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The main sub is the abode of Benedict. I'm convinced they're voting for Theo! forgetting how Benedict blackmailed and manipulated Sophie. sorry, this is my personal opinion


I haven't read his book yet but when I first saw about that, I felt disgusted so I don't know if I want to read it now... I might just read it for Sophie tbh


Benedict's book has a very banal plot and I don't understand why it is so popular. This is literally every 2 book about love: bad rich guy and good working class girl. myšŸ” 6, 5, 7


YES!! 7, 5, and 6 are among my favorites. I can never decide between 6 and 2. Anthony is frustrating, but I absolutely love Kate, Newton, and Pall Mall. 8, 3, 4, and 1 are definitely my least favorite.


I never read Book 2. Just out of curiosity, when you say Anthony is frustrating, but you love Kate, Newton, and Pall Mall, are you referring to the characters in the show or from Book 2?


The book. I wasnā€™t a fan of how they did season 2. Anthony is pretty similar in both in the beginning. Just determined to be the rake and not fall in love. He decides to look for a wife because itā€™s a duty. But the show also misses out on his introspection for *why* he wants to avoid a love match. Heā€™s paranoid about dying young because of what happened to Edmund, and his Uncle Hugo also died young. He thinks thereā€™s a family curse or something, and he doesnā€™t want to love his wife and then die young and leave her. Itā€™s all trauma from Edmundā€™s death. Kate also has trauma from her motherā€™s death that the show doesnā€™t get into (or maybe it does a bit; I only watched it once.), and both Anthony and Kate work through their trauma together. But reading Anthonyā€™s straight up denial of his falling in love with Kate is just so annoying šŸ¤£


The book. I wasnā€™t a fan of how they did season 2. Anthony is pretty similar in both in the beginning. Just determined to be the rake and not fall in love. He decides to look for a wife because itā€™s a duty. But the show also misses out on his introspection for *why* he wants to avoid a love match. Heā€™s paranoid about dying young because of what happened to Edmund, and his Uncle Hugo also died young. He thinks thereā€™s a family curse or something, and he doesnā€™t want to love his wife and then die young and leave her. Itā€™s all trauma from Edmundā€™s death. Kate also has trauma from her motherā€™s death that the show doesnā€™t get into (or maybe it does a bit; I only watched it once.), and both Anthony and Kate work through their trauma together. But reading Anthonyā€™s straight up denial of his falling in love with Kate is just so annoying šŸ¤£


Newton is in the book too? Oh wow, I thought he was just an addition to the show.


Oh no. He plays a very important role in the book. He was high on the list of things fans wanted to see included! Newton and pall mall.


I'll definitely give book 6 a go then, I've heard nothing but great things about it :)


6 and 7 are the most passionate stories for my taste, 5 is the most unusual and I like this trope: a serious man and a chaotic girl


Yeah, I'm definitely going to be reading 6 and 7 next. I'm all in for a serious man and a chaotic girl trope! ![gif](giphy|AbuQeC846WKOs)


7 is amazing!! Hyacinth is honestly probably the most entertaining of the sisters. Her book is so fun!


Yes! Gareth and Hyacinth are my favorites! they resemble the energy of the film ā€œThe Notebookā€ (Noah and Ellie)




I'm not sure why people who have trouble with morally grey actions even read romance, tbh.


I have no problem with morally grey characters, as long as their actions are explained by a dark past and not a sudden erection (lake).


Oh, I blocked the main sub as soon as I first made my account. It's insufferable and so negative, I chose not to let things like the main sub bring down my mood, and I will remain to keep positive about Philoise. It was honestly a mistake to put Theo in the show. He isn't even in the books. Philoise is so underrated and overhated! Also, they need to stop giving Eloise a new person to hang around with each season besides Penelope and her book, I do support Creloise and Theloise but NOT AS HER HEA. It has to be Phillip! People keep shipping her with anyone but Phillip, and that's the writer's fault for changing things...


Also I am so fed up with Sir Phillip being portrayed as a misogynist pig (which book Ben and Anthony are to some extent), since he was in awe of a Eloise being a great shot unlike her brothers who couldnā€™t quite stomach being beaten by a woman! I have high hopes that one of show Philoiseā€™s connections will be his admiration for her intelligence and love of intellectual pursuits


Totally! They say parents canā€™t have other pursuits as though these characters arenā€™t aristocrats with access to nannies, tutors, cooks and maids. Even the Bridgerton kids whose parents loved and raised them well had nannies covering the day to day stuff. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re full time parenting, cooking and cleaning for their kids, they have time to pursue other interests/studies.


There have been other polls in the past favouring Phillip before Theo. The Theloises are just out in force in the main sub these days, even plugging their sub to unrelated posts


The main sub is great for some general discussions but don't go there for Philoise lol.


Don't go there for Eloise either. I saw her get called all kinds of nasty things... the worst thing I've ever seen El get called is a s@dist for the charades scene with Penelope. It's truly vile, like calling a teenage girl that word is crazy. Luckily, the post got deleted, and even people who don't like Eloise disagreed with them.


Ugh, you posted what I wanted to post. I have been on the main sub r/bridgertonnetflix because I had many frustrations with S3 so I have actually enjoyed commiserating with others in the drop in quality etc. However I noticed quite a lot of Phillip hate in the last few days and that Theloise poll. I engaged a bit with the haters which was wrong but I just canā€™t understand the hate for the book and the pairing. To me, TSPWL is the more intellectual and complex book. Loving the positivity of the Philoise sub šŸ’•šŸŒ± EDIT: Just saw you said that they havenā€™t read the book in full and I agree. Or just limited it to the tricky scenes. https://preview.redd.it/rxxru2hieibd1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a4ed0fb7e161727ae09e2492d76b5aeb420d10 Screenshot from the Philip hate post (sigh)


And itā€™s the same 4 accounts posting day in day out lol


I found that line cute, though. "This-us-is heaven. And I can't bear to hear you say otherwise." But I mean, not everyone likes the same things and there's nothing we can do to change their minds, that's just how it is, but the best thing about this is that we love it and that's all that matters. I'm glad to have found this sub! ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


I find it cute as well and I think the scene makes sense in the book. If you go back to the post you will see that they make a very literal interpretation of everything- he forbade her to say she was unhappy whereas I just saw as his very poor communication on trying to tell her how much he cared. Like, donā€™t we all say ā€œNever do XYZā€ to others when weā€™re angry without meaning this at all? I just donā€™t get how people cling to every word like that. But thatā€™s just me!


Yes, I think it was his way of saying "I love you" and "I'm so happy with you" and we know why is that... Also I don't like how they are saying he forbade her talk or said her to shut up. He also literally said he could be listening her almost all day. He weren't taping her mouth -\_- he is the only man from these books (I read 1-3, 5) who didn't demand the sex after she said "not now, we need to talk first". Anyway, she enjoyed and she even counted how many times they had sex, and yet, they are saying she was his sex toy... like if woman can't enjoy it O.o


I am so glad you wrote that. This is absolutely my interpretation of it and itā€™s so nice to hear someone else express it!!


\*sending invisible hug\* :)


I agree with this for sure! We all say things we don't mean when we're mad. That's just how life is.


Well, I didn't like this scene from the book as well, but it isn't enough for me to go on a rage against Philoise. I see it just as a flaw while there are many other good scenes in the book.


I go on there but a lot less than I used to. I mostly stick to the Polin sub and here. I mean I got into a endless debate with people who donā€™t want to accept that Michaela is clearly the showā€™s version of book Michael just like show Phillip is clearly book Phillip. They didnā€™t create some woman named Sarah with zero connection to John and declare that is Francescaā€™s endgame.


Are people still not believing who Michaela is? That's sad.


They say oh because Francescaā€™s endgame was changed from the book Eloiseā€™s will be too but like Michaela Stirling is Michael Stirling in every way but her gender. Michael doesnā€™t exist in the show world. Itā€™s not comparable to Eloise ending up with Theo when Phillip Crane already exists.


Ugh, so many unserious people in this fandom. I've concluded that militant Kanthonies are probably the worst but Benophies, Theloises, Michael truthers (I'm super sympathetic and would hate if the show messed with my ship but... the deed is done) can also be annoying AF.


I absolutely adore Michaela and she's only been on my screen for a few minutes. That being said, I'd love to see more of her next season! She's still Michael, just the opposite gender and I have come to accept that instantly. šŸ’•


Haha, I was there few times, big mistake. I have to avoid it now, because it is not healthy for me to see all the negativity. Let's see the reactions after their first meeting in show. I voted for Phillip and quickly closed the tab šŸ˜„ Here at our Greenhouse and in Polin sub I feel really comfortable. I'm browsing twitter/x and there are so many people rooting for Philoise! It has great fanbase in Latin America and these people are incredible with the edits too šŸ˜Š


I only go there to browse and occasionally comment now. Itā€™s not worth it to go into any place with too much of a Theloise/creloise or BS influence. We have yet to see a scene between Phillip and Eloise whereas Cressida and Theo and even debling have all had interactions with her, so it makes them easier to ship, plus Claudia has chemistry with air so she just makes to too easy. The Philoise tag on Twitter was poppin this morning with people getting excited over the possibility of Philoise being s4. We just need to see them on screen. The fireworks will follow, trust šŸŽ†


Claudia's chemistry with everyone as Eloise is šŸ”„ so if they say Eloise has chemistry with Theo and Cressida then she can definitely have chemistry with Phillip. I just know El and Phillip's chemistry will be insane regardless šŸ˜„


I unironically believe those two photos of Chris and Claudia that we have have some of the most chemistry in the show lol.


Yes that! And also when I rewatched that Phillip scene in S2 with Marina and Colin at the dinner table, I must admit I felt his and El's chemistry even though they weren't even in the same room as eachotherĀ 


Me too! It's crazy, but it's true.


Omg I'm glad someone agrees! I thought I was delulu for thinking that. Relieved I'm not the only one who realised it šŸ˜…


You both are not alone, I felt the same. Hard to explain but I definitely see Chris and Claudia absolutely sizzling together as P & El (and they havenā€™t even met in the show yet!). There is something magnetic about him in S2 šŸ« 




Iā€™ve started avoiding it after I found this sub and r/franchaelstirling. Even r/Bridgerton can be toxic at times. Is Phillipā€™s avoidance of his children and initial plan to marry Eloise to provide a mother for them problematic? Absolutely. But thatā€™s the conflict of the book! Heā€™s not looking for love, but it finds him anyway. He thinks the best thing he can do for his children is avoid them so he doesnā€™t turn into his father, but Eloise shows him he can be a better man.


Honestly, I just signed up to be part of the Philoise community. Love you guys!šŸŖ»






I donā€™t go on the main sub often for this reason. Where is this poll? I didnā€™t see it on r/bridgertonnetflix but Iā€™m not surprised!


Iā€™m not super involved in that sub, but as someone who didnā€™t read the books until recently Phil is kinda at a major disadvantage. Heā€™s had very little screentime, Theo/Eloise was solidly entertaining IMO, and itā€™s literally all hearsay with Philā€™s personality since most people arenā€™t interested in reading the books. You gotta remember patience and attention span is extremely short nowadays lol Philoise will gain its rightful popularity soon


these days i'm only on twt and just visit here because i get notifs from this sub. mind you, twt isn't much of an upgrade from the main sub. somehow, your post again proved to me that the bton fandom is receding in intelligence


Itā€™s a dark place. The ship specific subs are all much nicer.


Iā€™m not sure why everyone on the main sub is so grumpy, Iā€™ve decided not to visit anymore šŸ˜