, I think. /u/bartonar used to play in Spanish to learn the language, could you ask questions in either language?


There's settings for written language and audio language, I used written Spanish but not audio because the game hated my not having a good Spanish accent.


My voice settings are supposed to be always active, but I still have to hold my push-to-talk key to get responses from the spirit box and ouija board. You'll hear a little static chirp when you first press the key, because I believe it's also how you talk to other players via walkie-talkie. Maybe try that button and see if it helps? I think mine is bound to the Ctrl key


I have 140 hours in 3 months and I still don't know how to use the ojuija without using the chat mode




Half the time, the voice recognition won't pick up my accent (Australian), so I just use text input instead.


I am Spaniard, you can set it in Spanish. I use "¿estas ahi?" and "dame una señal", they work fine. Tiene que encenderse una luz si detecta tu frase, si no se enciende no te está detectando bien la voz, puedes cambiar entre el metodo de deteccion Vosk y Windows, a veces uno se buguea y el otro va mejor. Si el fantasma responde la luz será de diferente color (y lo oirás)


Language shouldn’t matter. Use whichever language your game is set to.  Turn the lights off, be alone in the room, click the spirit box on, then start asking the recommended questions. (Where are you? Are you friendly? etc). It will light red if it hears you and respond if it wants to.  Works best near recent ghost activity so if you notice it moving something, go to that spot and try it. Walk around the room as you’re talking to it since location is extremely particular with this one.  And keep in mind that if spirit box is not an evidence for that ghost, it’s never going to respond.  I do recommend testing about 10 questions then doing other things awhile and then test again. Do this two or three times. Often it takes awhile for it to register. 


Something else that might help is to have a motion detector in the room. If T2 lights up, run towards it and then try spirit box. If T3 motion lights up, go to where the white light was pointing and try there. Tripping the sensor means the ghost is nearby and available to reply to spirit box.