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I’ve never heard of anything remotely close to this happening in the Philoise fandom which I’ve been in for the last two years, nor have I seen even a whisper of anything like this on Twitter or the rest of Reddit or tumblr or Instagram or TikTok, so I doubt there’s any legitimacy to this at all. This honestly sounds made up to try and spread further discord among fans.


This rumor came from the brazilian part of the fandom, as incredible as it may seem, unfortunately it's real, they sent it to me in a single view.


> the brazilian part of the fandom The first mistake haha


What? Are u being xenophobic?




not everyone is like that, dont talk like you know


I’m not sure why you feel the need to post about this on the Philoise sub. I haven’t seen anything like this happening, and I hope we can all respect actors’ private personal lives. Your post seems fishy and unnecessary


I just wanted to know if anyone else knew about this, if you didn't like it, just move on to the next one💀


You shouldn't take every bit of gossip as gospel.






Ngl I wouldn't believe something like this without proof, could it just be a rumour?


its in the brazilian part of the fandom, I saw the photo


oh i see, i feel so bad for chris :((


same :( people are too bad




this is literally disgusting no respect for his privacy and why does his past girlfriend still have photos of him🤨


LITERALLY. it's so weird ![gif](giphy|oVuhndndj9iZHVzXMA)


Yeah indeed ![gif](giphy|QkoG2dzUGcbVfiPeNS)


I think they are old photos, for me this counts as harassing the actor


Wait... why someone who is/was in relationships with him leaked something like this to the internet...And specifically to a fandom. If this is legit, there are supposed to be legal consequences for this unknown leaker, no? I mean...Not only this is disgusting, but also kinda dumb? Or is there something I am missing?


It was spreading through people's private chat on whatsapp I believe, the girl who had a relationship with the actor was a friend of a friend of an ex-philoise friend of mine


Well, then how did it go to Brazilian fandom?🤔


The Brazilian fandom is the most enthusiastic that I have ever seen. They had people physically on location at filming locations for S3. I don't know how they find out half of what they know. It's kind of wild.


internet exists in brazil too gurl


i asked around and this is false. whoever made this rumour up is sick and needs to leave chris alone and start applying for jobs on indeed or find a new hobby.


I hate how sick people are to make up a rumour like this, Chris doesn't deserve this nastiness from the fandom. ![gif](giphy|bveKJ6Z4xydBm)


What photo? What is going on?