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I was one of their victims - shame on me. Now I'm trying to create a new wallet, But the system is down. They still have access to my wallet, and Pi team doesn't give me solution on the issue. Sent an email, raised a case in Jira. No resolution. Any other idea what I can do?


Outside of raising issues with the Dev team, I'm not entirely sure. I'm certain someone else has been through this; I'd do some heavy googling/redditing. Best of luck!


Ok. So we won’t fall for the traps of fraudsters and try and be careful. But to me this is an indication that Pi is at a stage of mass rollout and priced up with many CEXs. So a good sign. Let’s hope it’s soon. Cos I need some money.


There are NO airdrops on Pi ... simple.


I reported this to Facebook as a scam and Facebook said it wasn’t. It clearly is. Sometimes the Facebook AI and admins are dumb.


Bro I have reported porn on Facebook before and the admins said it didn't go against their community guidelines. I had to request a review 5 times before they did anything. Facebook admins are beyond bad at their jobs.


These admins, they don't exist. Facebook has almost no staff. It's all run on AI and algorithms.


We are the admins.


I've reported several of these as scams, good way to lose your pi.


I reported this one as well, and others. Facebook keeps flagging them as legit even though they clearly aren’t.


I barely trust any airdrops I always wait for a token to be at an exchange or DEX watch the price drop from its high then buy it. Buying a crypto at ICO is dumb to me. Am I wrong? I mean sometimes it does help, but rarely it does


That's dependent on a ton of factors. Not much different really than picking a solid project that's already in motion. I tend to read a lot across many platforms, looking at technical data, use-case, team, as well as public/ investor sentiment. That said, I've rarely participated in ICOs myself, but historically speaking most tend to boom momentarily when they hit a dex, at least, the real ones.


That boom is valid in DEX ecosystem unless you sleeping with the devs, thats about as close as we can get with investing in projects early now days, unless we just have a large pool of funds and can market ourselves as angel investors


I see your point, but it still relies entirely on "people" at the project and at the end of the day..even after all your "research" and DD....there are still things you do not know and will F you. Tbh it's really hilarious....people are so naive to read the room in what's going on, because most are too focused on their ego and being right.


I've had the same on Instagram https://preview.redd.it/bnm08wq5ou6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbfe68d74558721cc9d2353090c8012167c517c6




Ain't no way pi is taken seriously by indian scammers 💀. I think the guys who didn't do kyc are immune to it


For how unsure everyone is about the validity of pi, I feel like there are a lot of scams around it.


Agreed. I've had the same thought that there must be perceived value somewhere for so much scamming. Perhaps it's a setup for a future P&D when mainnet hits, but I couldn't see the value in scamming people out of something if I knew it wasn't ever gong to profit.


The scammers definitely see value in Pi.