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As long as I can still find people to play with then I'll be happy


Definitely would switch. The only reason I play pickleball is because I’m a sheep.


As soon as pickleball falls off the SSS tier of sports I am swapping out, I only play on-meta sports


This community is a weird bunch. Goofy rules questions and intrusive thoughts.


The most common post is "How do I work up the courage to talk to someone about something? pls help"


That’s such a sign of the times. Too many people are disengaged from normal/regular in-person human interaction


I wouldn't really care.


Yeah I’ll be happy. I’m all for people being active and healthy


If it kept you busier, I'm in.


This is a good question I would probably start doing the new activity honestly, provided it’s just as accessible. The primary draw of pickleball, to me, is the accessibility. It’s not because I think it’s the most incredible game known to man. If tomorrow, a bunch of people wanted to play 2 on 2 soccer with a beach ball with the same fervor as people participate in pickleball with, I’d probably join them.


Yep. I love tennis and prefer it. But where I live it is hard as F to find people to play tennis with and it’s always a pain. There is maybe one time a week You can just show up to one tennis court and do some drills or games. You can join a club but there are only two here and they are both very expensive and mostly social in nature. Hundreds of dollars per month with thousands to get in. Meanwhile… Literally every day, and essentially all hours you can roll up and play pickleball open play in my town. The local pickleball club costs like $45 a YEAR and has hierarchy, ladder, multiple round robins, drills across 3-4 levels, group lessons, and several instructors for private lessons for like $20-40 an hour. They’ve self-funded the addition of 6 more courts next to our six main courts (we also have courts at other parks but I’ve never gone). It’s insane. In the city I used to live in (which was bigger to be fair) I was in a tennis club that was about tennis and not being a socialite. It was like $100 a month but offered lots of drills and play opportunities, indoors, year round. It was really cool. But, Even that feels lame compared to the pickleball community I’m in now


Most of the things you mentioned already had their big spike. With that said, I’m always up for trying new things. The nice thing about pickleball is that you can play it for a long long time and be competitive while also physically active.


Orthopedic surgeons - no


Padel more popular outside of US.