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I haven't read the book in over a year and I remember her being an amazing shot. Her brothers didn't want to shoot with her because they knew she would win. How did they know that if she never shot?


People legit just make up whatever they can to hate on him. I could start a rumor tonight “you know, Phillip kicked a dog in the book” and tomorrow some brain dead anti Philoise fan will be like “how can you ship Eloise with a literal dog kicker?!!?!11”


No, but he actually did shoo away or swat a BEE(n that's like almost killing it....), I'm sure of it....at The Cottage And given that so much of the show is about bees, in the books aswell....and showcasing them in so many aspects like the jewellery and dresses and patterns all around.... I mean🤌🏻, that in itself should warrant Philoise to be banned... I mean like "how can u ship Eloise with a literal Bee killer!?!???!?"


Don't give them ideas someone is gonna end up saying it on the bridgerton sub 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/nopxi9ytfebd1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375b734e1615b9eecb780df641643878828b1157 Y’all i can’t 🥲


I swear, I think some people are purposely obtuse because they just like to argue. It is very clear in the book that she knew how to shoot long before she met Philip. He did not teach her. But he was impressed by her.


https://preview.redd.it/wxo6hewliebd1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8d8e41ba55b0b0afe78cb3264293b808de3e16 Agree with you. I’m not gonna respond any further, because its a waste of time. She said she apparently read the Italian version? Not sure. But anywho. The point is; Don’t mess with Philoise stans 😂


Lmao ... if she had never shot before, how would she know she's always been able to do that!? Just like ... super self-confident on zero basis or what? "I've never played the piano before, but I've always known I can"


Omg! I tried to defend sir Phillip a few times, but it is a waste of time, because people don't wanna change their mind. Her brothers literally said Hey, we must be shooting quickly, before she comes here. And sir Phillip was like WTF, why? And Gregory (I think) said She is a beast (in my czech version of the book). Then she came and was sad they started without her, because she liked the shooting... The writing in the book is not so difficult to understand or translate into other languages, how they just can't understand it is beyond me... Yesterday I read certain fans are hating Penelope, because in FANFICTION someone made Newton the dog feeling she is pregnant and he was almost always with her because of it... Or in instagram they were saying Phillip was abusive and told El always to shut up (we know it was meant as teasing and not like he couldn't listen to her). So, people are capable of hidious things O.o We must brace ourselves, because when it will be clear Eloise's endgame won't be Theo or Cressida or she won't be single, there will be outburst of anger. But I still hope there is more Philoise fans and people will love Phillip. Sorry for long post, but I needed to let it out here in safe place :D PS: do you think El will exchange book ideas and recommendations with Phillip through letters? Because they kind of did it with Theo already, so I'm afraid they are gonna change it :/ But I hope they don't.


People trying to gaslight you! This is crazy 🙈


She knew, she had practiced with her brothers and she always beat them, Maybe they are fluent in English and read them in English and confused


Bwahaha. The fact that you QUOTED the book and they still came back to argue.


You gave that person clear evidence for this, and they chose to complain 💀 Obviously, in the book, she already knew how to shoot, yet they said she didn't?? Crazy..


I’ll admit there were times I misremembered something from a book in the series (usually Benedict or Gregory), but I always back down when I’m corrected by someone else.


Yeah, I forget things from TSPWL, but then I keep on reading it again to correct myself but never would I ever choose to deny the right answer when being corrected by someone else, I would be grateful for it.


I like this scene so much. It is a moment when Philip is reacting on her in a more positive way than her brothers. Also quite funny how it happened. :-) I can see Eloise perfectly competing with her brothers 🙂


I had seen that comment about Phillip teaching El to shoot and was about to reply but had a feeling I would end up arguing with a wall. So I left it. But seriously reading comprehension has been lost.


Wow… Sometimes I’m shocked by how people will not concede even when proven wrong. The whole point of the scene is that she’s so good, her brothers hate shooting with her. That’s why they try to do it when she’s busy, but she comes bounding over with “Are we shooting?!” Personally, I think it’s the most Eloise thing ever that she is so effortlessly good that she doesn’t even aim. It felt like her parallel to Anthony and the black mallet of death.


I read the book twice and I remember her knowing how to shoot well and Phillip didn't teach her. Where do people get this mess? I love the shooting part because the brothers didn't want to be shown up by El 😂.