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Hello u/Jayfur90, thanks for posting on /r/PhotoshopRequest! Please be aware of the following: - **Only engage with editors who comment publicly** on your request; **Ignore private messages**. (For private requests, provide detailed instructions publicly. Reach out to the selected editor/s among those "interested" from the comments section.) - For [paid requests](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequest/wiki/paid-requests/), expect watermarks. Wait and inspect all submissions. Upon selection and payment, receive the un-watermarked file from the editor. - If this is a [free request](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequest/wiki/free-requests/), and there are watermarks, editors must provide the un-watermarked file for free upon your request. - Once your request is fulfilled, mark it as "Solved" by commenting "SOLVED" **A note to commentors:** Tip jar/watermark shaming, i.e., disparaging remarks to or about editors who include payment links, aka, "tip jars", or watermarks will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PhotoshopRequest) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry for your loss


[u/Jayfur90](https://new.reddit.com/u/Jayfur90/) [Tipjar](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/allena) ​ https://preview.redd.it/y13qquynxhad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05139d73e9faf620bf6520f37487ca84570eb143


I love this picture, thank you. Is it possible to change the position of his far nipple? It looks a tad off. If it's possible to add a softer background, that would be lovely but Idk what is possible.


[u/Jayfur90](https://new.reddit.com/u/Jayfur90/) Sure, any background suggestion?


https://preview.redd.it/it3wnkabojad1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0894a7529921c23fdecd1fc4d1d4025a3e0fdd9 either plain white cloth or maybe something like this? thank you


[u/Jayfur90](https://new.reddit.com/u/Jayfur90/) https://preview.redd.it/nz7mj5kqujad1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41d6cd5277eb37af641b37d7a642582975d2cfc


The left nipple still looks a tad off. Can you remove it? It is wonderful otherwise, thank you so much <3


https://preview.redd.it/kskt0ko4ckad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c24acd13f7f6f0a2a7c4ed6146fe940420e034 [u/Jayfur90](https://new.reddit.com/u/Jayfur90/)


Thanks I just tipped. Can you leave the original nipple on and share the pic sans watermark? it's just the one on the left that looked a bit wonky to me


[u/Jayfur90](https://new.reddit.com/u/Jayfur90/) Thank you, I'm glad I could help with this request! [https://pixeldrain.com/u/uvqALrUd](https://pixeldrain.com/u/uvqALrUd)




OP said they were ready to pay for it. It would be amazing if people could volunteer and doing it for free and I would love to see it, but you can't call it gross that they put a watermark. You don't know, maybe during the price negotiation, they might decide to let it go for free or a small symbolic amount. Don't judge too harshly.


Any post marked “paid” requires every submission to be watermarked or they will be removed by the mods. It’s not up to us.


This is so well done


I'm so sorry for your loss :( [Click here for Slider (Before vs After)](https://imgsli.com/Mjc2NjIw) https://preview.redd.it/ly6xknij5iad1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815c290401a06826c8e29f9294dae4812b57d477 [Click on this link for progression Video](https://i.imgur.com/mFzE4vS.mp4) This is what i was able to manage with progression video after trying several hours of experimenting :)


Love that you always do extra edits. Great job!


Thanks !!. You do great job too :)


Ya nice job on the progression


That's a beautiful job


Just a heads up to OP, the age progression you see for missing persons etc I'm pretty sure they use photos of the parents to help age progress infants/small children. You might be able to reach out to an organization that does the progressions and have someone do one for you. Sorry for your loss.


This is impressive.


Sorry for your loss op.


Amazing progression video.


It is so beautiful, I started crying.


Me too


This is amazing. The age progression brought tears to my eyes. You did a wonderful job here.


You do amazing work!


You really do amazing work




Thank you so much, it's beautiful. We have no photos of him in clothes... is it too much to ask to put him in a onesie? We had this outfit cremated with him. His baby shower and nursery theme were "Over the moon" so we felt it was appropriate. https://preview.redd.it/wxoankf6njad1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c2debadf76f31da80b34305f037038d2f2c851


u/Jayfur90 This is what i was able to manage :) https://preview.redd.it/08q76exy1kad1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e4020f2c5dc2a28df03dae5af9676f2aafc9e5


thank you so much <3 i miss him every day.


Glad I was able to help :) I am deeply sorry. I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are experiencing. Liam was such a beautiful boy, and my heart aches for your loss. If there is anything else I can do to support you during this difficult time, please don't hesitate to ask. 🙏


You are a wee soul 🤍 thanks for doing this.


You are always so amazing for doing these! You truly are!! 🙏❤️ I've offered to pay you for others as this is too kind, and you always say no. It's so very kind. OP - I'm so sorry to your loss 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I cannot imagine.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate that. I am just doing my part. 🙏🙏


Thanks :) Are you open to any onesie with an "over the moon" theme? I can certainly use this one as well, but its quality doesn't quite match the image I created.


Hi OP- Apologies, I posted this yesterday and it got removed because I forgot to watermark it. I have watermarked it now to repost it, please let me know if you would like any edits. (Apologies Mods!) https://preview.redd.it/whnd4dh2cqad1.png?width=3200&format=png&auto=webp&s=94c150e50139ab630714c9892c2f5829b630e487


Also, with the onesie from above- https://preview.redd.it/3oo3akwenqad1.png?width=3200&format=png&auto=webp&s=c591f4d7d52b3204c1353a39139ceedd9cb04dcb


I wish I had put this in the original message, but since there are eyeballs here, please help me raise awareness. My son's death was preventable and I miss him every day. [https://www.measuretheplacenta.org/stories/#Liam](https://www.measuretheplacenta.org/stories/#Liam) [https://www.hopeforhie.org/](https://www.hopeforhie.org/) [https://countthekicks.org/](https://countthekicks.org/)


thank you for giving these resources, the first and third websites’ names alone taught me things i didn’t know. i clicked into them & read about the importance of measuring the placenta & counting kicks, neither of which i was aware of before. thank you for spreading awareness. it means something.


Your story touched me. I am sorry. He is gorgeous.


Reading this hurt my soul and broke my heart. I hope someone is able to give you some peace. As a patent, I don't know of I'd have the strength to endure what you did.


I have a 2.5 year old who needs his mama. I am a different person, 100%, but my righteous anger is directed towards a purpose. Liam's legacy must be love, I will see to it.


You could also seek legal recourse against those who did not provide adequate medical care. If not for yourself, but to send a message to the hospital that this tragedy is inexcusable and must never happen again. My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry


We are seeking counsel but my understanding is that Liam was the 0.8/1000 babies that score a false negative on their testing, so they did the required testing per the standard of care but in 14 hours it could not detect my son was dying. If placenta volume measurement was part of the standard of care, my son would be here today


Liam is beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss and for your experience, I felt your pain and your frustration through your story. I’m a doctor and have multiple friends and colleagues going through O&G training currently. I promise I will share your story with them, to increase their awareness of EPV and cerebroplacental ratio. I know cerebroplacental ratio is within our guidelines in NZ as an antenatal risk factor (RANZCOG).


Thank you! 🙏🏻 each life saved saves a family from living their worst nightmare. The first thought I had when they told me my son might be severely disabled if he lived from his brain damage was that I needed to sell my house bc we have stairs and that won’t work with a wheelchair. These babies are so wanted and loved, please bring that knowledge with you for each patient! ❤️


I will do a random act of kindness is Liam’s legacy. If you would like me to crochet some stuff and mail it to you to give out, and help design a logo to put on the notes or whatever you decide to do, I would be honored. We do random acts of kindness in honor of my forever 6 year old all the time. We don’t always tell people, but we keep her in mind.


I’m so sorry for your loss. He was so beautiful 💔


I am so sorry for your loss. I know there is nothing anybody can say to make it better, but I wish there was. All I can offer you is the reassurance that you will _always_ be his mom and he will _always_ be your son, even if you don't get to see him grow ❤️ He'll always be there, and I have no doubt that he knew he was loved, no matter how short the time you had together was. Thank you so much for using this opportunity to educate. I had never heard of HIE or the concept of counting kicks beyond "make sure baby's still moving." This is invaluable information that could save many lives and I plan to share it with anyone who will listen. If you don't mind, could you explain the concept of measuring the placenta? I couldn't find all the information on the websites (I thoroughly read all three) and want to make sure I'm a informed as possible. Again, thank you _so much_ for using this opportunity to educate - I know it can be incredibly difficult to use a painful experience as a chance to help others, but even this one comment could save many lives. Hugs 💕


This was devastating to read and I’m certain a nightmare to experience. I’m so sorry dear stranger.


I am so so sorry. He is beautiful.


I listened to my body and baby. Our care team did not listen to us. He was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.


You did so good mama 💔


You're sadly not the only person I've spoken to that's been let down by care teams. He is still with you and part of you. I love my babies I can't even imagine what you went through. I really hope your story makes people more aware of this and it has an influence going forward on how to assess and deal with it this before it's too late. God bless you and your family. Xxx


Bless you! 🙏 please stay strong.


I have no photoshop skills but I just wanted to say, I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


i’m so sorry! i’ve always been so paranoid about kick counts during pregnancy, i have big babies that seriously lose room during the last couple of weeks - it’s always so stressful to me when they stop moving as much due to lack of space. spreading awareness is a great idea, i know for a fact that some of my friends don’t take kick counting as seriously as they should. i’m so sorry. he was a beautiful boy. we should measure the placenta - it never occurred to me it wasn’t measured!


“The baby is running out of room” is actually a common comment that some nurses or doctors brush worried moms off with who experience decreased movement and they have a stillbirth days later. It is a dangerous myth, baby should continue their normal movement pattern up until birth. Unusual rolling movements and extreme movements are also cause for going into L&D. Basically, if you notice a difference in your baby’s movement patterns, go in and don’t leave until movement is normal. Thank you for your words, both my sons were hefty chonks. Liam was 7lbs 2oz and 18.7 inches at 36.5 weeks. He was ready for this world


I’m so sorry for your loss




It’s incredibly heartbreaking to know our babies were ready for this world but bc of careless mistakes from our care teams they aren’t here and we are forever changed for the worse for it. Hugs mama, I’m so sorry


I’m praying for you! I just said a prayer for Liam and all the babies on the website. I pray you and your family are comforted. I will share the links with family and friends. Sending hugs your way!


So sorry for your loss stranger. He looked like a very sweet boy.


I'm a birth doula and childbirth educator, after reading your story I will be advocating for all my clients and students to have their providers measure their placentas through pregnancy. I'm so sorry for your pain and loss, I truly hope Liam's legacy can help save others.


Thank you very much. Up to 1/3 of stillbirths could be prevented with routine placenta measurement, but unfortunately ACOG will not add it to the standard of care even though research strongly supports it because they do not want added liability. Doctors are taught to check the location of the placenta and look for anomalies at the anatomy scan, but not the size of the placenta, nor cord health (after the anatomy scan). There are very few specialists in placenta and umbilical cord pathology, but they are pushing for more awareness and research because this is such low hanging fruit to prevent tragedies like ours. I encourage you to listen to Katherine Lazar's "At a Total Loss" podcast. The episode with Dr Kliman and the episode with Dr Collins are eye opening. Thank you for your advocacy <3




Your comment has been removed for violating Rule #5: >**WATERMARKS** > >All submissions to paid requests must be watermarked. A request is considered paid when it has the "Paid" flair or if/when OP offers payment. > >Watermarks must be clear and effective. Do not suggest in your submission that you are willing to remove your watermark for free. If you'd like to give OP your edit for free, you may do so if/when yours is chosen but not before. > >Watermarking free requests is allowed, but you must make it clear that you will remove the watermark for free upon request. Repeated violations of the rules **will** result in a ban.


I’m so sorry for your loss **🙏🏻** unfortunately, I don't know how to achieve an age progression, but hope this helps. I wish you peace and strength. https://preview.redd.it/crtyljxmyhad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb722e686fae8518a139faa495decd0a99caa85


This one is really great.. nice job


Thank you :)


This one is beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss OP


I think the smile is un-natural. Looks like a baby with an old man smile. Babies dont open their mouth like that ever Iol. Feed a baby once you will know that mouth opening is small as a screwdriver attachment trust you need a extra small spoon. The rest of the work is nice. I would have probably looked at some infant faces and color matchd em up foe the whole bottom half just reserving features. Babies are weird tho all pudgy cheeks and peach fuzz who can't love em.


You really think this is the post for a critique ?


It's Art,it is always up for critique, especially constructive critique.