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I love how Eloise and Phillip are unconventional and more layered than the other books. Their struggles felt more realistic to me, and there are so many funny moments. It’s unique. TSPWL has been one of my favorite JQ books for 15+ years and I’ve come to appreciate it even more after having kids and all the highs and lows of marriage, life etc as I get older. The online fad of bashing this book doesn’t really represent the huge fan base it has. It was a bestseller, and I’ve seen many fans of the show who love this book. They’ve also updated Phillip in the show and his character seems to be a much more attentive father. They’ve smoothed out the more distasteful characteristics of the male leads (Simon, Anthony, and Colin) so they will likely do the same with Phillip. Plus Chris Fulton is playing our Sir Phillip. I can’t wait to see it on screen❤️🔥❤️🌱


I was also a casual viewer before S3, but then I found out about Phillip and was absolutely shocked to find out that he's Eloise's HEA. So, I decided to do research on him, and I read their book first since Eloise is one of my faves, and omg, I loved it, and their story instantly became my favourite at the moment! I am also planning on reading the other books to get an understanding of other couples, but Philoise is by far my favourite one. I love the countryside too so this is right up my alley 🤭


I love this book. It's easily a favorite. I really like that Philip's flaw is not that he is a rake, which "reformed rake" is always the go to in these type books as the man's flaw to overcome. Philip actually has real trauma that explains his issues and that Eloise helps him overcome. It's a beautiful story. That family needed her, and it makes Eloise feel useful in the role of wife when she never thought she could.


The fact that the family needs Eloise is the angle that's going to turn the story around in the show, I think. Show Eloise has such strong middle child energy, always wanting to be in everyone's business and part of everyone's story, but everyone is living their lives without her, especially after Pen gets married. They already set it up at the end of S03, where she feels lost and just over it in general. It can be hard to see how show El could possibly move to the country to be a mother and wife to people she doesn't even know, but it's easy to see how she might want to be the white knight riding in to rescue a family in distress and bossing everybody about.


Ah it is so refreshing to see that people have a similar take to mine on the much hated book, which is my favourite!! All of this 👆


hello reading this brought actual tears in my eyes! my favorites are 456 (in no order at all) and have been lurking on several subs here - sometimes recommending TSPWL to those who want to read more of the books, only to find out later that they don't like it at all. i still don't understand what people see that displease them about the character and the book! it's a mix of endearing, funny, and heartfelt to me.


One of the things I don’t get is when people want to modernize the character Sir Philip had gone through a lot and what Eloise did to that family was so beautiful


I felt the same way when I read it a few weeks ago. It’s so good!


I have read all the books and this is my favorite. They are such a wonderful couple.


That’s wow. I enjoyed TSPWL more than Daphne and Anthony’s stories and even Benedict’s tbh . I just love Eloise and also TSPWL had some laugh out loud moments for sure !


O find show fans are the ones that hate the book. Book fans probably just like Ben and Frans books more.


Bridgerton fanbase be like: Phillip stays loyal to his wife for 8 years even though it was a loveless marriage: "Awful character! I hate him! 😡🤬" Benedict asks Sophie to be his mistress: "omg he's my favorite, I love him 😍🥰"


Exactly, Phillip is one of the best male characters!! I love the love they have between each other, they are both exactly what each other needs in the books.


I hate book Benedict for this very reason.




Yes, goodness, I just saw a post on Twitter saying how horrible of a father he is and that they should kill him off and eloise stay with marina. This man gave up his freedom his passions to fix a problem his brother did, and supposedly is the problem. They go with what they hear others say about the book but can't wait to see how phillip might be in the show. I loved how real the book is. There are many of us as parents trying to break cycles, and it is not easy, and TSPWL explained it so well.


He's so misunderstood, and it shows. Parents aren't perfect. He learned from his mistakes and got better in the end.


TSPWL is not my favorite of the books but it WAS the first one I read, long before the show came out when I hadn’t even heard of the Bridgertons or of JQ at all. So even though I don’t LOVE it like I do a couple of the others, it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. It’s a solid story with a pretty unusual scenario for the genre.


I’m not going to say people don’t “get” the book, but I did appreciate it so much more once I went through my own personal hurdles. I’m also not going to say JQ handled everything as well or as sensitively as she should have, but then again this book was written over twenty years ago. So like all of her books, it has flaws. There are definitely things that I’m sure she wishes she changed about it now, but it’s pretty unique compared to all of the books. It deals with darker themes and the male lead feels like a real person, and Eloise’s reactions to him are also very understandable. I’ve said this before but Philoise in the book seem like a couple you’d know in real life with relatable problems, not some pristine HEA with gowns and palaces and balls. That’s another reason I love their book so much.


I found TSPWL very realistic, and as I was reading it, I felt like I was there. That's why I love it so much!