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**u/Time-Hat6481**, hopefully you have checked with this subreddit's rules before posting. Just a few guidelines: - If the post is just criticizing the government and the current administration, then it isn't allowed here/Doesn't count. - If the post is criticizing the government AND the people/country are full on anti-Filipino sentiment and belongs here. For more information regarding posts, click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippinesbad/s/K9VzYF7nZS). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Philippinesbad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wumao is riding self-hating pinoys opinion.


Yup. Lumalabas na sila sa r/ph. They are trying to mask it, but it stinks like hell. I wonder how much they are being paid. 🤔 I wanna pay them as well, I want to spread the word and the mindset “Cats are angels or worship the cat”. ![gif](giphy|VbnUQpnihPSIgIXuZv|downsized)


I'd find someone else to spread your message Wumaos = cat eaters


r\sino is on damage control, especially with their seafood pirates ~~guard~~ trying to stop anyone else from supplying Sierra Madre.


Nasa Nutribun subreddit which got occupied by r/PHtards 😔


I think it's stupid na winoworship ng karamihan ng Filipinos yung first 4 countries but that doesn't excuse what China is doing to the Philippines atm.


Not only wumaos, but vatniks, Buchokoy fans, Ignacio (GRP) fanatics, Richard Lynn apologists, Hispanistas, Doña Victorina stans, matapobres, regionalists, and closeted trapo enablers.


i don't know why but these groups you mentioned you can put them in the same room and they will all just get along


Yes, they're fascists without them realizing what they have become in that mold.


That sub has either wumaos or sinophobes. Walang in between Pwede naman kasing icriticize ang China w/o directing anger at Chinese civilians who moved to the PH. Sa Sinophobia ng mga yan, baka magka Indonesia 1998-like anti-Chinese riots sa Manila niyan. 


>Pwede naman kasing icriticize ang China w/o directing anger at Chinese civilians who moved to the PH. Napapa facepalm lang ako sa yng kay Ellen Adarna na ginawang issue yng streamer na pang Chinese New Year. Barking at the wrong tree yng dating eh.


That "Koreans murdered Filipinos" is a myth debunked by Professor Ricardo Jose. Most of the Korean and Taiwanese recruits were up North where there were less atrocities. Also, Spain being worshipped by Filipinos is laughable. They're pretty clueless how Spain is demonized in PH pop history. And for China? We can count the attempt of Koxinga, the Ming Loyalist. It wasn't successful because the dude died.


First thing I noticed was the Spanish flag. Who tf worships Spain in this country lol


Wumaos should be strung up a pole upside down and paraded along the streets. Traitors


This is basically what WW3 looks like now.


Will happen if under Tayo Ng china. Hangal gumawa Ng meme na ito


ion even think this is a philippines bad post tbh just a meme that's pretty funny


Kinda funny though? Soft power is power. The only thing is that I won't say we worship our ex-colonizers because that's bs. Maybe idolize? Because bakit hindi, matino mga foreign policy (maybe except US in some cases) nila unlike China lol


any context guys sorry...