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DeLima is okay, do we want another military man sa executive? really?




generally speaking, based on the usual characters of politicians. you cannot have a government purely made up of one party. there is just too much power. you need check and balance everywhere. also, no matter who you elect in national office, they can’t fucking do anything against mayors. that’s how fucked up government in PH is.


Hard pass pareho. As much as I hate the injustice done by Duterte admin to Delima, her track record wasn't good. People forget that she's the DOJ sec during the more corrupt years of BuCor. Immigration and NBI. No wonder it was so easy for the Bilibid drug lords to involve her name. Trillanes is a very polarizing and a divisive leader. He's an attack dog at best. Firm with his politics but too far right. Never the democratic type. Leni would have gathered more votes if Trillanes wasn't in her line up. Still waiting for his expose on Dutertes bank accounts.


For de lima I agree with you 100% Kay trillanes Naman mas bagay sa kanya Ang DND.


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